Family Business

By Rddudd

200K 5K 1.8K

American born, ten-year-old Claire Francesca Dimerra suddenly finds herself living in Italy with her twenty-t... More

Family photo album


2.8K 74 41
By Rddudd

Claire's pov

I walked into the dining room ready for breakfast. My stomach's been growling for the past half hour. The only thing on my mind right now is digging into a plate full of Cook's banana pancakes. My mouth was practically watering, picturing the pats of warm butter melting on top of the stacks and the gooey maple syrup dripping down the sides, forming sticky puddles of sweet awesomeness all around the plate.

Licking my lips, I was broken from my culinary fantasy upon hearing my grandfather's booming voice.

"Ah, bambina (baby girl), come say hello to my cousin Salvatore," he practically shouted at me, patting his lap as an invitation for me to come sit. Now, seeing the oddly shaped tan man next to my grandfather, I noticed his cousin doesn't look anything like him. He's a little taller and thinner and his hair has more grey in it than Grandfather's. I'm guessing he's at least a few years older than he is as well.

Oh good Lord, it's too early for this, I thought to myself as I plastered a fake smile on my face and shyly said, "Buongiorno (Good morning)," taking a seat on my grandfather's lap.

His cousin looked at me funny for a few seconds before responding, "Salve, signorina (Hello, young lady). You may call me Cousin Sal. Va bene (Ok)?"

I nodded. Grandfather gave me a little squeeze and smiled.

"Are you ready for breakfast, bambina (baby girl)?"

"Si, Nonno (Yes, Grandfather). I've been dreaming of Cook's banana pancakes since I woke up."

Grandfather laughed heartily and his cousin winked at me and smiled. They said something to each other quite boisterously in Italian that I didn't understand. Why are they being so loud this early in the morning? I wondered.

One of the servants came over and poured something into their coffee cups from one of the bottles Grandfather keeps behind the bar. After he took my breakfast order, Alfred walked in.

"My apologies, Master Dimerra, but the delivery you've been expecting has arrived and..." Alfred paused, carefully considering his word choice as he briefly looked at me before returning focus to my grandfather. "The courier would like a moment of your time."

I'm not sure what a courier is but Grandfather obviously got the gist.

"Ah yes, of course. Tell him I'll be right there, Lorenzo. Thank you." Lifting me off his lap, Grandfather said, "Scusami, torno subito (Excuse me, I'll be right back)."

When he left, I sat there awkwardly in silence with his weird cousin.

He scooted his chair closer to me, saying, "Would you like a sip?" as he jutted his coffee cup in my face.

"No thank you," I said, scrunching my face as I turned away.

"Why not? Don't you like coffee? It tastes good. It has a little something extra special in it that I think you'll like." He held the cup closer to my mouth as I leaned further back in my chair, trying to get away.

"It smells funny," I said, turning my head to distance myself from the strong odor of whatever was in it. It didn't smell like coffee.

"Trust me, it's good," he said, leaning in closer, putting his hand on my knee.

"Buongiorno (Good morning), Salvatore," my uncle said, as he entered the dining room. Giving me a pointed look before acknowledging me, he said, "Morning, Claire," before returning his attention to Grandfather's cousin.

Grandfather's cousin immediately stood up to greet my uncle.

Pulling him into a hug first before kissing both of his cheeks, he returned the greeting, "Buongiorno (Good morning), Elliot James. Come stai, ragazzo mio (How are you, my boy)?"

"Sto bene, signore, grazie per avermelo chiesto (I'm well, sir, thanks for asking)." My uncle looked at me intently as he answered Grandfather's cousin.

Thankfully, one of the servants came in with my pancakes so I started eating right away. My cheeks were flushed as I didn't care for all the attention focused on me.

"Quando sei arrivato (When did you arrive)? Father didn't tell me you were coming for a visit." My uncle unbuttoned his suit coat and sat down. One of the servants rushed over with a cup of tea. "Grazie, sarà tutto (Thank you, that will be all)," he replied softly, sending him on his way.

"Sono arrivato stamattina presto (I arrived early this morning). Questa è stata una visita a sorpresa (This was a surprise visit). Tuo padre non sapeva che stavo arrivando (Your father didn't know I was coming). Volevo incontrare la nuova aggiunta alla famiglia (I wanted to meet the new addition to the family)," he replied, smiling at me.

I looked away as soon as I saw him looking at me.

"Se tutto va bene potremo passare un po 'di tempo insieme, così la conoscerò (Hopefully we can spend some time together so I will get to know her)." Cousin Sal stood behind my chair and put his hands on my shoulders. Leaning down close to my face he said, "Sound good, Francesca?"

"My name is Claire," I replied rudely. I was unaware my grandfather had returned and was standing in the doorway, until I heard him intentionally clear his throat.

Chuckling, Cousin Sal said, "Le mie scuse, signorina (My apologies, young lady). I shall address you as Claire." He gently massaged my shoulders before returning to his seat.

"He may address you as Francesca anytime he wishes. Capiscimi (Understand me)?" Grandfather sternly reprimanded, as he glared at me.

"Si signore (Yes sir)," I mumbled embarrassedly, looking down at my plate as I pushed a forkful of pancakes back and forth.

"Remember my rules, Francesca. Bada a come ti comporti (Pay attention to how you behave) or we will be taking a trip to my study," Grandfather warned, further embarrassing me.

I nodded, too ashamed to speak and afraid I would start to cry. I hate when Grandfather talks about punishing me in front of people.

"Per favore, Cugino, non sarà necessario (Please, Cousin, that won't be necessary). I have a feeling Claire and I will become good friends by the end of my visit here." Unbeknownst to my grandfather and uncle, Cousin Sal reached beneath the table and squeezed the top of my thigh before sliding his hand over my hip. "Won't we, bambina (baby girl)?" he asked smiling, as he slowly withdrew his hand from my leg.

I shivered, despite not being cold in the slightest.

Seeing the icy glare from my grandfather, I quietly responded, "Si signore (Yes sir)." I set my fork down, having suddenly lost my appetite. "May I be excused from the table, Grandfather?"

"In Italiano per favore (In Italian please)," Grandfather replied firmly.

"Posso essere scusato per favore (Can I be excused, please)?"

"Sì puoi, mia dolce nipotina (Yes you can, my sweet granddaughter). Please be dressed appropriately and on time for dinner tonight, Francesca, as we will have a very important guest joining us." He motioned to his cousin, indicating he was the special guest.

"Si, Nonno (Yes, Grandfather)," I replied respectfully, as I stood and pushed my chair in. I couldn't get up to my room fast enough.

EJ's pov

"I apologize for her rudeness, Salvatore. She was raised without manners in America for the first nine years of her life," Father said to his cousin.

"Nonsense, Stefano. She's a lovely girl. Perhaps she's a bit shy around new people? She'll warm up to me eventually." He raised his coffee cup, gesturing to one of the servants he wanted a refill.

I can't put my finger on it but there's something about Cousin Salvatore that doesn't sit quite right with me. I got the feeling when I walked in earlier that I was interrupting something between him and Claire. She looked uncomfortable and even more suspicious than that, she actually appeared to be relieved when I walked in, instead of annoyed. Maybe Sal's just a bit off kilter from lack of sleep and the Strega in his coffee.

The last time I saw Salvatore has to be four or five years ago at some distant relative's funeral, I think. He doesn't appear to have changed much. I don't know a lot about him. I know he's earned a reputation as a cunning businessman, having gone from rags to riches. He started off selling knockoff rings and watches out of the trunk of his car as a teenager and now he owns several high-end jewelry stores spread across three countries. He and Father were really close growing up as little kids in primary school but then Sal's family moved and they lost touch for awhile, reconnecting several years later.

After having two cups of tea and visiting with the two of them for an hour, I excused myself to go speak to Claire. I knocked twice but received no answer so I cautiously opened her door. She was lying on her bed most likely listening to music, judging by the noise surrounding her AirPods. Taking advantage of the fact her eyes were closed, I decided to not so discreetly make my presence known. I went into her bathroom and put some cold water in a glass. Tiptoeing to her bedside, I gently placed her phone on her nightstand before pouring the glass of water on her stomach.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" she shrieked. Slapping at her stomach, she jumped a foot off her bed.

Now doubled over, I laughed hysterically at her theatrics.

"WHAT THE FUCK, UNCLE EJ? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" she screamed, ripping her AirPods out as she stood fuming.

"Oh my God, that was hilarious. I wish I recorded it." I tried to catch my breath as I continued laughing at the twerp.

"Why did you do that? What are you even doing in here? What do you want, anyway?" she questioned angrily.

"Looks like you had a little accident, sweetheart." I gestured to the wet spot on her pajama shorts. "Do you want me to call Lorenzo up here to change your diaper? Or maybe Father's cousin Sal could assist."

"NO!" she vehemently shouted, upon hearing me mention Sal's name.

I tossed her a hand towel from her bathroom and said, "Relax, spaz. Go get changed. I just want to talk to you for a minute."

"Ugghh, you're such a jerk," she angrily spat at me, before going into the bathroom and slamming the door.

"You better hope Father didn't hear that," I taunted, in reference to one of Father's biggest pet peeves. Slamming doors is a big no-no in this house.

As if on cue, we heard Father yell from downstairs, "Elliot James, what the Hell is going on up there?"

"Shit!" my niece cursed from the bathroom.

Laughing, I replied, "Niente, Padre (Nothing, Father). Claire ed io stiamo solo scherzando e ci siamo lasciati un po 'trasportare (Claire and I are just goofing around and we got a bit carried away)."

When Claire came out in dry clothes, I directed her to sit in her desk chair.

"I just came up here to ask you what you think of your grandfather's cousin Salvatore."

"What do you mean?" she asked, wrinkling her forehead and giving me that stupid look she's perfected from constant use.

"I mean, did you like him? Are you okay with him staying here for a few days?"

"I don't know. I guess. Why?"

"You just seemed kind of standoffish with him so I wondered if he said something to you or if something happened before I walked in."

"I can't answer that cuz I don't know what standoffish means," she sneered.

"Are you serious? Good Lord, how do you not know anything? You've got the vocabulary of a two-year-old." I frowned as I shook my head in disbelief. "It means unfriendly, cold, rude, distant..."

"Okay I get it, you know lots of words," she said interrupting. "What does it matter what I think of his cousin anyway? One of Grandfather's rules is I have to be polite and treat all guests with respect so it doesn't matter if I think he's weird."

"It matters to me," I said sternly, looking her dead in the eye.

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