The Project- A Zouis Fanficti...

By NandosNation

153K 2.9K 712

**** Includes Lirry/Narry/Nosh**** Louis Tomlinson has never been popular. Zayn Malik is the school's most po... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Co-author announcement!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Hey guys!
Chapter 13
Thank You
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
What you need to know about chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter Five

8.2K 174 39
By NandosNation

Heyy guys I'm sick :( This chapter was kind of inspired by being sick... Good news though, I'm hopefully not going to school so I could totally start chapter six!! HOORAH!!! Things get very steamy in this chapter;) I couldn't hold back any longer and decided that my fluff was to be on hold for a chapter. *Sneaky face* Plus who doesn't love steaminess? Gives Cookie* Enjoy, my lovely readers *Blows Kiss* Mwah!


Louis POV

I avoided Zayn for three periods and stuck with Eleanor, though I barely talked to her. Though I'd rather walk in silence with her, than walk with Niall and Harry, who would constantly start making out whenever they found it necessary.

I was thinking to myself the whole time. Why did I think Zayn had feelings for me? Oh yeah, maybe because we sang together and he kissed me? But nooo, that wouldn't make sense. Note the sarcasm. 

"Hey L-Lou?" Eleanor said, poking my arm slightly.

"Yeah, what" I answered, grabbing my things for health class. Oh great. Health class. Mrs. Westley is probably going to ask about Zouis and then I'll be forced to interact with Zayn again! 

"LOUIS!!!" Eleanor yelled, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes Eleanor?" I asked, trying not to snap at her. 

"I j-just said that I think I-I'm sick. I'm g-going to go to the nurse's office." She stuttered. I whipped around to look at her and gasped. Her face was awfully pale and she was shivering badly. I put my hand on her forehead and she definitely felt hot. 

"Oh El, I'm so sorry I didn't even notice. I was too wrapped up in my own stupid thoughts! I'm sorry." I said and I took her clammy hand. "I'm taking you down there, c'mon." I told her, gently. 

We had barely made it five steps before Eleanor stopped and said "Louis... I think I'm going to-" Then she fell over, but not before I yelled out and caught her. I picked her up bridal style and she said "I'm sorry." 

"Shhh. Let's just get you to the nurse. You're really sick." I said and I quickly walked down to the office and stepped inside. The nurse, Joanna, looked up from her desk and said "Oh dear, what's wrong?" She stood up and rushed over to me, while I put Eleanor down and steadied her so she wouldn't fall over. 

"I have no idea! She has a temperature for sure and she is really wobbly on her legs." I said worriedly. "What could it be?" 

Joanna walked over and studied Eleanor's pale face and stuck a thermometer in her mouth. After a moment, she took it out and said "Just as I thought. It seems that Ms. Eleanor has come down with a case of swine flu, or H1N1."

"Will she be OK?" I asked, frantically. Eleanor turned to me and mumbled "I'll be... I'll be..."

"You'll be what?" I asked. But Eleanor didn't answer. Instead she lurched forward and PUKED all over my shirt!!! I yelled out as Joanna caught Eleanor and rushed her over to the trash can.

"EW! Damnit!" I said.

" Oh GOD!!! Mr. Tomlinson, I'm taking Eleanor to the bathroom! I'll call the class you're supposed to be in and your teacher will send a student down to help you get cleaned up!" Joanna yelled, rushing over to the phone, talking quickly, then escorting Eleanor out of the office, leaving me there with a barfy shirt.

"Could this day get any worse?!" I groaned, just as the door opened. I turned to see who it was and groaned louder. Zayn came in, his hands shoved in his pockets. The door closed behind him and his jaw dropped when he saw me. 

"What happened to you!?" He asked.

"Eleanor barfed all over me. So lucky you! You can help me get this shit off." I snapped. 

"I thought it was barf?" Zayn joked. I rolled my eyes. "Real witty" I said. "Where's Zouis anyway?"

"I have her." He said, setting Zouis on a chair. "Now c'mon, let's get the puke off of you."  

"Trust me I want to be away from you as soon as possible." I mumbled. "Anyway, how are we supposed to do that?" I asked as Zayn grabbed a paper towel roll and threw another to me. 

"Wipe it off, dummy!" Zayn said. 

"Ew... Then it'll be all wet and disgusting!"

"Well how else are you supposed to do it!" Zayn asked. I sighed and thought for a moment, then I figured it out.

I dropped the paper towels and said "Zayn, help me get my shirt off."


Zayn POV

"Zayn, help me get my shirt off." Louis said and my eyes widened. Oh no... the first time I saw him with his shirt off was when he was fixing his mom's car and I could barely contain myself then! Now he would be less than two feet away from me, shirtless. Plus he was wearing tight black skinny jeans,  which would only make things ten times harder... For me anyways. 

"Will you hurry! I don't want it to soak through and touch me!" Louis whined and I bit my lip. No other choice, I guess.

I walked slowly over to Louis and he lifted his arms up. 'Hurry." he said again. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and took a deep breath before tugging it off. I shut my eyes as it came off and only opened them to turn away and throw Louis' shirt away. There was no way he could wear that now. 

"What do I wear now?" Louis asked. I still didn't dare look at him, for fear of losing control and pinning him against the wall and... well, you know. I shook my head to clear it of naughty thoughts and I looked down at what I was wearing. 

"Hey, I'm wearing two shirts, you can have one of them." I said. I was wearing a black, long-sleeved shirt that said OBEY. on it, but I had a white T-shirt under it. I also had grey skinnies and black chuck taylors with a snapback covering most of my quiff. 

"Thanks..." Louis said. "Why are you staring at the wall?" He asked.

Because if I look at you, I won't be able to keep my hands off of you. I thought. "Umm... No reason?" I said, very lamely.

"Then look at me" Louis teased. "What, you can't handle all of this?"

I gulped and said "No, I... I can."

"Then just turn around." Louis said. I bit my lip nervously, I had to turn around. I turned my body so I was facing him and opened my eyes.

I nearly gasped again, but I bit my tongue. Louis was wiping off his tanned chest with a wet paper towel and his skin was glistening under the light. He ran a hand though his hair, which was kind of styled like a quiff, and it showed off his biceps. I licked my lips and felt my body heat up. Louis was not supposed to be able to do this to me. 

"So give me the shirt." Louis said, smirking.

"U-Ummm... I- uh... Yeah sure." I said, taking off my snapback, blushing. Louis smirked again at me when he saw me blushing and teased "It seems like you like me Zayn, were you sure when you said you didn't?" 

No. I wasn't sure. I was goddamn positive I DID have feelings for Louis. His stormy, electric blue eyes, his feathery hair, his his personality, his everything. I didn't answer him as I pulled off my shirt, revealing the white one, and I slipped that off too. 


Louis POV   (short!)

I was feeling pretty confident that I was getting back at Zayn for lying to me, making him all nervous and all, but all of that confidence soon was washed away when Zayn pulled off his white T-shirt. 

My jaw dropped.

Ho-ly crap. Zayn was... perfect. He had almost a freaking six-pack and his smooth, tan skin was flawless, only marked by the occasional, and may I add, extremely sexy tattoo. 

I couldn't resist it, and I basically started to eye rape him. My eyes raking up and down his perfect features, from his chest, down to his skinny jeans, and back up again. Zayn was busy untangling the two shirts and didn't notice me staring at him until he looked up suddenly and caught me.


Zayn POV

As I was untangling the shirts, I looked up and saw Louis standing there, jaw slack, his eyes raking up and down my body, lust clouding his eyes. 

My self-cautiousness dissolved and I grinned at Louis, who knew I had caught him staring. His eyes widened as I took a step forward. I wasn't about to let Louis go after he teased me as well.

 "Like what you see, Louis?" I said, swaying my hips back and forth. Louis bit his lip and shook his head.

"Oh really?" I teased, dropping the shirts on a chair and moving towards him. He started to back up, then moved toward the corner where I just was, so we basically just switched positions. 

Louis chest was rising and falling rapidly and I walked even closer. "Well, I like what I see. And you know what I think?" I said, moving toward Louis, making him step backwards again so his back was pressed against the wall.

"What" He asked, his voice hoarse.

I took one last step to him and I trailed my fingers up his chest. I leaned forward and whispered in his ear "I think you like what YOU see too." I brushed my lips against his ear and bit it slightly, making Louis gasp. 

"Do you like what you see Lou?" I asked, swaying my hips again. Louis barely nodded his head. 

"Didn't quite catch that." I said and Louis nodded his head frantically, his blue eyes filled with want.

"That's all I needed to know." I teased, and I let go of Louis and started walking away.

"What... Wait, you can't just go now!" Louis said, his voice breaking at the end. 

"Yes I can. I got what I wanted, you admitted that I'm sexy!" I teased. There was a silence before Louis grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him.

"Yeah. Well I didn't get what I wanted." He growled. I stopped suddenly and said "What?"

But then next thing I knew, I was being pinned against the wall, and Louis' lips were on mine.


Still Zayn POV

I gasped as I felt Louis' lips crash into mine. He knew what he wanted, what he needed, and hell... I was fine with that! I wanted and needed the same thing. 

He pressed harder on my still unresponsive lips and I started kissing him back. I tangled my fingers in his hair as he pressed his bare chest against mine and my back was pressed harder against the wall. He swiped his tongue along my bottom lip and I didn't even tease him, immediately letting his tongue explore my mouth. 

I whined as he broke away from the kiss, but he moved his lips to my neck and I tilted my head to give him better access. He found my sweet spot and bit down and sucked, undoubtedly leaving a mark and I moaned. Then his tongue glided against my collarbone, making me whimper as well.

"Someone's vocal..." Louis mumbled against my skin. 

"Don't act like you don't enjoy it." I growled as he kissed up my neck.

"By all means, be loud." Louis whispered in my ear. "I think these rooms are soundproof."

"Then bring it on." I said, moaning again as he bit my ear.

Louis hands slid up my sides and down my back, making me shiver and I leaned forward to capture his lips with mine again. 

Louis grinded against me and our tongues fought for dominance. I felt his fingers at the waistband of my jeans and he tugged at the belt loops, making me buck my hips into his. He teased me by tracing his fingers around my waist and gently tugging the fabric of my jeans.

"Lou..." I gasped. "Stop teasing..." 

"Make me..." Louis whispered, kissing my chest. 

"I will." I threatened, then I grabbed Louis' shoulders, whipped him around, and pressed him into the wall. "Now I'm in charge." I growled. I kissed Louis' jawline, receiving a moan and I found his sweet spot, right where his jawline ended. I smirked and nipped at it, making Louis dig hid fingers into my waist.

I didn't waste any time kissing down Louis' chest to the top of his jeans. I unbotton them and grabbed hold of the zipper. Louis bucked his hips into my hand and said "Zayn..." 

I silenced him by meeting his lips with mine again and I started to unzip his pants. 

All of the sudden the door opened and Louis and I fell over eachother trying to get off one another. We both stood up in record time and I snatched a shirt off of the chair to look like I was putting it on.

Nurse Joanna walked into the room and stopped short when she saw me and Louis trying to look natural. 

Louis grabbed the white T-shirts and slipped it on over his head, his hair now sticking up every which way. I slid on the black shirt and grabbed my snapback before saying "Ok... Well I hope Eleanor feels better." Awkwardly and striding out of the room. "I'll call her later." Louis said and he rushed out too.

Once the door close, Louis looked at me. "That was...." he started.

"Amazing." I finished. He smiled at me and said "You read my mind."

We both leaned forward and pressed out lips together. This kiss was more loving and gentle than our first one. It was kind and soft and short. It was perfect.  We broke apart when Joanna stuck her head out of the door and said "Get to class!!!"

We laughed and ran into Mrs. Westley's room. We barged through the door and the whole class looked up and stared at us. There was a moment where no one made a sound, then Niall and Harry burst out laughing and the rest of the class did as well.

"What?" Louis asked, looking around the room. 

"Had a little fun there did we Zayn?" Harry asked and Louis and I glanced at each other, horrified.  Niall shook his head and stepped out of the way, revealing a mirror that had always been in the classroom. I looked up into it and gasped.

My shirt was wrinkled and my pants were crooked on my waist, My hair under my snapback was messy and Louis' hair was worse. His pants were also crooked and he was adjusting his shirt self-conciously.

Once the laughter had died down in the classroom, Harry spoke again. "I was wondering what took you two so long."

"But now we clearly know you got some!" Niall laughed, making the whole class join with him. Louis blushed furiously and I just grinned.

"Where's Mrs. Westley anyway?" I asked.  

"She left to look for you two lovebirds." Liam said. "But I don't think she expected to find you two making out in the nurses office. You're lucky she didn't find you!!" 

Though Liam was serious, the class laughed again.

"Sooo... What'd you guys do?" Harry asked sheepishly, earning himself a punch in the arm from Perrie, who was sitting on his left. 

"We don't need a full detailed description." Perrie said.

"Oh, I think we do!" Niall chirped "Because Louis is SO naughty." He said sarcastically.  

"Do you really wanna know?" Louis teased. There was a giant mix of yes and no throughout the classroom. Louis waited for a dramatic pause. 

"....We did things that would destroy Liam's innocence!!" He teased. Liam's eyes widened. 

"You can't be serious?" Harry asked. 

"Oh we are totally dead serious." I teased them more, winking at Louis.

Niall's mouth was even hanging open now. "You guys are joking right?" He asked. We both shook our heads and Niall said "I don't believe it!" The class all murmured in agreement and I smirked at them.

"Don't believe us?" I asked. "Fine." I said and I pulled Louis' to me by his waist and I attached my lips to his once more. He cupped my face with his hands and we exaggerated the kiss, making it more heated than we actually felt at the moment. Just for the full effect ;)

Niall fell off his chair saying "Holy shit, they weren't lying!"

Louis and I broke apart and grinned evilly at the class, satisfied at their shocked faces. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot about Zouis." Louis said, pulling her out of his bag.

"You put your baby in a bag?' Perrie asked. Louis shrugged, then looked at the screen on the back of Zouis, where the recorded camera shows up. His eyes widened and he looked up at the class, seeming terrified.

"Ummm... Guys? Is Mrs. Westley doing a film check today?" He asked, shakily.

'What is that?" I asked. 

"Where she checks all of the recording the baby has on the camera." Niall informed me. Harry nodded his head and added "Yeah, she's checking everyone's today. It's like to make sure we're taking care of them correctly."

"Oh no..." Louis said. 

'What's wrong?" I asked. Louis looked up at me, horrified and said. 

"Zouis recorded everything in the nurses office."


I feel like this was very long.... Oh well! If you hate this chapter... Then that's that I guess! No unicorns are given. I think the plot twist of Zouis having recorded EVERYTHING that "went on" in the nurses office is sooooooo PLOT-TWISTY! If that makes any sense:D Now I have to type chapter six wowwwww! I feel like i just wrote chapter one:'( Ok, wish me luck! *Gives cookie* BY THE WAY!!!! 200 READS?!?!?!? OMG YOU GUYS!!!! <3<3<3<3 *Blows Kiss* Mwah!

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