One direction at my school...

By niiallslaugh

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Amna and her best friend Mackenzie think their lives are going perfectly, until a special boyband come's to t... More

Chapter 2!
Chapter 3!
Chapter 4!
chapter 5!!
Chapter 6!
chapter 7!
Chapter 8!

One direction at my school?! (Also chapter 1)

514 8 5
By niiallslaugh

***this is my first fanfiction so go easy on me! PLEASE comment below on what you think!? :)***

I wake up to the loud, constant beeping of my alarm clock and the sun pouring through my window. I groan as I slap the top of my alarm clock and unwillingly get myself out of bed.

This Monday wouldn’t be such a bad day if I didn’t know what was happening at school today, which would be 5 famous boys in a boy band, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, and Liam Payne attending their first day at my school. Out of all the schools and places they could’ve chosen, they choose to move to Windsor. WINDSOR of all places!

I think about how every single girl is going to be drooling over them, willing to jump off a bridge if they told them too. I laugh silently to myself, thinking of how pathetic it is.

I walk down the hall, to the bathroom, brush my teeth and rinse my face off, dreading the day ahead of me.

I get dressed into a flower-printed blue tank top with a bleach white skirt and a brown belt to hold it up, and decide to put my hair half up, which is the only thing I can do with my dark brown hair that actually looks good, showing all the caramel highlights and all.

As I go down the stairs, I notice that the house is silent. Mom probably went to work early again. I think.

 Considering that I’m the only child and my mom works a full-time job from 7:00a.m to 3a.m, the house is normally really quiet, but usually not in the mornings, when she prepares me waffles or pancakes for breakfast every day, unless she goes to work early like today.

I decide to just get some Tim Hortons on my way to school since I’m already running a little late, but just then I feel my phone vibrate in my hand and look down to see what it was,


I sigh and text back,


I grab my school bag, pull on my boots and head to my car. I go through the front door and as soon as I’m out I hear Carla, my 40 year-old neighbor about to go to work call out my name, “Amna!” I turn around and wave at her as I walk down my driveway towards my green punch buggy.

I unlock the door, sit in the seat and turn on the radio, and right when I turn it on I hear, “HI! We’re One Direction, and this is our new hit single, ‘What Makes You Beautiful’!” and shortly after, the radio starts playing the song.

I groan and immediately turn off the radio. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the song, or them, I actually liked the song and thought it was cute how they always say ‘HI! We’re One Direction!” in unison and they weren’t that bad looking either, I just hate how EVERY single girl drools over them and I know for a fact that I’m going to get tired of hearing their name, around school and in the media.

I start up my car and head towards Kenzie’s house.

“You’re late, ugly butt face.” Kenzie says getting into the passenger seat of my car when I finally reach her house.

“Hey to you to sweetheart! Oh and you are so very welcome for going out of my schedule to pick you up.” I say with as much sarcasm as I can.

“Oh shut up. And since when did I have to say thank you to you?” Kenzie says in reply.

“Since I became your best friend four years ago.” I say with a smile.

For me and Kenzie, this was pretty much the normal conversation; our love-hate relationship speaks for itself.

“So what’s the deal with One Direction, that’s all anyone can talk about. I’m starting to hate everyone; you’re all I have left.” Kenzie says as we pull out of her driveway.

“I know how you feel, but I guess we’re just going to have to live with it, it’s only the beginning of summer and we have a lot more school left and that means a lot more of their faces. Mind if we stop by at Tim Hortons? I didn’t eat breakfast yet.” I say

“Sure, whatever. Get me a coffee and donut.” She says

“Um… I actually don’t think we’re going to have time for Timmy’s…” I say as I get out of the neighborhood. I look out and see a HUGE line of cars from where I am to as far as I can see

“GREAT, a traffic jam!” Kenzie says.

“Ugh. Just another amazing thing to happen today” I say. I turn on the radio and the song ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ is still playing, but Harry’s solo is just about ending.

“Turn that down for a second” Kenzie says dialing a number in her phone. “Hi, it’s Mackenzie Beach a student at your school. Yes Amna Vahidy and I, in grade 11 are going to be a little late.. Traffic problems. Okay, thank you!”  She turns off her phone. “We’ve got plenty of time.”

                “So do you want to get Tim Hortons or not? I’m not that hungry anymore”

                “Nah. I kind of want to see One Direction and all the girls crawling at their feet, it’ll be funny”

                Yeah. Funny. I think. I adjust my belt and tuck in my shirt, and wait for the car ahead of me to move an inch.


An hour later, we arrive at school, which is a long time considering that it usually takes fifteen minutes.

I look around and see that people are just starting to come in the parking lot, as I park my car, and feel relieved.

“People are just starting to c-“

“THEY’RE HERE AMNA!” Kenzie says cutting me off.

I look over and see a grey convertible pulling up in the school parking lot and every single head turned in their direction.  You can hear them laughing and fooling around and making jokes about each other as Harry drives in.

“And the praising over them begins.” I say quietly to myself.

Their car comes toward us, and I feel my heart skip a beat. Why am I feeling nervous? It’s not like I love them or anything. But just then, when I think their car is just going to pass mine, Harry pulls up into the parking space next to where Kenzie and I are standing. I can’t help but just stand there, staring, and I know Kenzie is doing the exact same thing. I look around. There are so many other parking spaces, and Harry chooses the one right next to us? I think to myself.

They all start getting out of the car, but when the door closest to me opens, it hits me in the leg as I say, “OW!” and I hear a voice say, “Oh I’m so sorry!” I look up and see that Niall Horan is just getting out of the car, not even 3 inches away from my face. I can’t help the butterflies in my stomach fluttering around like they’re trying to escape.

“Oh um no worries, I’m fine.” I say. I can hear my voice tremble as I speak.

“You sure?” Niall looks down at my leg. “It’s all red. Do you want me to get you some ice or something? I can help you walk to your next class if you want.”

“No that’s not necessary I’m totally fine I’ll just get some ice or something later.” I say. I can feel Kenzie’s eyes on me like daggers. I know exactly what she would be thinking right now; TAKE THE FLICKIN OFFER FOR ICE! If you’re seen with Niall Horan even for a split second you’ll be the most talked about girl in our school! GO WITH HIM!

“Well okay, I’m around the halls if you need me” Niall says with a smile and starting walking towards the school.

I see that Kenzie has already left with another group of friends and is already entering the building, heading to first class.

I decide to take the imaginary Mackenzie in my head’s advice, and call out, “Hey, Niall? I think I’ll take you up on that ice and walk to my class with me offer.”

Niall turns around and laughs to himself a little bit. “My pleasure…”

“Amna” I say finishing off his sentence.

“Ah, right. My pleasure, Amna.” He says and we walk towards the building, him helping me when I stumble a little bit.

We walk in silence for the next thirty seconds until I say, “Now this is the part where you tell me who you are.” Even though I know exactly who he is, he’s Niall Horan! Who wouldn’t know him?

“Oh, right. My name’s Niall.” He says with a grin on his face as if delighted to say his own name.

I stumble a little bit but he catches me and a jolt of tingling sensation screams at where he touches my waist. “Thanks.” I say, noticing how many glares and stares both me and Niall are getting, but I choose to shrug it off. Have these people never seen Niall with a girl before? A little privacy please. 

We get to the front doors a couple minutes later, and Niall asks, “Do you still want that ice and walk to your class?”

“I’ll take that ice offer but I don’t want you to be any later then you already are.” I looked down at my watch, we actually were really late. But for some reason I didn’t care.

“No big deal, I hear my first period teachers pretty chill.” Niall says as if eager to walk me to class. I quickly push that thought out of my brain because that is definitely not the case here. He either a) feels bad about making a bruise the size of Manhattan on my right thigh, or b) wants to miss class.

“Okay. Thanks.” I reply.

We walk into the office and right when the secretary sees Niall Horan walk through the door, her face lights up as if she’s been expecting him, not acknowledging my existence.

“Why hello there, Niall! Nice seeing you here what do you need!” she says.

“Yeah um my friend here needs some ice for her leg.. Could I get some?” Niall says back to the secretary.

“Of course!” the secretary says and rushes behind a door. A few moments later the door opens again and the secretary is holding a bag of ice and eagerly holding out for Niall to take, which he does.

“Thanks Laura!” Niall says as we leave the office.

“Wow. First name basis with the secretary on your first day? Impressive.” I say jokingly as I hold the ice pack to my thigh and we walk to my first class.

“Yeah, I’ve known her for a while now. She’s my mom’s friend.” Niall says “So what classes are we headed too?”

“Oh um, art with Mrs. Derojay.” I say

“Hey, Zayn’s in that class” Niall says as we head up the stairs

This was something I obviously already knew. Every single girl in the school had the schedule of each Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis, and I got told about 2 million times I’m in Zayn Malik’s art class first period. “Yeah, I know.” I say under my breath.



We walk in silence until we reach the art room and head inside. As Niall and I walk in, every single pair of eyes are on us, including the goth kid I’m the back corner that never takes his eyes off the desk in front of him. Sometimes we think he’s dead. But it wasn’t because I was late, it was because Niall Horan was with me.

“Look who we have here. Want to explain why you’re almost thirty minutes late Miss Vahidy?” My teacher says looking me straight in the eyes.

I look down and play with my fingers a little and feel my palms get all sweaty, like they do when I’m under pressure. “I-I umm..”

“It’s my fault. It’s my fault she’s late, miss. I’m sorry.” I hear Niall say behind me

I look back a little confused, mostly because I thought he had left already, but partly because he’s taking all the blame for someone he literally JUST met.

“Alright, make sure this doesn’t happen again. Sit down.” The teachers say, and I walk over to the empty seat next to Zayn.

Before Niall leaves, I mouth a quick, “Thank you!” and he’s goes through the door off to his next class and I manage to see him smile, saying “No problem”

A couple minutes later I’m staring into space until I catch myself grinning like a retard. Why the heck am I smiling so much…?

But then I realize it’s because I was thinking of Niall, and my smile drops.  


Now it’s Mackenzie’s POV!

I’m sitting in first period class, supposed to be paying attention on what Mr. Frasier, my geography teacher is rambling on about but I can’t stop myself from thinking about this morning. It all happened so fast for me, I can’t imagine how Amna’s feeling right now.

Niall Horan may possibly have a thing for my best friend.

I know he’s only known her for about half an hour at the most, I think to myself, but I saw the way he looked at her. He definitely wants to get to know her better. I sigh.

The first day they’re here and Amna already has the number one spot to be Niall Horan’s girlfriend. I’m happy for her, of course, but I can’t help feeling that if it happened to her, why couldn’t it happen to me?

Just then I hear a voice, interrupting my thoughts “Hey, can I sit here?”

I get slightly caught off guard. I look up and see Liam Payne standing beside me with his eyebrows quirked up a little.

“Oh, um, yeah sure.” I say looking at the desk in front of me. The person sitting next to me, Stacy is off on vacation and won’t be back for the next two months, so I guess it’s okay for Liam to take her space. I look around and see that there are about five other seats he could have chosen. I smile to myself a little bit.

“Everything okay?” I hear Liam say while he’s getting his notebook out.

“Oh, yeah I just remembered this morning when my sister fell down the stairs… It was really funny…” I say trying to cover up the real reason I was smiling.

Liam laughs lightly and goes back to whatever he was doing.

“Why’d you sit over here in the middle of class?” I ask abruptly as it just comes to my mind.

“Oh, um well I was sitting next to a girl, Jessica over there,” he says pointing over in herdirection, “she was obsessive. She kept asking me questions and if I wanted to hang out after school, and I couldn’t really take it anymore so I looked around for another seat and everyone who had a seat free next to them were all girls, and all looking at me like I’m some sort of Greek god, and then I looked at you, you looked nice, and not obsessive which was right.” He ends with a smile and looks down again.

“Oh, thanks, I think” I say not one hundred percent sure it was a compliment.

“Mhm” Liam mumbles writing something down in his notebook. “I know this is weird, but I’m in the mood for chicken. Aren’t you?”

I laugh, “No, not really, considering I’m a vegetarian.”

“Really?” he says, “that’s pretty cool actually”

I laugh again and say, “thanks.”

Just then, when Mr. Frasier is lecturing the class about something, my phone goes off.

My heart jumps and my eyes go wide, and the best part is, my phone was on full volume because I forgot to put it on vibrate! Every single pair of eyes are on me as I fumble trying to turn off my phone which magically disappeared in these last few seconds, including Mr. Frasier. After what seems like a whole lifetime, it stops ringing. I look at the teacher who is giving me a death stare as he walks over to me. I smile as convincing as I can, and when Mr. Frasier gets to me he puts his hand out gesturing to put my phone in it. I rummage through my bag, and oh look, it reappeared!

I take it out and put it into his hand, and he goes to his desk, puts it in a drawer, and walks to the front of the room, continuing with his lecture.

As he does so, Liam breaks out into silent cracking up.

I try to glare at him, but I have to admit it was kind of funny, and before I know it we’re both silently laughing our eyeballs out.

After a couple minutes we’re both tired and I have a stomach cramp, and clutch my stomach.

“A-a-are you okay?” Liam whispers wiping away a tear.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just a stomach cramp from laughing so much.” I reply.

“Yeah but did you see his face?” Liam whispers and we both start laughing again.

“Yeah,” I say in between laughs, “I did, it was all,” I make a weird face, impersonating Mr. Frasier, and Liam laughs all over again.

                Surprisingly the teacher doesn’t notice us fooling around. Either that or doesn’t want to bother with us.

The bell rings for second period, and when I hear the noise my heart literally drops. It wasn’t because I wouldn’t be seeing Liam anymore, is it?

I start packing up my things and so does Liam.

“I guess I’ll see you around.” Liam says getting up.

“Yeah, nice talking to you!” I reply. Nice talking to you? Really, Mackenzie?

Liam nods and starts walking away but then stops himself. “I didn’t catch your name, wh-“

“Mackenzie” I say with a smile, not realizing I just cut him off. “You?” Even though I know exactly who he is, and I can tell he knows I know too by the look on his face.

“Liam. Liam Payne. You know the member of One Direction? That famous band?” he says as if reminding me what I already knew, but an edge of sarcasm to his voice.

I laugh, “Oh right. I should’ve known.” I say, and at that, Liam leaves the classroom with a little smile and wave and when he walks through the door, I can’t help but miss him.

*** I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED CHAPTER 1! :) what do you guys think is going to happen?! if you guys want to message me feedback here would be nice: THANKS! :) ***

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