Overwatch High A.U

By SailorMoonClan

949 13 1

Tracer, after being affected by the slipstream project, is enrolled in Overwatch High. A school for the gifte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Update and notice
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 5

51 0 0
By SailorMoonClan

Genji woke up to the light purring of tools and his alarm. He sat up, and stretched out. He groaned a tad from his sore right arm, he still felt the lingering pain from his cleaning. Getting up he wandered out into the main workshop. He saw Brigitte buffing out the back of a motorcycle. Finishing up she turned around and saw Genji. "Morning sleepy head!" she exclaimed, giving him a hug. "Did you stay up all night?" he asked, She let go and chuckled "Not my first all nighter and certainly not the last." she said walking over to a coffee maker. "Want some?" she said, filling a spare mug. Genji accepted chugging the black coffee. Brigitte looked disgusted "Really? Pitch black?" she snarked adding powdered creamer to hers. "Like my soul" Genji said, Brigitte giggled. "So is this yours?" Genji asked checking out the bike. Brigitte finished adding an ungodly amount of sugar and shook her head, nah just a small restoration job. Client actually needs me to drop it off, at Overwatch High actually. She said sipping her coffee, wanna ride it there with me? She offered. Genji looked at her in amazement, "Seriously!" he exclaimed. She finished her coffee "Hell yeah, Go into the other room real quick I gotta change" she said and Genji waited in the other room until she gave him the ok.

She had changed into leather pants with a leather jacket, it looked expensive, like it could take a beating. She tossed him a spare helmet, and she grabbed on as well. "There's a garage door in the back, we gotta take it back there" she said. They walked to the back, opening the shutter door and shutting it. The back of the garage was a simple lot leading into the road. Brigitte hopped on putting on her helmet, "Come on hop on!". Genji put his helmet on and hopped on behind her, he tried keeping distance but Brigitte grabbed his arms and wrapped them around her waist. "Can't have you falling off" she exclaimed. She turned the key and the motar roared to life, she revved the engine, put it into gear and started down the road.

The wind struck against him and after hitting a small pothole Genji latched on tighter to Brigitte. The drive was actually really peaceful, surprisingly. Something about being on the open road on a bike just made him feel calmer. Brigitte took the exit and went through the entrance of the school, finally parking in the student parking up on a hill. "So how did you like it?" she asked as she took off her helmet. Genji hopped off "It was fun!" he said, "I may have to get me one of these" he joked. Brigitte chuckled "Really? From how tight you were holding on to me I would have thought you were scared" she teased. Genji laughed "It was only the pothole" they chatted back and forth heading to the entrance. The school was pretty much empty except for some early risers heading in as well. "You're gonna be a student soon right?" Genji asked. Brigitte nodded "Next semester yes", She responded. "Well let's get you a tour!" Brigitte was a bit unsure seeing how she didn't know if she was enrolled yet, but she kept this to herself as she still wanted to see the school. They walked through, Genji told her about everything about the school from o old rumors to even the vending machine that gave you extra food. They walked through the main hall looking at the classrooms before a poster caught Brigittes eye, "Play sign ups?' she said looking at the sheet. Genji looked over, reading the play "Wizard Of Oz", Genji chuckled "Brings me back" He commented. "Would you sign up again?" Brgitte asked. Genji took a second. "I don't know" He started before being cut off by the door opening up revealing a tall broad man. "Why not? We always need more in the arts!" Brigitte gasped "Reinhardt!" she exclaimed "It's been forever! What have you been up to?" Reinhardt chuckled "Helping out overwatch wherever I can!" He responded, Before looking at Genji, "If you feel like auditioning, come by today before 7" he said. Reinhardt and Brigitte had a quick chat before Genji and Brigitte continued through the school. "Sooooo" Brigitte said, nudging his arm. "What?" he asked. "Are you gonna audition?" she asked. Genji stayed silent for a while. Brigitte was unsatisfied with his lack of answer, "Ok you don't have to say so now, but let me know if you do cause if you do I will as well!" she proclaimed. Genji chuckled "Thanks Brigitte i'll let you know"


The duo made their way outside as more students made their way into the school. Brigitte sat on the sidewalk next to the bike while Genji stood. Before long a brunette wearing an orange hoodie and tights walked up. "Hey love! Thanks" she said as Brigitte gave her the keys and as Genji looked over he realized it was Tracer. "Tracer this is yours?" he asked in amazement She looked at Genji only now realising he was there. "Oh! Yeah you like it" she asked. Brigitte looked over, "You know her?", "yeah she's a friend" he responded. They talked for a while, mainly about how Tracer first started to ride. They talked until the warning bell rang. Genji and Tracer said goodbye to Brigitte before they started towards class.

The class was collectively relieved to know that Honzo had been sent to a different class. The class went normal, Tracer even talked to Mei inbetween the lectures. After Biology Genji and her met up again, They got lunch, Tracer a slice of pizza, chips, and an energy drink while Genji picked up a banana and milk. They started walking, deciding to eat in the gym. The gym was spotless, not to mention huge. Almost as big as a football field, a few other people were eating there but there were multiple people practicing on the court. There was the basketball team filled with lanky guys and girls shooting free throws, A track team running laps, and a gymnastics team with a performance long beam. They snuck around the side to the bleachers and took a seat and watched the teams. "So Genji do they practice here everyday?" Tracer asked, biting into her pizza. Genji peeled his banna and said "Nah this is a showcase, All of the big tryouts are coming up" Tracer watched the track team, all of them seemed to be having fun, "This reminds me of my track days" Tracer said eating the last bite of crust. Genji bumped her shoulder "Try out!" Tracer considered it for a second "I don't know" she stuttered. Genji stood up and put his hand to his mouth "LUCIO!" He shouted. A man from the track team stopped and looked over "GENJI" . He shouted back at him. He was a black man with dreads, and was wearing roller skates. He skated towards the bleachers and was able to masterfully maneuver up the stairs. They quickly hugged as Lucio said "Man, am I glad to see you, I need to give you these!" he said, giving Genji Two green tickets. "I have a Halloween concert and wanted to see you there!" Genji took the tickets and looked them over "You've hit the big time!" Genji exclaimed "Congratulations!" He said. Lucio brushed it off, "Man it was just hard work and some support from my biggest fan!" Genji laughed. "Hey, I want to introduce you to my friend," Genji said, pointing at tracer. Lucio looked over, "Hey! Nice to meet you!" he shook her hand with a smile. Tracer shook back "Same here love!" she responded. Genji tapped Lucio "She wants to join the track team" Tracer shot him a look before Lucio gasped in glee "That's great! We actually need another man!" Lucio took a second "My bad,Woman" he corrected. "Yeah well I ran track in high school, and I really need something to do after school" Lucio nodded "I get ya, are you interested in track classic or track tech?" he asked as Tracer looked dumb founded. "She's new to this school" Genji whispered to lucio. Lucio nodded "Track classic has no powers and no tech, While track tech is free reign!" he said, "well you know, except for hurting people." he added. Tracer thought about it, after all she needs to work on her blinks anyway. "Tech" she said. Lucio nodded "Here come on down" he said motioning her for her to follow, She did, taking a sip of her drink and handing to genji with a look of nastiness.and went with him to the gym floor. "Yeah, do you mind showing us what you can do?" Lucio asked. Tracer nodded and took her place at the starting line he indicated. Tracer did a mental countdown before dashing a few steps before she heard "Wait!" from lucio. She stopped turning around "With your tech!" he said, tracer heard a few of the gymnastic girls snickering, lucio heard because he shot them a mean look "My bad Tracer I should have clear" Tracer went back to her spot taking position again. Tracer heard her accelerator hum as she started to prepare to blink, and as soon as she took her first step, she shot through time leaving only a small blue streak behind her. She went to the other side of the gym and back in a solid second. As she exited her blink she looked at lucio, his jaw almost on the floor. And Genji was wide eyed. Lucio looked up at Genji ''Where did you find her!" he shouted, Genji shrugged "I didn't know she could do that!" he shouted back. Lucio skated to her handing her a piece of paper, "This is where practice is, be there today meet the coach. We need you on the team!" he said in excitement. The group of guys that was behind lucio were cheering "Tracer, Tracer, Tracer" They were cheering in unison. Genji chanting from the bleachers. Tracer agreed and headed back to Genji. "Man you are quite the surprise" Genji remarked while taking a sip of the drink Tracer gave him. "Well what did you expect?" She said eating her chips. "I don't know, it's bad to assume" Genji said. "What are you gonna join?" Tracer asked. Genji sat on it for a little bit. "I might audition for the theater" he said, Tracer smiled "Emily is in theater!" Genji looked at her "Let me guess your girlfriend?" he said Tracer looked surprised "How did you know?" she said Genji laughed, "The flag pin on your back pack" Tracer was slightly disappointed at how easy it was. They finished up lunch and headed to class.

Surprisingly She and Genji had engineering together, They sat together in the back of the class. "What did I miss?" Genji asked, "Not much, we had a sub yesterday" Tracer responded "Apparently they just hired a new teacher". Genji knew exactly who it was going to be. As soon as he finished that thought, a short stout man burst through the garage door to the right. "Hello future heroes!" he shouted. The class was in awe of the man's height Being shorter than 5 ft. Genji stood up with a grin, "Mr.Lindholm!" he shouted at the man. The new teacher looked in awe, "Is that the Genji I know and love!" he shouted back. Genji dashed towards the man lifting him up, "It's been too long i thought you were in germany!" Genji exclaimed, Torbjorn laughed and smacked Genji's shoulder "Put me down boy!" He shouted "Well I was, but I was informed by Brigitte that Overwatch could use a new teacher!" he said as he approached his desk and started to check off the students that were there. "Papa! Where do you want the welding sets?" Brigitte said as she entered the room from the garage. "In the garage next to the metal desk" he said, still taking role.

The class went through introductions, Torbjorn was a good teacher surprisingly, he had a lot of confidence. They even got to do some ice breakers, which Brigitte joined in, This was followed by a lengthy safety lecture as they would be using heavy duty tools. "Well, I bet this is boring" Torbjorn Said to a couple chuckles from the students. "Come on, i'll show you what some good ol fashion engineering can do!" The students followed Torbjorn into the garage. The space was filled to the brim with machinery,It was packed with various welding kits, and different tech used in experiments. Torbjorn walked over to a large case and opened it, "This is something my daughter just put together!" he said allowing Brigitte to get to it, she put on a chestplate which had, what looked like a large exhaust from the back. She attached a forearm guard and activated a shield, "I took standard shield tech and combined it with this molten energy converter I made" she excitedly explained. "Now I can do this!" She exclaimed. She put up her shield and the class heard a whir from Brigittes back, and suddenly with a large blast of heat Brigitte launched across the room in a blur. Her heels skid across the floor as the hiss from the thermal engine cooled down, The class erupted in cheers and claps as Brigitte did a bow and started removing the gear. "Now if you take notes, you can build things like that!" Torbjorn yelled joyously. The students started whispering about the tech they wanted to make,before Torbjorn shouted out "Alright, today's assignment! Start brainstorming what you wanna make in this class!".

The class was uneventful for the rest of the day. Tracer finished gym, and after getting cleaned up started heading toward the track field, the football team was next to the field practicing drills. She approached the track and saw Lucio on his laptop seemingly listening to something,on further inspection he was mixing music. "Hey Lucio!" she said. Lucio took his headphones off and looked up, "Hey! Glad you could make it!" He saved his file and closed his laptop. "So Tracer, ready to go?" he asked. Tracer responded with a "yep". And Lucio clicked his heels causing skates to pop up, "Alright let's see what you can do with that tech!"


Genji paced the hallway, he debated on knocking and auditioning. "I don't have anything to perform," he thought to himself. He did invite him to audition, so they would work it out right? Genji walked in circles for a bit longer before getting stopped, "Genji you're making me dizzy, what's wrong?" Zenyatta asked. Genji looked at him and sighed "I'm debating auditioning for the musical" Genji forced out. Zenyatta looked at the theater room and back at Genji "You didn't strike me as the theater type" Zenyatta pondered. Genji laughed "Yeah I don't seem like it, but I wanted to pass time after school when I was kid, and I liked dancing so I tried to get in all the school musicals" Zenyatta nodded "Genji you truly surprise me!" Zenyatta exclaimed. The monk looked at the clock "I have to go,Morrision needs my advice." He started "But if you think that you might enjoy something then dive right in, you can always adjust your course" Zenyatta floated away leaving Genji alone and seemingly with his mind made up. He walked over and knocked on the door.

"Genji! Come on in!" Reinhardt said as he opened the door. Genji walked in, the room covered in posters of theater related media. "I assume you want to audition?' he exclaimed sitting down at his desk. Genji nodded "Yes sir". Reinhardt dug out a small booklet and tossed it to him, "Page 19 has a monologue inside, the story is that you found out that your car got keyed and you plan revenge on the bully who did it" Genji flipped through the story, which seemed simple. He readied his voice and performed to the best of his ability. Reinhardt nodded at the end of his performance, "Good job!" he said, after making some notes he got up and walked over to a keyboard plugged into the wall. "Genji, I need you to match these notes I play" Reinhardt said as he pressed the first key, a deep note. Genji matched it, he proceeded to do the same for a few more notes, until Genji's voice cracked and fell flat at a highish note. "Good work Genji" Reinhardt said as he made some notes. "You can go if you want, the cast list will be out tomorrow" Genji said his goodbyes and left the classroom. Genji sighed, he wasn't able to get too high. His vocal cords couldn't handle that pitch.He rubbed his throat confident that at the very least he could work as tech for the show. He continued to walk, heading towards the track.

Tracer and the track team were on break, all of them tired from the running. Even still lucio kept a smile and had plenty of energy. "Hey lucio!" Tracer said, Lucio skated over "Yeah?". "How did you meet Genji?" Tracer asked. Lucio chuckled and thought for a second. "Well, Genji wasn't always a Tinman, he used to be just a guy" Lucio started sitting down, "And he was a big playboy,and had the biggest parties of the school's history! I was just starting out with my music, and I asked Genji if I could DJ. and all he told me was "Fuck yeah you can!".Lucio said in his best genji impression. "And that gave me a jumpstart to my music". Lucio took a drink from his water bottle, "I'll be the first to admit,Genji could be dick sometimes." Lucio admitted "But if you needed help he'd always be there" Tracer nodded "Yeah I agree,I haven't known him for long but he seems pretty nice" almost on cue Genji exited the school door walking towards them. "Hey man!" Lucio exclaimed! As soon as Genji approached he and Lucio started talking,mainly about Genji's audition in which Tracer congratulates him and wishes him luck. Although she couldn't help but notice the rest of the track team got silent and shuffled away.

Brigitte wiped down the last piece of her armor,making sure that it was spotless. Her phone vibrated,and a message from Genji popped up. "Hey, just auditioned" Brigitte smiled, and responded with "Me too, wish me luck". She got up and headed to the drama room. A short walk later she knocked on the door being answered by Reinhardt. "Hello Brigitte! You just missed Genji" he said Brigitte nodded "I know I came to audition!" she said joyously. Reinhardt led her into the room, and she went through a smiler audition to Genji, except she was challenged by more high notes. After the audition Brigitte asked "So, Reinhardt." Brigitte started, "Is Genji going to make it in?" Reinhardt sighed and started flipping through his note book. "Honestly the compition was tough this year,a lot of great singers" he said "I'll have to think about it some more" he said. "Ughhhh" Brigitte Groaned "You always take to long with decisions" she complained. Reinhardt laughed "Well the cast list should be out tomorrow". Reinhardt continued looking through his note book "Brigitte,why did Genji audition?" He asked. Brigitte gave him a funny look, "I don't know why do you ask?" Reinhardt shrugged "He dosn't look like the theater kid type" Brigitte stayed silent for a while. "Well" Brigitte started, "I think it might be from when we were younger". Reinhardt put down his notebook and payed attention. "When we were younger, Like real young." she thought for a minute "3rd grade, I auditioned for the school play cause it seemed like fun. Genji was only there as punishment, I think he kept hidimg the teachers phone. Well me and him would always be up to no good" brigitte snickered to herself as she thought of it. "We were and unstoppable duo, Until he got homeschooled. Amd i think he just wants to relive that". Brigitte stayed silent for a while. Reinhardt nodded. "It was a shame about his acident" Reinhardt said. Brigitte snapped to attention "Acident?" she asked. "Yeah, Father had to come down and everything and explain what happened" Brigitte shuffled in her feet "What happened exactly?" Brigitte said gritting her teeth. Reinhardt looked around "I'm only saything this cause its you, but apparently Genji drank too much and got into a bad crash" Brigitte looked shocked "Thats not what Genji had told me" she responded. Reinhardt's face went blank, "Really" he asked. "No! He said someone did this to him!" She exclaimed in disbelief

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