Indulgence ( PATIENCE #2)

By nd_1102

77K 3.7K 2K

The Second Book to the Patience Series..... A sequel or continuation to be exact..... More

Welcome Note And Disclaimer
1. Boston
4. Voices
5. Danger Magnet
6. It's Tessa
7. Same, Similar.
8. Hate
9. Caged
11. Indulge
12. Lying
13. Shame
14. Castle
15. Fear
16. Bored
17. E-01
18. One Chance
19. Try
20. The Face
21. Barbie
22. Scares
23. Dumb
24. Alive
25. Merry And Happy
26. Monster or not
27. Regrets
29. Drools (Part 1)
30. Drools ( Part 2)
31. Advantage
32. Fit
33. In Senses
34. Gentle
35. Settle
36. What He Needs
37. What He Gives
38. Spoilt
39. Wardrobe
40. A Day Out
41. Crowd
42. Stretch
43. Whores Part 1

10. Prison

1.3K 80 49
By nd_1102

Disclaimer: Before you start reading this chapter, let me just tell you that I am not from US. Never been there. So everything is based on Google Research. Locations and stuff. Even the criminal records idea. Do not take that seriously or as an offense.

Anyways I have blabbered enough. So read away...


That bloody Asswipe has got me kidnapped.

I pierce the knife in the pancakes on the plate and dissect it aimlessly, and almost ruthlessly . Into pieces. More pieces. It seems fun at this point, imagining it as Hardin's face.

My nose flare at his name. My blood boiling at his audacity. But I shove one piece in my mouth with fork and chew on it, only because I know I need to have strength if I plan on fleeing from this Prison.

I don't know what else to say, at this point . It's like I have been rescued from one prison and shoved into the other. The only difference being, the first one by François, he hurt me physically. Where as here Mr. Scott has trampled my heart but other than that, I am practically being treated like some royalty in the confines of the hotel suite.

I fucking hate him.

I curse him mentally for the millionth time in my mind before snatching another piece from the fork with my teeth.

It has been four days. Four days since that battle between me and him. Four days since I was ready to murder him for calling me Baby. Four day since we yelled our guts out . Well mostly me. But still. His one feral growl measured upto to all my noises.

Four days since I realised that his voice has the same effect on me, Him screaming at me made me feel like a two year old. All my courage, against him went down the drain. Four days since he said I could not leave.

He said I couldn't fucking leave, Like it isn't torture. Like I don't replay, him leaving me, everytime he stands infront of me. Like it's easy.

You cannot keep me Caged..... " I scream, my throat burning from my own raised voice...

But half a second after I punctuate my sentence, I find myself being pinned to the door, a little harshly. Hardin towering over me.

" Shut up... Theresa...." My entire soul almost leaves my body at his voice, I am taken back to the penthouse, in Seattle, his bedroom... Where one angry yell from him had me intimidated . It's the same, and I succumb to that voice almost immidiately.

But how can he have me like that? ? He cannot have that effect on me... I cannot let him.

" Tessa.." I correct him in an attempt to sound strong .. But that comes out feeble. My voices mirror my confidence down  shattered on the floor.

His face reddens, his nostrail flares and he decides, "Theresa.. I will call you Theresa.... Yeah??  ". Him calling me Theresa is nothing but painful.

Collecting one drop of courage from the floor I try cutting him off again, but he screams directly on my face again. Louder . Flashing me the angry volcano that he is," "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP ...." 

I feel myself flinch. I feel every last drop of my anger turn into hurt, like always and I am ready to burst into tears. I try very hard to still my trembling heart and lips. And the the realization strikes me like a thunderbolt, that I still cannot bear Hardin screaming at me. Three long years, and everything feels the same.

The next words that comes out of his mouth, makes my eyes go slit." I dont fucking care, what you think.. Yeh????? I have to keep you with me.... So you are not leaving. Caged or Uncaged. And that is final... Let me know when you are done throwing tantrums...  Maybe then I can get you your phone so that you can inform Ray that you are moving with me to London indefinitely.... "

He is fuming, with rage too much, suddenly. And that is why his speech is barely understandable . It's thick, drawled, very british. Surprisingly, it's been three years and I still understand every portion of it, like I hear him talk every day. Well he does talk in my nightmare almost everyday. But still.

" London? Moving? You...You can't do that to me....." I beg, once I find my voice back from it's disappearance due to extreme shock.

He closes his eyes, hiding his furious green. Then he exhales and opens them to flash a nonchalant cold.

"Yes I can Theresa. You have seen a glimpse of what I deal with and what I can."  he leans closer as he keeps taking. "So spare yourself this unnecessary drama and don't provoke me... Because even if you think otherwise I want to keep you alive... So I can and will do anything to not let things slip this time"

When he finishes I find myself locked under his stare, the gap between our body barely present, his face three inches away. His lips two centimeters from mine. His lethal appearance immobilising my body. His breathe hot, furious, mixture of familiar scents. Of alcohol. Smoke. Him. A heady, intoxicating cocktail.

It's suddenly tough to breathe.

My lungs suddenly protesting to function..

He is too close, for me to hate him.

It's... It's... Ok.... I hate him.

But wait..

Slip this time?

What does that,even mean?

" Slip this time? What do you mean by that Hardin?" the trance of his scent soaking me in, is broken when I process my own question. I blink a few times, sudden getting an uncanny feeling...

He opens his mouth, then closes. Then repeats in hesitation. Then steps back detaching his touch from mine.

" Doesn't matter Theresa... "he scoffs. His expression laced with a little dry amusement...  " You aren't patient enough to listen"

I would never fail to recognise that look of anguish in his eyes. It's awfully confusing.

" Excuse me?? What does that_"

"Move..." he cocks his head to the side, avoiding eye contact....

I stand there getting consumed in more confusion.

" Move... I said... " This time he removes me by holding both my elbows, steady yet gentle, he clears the doorway.

" I will be outside .... Let me know when you need to call your brother.."

I blink and stand there rooted, while he whooshes past me like a raging storm...

What the_

" You done eating? I am going out for a while..."

Hardin emerges from the door, opening it wide and my fork falls from my hands clattering on the plate. My heart jumps from  being pulled out of my thought, so suddenly. But when I actually look at him to drown him in curses I choke back on them.

Good gracious lord...!!
How does he do that?

Black shoes, light washed jeans and a jet black high neck sweater. His rough veiny fist latching on the door knob.

He looks deadly, like women's dream. And my subconscious, Hardin smitten mind has denied to disagree. My treacherous eyes focuses straight on his pale complexion, bright against the dark outfit choice.

His hair still wet from the shower and brushed back. His eyes clear golden green due to the sunlight from the window.

My throats dry up some more. Need, emerges deep in my belly. My lungs forgetting their job. The time gap of three years suddenly becomes non-existent.

I should be ashamed of how I am checking out but I don't pay attention to that. Instead I stare at his half visible throat through the sweater.

I watch his pink plump lips curl up a little at the corners. Forming a smug smirk.

" You are staring, Theresa... I asked you something...." He asks, immidiately burning me with embarrassment. My cheeks feeling like beet. I want to rip my eyeballs off for the audacity to cheat on my brains. They keep forgetting, that he left me to suffer.

He left. He broke up. He left.

" You didn't knock.." I say him, trying to embarrass him as a counter attack.

Normally he knocks. But he didn't just right now, most probably because he left me to eat.

My attack earns me an eye roll only.

" I do not have time for your petulant urge to just fight Theresa.... " He reprimands and I seriously consider throwing my fork at him. I would have. But hurting people is not in my nature. Though, I cannot deny that Hardin right now is making it really difficult for me to stick to that.

" I asked you something... " He repeats. His eyes fleets to my plate for a brief second, and his face turns hard. " You still playing with your food?"

There. There is this one more thing about this man, which is making this whole situation a little bit funny for me.

His need to keep me fed.  The first two days when I was starving myself in anger of his decision, he was going ballistic. It was satisfying to watch and make it difficult for him. Following me around with food, medicine, ointment.

But then he threatened me to tie me up and force feed me. So I relented. Even after that he watches my food intake like a hawk. According to him my food capacity is of a little bird, more than before.

" Theresa..." He yells bringing my attention back to him again.

I huff.

" I will eat everything , stop bugging me... Tell what you came to tell... "

He waits and eyes me for moment, clearly deciding whether to trust my words.

" I am going out...." he says.

Good... I will not have to look and bare with annoying handsome face.

" So? " I say instead, keeping my face unbothered.

" I will come back in few hours and we will leave for the airport... "

I swallow at the information...


I cannot let him dictate me.

I cannot let him decide for me.

I have to do some thing before be comes back today.
I cannot let him take me back to London with him. Once when I was in love with him I moved with him to Seattle house. And he left me broken.

And this time he is planning to move me to a whole different continent? He thinks I am clown?

I hate him. I cannot let him do that to me.

Yeah fool yourself.

He is going out. I will have one last chance to try.

" Do I even have a choice?" I throw the bait.

He looks at me...

" I am afraid not Theresa..."

"Well then..." I trail off.

He stands there, in the smoke of awkwardness, for a few second.

" Do you need anything from outside?" He asks.

And Bingo!

I pretend to think deeply, staring into oblivion. " Give me my phone back" I hit straight on point .

And right there his face changes into exasperation.

Hardin has confiscated my phone. After that one phone call to Ray, he took my phone away and denied to return.

Hardin hands me my phone  in the middle of the drawing of the plush suite. He looks calmer than fifteen minutes ago. That's his trait, forever. Where I have taken this fifteen minutes to remind myself everything moment of how he left me.

I grab it and make a swift turn  towards my alotted bedroom.

" Where are you going?"

I turn back to face him, and raise an eyebrow at him. "I need privacy to talk to my brother. "

Hardin stares at me.

" Privacy? Why?"

" You are already taking me away me without my consent. Now I cannot even talking to him in private?"

His face falls. He stares at me looking like a puppy lost who jas been discarded by his owner. But then he lifts his chin up to make his tall form look more like towering, his arrogant demeanor flashing.

"Fine. But do not try outsmarting me. Yeh? " He warns. "And once you are done talking with him give me the phone I would like to inform him a few things myself."

No fucking way...

I just grant him an eyes roll and leave the room.

Once inside the room I quickly dial him.

" Ray??" I whisper into the speaker as the line connects.

" Oh my god Tessie..." A very panicked Ray greets me, blasting my ear drums. "Where the hell are you? Are you alright? What happened...?? Nathan cannot find you in your room...? He is blowing up my phone... "

" Ray  Calm down. Listen to me..." I whisper yell at him. It's not like I didn't expect him to worry but right now I need him to calm down and listen.

" First tell me, are you ok? Safe? "

" Yes... I am.. " That I don't even dare lie. I am safe here with Hardin. I know that. But I don't trust him with my heart.

" What happened?Where are you...

" Look don't freak out. I was kidnapped..."

" What????"

"Mhm. Those LA criminals."

"What the fuck. You. Where are you. "

"Yes I was saved. Hardin saved me."

"Hardin?" His voice turns a couple of notch higher at his mention.


"How. I mean, Tessie I am going out of my mind... What clusterfuck is this?"

"Ray stop screaming. Just listen to me."

After that, I give Ray a quick run of down last night... How I was saved. Everything about François. Also the fact that Hardin is the Original Vulture.
And also the fact that now he want to take me away to London, disregarding my consent...

Ray goes silent over the phone for a few seconds.

" Ray..." I knock.

" Pass me the phone. I need to thank him. For_  "

" What no no... Ray are you insane?" I ramble out in haste.

I mean out of all the thing I said him. He only catches that I was saved?

Yeah I admit I may have never completely disclosed to Ray about our fallout. He just knows me and Hardin broke up. But other than that he knows nothing. But shouldn't be in the clutches of a Vulture alarm him?

" Tessa I don't care if he is the European Mafia. He saved you. And if he thinks your life could be in danger then I cannot ask you to come back to Boston. "

My eyes widen at his repercussion.

" He doesn't care. He is just bothered about his truth coming out. "

" How am I supposed to know that he cares or not, Tessie? Three year and I still don't know what happened between you two... I cannot judge without knowing the facts. But right now he saved you. So I will judge by that. " he huffs.

" You won't judge anything... And you won't thank him. And I will not let Hardin decide for me. He saved me out of coincidence. He doesn't care about me Ray... "

" But Tessa _"

" No Ray... Enough...
Just do me one favour. Ask Nathan to cancel his flight and stay in LA. Tell him I am fine without going into Hardin's details. I will contact when I can"

I hear accending footsteps. And I know Hardin's Patience has run out.

" But Tessa, You need to know_"

" He is coming. Take care..." I disconnect.

The door open with almost a bam.

" What is taking so long?" Hardin barges in.

" It's done." I say tryinh to mask the nerves of conspiracy on my face.

" I said I wanted to let him know."

"I let him know, that you did me a favour by saving me. And you are kidnapping me and taking me to London. . You don't need to let him know anything else." I  say and sit down at the foot on the bed.

His eyes narrows, hiding the rage which I just fired up. He pulls back his lower lip and bites down his lower lip. Then release it, followed by an exhausted huff.

" We need to talk.. " He states . His face changes emotion so fast, that it gets difficult to grasp it for a moment. He looks apprehensive suddenly.

" No"

" It's important..."

" No. I don't want to "

His fists curl up angrily. And his he huffs for the hundredth time.
" Ok fine. Now give the phone back."

" What. Why?"  I ask stunned. My plan ready to fail before even beginning.

" Just give it Theresa..." He says. And with two strides he stands infront of me and snatches my phone away.

" I cannot take risk." he says and leave, before I can even process that my phone is gone from my grasp.

"You know I cannot give your phone." I informs like the tenth time in the past days.

" Why not?"

" Theresa, you know why. "

" No Hardin. I don't. It's not like I can flee from this place. You have put security out there like I am some caged mad animal... "

He frowns in disapproval.
" Theresa... Don't talk like that..." he blurts irritated.

" I will exactly talk like that. I am bored out of my mind. You leave for the entire day for what I don't know, don't care. I stay here, watch the curtains and pillows... I probably know the thread count of these sheets. I hate watching TV. I don't even have my laptop. Just gimme my phone back so I listen to music or whatever.... " I blabber throwing my hands in the air.

Hardin looks at me, scrutinizes my rambles. I hope he believes. He closes his eyes and looks up at the ceiling.

I watch and wait patiently, triumph creeping up, as his walls chip. His resolute breaks.

He lets out a breathe and and mutters" Fine"

He quickly leave the room and I almost break into a dance. Exactly thirty seconds later he returns with the phone.

" Just for recreational purpose Theresa... " He say narrowing his eyes at me, while extending my phone.

" Mhmm," I smile snatching the phone.

" You are coming with me to London ...." he says, as if he know my intention. I don't pay attention.

" Mhmmm".

No fucking way.. I will do everything so that he cannot take me with him.

But I do not dignify him with an answer to that. He will know when I leave.

He stays here and lingers as I switch on my phone in his presence. I quickly open spotify and click on a random song to add to the act.

He exhales and I notice his face stretch into a smile before leaves.


I wait exactly thirty minutes to make sure that he is not returning, before I jump out of the bed. I hastily pack my handbag with just my documents, passport and laptop.

I cannot manage to carry my suitcase. I cannot escape this place without being noticed while carrying a suitcase.

I strip off my clothes lent by  Hardin and wear the laundered sweater dress from four days back.

Then I go to the  intercom phone and call at the reception. I request a cleaning staff, telling them I have spilt food on my bed.

Then I wait.

Around five minutes later the door bell chimes announcing her arrival. I open the door for the women and she enters with a polite smile. She is the same who comes everyday to clean up.

The moment she walks a  few steps into the room pushing the cart in , " I need your help.. " I beg, coming straight to the point.

She stops abruptly, turns with a  quizzical, apprehensive expression on her face.

" Yes Ma'am ?" she says eyeing me top to bottom.

" I need to go out for a while."

Her eyes widen for a moment.

" Um, okay... I will let the secu_"

" Alone, without the security..." I cut her off.

Realisation strikes her and she takes step back. I don't know how much she knows Hardin's reality. But she definately knows that the security around this suite is high. It's like even a fly cannot move out or in of this place without their permission.

" Ma'am... I don't think that's a very good idea and even possible.. " she shakes her head, apology clear on her face. " This suite is high profile. It's_"

" I knoww.. " I drag, cutting her again.
I swallow  the nerves collecting in my throat.
" But look, I need to . I am leaving  LA tonight. And I have to collect something regarding my family .. It's really important... Please.. The security won't let me go... It's not important for me... "

She tips her head again scanning me.

" Ma'am, I would want to. But I don't see how... And we have been warned by the manager about this suite. I will loose my job. If they find out. "

" You won't loose your job. "
I assure her." I have a plan"

She is taken aback and downright scared. She rubs her hands on her dress to probably wipe her sweaty hands but she remains quiet.

" This cart, I have seen you carry in and out for a few days. It's huge. I will fit in..."

" Ma'am!! " She gasps.

" This hotel must have fire exits? Carry me till there  and nobody will find out. I will be back in an hour max.. You can carry me back in..."

" Ma'am it's hella risky.. They will find out... "

" They won't.. If they do, you tell that you have no idea when I slipped in this cart..." I give her the idea which she is certainly gonna need when Hardin howls her upon finding me gone permanently.

" Ma'am... "

" Please... " I look at her uniform," um Ruby... "

She stands there regarding me for a whole minute.. Thinking and overthinking the whole situation.

" Please.. One hour.. I will talk for you, when I return and if they find out ever. "

" Only one?" She asks showing some hope.

" Yess yes yes... "

" Okay"


I have this urge to scream, in freedom. But I don't.
Instead I book a cab straight to the airport where I have already texted Nathan to meet me at a specific Starbucks, near the airport I saw on google.

I didn't go into details. I just texted him to meet. And he agreed. I am glad he stayed. I am glad Ray listened to me. I am glad I won't have to see Hardin's face and get reminded of whatever he has done to me.

I cannot actually believe I fooled the great HVS. I am proud of myself.

He can shove his position, past, present up his ass. He will not break my heart again.

The moment I step out of the cab, I find Nathan standing at the entry even through busy pre holiday streets . He spots me in a flash too and runs to me. Without giving me a chance to collect myself  or talk, He bends down and swoops me in a hug lifting me off the ground...

His face burying in my neck, his arms tightening around my waist.

I would have slapped him away if, the situation would have been different. But I know, that with everything going on he must have been worried beyond his mind.

" God I was so worried Tessa..." He breathes into my hair proving me right.

But then he kiss the side of my head, and suddenly I grow uncomfortable. I wiggle and he slowly drops me at my feet.

" Are you ok?" He asks, scanning me at his arms length.

" Yeah I_"

I am cut off when my phone starts ringing in my  I swipe away Nathan's and from my arms and stare at my phone.

My stomach drops when I see a restricted number flashing on it. My hands shakes and my stomach drops.

Hardin's eyes glaring eyes floods my mind.

I know I can just ignore and get the hell out of here but, something doesn't allow me that. The way I left the hotel I am scared about Ruby having to bear the burnt of it.

I raise my shaky fingers to Nathan and swipe to answer.

" You failed to inform me that your  boss was your boyfriend Theresa..." I hear Hardin's calm, lithe voice the moment I paste the phone to my ears.

I swallow and attempt to stay calm but what he says next makes my blood run cold, snatching my hope to freedom in a flash.

" If you wanted to have a coffee date with him... You could have just asked me.... You didn't have to put Ruby's life on line for that now. Innit?"


I am sorry. I had to. ( Awkward smile)

Anyways drop your theories and suggestions.

Vote please...

Take love, ND

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