Pagliuzza (JeonKi Fanfiction)

נכתב על ידי YoungLadyKei

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[An AU FANFICTION of Song Joong Ki and Jeon Yeo Been.] Written by Czaryna Pedrozo and YoungLadyKei Inzhagi U... עוד

06 (PART 01)
06 (PART 02)
Kei's Note


474 36 5
נכתב על ידי YoungLadyKei

Written by Czary


“Good afternoon Ma'am. Is this the Jipuragi Drama Club? I read that you guys are looking for members, I would like to join. I'm Song Joong Ki by the way.” 

‘Oh shit.’

‘He’s actually here.’

‘Oh shit.’

‘What do I do?’


“Oh hello!” Mrs. Kwak says pleasantly, taking in Joong Ki's form, circling around him, looking at him from head to toe. “You're here to sign up for the club?”

“Yes, ma’am.” 

Miri clenched Yeo Been’s arm. “Beenie, Song Joong Ki is here.” Stating the obvious in a hushed tone, tilting her head to the side, her gaze never leaving the sight before her. “He’s really here!”

Yeo Been couldn't believe her eyes either. She was panicking in anticipation of an impending embarrassment. Every word she remembered saying on the rooftop instantly hitting her like a wave. Was he really joining the club? Surely, he decided on it without any of yesterday's events having to do with it, right? 

“And how did you find out about this club?” 

“I found your flyer in the G.B. rooftop, well, on the staircase, on my way down, I found it together with this.” Soong Ki produces a stick with a stuffed bunny head on the end. 

Larry Kang finally gasped, vacuuming air after what seemed like minutes of suspended breathing. Nam and Chulwook didn't fare better either. While they weren't ‘ogling’ like Yeon-jin, whom Chulwook effectively blocked from getting a view by towering his shoulders, they instantly knew that this Joong Ki guy is the alpha. And since he so willingly came to Jipuragi, he must really want to get in, whatever the reason is. A  clever thought across Nam and Chulwook formed. They have the upper hand! Oh how cool that would be if Chulwook, Nam and this Joong Ki guy walked across the corridors on their way to Drama Club practice, side by side, the ‘Drama Boys,’ the campus would call them. The clever idea formed as the two exchanged knowing looks.  

“A bunny stick! How cute,” Mrs. Kwak interrupting everyone's musing. 

“Ah yes. I would like to return this to Ms. Beenie.” Joong Ki casually looked at Yeo Been’s direction, throwing her a gentle smile. 

‘So he heard everything. Oh sh—’

Joong Ki raised his arm, offering the bunny stick. “I believe this is yours, Beenie.”

Now Yeo Been understood what the phrase ‘a deer caught in headlights’ meant. 

The feeling of being caught in extreme surprise, and confusion. And literally too, since everyone’s eyes felt like headlights, she even saw Nam taking his glasses off from her peripheral view. They were waiting for what would happen next. 

“Uh, that's not mine,” Yeo Been answered nonchalantly. Yes. Smooth. You go, Beenie. 

“I see. But I saw some initials written here.” Joong Ki showing the small letters written in black ink. Each followed by a period.


Yeo Been looked at the stick, shaking her head, as if in deep thought, “Could it be anyone's? J, Y, B stands for Jessica Y. Benning? Yeah, that's right!” 

“So your name is Jessica Benning?” 

“Yes. I mean no!” Damn him. Is this an interrogation? 

“Are you sure? Because I saw you at the rooftop, you left in a hurry, you must have dropped them when you ran.”

Yeo Been momentarily looked at her surroundings, at Miri, asking for some support. She got none. Instead—

“Yeah, Beenie, don't you have one just like that?” pointed Miri out. 

So much for friendship. And to make matters worse—

“If that isn't yours, then your bunny stick must be in your bag. Wait, I'll get it.”

Yeo Been mentally screams. 

“It's mine!” Taking the bunny stick from Joong Ki's hand in a swift yank.  “I must have dropped it—somewhere—” emphasizing on the last word, “Clumsy me.”

“Really? Like Cinderella? But with a bunny stick instead of a glass shoe?” questioned Larry, now recovered but feeling jealous at the attention Joong Ki is giving Yeo Been. 

Yeo Been made a face. “No, of course not! Duh!” Eyes rolling, face animated, in exaggerated disgust.

That earned a smirk from Joong Ki. Truth is, even before seeing how flustered this girl is, he already knew the bunny stick belonged to her. He had seen this girl, Jeon Yeo Been, on two occasions before. First, the trash bin incident, and that one time in the gym. And if there's one 'more' thing Joong Ki is good at, it's his excellent memory. He will simply just not forget. And from what he remembered from his previous 'sightings' of her, Yeo Been was far from flustered as she is now. Not that he enjoys seeing her squirm, Joong Ki just can't let this moment pass. Ms. Jeon Yeo Been is just too cute. Strikingly, unforgettably cute.

“It's settled then! Come here!” Mrs. Kwak tugging Joong Ki by the arms. 

“Mr. Joong Ki will be our newest member, let's all welcome him. I expect you all to be nice to him—”

“We'll try,” Chulwook responds, making his words heard. Trying his hardest to look intimidating, but failing. 

“Yeah! Or else—” Nam reinforces Chulwook's fake intimidation. 

Joong Ki walked towards the two, both Chulwook and Nam taken aback. “Don't worry. I will try to live up to your expectations. So...? Brothers?”


‘Ugh! Can't believe these people!’ Yeo Been watches her clubmates crowding the newcomer. 

Sudden piano keys struck together. 

Everyone was startled. 

“Are you in middle school? I swear, a squirrel has more attention span than you!” said an irritated Mrs. Kwak. “Please Larry, continue!”

Larry comes forward, bowing slightly, clearing his throat. “As I have read earlier, here is the list of characters.”

“Nam Joo-sung as College Professor, Taxi Driver and Doctor.” 

“Wyo?! Why do I have so many parts?” Nam instantly complains but didn't push on as Larry threw him a murderous look for interrupting him. 

“As I was saying, Seo Miri as best friend no. 1 of  female lead; Jang Yeon-jin as best friend no. 2 of female lead...”

‘Uh oh, there aren't any girls left, and the female lead has not been announced yet,’ Yeo Been thought, feeling nervous. 

“Lee Chul Wook as the best friend of male lead; Jeon Yeo Been as...”

‘As a rock, a tree, or a propsman, please, anything but—’ Yeo Been calls the gods in prayer. 

“As the female lead role and lastly, I, Larry Kang...”

‘The gods did hear my prayer after all!’ Yeo Been sighs triumphantly. 

“...will be your assistant director, next to Mrs. Kwak of course.”


“Which leaves us the male lead role to be played by our newcomer, Song Joong Ki!”

Everyone applauded enthusiastically except for Yeo Been, who was clapping sarcastically. 

“Yey. Kill me now,” Yeo Been mutters under breath.


“Hey! Beenie! Wait up!” Joong Ki called on me. 

Throughout the remainder of the Jipuragi club meet, Joong Ki noticed that Yeo Been had been silent. He hated the fact that he was the obvious cause of her distressed mood. ‘Did I do something wrong?’ Joong Ki kept asking himself as the rest of the Drama Club made their way outside the campus. 

To appease his guilt feeling, Joong Ki reminded himself that it was his true intention to return her bunny stick. In fact, he has the bunny stick to thank for. Because without it, he may have no legitimate reason to look for her. He wanted closure and he wanted HER to speak to him, this time without the door between them. And he would be dead set to know if her 'admissions on the rooftop' were really meant for him. 

And as for joining the Drama Club, well that was an afterthought. Joong Ki knew of their requirement (as vividly stated in the flyer), but it was only then when he entered the Club that he found himself volunteering. Even he was surprised. Somehow, his mouth decided to speak on its own just as he caught sight of Jeon Yeo Been. And if joining the club meant guaranteeing him to get to know her, then so be it. Which brings him back to reality. 

“Ouch! Yah! You stepped on my foot!”

Joong Ki accidentally overstepped on Yeo Been as he was having his guilt spree. 

“What?! Why are you following me?” Yeo Been asked, obviously angry. 

“I'm sorry. About your shoe.” Joong Ki looks at the stain his sneakers imprinted on Yeo Been's white rubber shoes. 

He heard a ‘tsk.’

“I'm also sorry about earlier, I put you on the spot—” 

“Ha!” Oh this guy has the nerve alright. 

“Let me make it up to you, let me take you to dinner.” Joong Ki's mouth was a traitor. 

Whoa! You actually said that Mr. Song?’ said a voice in his mind. 

‘Whoa! Hold it right there mister! Stranger danger! A very cute stranger danger! But yes, sure, why not?’ Did her mind just say that out loud? Hopefully not. 

“Don't get creepy on me, okay? And there's no need to make up for anything,” Yeo Been said, as she cleared her throat, “Anyway, I'm running late. Ok, bye.” Yeo Been turning her back away from Joong Ki. 

“Where are you going? It's late.”

The bastard's persistent isn't he? 

Yeo Been looked to face Joong Ki again. “I need to go to work—”

“Ah yes. You told me that.”

Awkward silence. 

Yeo Been tries to redeem herself. She must come out of this seemingly embarrassing situation with her bruised pride intact. Unlike her flustered self back at the club, she would try a different approach. 

“Oh, I told you? Right... At the rooftop?”

“Yes, about that—”

“That was a huge misunderstanding Mr. Song Joong Ki, you see I was practicing for an audition—”

“Then you were very good. It felt... real,” Joong Ki cut her off, his voice laced with sincerity. 

‘Is this how he operates? How does he make every girl swoon over him? Does he expect it to work everytime?’ she thought in disbelief. 

“Thank you, but like I said, it was for the audition, which, you know since you're in Drama Club now. I need not to explain myself further.”


There was a hint of sadness in the way he replied to her but Yeo Been shrugs it off. 

“I'll be going now.”

“It's late, let me come with you.”


Yeo Been and Joong Ki arrived at Arno's after 20 minutes of walking in silence. 

“We're here. I'll be working now,” Yeo Been states matter of factly, looking at him. Joong Ki understood this as a sign to take his leave. And so he did. 

Yeo Been looked at Joong Ki's retreating form. She should cut the guy some slack, her mind convinces her. After all, he brought her precious bunny stick back. True, she hadn't realized Ms. Bunny was missing because her bag was nothing short of a pigsty, it was as disorganized as her thoughts after her encounter at the rooftop, but wouldn't she feel devastated if she'd realize her bunny stick was gone? Mr. Song Joong Ki saved her from that awful feeling. Besides, he has been nice to everyone, and going out of his way 'for' her. 'Whoa! Hold it right there Beenie! You've only officially met the guy hours ago, don't imagine things you should not!' 

Joong Ki was halfway out the diner, Yeo Been rushed to him. 

“If you want, I could fix you a sandwich and some coffee, it's in the house.”

Joong Ki flashed a small smile. 

“I would love that.”


Joong Ki puts down his cup of coffee. It was his third cup. He was sure he wouldn't be catching sleep until tomorrow. But who cares? Yeo Been has graciously offered him his third cup, and who is he to decline? He has been sitting in the corner of the diner for less than an hour already. He should have left by now, he knew. But he's curious about this place. Joong Ki has been with IU for three years now but he has never set foot in this part of the town, even though it is only a 20 minute walk from the university. 

The diner traffic was busy. Students coming in, some he's familiar with, most he's never seen or noticed before. But bulk of the visitors were yuppies from a nearby Business Outsource Center or BPO. Batches upon batches would arrive, ordering dinner and booze to cap their long days. No wonder, Arno's Diner is open 24 hours. 

Joong Ki directs his attention to the small figure rushing to take orders from the new batch of diners. She had her hair tied in a neat bun, a checkered apron hugging her small waist, and only now that he noticed how much smaller she is, even when wearing those pair of white sneakers that he stupidly stepped on an hour ago. She was nodding her head, writing orders on her small notepad then moving on to the next table before disappearing once again to the kitchen. 

‘3 more hours,’ Joong Ki pondered. He'd be sick to his stomach if he'd eat another sandwich or down another cup of coffee. Maybe he should go to her and offer help perhaps? 

“Ciao! Ho notato che sei seduto qui da un'ora, stai aspettando qualcuno?” [Hello! I noticed you have been sitting here for an hour now, are you waiting for someone?] inquired the man in his mid 40s, wearing a toque or chef hat, complete with his white overalls. He looked Korean but clearly had Italian 'influences,' not lineage though, evident in his mustache, the hairy tips curling upward, not to mention, his Italian diction was on point. 

‘Ah, the sweet serenading sound of Italian language,’ Joong Ki thought before replying, “Sì Signore. Sto aspettando la mia amica, lavora qui. Posso offrire il mio aiuto mentre la aspetto?” [Yes sir. I am waiting for my friend, she works here. Can i offer my help while waiting for her?] 

The Chef's lips turned into a genuine smile.


Yeo Been looked at the direction where Joong Ki was seated. She had been secretly throwing glances at him since she started her shift. She was careful not to be caught, of course. After all, she has reached her humiliation quota for the day. As an act of reconciliation, she'd offered him coffee. And on the third cup that she offered again, she began wondering. Why, on earth, is he not leaving yet? Did he tell her he was waiting on her? Did she imply in any way for him to wait for her? Clearly none. So why is this handsome eye candy still in the diner? Her eyes finally landed on HIS spot, only to find it empty. 

“Oh, he left.” Was that disappointment she was feeling? 

[“Order up for Table 6.”] a voice informed her through the earpiece of the two-way radio she was wearing. 

“Okay, coming in,” She promptly replied. 

Yeo Been used her back to open the saloon type doors to the kitchen of Arno's Diner. Her hands were full, balancing two serving platters filled with used plates and glasses stacked on top of another. As she turned around in full, now facing the kitchen, a pleasant sight awaits her. 

“Let me get that,” says a figure towering over her. Yeo Been's line of sight, given her 5'2"-ish height, is levelled directly at his chest. What a pleasant sight indeed. She could have coffee at mornings with that view—

“Orders ready for table 6, Beenie.”


“Table 6 is waiting,” said the owner of the muscular chest. Why is he wearing a black shirt that clung sinfully to his body, like a second skin? Ah, he must have worn that shirt under his black jacket. 


Joong Ki calling her name got her out of the gutter, “What are you doing here? I thought I got rid of you when I saw your seat was vacant.”

Joong Ki ignored her last remark. “I'm just helping around. Chef Toto let me.”

“Is that so?” Yeo Been scanning the area, looking for the owner, Chef Toto. She spots him raising his hands, giving thumbs up to her. No, not her. The person in front of her made a similar hand gesture with a wink in response to the Chef. 


“Don't keep the customers waiting!” shouted Chef Toto. 

Joong Ki gave her a cheeky grin.


The rest of the night went smoothly. Except for two isle cleanup, an 'accident' at the diner wash area involving spilled liquid soap and Chef Toto slipping, knocking the soiled plant over, creating a muddy slippery mess. Yeo Been survived another 4 hour shift. She was glad she felt more relaxed tonight. Like if BTS's Butter, her 'go-to' song is on repeat play over the Diner's intercom. But nope, her light feeling has nothing to do with BTS. But, has everything to do with the guy exchanging farewells with Chef Toto in Italian. 

Yeo Been smiled. She was already in the middle of the road, waiting for the two men to finish. 'Who would have thought the air of awkwardness would be lifted between them? Oh how fast the night changes.' She continued to look at him, just as he looked back at her. 

‘Oh shoot!’

Should she look away? Not this time. ‘See who turns away first! Not me Mr. Song!’ She throws Joong Ki a taunting look. And to her surprise, the latter didn't even flinch. His eyes fixed on her. 

Three seconds in. 'No, I'm not looking away! And why is he coming towards me?' 

Ten seconds in. 'Aaaaaaa! My eyes are getting dry! Damn it! He's getting closer too!' 

Fifteen seconds in. Yeo Been broke the starefest. Not because her eyes couldn't handle the strain anymore, but because Mr. Song Joong Ki was merely a foot from her. Invading her personal space. 

“Aya! My eyes,” Yeo Been squinting her eyes, as if she were in actual discomfort. How dare he pull another one on her. She's mad at herself, but she's even more mad at him. It's time to retaliate, she decides. 

“Ow!” A sharp punch to his shoulder serves him right. 

“You want more?!”

“Anya! No more!” Joong Ki's face in actual fear. His free hand massaging his shoulder. “That hurt, aigo!”

Yeo Been broke into laughter. Timid at first, but the more she looked at the grimacing face of Joong Ki, she couldn't help but laugh harder. Soon, Joong Ki joined her. The two lost in their moment. 

“Signor Song! Sei securo che non sia la tua ragazza?” [Mr. Song! Are you sure she's not your girlfriend?] Shouted Chef Toto from the diner's entrance. 

“No signore! Non ancora!” [No Sir! Not yet!]

Chef Toto laughed hard. 

“What did he say?” Yeo Been prodded Joong Ki. 


“Chama! Translate it you jerk!”

“No translation for that.”

המשך קריאה

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