
By bangtanlover92

450K 12.5K 739


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24

Chapter 23

13.3K 416 20
By bangtanlover92

After Alex left I felt a bit pressured because now I wanted to be at his party but at the same time I had to finish the essay. I eventually collected my thoughts and sat in front of my laptop again. Some time passed and I noticed my fingers were automatically typing quickly as thoughts poured from my mind to the computer screen.
    "I don't have many inspiring people in my life besides my parents but just recently I have met two people who left a large impact on my life. They are the only true friends I have left when all the others left me behind. They're names are Chelsea and Avery--who also attend this university..." I muttered to myself as I continued typing. 
    Only twenty minutes later I completed the essay and when I read through I was content with the final result. I sighed with relief hoping that this would get me at least a B+ tomorrow. I printed the essay out and then shut my computer off, going off into my closet to pick an outfit for the party. As I glanced once at the clock I noticed that I wouldn't be so late. 
   Picking an outfit was difficult especially after what Alex told me earlier today. Remembering his very words sent shivers up my spine from disgust. I didn't want to be the obeying girlfriend and wear like he told me too but I wasn't going to wear something long and old-fashioned either. Eventually I found a medium length, white strapless dress in the back that I hadn't worn in a while and went with that. I spent another half hour doing my hair and makeup before I grabbed my phone at the last minute and left the dorm.
   Alex's dorm wasn't too far away so I reached it in only about 10 minutes time. The party had really picked up by now because there was hardly any room by the front door. Chelsea and Avery would be here for sure if I looked around a bit more; nobody could resist a good end-of-the-year party. The music turned down a bit after a few minutes because a series of different games were going to start now for a break from all that dancing. I grabbed a drink from the snack table and went to look around the dorm as Alex had one of the more larger dorms like Josh. 
   Ugh, just when I thought of him he appeared in the corner of the room, talking to no other than Mason. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest but I noticed they weren't looking at me so I tried my best to ignore them but that was inevitable. Just to my luck I noticed Alex there, standing only a few feet away from Mason and Josh, making out with some other girl. I walked up to him slowly and as they noticed me, Alex broke away from the girl he was making out with.
   "Oh hey Aud., I'm glad you finally came!" He acted excited and came to put his arm over my shoulder. The girl he was just kissing shot me a glare and I returned the favor. I pushed Alex off of me and looked at him dead in the eye. I couldn't believe that Mason and Josh would probably overhear the conversation about to take place.
   "Don't hey Aud. me! It's Audrey first of all and second of all you couldn't keep your dirty little mouth to yourself couldn't you?"
   "Come on babe I thought we both understood that there were no sparks between us. I thought you were cool with an open relationship."
   "Just because that was obvious gives you no permission to cheat on me okay? And I'm not cool with anything, especially our relationship. I seriously never was happy with you and this was going to end sooner or later so just leave me alone." Just to top off my speech I also poured my cup of beer all over his head. I heard a lot of gasps, chuckles and other sounds coming from people in the room.
   As I turned around to walk away I felt a hand grab me from behind. It was Alex himself who turned me around to face him, his hand clutching onto my arm so tight that it hurt.
    "Listen here you little slut, I don't care who you are okay? No one disses Alex."
    "Let go of me you self-absorbed jerk!" I pulled my hand away but he just grasped harder. It didn't last for long though as soon Mason and Josh came to break up the potential fight.
    "Hey lay off of me!" He growled in there faces and tried to grab my other arm this time.
    "Break it up!" Josh yelled and when they understood that there was no use, they started throwing punches. What was previously just a breakup scene now turned into a major fist fight. I managed to wiggle my way out of the guys who were full on having a fight. It was two against one but Alex surely deserved it. I watched as they pushed each other out of the dorm and continued out in the hall. I couldn't believe that I had the tendency to catch my boyfriends cheating on me at parties so much. 
   A few other guys joined in on the fight and broke it up at last. Alex's face seemed to be completely rearranged by the end of it and he just ran off to the bathroom with a few of his guy friends. I slowly walked up to Mason and Josh whose faces were covered in blood and scratches as well. 
   "Wow, I'm just speechless. You guys didn't have to fight him like that but still thanks for practically saving me before he cut off my blood flow."
   "No problem, I don't like when girls are disrespected," Josh said and wiped the dust off his clothes while Mason remained silent.
   "The infirmary is in the next building you should go there right away."
   "It's okay we're guys, we can handle a bit of pain." Josh chuckled. "Unlike your friend Alex back there."
   I let out a low chuckle as well. "Yeah I'm done with him, well get better I should head back home. This is all a mess."
   I sighed and started walking back home from a party that didn't even last twenty minutes. What happened back there was no surprise to me as I knew Alex would overreact but I thought he'd let it go easily since there wasn't anything serious going on between us in the first place. When I got home I stumbled onto my bed and for some reason started slowly sobbing.
   University life was a mess and I yearned to go home for the Summer more and more each day to be away from all of this drama. I was more surprised at how Mason didn't even make eye contact with me today but yet he got in a fight for me. It was all too confusing, I guess he had just lost his hope that there would ever be an "us" again. 
    It wasn't long until I fell asleep in my party clothes but the night didn't last long and 8am came sooner than I expected. I did all of my morning activities and grabbed my essay on my way out of the dorm. I stopped by Mrs. Harrod's room to drop off the essay at nine before going to my first lesson. She promised to have it graded by the time her class came at the end of the day. Most of the day we took tests and exams as that was all what the end of the year was about. When creative writing class came along I felt fine and relaxed because I had my work turned in and we were done with testing for this class.
   "Well Audrey I read your essay during the day. I have to say it wasn't much of what I expected but still better than most others so I gave you an A-." Mrs. Harrods came and gently let the paper fall on my desk with a large A- written on it with large red letters. I nodded as she went back to her seat. This was at least better than what I was expecting.
   "We had a few excellent essays though that completely reflected the assignment and since we have nothing special to do, I want a few to come up here and read them out loud. Let's start with Amy Clark." She smiled and called Amy to the front of the class to read her essay. 
   I listened to the beginning but something more interesting was going on outside of the classroom. I looked out the window and noticed grey clouds filling up the sky with streaks of bright lightning scarring the sky. I gulped once and couldn't break my eyes from the window as all of my terrible conclusions came to my mind. I tried to concentrate as to what Amy was reading but it wasn't possible at this moment. I soon noticed that half of the class, including Mrs. Harrods, was lightly crying at Amy's essay. 
   I came back to reality when Amy went back to her seat and I was left clueless about her essay.
   "Well that was just beautiful," Mrs. Harrods said as she wiped her eyes. "The other essay that just deserved an A+ belong to Mason, who, in all honesty I didn't believe had that much talent in him. Come up and read your essay." She gestured to Mason who was sitting in the front table but also preoccupied with doodling.
   "Oh," he cleared his throat. "I didn't think we'd have to make our reports public, I don't feel comfortable reading mine out loud."
   "Enough with the nonsense, get up here and read or I'm putting your mark down to an A-."
   After a few seconds of hesitation Mason got up, took his essay from Mrs. Harrods and stood in front of the room.
   "Do I really have to do this?" He asked again.
   "Yes, just read a few paragraphs." 
   He cleared his throat again and started reading. "Alright then here goes nothing." He paused for a moment. "I had nearly no one who inspired me before coming to this university. Sure we have our family members, but that's part of their job to be our inspiration as we grow up but aside from them I never really had anyone else who felt special to me. When I came here I came mostly to slack off, get my degree and just enjoy the parties with my close friends but all of that changed after my first few days here. 
   "I don't really want to give out names but most know who my biggest inspiration is: my roommate. At least she was at the beginning but not anymore. She made me see life through different eyes, to know that every kind of person has some sort of interesting story to tell on the inside. She was different and stood out from everyone in the crowd for me in every good way possible. Sometimes life isn't about what you want it to be,  sometimes you are you're happiest when the person you care the most about is happy. Sadly, we aren't roommates in the same room anymore but we're still roommates in this large room that is our planet." He stopped and set the paper back down on the desk. Everyone in the class clapped and once I realized who the essay really was about, I couldn't help but to clap as well. On his way back to his seat Mason shot a glance in my direction with his round brown eyes. They didn't just stare at me, but they stared completely into heart, as cheesy as that sounds. 
   The bell rang soon after he read the essay and everyone started going in different directions. I felt the need to talk to Mason but he was already out of the classroom before I even gathered my things. Half of the classroom had left already and I was there staring out the window, one hand on the door knob. I knew that a storm was going to start soon and I usually waited for the thunder to clear before leaving the building but this was different. I watched Mason walking away in the distance and knew that every second counted so I opened the door and ran out with all the strength I had. 

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