The convenient marriage


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The dark gloomy day she died, regretting all she never managed to do, she thought would be her last. She neve... More

Chapter 1. The day she died
Chapter 2. The woman he married
Chapter 3. The life she gained
Chapter 4. The house they lived in
Chapter 5. The man she married
Chapter 6. The interrupted routine
Chapter 7. The new routine
Chapter 8. The enthusiastic student
Chapter 9. A melancholic piano piece
Chapter 10. A slight touch
Chapter 11. A first time father
Chapter 12. A date?
Chapter 13. A status upgrade
Chapter 14. A matter of the heart
Chapter 15. His absence, her absence
Chapter 16. A frail patient
Chapter 17. The real Aria
Chapter 18. An innocent Aria
Chapter 19. Elevated heart rates
Chapter 20. A new home
Chapter 21. A sleepless night
Chapter 22. An unexpected guest
Chapter 23. Birds of a feather
Chapter 24. How to woo a woman
Extra. Crossover
Chapter 25. The wife of the CEO
Chapter 26. The president's closest people
Chapter 27. The only exception to the rules
Chapter 28. The right way to stop a hiccup
Chapter 29. Misunderstandings
Chapter 31. A bubbly witch's friendly spell
Chapter 32. Another status upgrade?
Chapter 33. A dotting husband's care
Chapter 34. How to become a real person?
Chapter 35. How far is near
Chapter 36. A body as fake as the heart
Chapter 37. The perfect candidate for Aria Langdon
Chapter 38. A poorly chosen lawyer
Chapter 39. The rightful owner of the promise
Chapter 40. A true heart
Chapter 41. No retractions allowed
Chapter 42. An interrupted family time
Chapter 43. A family time
Chapter 44. A stolen life
Chapter 45. The rumored Madame president
Chapter 46. For my one and only
Chapter 47. Time is short and fickle
Chapter 48. Life changing choices
Chapter 49. Lesser of two evils
Chapter 50. Killing a newfound heart
Chapter 51. A mother's resentment
Chapter 52. Third-person's omniscient point of view
Chapter 53. Longing
Chapter 54. Cadenza

Chapter 30. The daughter in law of the Blacks

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At Davis's home

'This is Davis. I am sorry to disturb you. Is it alright if I take up some minutes of your time?' Davis asked with a calm voice, but a fine respectful tone could undoubtedly be sensed nonetheless. He was calling to tell on her son, of course he needed to seem like he was an upstanding man who had suffered a grievance, someone who was bullied unfairly. Besides, it was the truth. Just for some misspoken words Zane needed to cut off the connection between their families? Couldn't the matter just end with a sincere apology?

'What is it?' The aloof but feminine voice resounded in his ear, as he was waiting eagerly for a positive reply. And it was fortunately the words he wished to hear.

'Well, you see. Today my daughter visited the president's office to go over some aspects of an endorsement contract for this year's newly released product from Mars, and unexpectedly as she was waiting for him inside his office, Madame Aria also entered the room.

Faye, that child, is quite an attentive person and especially pays attention to all the finer details one would never even fathom, when she works with someone for a longer period of time. As such, she knew that the president was allergic to the fur of dogs.

Now this is where the problem lies. Seeing the Madame holding a dog in her arms and even allowing the animal to sit on the couch inside the president's office, she became alarmed thinking his allergy would inadvertently act up, leaving grave consequences in its aftermath.

So she kindly reminded the Madame of this, as she was not aware of the lady's identity or the fact that the president would allow the animal inside his workplace. This indeed was her oversight. Faye, the reckless girl, she thinks with her heart first rather than her brain, so the wording may have come as a disrespect to the president's wife. Perhaps Madame Aria was upset at the audacity of my foolish daughter who did not know her place, and left the office upset.

I have  told Faye many times to mind her business, but worried about the president, this daughter of mine, she really acted over the limits. As a repercussion because of this small matter, the president wants the shares the old master gifted to the Davis family.

If it were up to me, I would give them up in a heartbeat, but to destroy the promise between my father and the old master with my own two hands... it truly pains me.

I am really reluctant to go against their wishes, so I really thought that we could solve the matter  with a sincere apology. Faye really regretted her words, seeing the anger of the madam, only then did she realize the gravity of the matter, so she also really wishes to apologize. But I know that Zane will only listen to his wife at this point, so I dared called the only person who could perhaps might make him change his mind.' 

Davis's mouth moved quickly, as he skillfully wove his words with much care. Exaggerating the story, then sweetening it, until he was sure he could confuse Victoria about the actual gravity of the accident, making her assume that what happened was only an exaggeration from Zane's wife, after all it really was. Of course other than this, he had also tugged at her heart strings about the promise of her father,  and had conveniently accentuated the influence Aria had on Zane, which possibly exceeded her own.

'... Did this really happen? Did Zane really force you to give up your shares?' Victoria asked after a brief moment of silence. 

A period of time that felt like a lifetime to the man whose lifestyle depended on the woman's answer.

'Yes. Unfortunately he is determined to take them away.' Davis replied trying to not appear subjective. Victoria's voice had not given him any evident hints on whether she was aware of Zane's decision and approved it, or if she was angered because of Zane's actions. But still she was asking more about the matter, so this was a positive sign.

At the hospital

The sound of laughter immediately caught Zane's attention when he was about to reach the hospital room after a brief visit to discuss with Aria's attending doctor.

Recognizing the two voices, but not liking their unison joy, he opened the door and quickly entered the room.

'What are you doing?' Zane asked the man who was near Aria's bedside, chatting merrily with his wife. His voice possessing an interrogating tone, as his heart was irked by an annoying feeling of deja vu.

What could the two people possibly have talked about in the short time he was away, that their faces had become so bright. The cheeriness on the man's face almost made his eyes sting in jealousy.

'Ohhh... Zane, I just came by to visit Aria.' Malcom replied, clueless of his friend's displeasure. Well, the man was always stone faced, and brisk as he could be towards Malcom, so you couldn't blame him, if Zane's mood did not affect him. He was used to it.

What kind of network of information did this guy possess to find out so quickly that Aria was in the hospital? Zane was asking himself, a question brought about by Malcom's answer. At this point, Zane was currently forgetting that his friend was a doctor in the hospital and could find out from his colleagues.

'And what were you talking about?' Zane continued with his questions.

'I just brought her a book from my office to relieve her boredom, and we talked about the amusing plot. I am going to go now, I have some appointments still left for the day.' Malcom replied maintaining his cheerful atmosphere and headed to the door, but not before tilting his head slightly to gesture to Zane to follow him out.

'Thank you a lot, Malcom. Bye.' Aria thanked the leaving guest and even waved to the man who turned a bit and waved back. He was not at all feeling Zane's piercing gaze in his back.

The cold mechanical man was really irritated by the small friendship that was blooming between the two. Aria was really comfortable in Malcom's presence unlike when he was with her, and Malcom's one hundred and eighty degree change towards Aria did not make the situation better. He even bothered to think about bringing her a book.

'Zane, are you listening?' Malcom asked the man who was still silent, not at all answering his questions, since they had come out of the room.

'What?' He finally acknowledged.

'I was asking. Did an actress really wait for you in your office?' Malcom asked confused. He knew just how strict Zane was about his working place, not even Malcom would wait so nonchalantly inside his office for Zane, if he visited the main building of the consortium.

'Yes. How do you know?' Zane frowned, as a bad feeling crept inside his mind.

'Aria told me just now.' Malcom informed the man who frowned even more.

'She told you?' Zane asked hardening his voice. He did not like Aria confiding in someone else other than him. Not to mention, he got the feeling she asked Malcom because she was not convinced of his explanation, which really pained him more.

 'Don't be upset, she just confided that she did not know if there were any repercussion for the other people because of her. She told me you said you will handle them because of her, and she did not want to cause anyone trouble. You have to admit, just by looking at your face right now, who wouldn't know just how vindictive you are. Even though you usually seem so calm and stone like.'

Zane sighed and relaxed his stance, not knowing if he should feel better because Aria was starting to know him better, and thus knew that even if he assured her he wouldn't take revenge on them, he still would. Or should he be upset she asked Malcom about this, rather than him? Then again, if she had tried to convince him more, he would have just agreed on the surface, and behind her back would still do like he wanted to.

'So you will cut Davis's shareholder position... what if auntie blames you? Did you at least call her and let her know of what happened?' Malcom asked a bit worried, after Zane recounted to him a bit of what happened and what measures he took.

'What is my mother's current purpose after stabilizing the power over the firms and transferring the leadership to me?' Zane replied by asking Malcom another question.

'Auntie's purpose?' Malcom frowned pondering. He was unsure of where Zane wanted to take the subject to, so thus his first thought was confusion, an expression he maintained for several seconds, as Zane' did not seem willing to enlighten him further.

He thought a bit more, then suddenly his face brightened up.

'You wouldn't be referring to...' Malcom said and gestured with his hand something.

'That is exactly what I'm referring too. Do you really think, I don't know my own mother?' Zane voiced and did not continue his words. Malcom was after all someone who knew his situation the best, after only a few indication the man would be able to tell of what he wanted to point out.

At Davis's house

'With what price?' Victoria asked calmly, after Davis had informed her how Zane had sent his assistant with the handover contract, and the subtle threats Ryan had insinuated on the phone.

'What do you mean?' Davis inquired her, feeling more unsettled with each passing moment. The woman was too calm, not disturbed in the slightest by what he said.

'What price Zane offered you for the shares?' She explained further.

'Thirty five million dollars.' Davis replied as his heart sped up.

'Then you were offered a correct price. Don't worry about the promise, it was only between our parents. It no longer applies to us. Then...' Victoria spoke with a clear unaffected tone.

 'Wait, Victoria I must also tell you that the contract was in Aria's name.' Davis timely remembered and quickly uttered out. She was about to close the phone on him. Did nothing he said matter to her?

'So?' She asked again, her words spoken with just the same tone as before.

'So, Zane is evidently taking revenge on my daughter. Just for some words, this is really unfair. I know that Aria is his wife, but to deal with a shareholder like this just because his wife was displeased.' Davis's mouth became looser with each word he blurted out even calling the two by their first name disrespectfully, as he felt there was really no chance left to mend the relationship. Why? Just for some words?

'The displeasure you so easily speak of, caused the daughter in law of the Black family to faint while she is currently carrying the heirs to the consortium. Consider yourself lucky the twins were not endangered by your righteous daughter. Next time, do tell her to keep her words to herself.' The woman coldly stated then closed the phone, without waiting for Davis's reply.

In the past three years, although she had not interacted much with Aria, only seeing the woman once or twice a year at family gatherings, she knew for a fact that she was not one to interfere with her son's work, and now without her memories she was less likely to do so. And even if she did try to interfere now, as that man had put it, her son was someone who could think for himself. 

Otherwise, how could she leave him to take care of the large consortium unafraid he would destroy the business left to them by their ancestors, if she did not feel he was capable enough. Did Davis really think she was a fool? Her son was not a puppet who could be manipulated that easily.

And most importantly, the safety of the boys was all that mattered to Victoria right now. The final thing needed for any man leading the family was of course an heir, it was the last thing that stabilized his position. 

And as far as the real truth of the matter... any disturbance in the company, Victoria knew of it in the next moment. She was already informed of what happened earlier today, and the doctor had also reported Aria's health state to her. Did that man really think she was so gullible? How could she have survived in the business world for so many years, if she trusted just anyone's words without proper investigations. The only thing she was still confused about was her son's allergy.

'Father, what did Victoria say?' Faye asked full of expectance, with her mother showing the same look.

'Was that woman pregnant?' Davis asked as he almost let the phone fall from his hand. The sound of the ending call seemed to ruthlessly stab his ear and chest.

'Who? The woman from the office?' Faye asked, unwilling to call Aria Zane's wife.

'Yeah. She had a big belly... I think so, why do you ask?' Faye was curious about why this matter was important, but told her father what he wanted to know, while trying to satisfy her curiosity also. Though she did not hear a reply to her question as a heavy palm struck her cheek.

'Faye!' Her mother anxiously called the woman, who fell stunned on the floor, not knowing what hit her.

'Because that information changes everything!' Davis yelled loudly. How could he not know what Victoria wished for. This stupid daughter of his had to pick a fight with the mother of the Blacks' future heirs. Even if everything she told him today was true, just for this simple fact everything would be lost. Their connection would absolutely be finished.

At the hospital

Walking back to the room, after following Malcom until the latter reached the elevator, Zane found the small woman reading the book Malcom had lent her. Her bright hazel eyes were raised up forming crescent shapes in content, as she had probably read a paragraph which made her smile.

Not wanting to interrupt the current peaceful atmosphere, he sat on the couch facing towards the bed and propped one hand on the armrest to keep his head in place, while maintaining his loving gaze on her at all times.

No matter how focused Aria was on the book, feeling herself scrutinized continuously under his eyes, of course she would notice his presence, though she could not figure out why he kept his silence. She kept reading a few more lines, trying to concentrate again on the romantic book, but it was impossible. She kept rereading the phrases, but their meaning seemed lost when they reached her brain and the flow of the story kept getting distorted. In the end she felt like it was useless to keep on reading. 

But would Aria give up? Of course not, giving up meant she would have to talk with Zane to stifle the already awkward silence. And this was truly difficult to do, especially after all his care towards her.

 For some reason, it felt like Zane had changed too much from yesterday until today, making her feel lost with each of his actions and words. The safest thing for her to do right now was of course to read, or if that did not work, then pretending to read was alright also. How difficult would it be to just turn a page once in a while? She only had to do this for four five hours and then she could conveniently just sleep. She was a master at staying in one place, after all those years as a patient.

It was the perfect plan, except for the problem every pregnant woman had, and this was... the need to use the bathroom every few hours. And this problem was unfortunately occurring right at this very moment. Why was she engrossed in reading earlier and did not use the chance provided by Zane when he left the room, and went to the bathroom?

She really felt she could beat herself up, especially since one of the peanuts, or was it both of them... Anyway, the twins were pressing on the lower part of the abdomen, making her urge even stronger.

'What is it?' Zane finally asked, noticing her discomfort. With the frown deeply settled between her brows because of an unexpected hit to her bladder, it was hard not to figure out Aria was having a small problem.

'N-nothing.' Aria replied, trying to find a reasonable motive for Zane to conveniently leave the room.

And if you would ask why was she so adamant in making him leave... well with every small thing she wanted to do since she woke up, Zane would be a step ahead of her  timely helping her. Water was taken directly to her mouth, food as well, even the blanket when she had wanted to raise it a bit higher on her belly, she only touched the edge and Zane was already lifting it up, tucking the corners and assuring no heat escaped to cause her discomfort. For a trip to the bathroom, he was even more likely to immediately hold her by the hand and guide her to the toilet. Wouldn't she die of shame then and there?

'It's not nothing. Are you in pain? Should I call the doctor? Does your belly hurt? Does the scald hurt?' A flurry of questions immediately assaulted the small woman who was still thinking of a convincing reason.

She was seriously considering letting Zane go find the doctor, but he would come back soon enough and what if he barged in the bathroom after her? She really did not want to be seen on the toilet. And if Zane did not leave, deciding to push the emergency button instead, then it was an even more ridiculous situation. To tell the doctor she was only needing to go number one to the toilet, this was certainly worse.

'No, truly I am alright...' Aria started to say, but did not finish her words when she yelped in pain. Gasping for air because of another kick, she did not succeed in convincing at all  the man who was already alarmed. 

'You are not. I am calling the doctor.' The stern man declared with a hoarse cold voice, and moved his hand to the emergency button. Why was she so adamant she was alright?

'Don't...' Aria spoke hurriedly, her tone pitched higher because of her anxiety, as she held his hand, stopping it from reaching her bedside.

...I just need to go to the bathroom.' She continued with a lot less force behind her voice, her tone resembling almost a whisper.

'But it looks like something hurt you.' Zane noticed, as her frown was even more evident.

'It's the boys... they are pressing on my bladder.' She replied almost inaudible, as her face turned a bright red shade.

'Oh...' Zane nodded in confirmation, and after just one moment of consideration, immediately removed her blanket. He was clearly helping her to the bathroom.

'I can handle it.' She immediately denied, as she moved her feet to the side,  wanting to stand up by herself.

'Nonsense. You are not in any way allowed to exert unnecessary force. The doctor already recommended a lot of bed rest.' 

Aria would think she had really underestimated the man when she considered he would only help by holding her hand... if she was actually able to with her shocked state of mind. With a swift movement, Zane had put one of his hands under her knees and one on her back, and effortlessly lifted the petite woman in his arms, before briskly moving towards the bathroom. He did not leave any chance for her to deny his help. Not that Aria could.

Feeling herself raised from the bed, her first reaction had been to circle her arms around his neck, as she felt she was about to fall not sensing the ground still under her feet. So now she was too nervous to raise her head to speak with him. Her face was too close to his, what if he tried to kiss her again?

Satisfied of what he thought was an acceptance of his gesture, Zane brought Aria quickly to the bathroom, then lowered her exactly in front of the toilet.

'Should I help you with your clothes?' He, expressionlessly as ever, calmly asked.

'I can do it myself. Really, I can.' Aria  confirmed again, and anxiously put her hands on the hem of her dress, keeping it in place. She was afraid he would not listen to her and actually help her undress.

Zane did not insist further and moved towards the door to let Aria have some time alone. It could be counterproductive, if he was too forceful, the man reckoned, as a corner of his mouth raised itself in a small unnoticeable smile. He was not at all considering he was quite pushy already as it was.

'I am right outside the door, you just need to shout and I will come in immediately.' He assured the woman who did not need this type of reassurance from him, but had still obediently nodded her head seriously, lest he would suggest something else.

With the door now closed, Aria did not dare tarry too long, and quickly finished her business. Washing her hands, she finally closed the faucet that was opened even before she sat on the toilet. She had let the water flow loudly, hoping to confuse the sounds, not wanting Zane to hear her.

Then with small steps, trying to make as little noise as possible, she headed to the door. If Zane was waiting just outside it was clear he also wanted to carry her back, so she wanted to shorten the distance as much as possible. In this way, she could insist on walking on her own the two three steps until the bed.

Opening the door, the man was of course ready to do just what she had assumed, but after firmly insisting on walking on her own, the couple had reached a compromise and Aria was held by one hand the rest of the way.

To avoid another routine of care from the man, who was currently trying to convince her to eat some fruits, Aria reasoned she was too tired for anything else, and implemented her plan earlier than intended. She preferred to take a nap, and perhaps manage to calm her raising heartbeat. She was too ashamed to face him, after knowing he was not only standing outside the door of the bathroom, but he was also aware of what she was doing inside.

Once the even sound of Aria's breathing could be heard inside the room, a clear indication she was asleep, Zane thought to check up on the things he had assigned Ryan to do. It was almost the time limit of 6 pm, and he was curious of the courage those people had.

'Did they sign already?' Zane asked while walking down the hallway of the hospital. He had left the room, afraid that the small woman would be disturbed by the phone call. Also he did not want her to know his cruel side. 

He hadn't promised her he would not punish anyone for today, but he had also not said he wouldn't. He couldn't let the problem rest no matter what, but he also did not want to be caught with the lie, so the best was for her to not be aware of what happened with those people. Why should she preoccupy her heart with other people's business, when other people did not leave her alone and caused her problems. It was already good enough that he had stopped within a reasonable limit with his orders. 

'Really, that's a pity. Then transfer the money already, I want our families to not have anything to do with each other from here on out. Make sure to let him know that. Also if I see those women anywhere in the future, I might just reconsider and make it impossible for them to live in the future.' Zane ordered with a deep voice, after listening to the decisions of the manager and Davis. He had thought they would struggle more, but after just a few hours all the people involved had obediently signed their respective documents.

Ryan wanted to contradict his boss, he was already making it impossible for them to live properly, but of course he wouldn't say those words to his boss.

'Yes!' The young man agreed, then Zane shut his phone, and continued his walk.

To give a valid reason, if Aria would wake up and noticed his absence, though he had only left for a little while, Zane exited the hospital, wanting to buy some pastries from the nearby bakery. He was also irked by the fact that Malcom had cheered his wife with just a book. He could do better than him. 

The small woman always seemed the most happy while eating croissants and muffins. He could already picture the round cheeks stuffed like a squirrel. Perhaps she might even let out a small cute burp, just how she did when they had first eaten pasta together, her reaction was quite adorable back then.

With another smile on his face, he waited patiently for the traffic light to turn green, when his attention was caught by a black fur ball who was about to pass by his feet right on the street.

Normally, he was not one to care about the fate of the animal, he was after all a cold hearted emotionless person. But imagining the sadness of Aria who loved animals, his body moved on its own, and he quickly grabbed the small furry ball just before it left the safety of the sidewalk.

Holding the black as night cat, Zane noticed that it was not a stray animal, as a small shiny name tag was attached to the purple bow tie on its neck.

'Ebony.' He read the name of the calm pet, which seemed quite accustomed to the human touch, as the small kitten did not struggle at all in his arms, besides a small purr escaping its snout.

Before Zane could decide what he should do now, as he looked to his left and right, trying to identify the owner, a small voice called from behind.

'Young man.' The small adolescent girl spoke words that seemed unfitting for her appearance.

To be called young man by a person who was clearly much younger than himself, should have made Zane wonder about the state of mind of the girl. But turning around to see a Lolitastyled black dress, he was too confused to why such a girl would call him, to care about the appellative she had used.

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