Blonde boy

By orangebananamonkey

411 23 79

she's snapes daughter and she loves draco but snape doesn't approve of it.. He knows that family and knows ho... More

prologue p1
prologue p3
prologue p4
prologue p5
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
hey besties

prologue p2

33 2 5
By orangebananamonkey

As I watched all the kids travel to the enormous castle either carriage or by boat, I couldn't help but to feel anxious. Dad prepped me on everything about Hogwarts, but he didn't teach me about the kids that went here and how to make friends with them.

When we the rest of the 1st years got to the castle, I left the great all to join them. An older lady, who introduced herself as Ms. McGonagall was talking to us about the sorting and how It worked, specifically the sorting hat. I have heard about the hat, but the others haven't and I heard gasps and excited whispers in the crowd. When we entered the great hall, the older kids stopped talking and turned their attention to us, making my palms sweat withy nerves. It was dead silent in the large room when Ms. McGonagall started saying names letting the first years walk up and have their fate chosen by the sorting hat.

"smart, yet kind-hearted and innocent" he mumbled while sitting on a brunette girls head, "Hufflepuff." He shouted sending the girl to the cheering yellow table. Several more people's names were called until McGonagall shouted

"Y/N Snape" I started walking up to the at noticing the glares and nervous whispers erupting around the room:

"Snape as in Professor Snape"

"she looks like him"

"I didn't know he had a daughter"

I sat down on the seat and had the sorting hat on my head. I kept thinking to myself that I wanted to make dad proud, I didn't want to let him down after everything that he has gone through.

"ahh Severus's daughter, I wonder if I would ever see you" the hat said, making more whispers come from the audience. " You truly are a daddys girl aren't you? You are intelligent, brave, cunning, and you use your heart as a weapon..... Slytherin" the green table went ecstatic with hoots and hollers and shouts cheering me on as if I were a celebrity. I made my way over to the table and noticed the blonde-haired boy form Ollivanders glaring at me next to a black-haired girl. To spite him, I decided to take a seat next to her.

"uh hi im Pansy, and you are... Y/N, right?" she said.

"yes, I am, its nice to meet you."

"are you truly Snapes daughter, that must suck" the dark-skinned boy said from across the table

"Shut up Blaise, you are so inconsiderate." Pansy yelled reaching over the table to smack his arm.

"It's okay, pansy. He is a great dad and an amazing teacher and I cant wait for you to get to be in his class." By the time our conversation was over the sorting was finished and we missed the entire speech from who I assume to be the headmaster, in the end it didn't matter because a huge feast appeared before us. Turkeys, potatoes, soups, anything and everything I could want was plastered across the table. We dug in continuing some conversations amongst Pansy, Blaise, the blondey who introduced himself as Draco Malfoy.

"so what's it like knowing your dad works here, I mean you cant do anything without him knowing." Blaise asked with curious eyes.

"I don't know I me- "

"she wont do anything because she would be afraid of her precious dad" Draco interrupted.

"if he wanted to ask you, he would've said your name, Malfoy" I replied, stretching his name out. His face turned red and the others laughed. I really don't like that boy I thought to myself.

With that dinner was over and everyone cleared out of the Great Hall. I stayed back to talk to dad and ask him what he thinks about my house. He walked over to me and gave e a short hug.

"Im proud of you, y/n, as you know I am the head of the house so you will be spending a lot of time with me. Although I love you, but I wont treat you any differently than the rest of the students. You are amazing, but Slytherins are known to be troublemakers, so if you are going to make trouble, don't get caught." He joked but I knew he meant what I said. He walked me down to the dungeons where the Slytherin dorms are and he left after telling me the password to get in. I got my bed set up with my sheets and put photos of dad on my nightstand. Me and Pansy share a dorm, so we talked a little before we went to bed:

"so... who do you think is cute?" she said sheepishly

"I don't know Pans its been like 3 hours" I chuckled

"im saying right now, Malfoy is mine" she blushed

"trust me, I do not want him, even if he was the last boy on earth."

And with that lights out. Pansy fell asleep quickly snoring loudly, but I couldn't go to bed. Maybe it was the new scenery, or the blue dim of the lake in the windows, but I was restless. I decided to leave the dorms and go to the common room. I sat on a couch, staring into the fire enjoying the heat coming from the flames. Suddenly I heard footsteps and turned around to see Blaise walking into the Common Room.



"why are you up so late" Blaise asked

"couldn't sleep. Pansy snores so loud, Ill have to get used to it." I yawned

"oh ha-ha that's funny. She seems the snoring type" he chuckled.

He sat next to me on the couch and we talked some more about his family, how our first day of school is going to go, and some random things like why Slytherins are green. After a few hours i noticed myself dosing off, I felt a blanket go over me and footsteps walking away. i fell into a nice dreamless sleep.

A/N: I'm sorry i really don't know what  i'm doing 😭

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