
By Mar_writer23

172K 3.6K 4.6K

The war is won. Voldemort is dead. The trio, alongside all those who were in their same year, have returned t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 24

2.8K 65 119
By Mar_writer23

Harry collapsed on the bed, burying his head in the pillow and wishing for more hours of rest.

"What's wrong with you?" Pansy inquired as she walked out of the bathroom and headed towards her own bed.


Pansy rolled her eyes before collapsing on her own bed. "You are not known for being dramatic, Potter. Spill, what happened?"

Harry rolled onto his back and faced the ceiling as he spoke. "Professor Slughorn made me stay behind to help him with organizing the potion phials and the cauldrons."

"That's what you signed up for when you became the teacher's pet." Pansy smirked as she surveyed the crumpled mess that was called Harry Potter.

"I didn't sign up for anything. It's not my fault that he adored my mother when he was teaching her or that I am the chosen one." He rolled his eyes when saying his given name.

Pansy snorted. "Well, I don't think professor Slughorn will appreciate it if he finds out that his most beloved student hates him."

Harry rolled his eyes again. "I don't hate him, I just don't appreciate having sore muscles."

Pansy lifted an eyebrow and hummed before standing up from her bed.

"You know what will help with your sore muscles, Potter?" She asked as a mischievous smile spread across her face.

Harry lifted his head from the bed. "What?"

Pansy's mischievous smile turned into a large grin as she said. "A massage."

Harry hummed. "You are an angel, you know that?"

"I would prefer the devil or a demon even, but I will take what I get." She smirked as she walked towards his bed.

Harry huffed a laugh but stopped midway when he felt the weight shift beneath him.

"Come on, sit up." Pansy ordered him and waited patiently as Harry sat up on his bed.

Once he was settled on the bed, Pansy sat behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I will expect something in return, Potter."

Harry smiled. "Anything."

"Ever the brave lion." She ruffled his already messy hair before her hands snaked their way to his shoulders and began rubbing and smoothing his tensed muscles.

"Relax, Potter. I am not stabbing you in the back...yet." She smirked.

"That helps a lot, Pans. You threatening me will obviously calm me down." He huffed, trying to keep his smile at bay.

She tightened her hold on one of his shoulders until he hissed. "Stop being sassy with me, Mr. Potter."

"Okay, fine. Just...keep doing whatever it is that you are doing."

She huffed a laugh before continuing rubbing his shoulders. The both of them sat in silence for a while before Harry breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Pans."

"I expect more than a thank you, Potter." She crossed her arms and watched as he turned around to face her.

"I have something in mind." Harry smirked.

"The floor is yours, or better yet, the bed is yours, Potter." Pansy matched his smirk with one of her own.

Harry grinned before connecting his lips with Pansy's, and from their, everything they were feeling intensified, and the both of them continued kissing until the only thing they could do was kiss and kiss and kiss.


Ginny and Blaise stood in front of each other, both of them glaring at the other.

"Ginevra, I don't get it. Why are you so mad?" Blaise huffed as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall with his legs crossed at the ankles.

"You really don't get it, do you?" Ginny gaped at him, furrowing her eyebrows.

Blaise simply shook his head.

"Right, well, obviously you won't get it, since the only thing you want is a fuck buddy in your bed whenever you feel like it." Ginny narrowed her eyes at him and Blaise's eyebrows shot high up to his hairline.

"Fuck buddy? Ginny, you have misunderstood—"

"Don't try to convince me otherwise, Blaise. We do nothing but shag and snog whenever you want. Long story short, I don't like this."

"You know that is not true—" Blaise was yet again interrupted by Ginny.

"What is this, Blaise? What are we?" Ginny asked, her tone lethally calm and controlled.


"If you are going to list some pathetic excuses for why we are not what we are supposed to be, then you know where the door is." Ginny crossed her arms and took a deep breath.

Blaise walked closer towards her. "Ginny, let me—"

"Do you like me, Blaise?" She asked, her voice quiet and her tone calm.

Blaise rubbed the heels of his palms over his eyes before taking a slow breath and facing Ginny again, looking her in the eyes.

"I like you, Ginny. I really really like you. I just don't know if you do! I don't know why you would even like me! What's there to like?! Let's leave my looks out of it," that last sentence was particularly filled with smugness. "But that's about it. I am not someone that people like. That's why —that's why I didn't ask anything of you, because you deserve better."

Ginny huffed. "Here we go with that shit again."

She walked closer towards Blaise until the both of them were mere inches away from each other.

"Maybe I don't want better. Maybe I just want the worst of the worse. Maybe I just want you, Blaise. The you that I know and the you that annoys me and frustrates me but drives me mad all the same. I want you, Blaise. I have nothing else to say." Ginny said, lifting her chin high up and lifting an eyebrow as if to challenge him to say anything against her.

Blaise's face was passive, his eyebrows drawn together and his mouth pursed in a firm line. His eyes twitched and in a second, Blaise's all too famous smirk was occupying his face.

"If you have nothing to say, then don't. Actions speak louder than words, Ginevra."

Ginny matched his famous smirk with her iconic one and she didn't waste anytime as she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his face down to hers, meeting his lips with hers.

The universe melted around Blaise and Ginny and soon enough, all Ginny and Blaise could hear was the sound of their heartbeats and the sounds that emitted from them every now and then.


Their hands were clasped together as Draco and Hermione made their way through the empty corridors. Neither one of them knew who initiated this rule of holding hands, but it's become something that the both of them did daily. It became a routine that the both of them fell into without any problems nor objections.

The hallways were empty, save for a few students who didn't have any classes.

Draco and Hermione were just rounding the corner when they came face to face with an all too familiar face.

"Astoria." Draco gave her a nod in greetings.

Hermione on the other hand, couldn't help but remember what the witch told her the last time they interacted.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." Hermione attempted a smile but failed miserably.

Astoria glared at her hard, her features not changing, "Maybe get some glasses. I heard muggle-borns have bad eye sight."

"Draco." Astoria gave him a sincere smile before turning her gaze towards Hermione.

Astoria's face contorted into a deep frown, looking Hermione up and down before lifting an eyebrow at Hermione and not so subtly rolling her eyes.

Hermione lifted an eyebrow in return. "You should see a healer, I heard that if you keep rolling your eyes, they might end up getting stuck in the back of your head."

Draco snorted as Astoria narrowed her eyes at Hermione.

Hermione surveyed the hallway and was relieved to find Ron and Harry talking at the end of it.

Hermione looked to her right and faced Draco. "I am going to catch up with Harry and Ron."

Draco followed her gaze and nodded when he saw Harry and Ron at the end of the hallway.

Hermione gave Astoria a sarcastic smile before walking up to Harry and Ron who both noticed her and smiled when she arrived at their side.

"Hey Mione." Harry greeted her with a warm hug and Ron followed suit.

"Hey guys, what are you doing out here?" Hermione asked as she pulled away from Ron.

"We are waiting for Daphne and Pansy, they wanted to ask professor Flitwick about something." Ron answered.

Hermione nodded and furrowed her eyebrows when Harry and Ron looked at each other warily.

"What's wrong?" She asked, crossing her arms as she did so.

"We wanted to ask you about Malfoy, are you two..."

"Are you two dating?" Harry continued Ron's question.

Hermione widened her eyes slightly before looking behind at Draco.

They weren't dating. In fact, Draco and Hermione have never talked about their status. They would kiss and snog from time to time, but the both of them had no idea what the two of them were. They didn't even address the kissing, and that alone was causing Hermione's mind to explode each time his lips landed on hers. It seemed that the two of them couldn't get enough of each other, but they also weren't capable of sitting and talking like the adults that they were.

Hermione turned her attention back to Harry and Ron and took a deep breath before shaking her head. "Malfoy and I aren't dating. Why would you ask?"

Harry shrugged. "You have been spending a lot of time with him—"

"We are bound together."

Harry smiled. "I know. But we just wanted to tell you that if you are dating him, we are fine with it. We don't have any say in your love life and you have our support in all of your choices."

Hermione smiled and looked at Ron, lifting her eyebrow as she did so.

Ron just gave her his signature warm smile and said. "What he said. Just warn us if anything changed. I don't want to have the front row seat when the two of you jump each other."

Hermione widened her eyes and punched his shoulder half heartedly.

The three of them ended up laughing softly, but the moment didn't last long because Hermione suddenly felt a hand out enclosing around hers. The feeling vanished in a second and Hermione looked behind Harry and Ron to see Draco rounding the corner, gesturing for her to follow him as he did so.

Hermione turned back to Harry and Ron and gave them a smile before saying. "I am going to go now, I will see you later."

Harry and Ron gave her a smile and nodded before watching her disappear around the corner.


Hermione rounded the corner after Draco and saw a glimpse of his robes on the stairs that led to the Astronomy Tower. Hermione furrowed her eyebrows, wondering why he would go up there. She didn't give it much thought and followed after him, climbing up the stairs quietly.

When she arrived at the top of the stairs, Hermione found Draco leaning against one of the walls of the Astronomy Tower, his arms crossed over his chest and his legs crossed at the ankles.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked as she approached him.

He shrugged and turned around so he could come face to face with the sky. The sun was still up, and with it came the feeling of heat that warmed up Hermione's body.

"Wanted some quiet." He murmured, mostly to himself than to her.

Draco folded his arms and rested them on the railings of the Tower, Hermione walked closer towards him and did the same.

"Why do you like to come hear?" Hermione asked.

Draco shrugged again. "I like watching the sunset."

Hermione shook her head before speaking. "No, I meant why do you like to come here anyways? You always come here at night, this is the first time I have seen you come here during day."

Draco hummed before breathing deeply and saying. "I like the feeling of knowing that no one can hear me except the moon and the stars. I like talking to them, I always ignore the fact that they are nothing but celestial bodies."

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows in thought before she let a small smile take over her features.

"Why are you smiling?" Draco asked, not even bothering to look at her to confirm his suspicion. He knew her too well now.

"Nothing. Just like it when you get profound with your explanations."

Draco hummed and then looked at Hermione, her eyes were trained on the sky and a few curls of her hair kept getting in front of her eyes.

Before he could stop himself, Draco reached forward and secured the curls behind her ear. Hermione's eyes met his and her breath hitched.

Draco didn't retract his hand. He was so lost in her enchanting eyes that he forgot that the universe needed for him to talk, to retract his hand, to resume what he was doing before.

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows slightly and —before she could stop herself— wrapped her hands around his neck and brought his face down. Her lips met his in a magnetizing and captivating crash. Their lips moved slowly, too slowly in Draco's opinion, because in seconds, Draco had Hermione pressed against the stone wall.

His lips ventured downwards and moved to her collarbone. He sucked, bit, and kissed Hermione's skin, relishing when Hermione let out those sounds that he so dearly savored.

Hermione felt as if Draco was creating this world for them. Their own world that no one can intrude on. He was creating a universe for the both of them. A universe that the both of them would do anything to stay in forever.

His lips slowly moved upwards until he reached her neck, his breath was dancing on Hermione's skin and she couldn't do anything to stop the goosebumps that scattered across her skin.

"You better not hide these from anyone, Granger." He whispered.

Hermione took a quick intake of breath and said. "You want people to know?"

"Let them know. At least then they won't stare at what's mine."

Hermione chuckled softly, her laugh almost a breath. "I am not yours."


Before Hermione could say anything in return, Draco swallowed her reply, demanding entrance to her mouth. Hermione bit his lips; teasing him, before she gave him entry.

Their tongues moved together, but this time, they moved for the sake of passion, warmth, and dominance. There was no need to study each other anymore, they knew each other too well.

Draco's hand traveled to her waist before slipping under her clothes, his hand drew circles on her bare waist and Hermione had to stop kissing him to take a breath.

Draco smirked, waiting for her to regain control over the situation, and without a warning, she crashed her lips against his again.

Draco motioned for her to jump and Hermione trusted him enough to know that Draco would never let her fall.

As she jumped, memories of their first kiss resurfaced.

Draco lifted his head a bit and motioned for her to jump, and Hermione took a deep breath before doing so, feeling the air as it leaves her breathless in the middle of the forest in Draco Malfoy's grasp.

Hermione wrapped her legs around Draco's waist for support, her arms went around his neck and brought his face closer to hers.

She had her legs wrapped around his waist and Draco had one of his hands wrapped around her waist while the other was holding her backside, preventing her from falling.

When Hermione was secured in his arms, Draco buried his face in the crook of her neck, and slowly, he began placing soft kisses on her skin.

Draco and Hermione's lips both ravished each other, they devoured each other as the feeling of anticipation took over the both of them.

No sounds were heard except their heartbeat and their erratic breathing and Hermione's whimpers and moans.

Hermione was feeling everything at the same time. She was feeing as if she was drowning in a sea full of warmth instead of water. She was drowning with Draco. The water was warm, so warm as it wrapped around Hermione in rich, velvety silk. She felt as if the world was flat and she was falling off the edge, but someone was helping her. Someone was helping her fight gravity. Someone was holding onto her. Someone was keeping her from falling over the edge and losing herself in the process.

The someone that was kissing and ravishing and warming her right now was the same someone who was keeping her from falling over the edge. Draco Malfoy was her lifeline, the one person who saved her from herself, and she couldn't get herself to pull away, to push back, to stay away from him, he was simply too captivating. Too much.

"We should stop." Draco whispered against the skin of her neck.

"We should."


Hermione tried to calm her breathing as she said. "Do you want to stop?"

Draco shook his head. "No."

"Then don't."

"Five more minutes."

"Five more minutes." Hermione agreed.

Five minutes wasn't long enough.

They decided to make it longer.


Draco had his hands on Hermione's eyes, shielding them from view.

"Where are you taking me?" Hermione asked for the millionth time.

"The girl's lavatory." Draco answered for the first time.

"You can't enter the girl's lavatory!" Hermione exclaimed but made no move to stop him.

"We are not going to make out, Granger. I am showing you something." Someone.

Hermione's cheeks burned and even though Draco couldn't see her, he knew the effects that his words had on her.

Once they were inside the lavatory, Draco took a deep breath, getting ready to retract his hand. Hermione heard some giggles, which made her believe that Myrtle was there.

"Okay..." Draco whispered before he let his hands drop from Hermione's eyes.

Hermione blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes, trying to get them to focus. The second they focused, Hermione rubbed them again, because this possibly couldn't be what she was seeing.

"Can she not see me? Am I that transparent?"

The sound of Fred's voice had her eyes widening and her breath hitching.

This couldn't possibly be true.

"F-Fred?!" Hermione exclaimed.

"At your service, Hermione." Fred gave a sardonic bow, his smile so big that Hermione wondered if it hurt.

Hermione stumbled backwards a bit, her back hit Draco and she turned around to face him, her eyes still wide. She didn't need to say anything, Draco knew what she wanted to ask simply just by observing her.

"Yes, he is a ghost. Your reaction is certainly better than mine." Draco gave her a small smile.

Hermione's eyes watered, and without a warning, she fell to the ground, sobbing and breathing erratically. Draco fell next to her, holding her elbows and engulfing her small frame in his bigger one, smoothing her hair and back with both of his hands.

"Or not." He muttered.


Follow me on my tiktok for sneak peaks and Dramione videos! Username is mar_writer.

This is a double update! Don't forget to read chapter 25 as well!

Don't forget to check out my new one shot! Ocean Eyes! It is a dramione one shot and I hope y'all give it a chance.

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