Brave Book 2 - FanFic CHIM/CH...

By ArtistWriter

260K 7.5K 1.8K

This is a continuation of the first book! Julie is a fifteen year old foster child whose been through hell a... More

Part 213
Part 214
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Part 299

2.6K 80 15
By ArtistWriter

-Author's POV-

It's dark, not a single light streams through the bedroom. Curtains are drawn shut, the married couple lie silent in the lush bed. The distance between them felt like miles, they were so used to cuddling each other, suffocating one another with their limbs - not tonight.

Kimberley speaks through the darkness.

"Chez?" It's a faint whisper, sending electric waves through the restless brunette.


"I'm sorry" She starts, even in the blackness of the night she can see Cheryl's smile light up their haven.

"I don't want you to think that I would just go make decisions without you" An explanation was needed; she needed Cheryl to know she was more than important to her. Cheryl was everything and beyond, even words couldn't be put together to describe the hold she had on her.

"It just happened, I felt bad. I know Libby doesn't have parents, and she seemed really intrigued about our family holiday. I could practically read her thoughts, wishing that I would just invite her.. So I did" She shrugs. It goes silent, and for a moment she believes she'd been talking to herself. That was until Cheryl finally spoke up.

"As long as Julie is fine with it, then I'm fine with it.. Just don't make it a habit. I love when you come to us like" She feels pathetic, the feeling of needing Kimberley to constantly consult her with her diary, where abouts, and friend choices. Cheryl wanted to be part of Kimberley's day, she wanted to hear every decision she'd been wanting to pursue, she wanted Kimberley to ask for her opinion. Something Ashley never did.

"I'll always come to you.. I always do" They shuffle under the covers, the need to touch hyphens with desirable cravings for each other. The couple lay side-by-side, trying to find a reflection to absorb the beauty in which they both exuded. Fingers interlock, breaths radiating against their faces.

"I just.. I love when you ask us for permission" Cheryl confesses.

"I feel important, like you want us to give me approval for something.. I love it when you ask us if you're allowed to do something" Kimberley smiles through the darkness, her heart rate picking up by miles. Even the shooting stars that beam through the night wont compare to the speed her heart was currently thumping.

"You do?" It's barely audible, but Cheryl can hear that husky tone which she always seemed to swoon over.

"So much" They sigh simultaneously, both their heart rates equal in speed.

"Can you let go of my hand now? I want to turn on the lights" Cheryl reluctantly releases her tight grasp, she listens as her wife shuffles around, and finally, the bedroom comes to life. There stood Kimberley, slowly and sensually making her way back to the large bed. They never break eye contact, it was magical, and many wish to experience such force between two lovers.

They find themselves in the same position once again. This time, their eyes find each other. Blue-greys locking with browns, and it's a beautiful sight, it's a beautiful swirl of never ending colors that projected love.

"I wish I could fall asleep with my eyes opened" Kimberley speaks, her voice always made Cheryl throb to the husky sound. It's silly, she thinks, it's a storm to her. A storm that was slowly growing in the pit of her stomach, with just the sound of the Bradford goddess looking deep into the core of her world.


"I want to fall asleep looking at you, have I told you how beautiful you are?" One hand still laced with the petite brunette, whilst the other feathers delicately through the chocolate locks.

"I love when you compliment us" They smile dreamily.

"You are unspoken words, you know when I look at you what I think?"

"What do you think of?"

"Nothing" Cheryl frowns; she was expecting a cheesy confession.

"Nothing at all?" She asks.

"I try, and try to figure out the perfect word for you.. But nothing comes to mind. It's frustrating really" She shrugs with a pout, her finger strokes against the delicate bronzed cheek.

"But one word always seems to stand out"

"What's that?"

"Lucky, I'm so bloody lucky" They stare at each other, it seemed like hours, but they couldn't look away. They were awestruck, one look, one touch, and one inhale of their natural scents would lock them in a trance.


"Yeah baby?"

"How come you never write us them letters anymore?" It was years ago; the romantic side Kimberley conveyed was dreamlike. She'd find herself writing letters to her lover, the words of her love being put into elegant words, cursive black font of her fountain pen drawing out her admiration onto rose imprinted paper.

"I'd finally got you, I decided letters should be renovated into actions"

"But, letters are so.. Intimate" Cheryl loved nothing more than words being put onto paper, and given in such a manner that Kimberley only ever knew how to put together.

"Your hands touch the paper, your fragrance always lingered and smelt of sweet vanillas.. Your lips, and tongue seal the letter together. I don't think you know just how personal these letters are" Kimberley takes in her wife's words, and it was the first time she'd ever taken a letter's care, time, and what they really meant. Certain lovers were careless with the love confessions, but, Cheryl felt every word Kimberley wrote down. They spoke the truth, and she's never fallen so hard in love.


"Yeah baby?"

"I love you.. I'm not sure I tell you enough, just how much I do love you. I know you'd always cringe back in the day, you know, when you were with.. Ashley" Kimberley whispers, "You'd get annoyed or embarrassed when he'd say it so often"

"I only would get annoyed because I knew it was a load of bollocks"

"Do you like it when I say it?"

"I love it when you say it, because I know you mean it.. You always mean it." The room was painting with reds; the modernized bedroom was now filled with desire for both women lying in the bed.


"Yeah baby?"

"Wanna make out?" Cheryl giggles with a nod, their lips meet, tongues instantly colliding in a sensual rhythm. They've always found themselves swaying their moist tongues in such a way that was only a Cheryl and Kimberley kiss. It was their kiss that they've crafted so perfectly. Tongues claim every inch of the warm mouths sealed together. They readjust their positions, Kimberley taking her place on top of her wife; their lips never break. It's heated, passionate, and filled with hunger.

Hand's roam with earnestness, Cheryl's hands always shooting down to her wife's backside, slipping into the small shorts Kimberley had opted for the night. Squeezing and grasping the voluptuous bum. They deepen the kiss, both their tongues nearly swirling in each other's throats.

"Mmm" Kimberley moans into the kiss, it's a sound Cheryl would forever combust to. It echoed and vibrated through her, blasting straight down to her center. Hot kisses exchange vigorously. They couldn't get enough of each other; lips smack and slip carelessly, spurring them on with their hands that roved the familiar bodies.

"Kimba" Cheryl pants, her wife's lips had released and found themselves sucking down on the pulsing neck.

"Mmm Yeah baby?" She groans against her skin "God youre so f!cking hot" Marking her territory, she continues the hot and urgent kisses.

"Kimba" Cheryl's eyes clasp shut, her weak hands try and push Kimberley off. Giving the blonde a couple pats to the back, finally getting the hint, Kimberley is instantly alarmed. Cheryl is breathless, panting, chest rising and falling in a frightening manner.

"Baby? What's wrong?" She begins to fan her wife; it's suddenly become difficult to breathe.

"I c-can't breathe.. O-Open the terrace d-doors!" Kimberley jolts off the bed, her feeble legs twinge as she bolts to the glassed doors, tearing the curtains open and swinging them widely; allowing the nightly spring air to breeze through the bedroom. Door after door is unbolted, and finally, Cheryl is properly breathing.

"What was that?" Kimberley questions, she shivers, but she never complains. Cheryl is sprawled against the bed, her breathing returning to it's normal pants.

"I don't know.. It suddenly got.. hot" She looks at her wife with a sweet smile, Kimberley was always worrying about her, and it only made her love the blonde further.

"Let me get your inhaler"

"Baby, I don't need it"

"I don't care Cheryl. I don't want to hear it." There was no point in arguing, Kimberley collects the remedy and places the cylinder shaped tube into her wife's mouth, pressing down on the button, releasing the medicine and relaxing them both.

"Can we continue our make out session or not?" Cheryl cheekily asks.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Kimberley grasps her wife's waist and pulls her on top of her, she didn't want to retreat to her earlier position, afraid she'd suffocate Cheryl.

"Yeah, I'm fine.. I promise. Can I have your lips now?" Cheryl cutely pouts, they giggle and laugh into their kiss. It's hot, and adorable all at once, their tongues connect, moist muscles are relaxed as they dance in an erotic pace. It was Kimberley's turn, her hands run into the back of Cheryl's vest top, caressing the flesh, it was something about Cheryl's back that always turned her on. It was perfect, silky, and shaped so effortlessly. She was sure god took his time on Cheryl, her body was impeccable, her muscles twitch and deepen to the touch.

Nails scrape, they're suddenly urgent.

The nightly air breezes, it doesn't phase their state. Their body temperature rising, skin flushing, heartbeats pressed together - thumping wildly as one. They couldn't get enough of each others taste, their lips and saliva tasted somewhere between mouthwash, and the distinctive taste of their saliva mixed so effortlessly together, it could be bottled and sold as sweet nectar.

They always took their time with each other, even when they rushed, and hurried their touches. It was hours of love making for them, their lips always going sore from the kisses they would share. It was a crazy love, haunting, and spelling their bodies in a savoring command. They'd save each other every night with desire and lust - their eyes always senseless.

"Help me take this off" Cheryl breathes; her lips have gone a deep shade of red, the rimming of her mouth matching the deep burgundy tone. She can feel her lips pulsing from the kiss they'd just shared. They quickly remove the offending material standing in the way of their skin contact, erect nipples mirror; the breezy wind kisses their skin, goosebumps erupting to the touch.

"I love these" Cheryl hums, her mouth latching to the perky nipple, fleshed of pink and drawn out so exquisitely - the mounds she'd forever be obsessing over. One hand teasing the left nipple, twisting and stroking the delicate flesh. Kimberley's head burying deeper and deeper into the feather stuffed pillow. Drowning herself in the heavenly fabric.

"Oh god" Kimberley moans breathlessly, her teeth clench to the plumped lips she wears so strikingly. Cheryl straddles her wife's thighs, her legs either side of the toned body, the tattooed ass poking out into the air, gust blowing through her wet cunt, sending shivers through her body.

"F!ck" She hisses against the nipples she'd been selfishly indulging in. Kimberley is writhing, and jerking to the touch, Cheryl was the only one that could ever make her feel this way, throb, pulsate, and heave this way. The sensation was vast and addicting.

"Baby, now.. Please" The blonde whispers eagerly, Cheryl wasn't ready to release the tension. She wanted to take her time, and damn it, she was going to lavish in the body she claimed as her prize possession.

"Not yet" Cheryl begins slow and teasing kisses trail down her impatient wife, lips linger, her tongue comes out to tease. Wet, sloppy kisses paint a beautiful canvas against the tan skin. It was always Kimberley's skin that made the eyes loiter, it was flawless, she took care of it and the result flaunted gracefully in her daily glow.

She pauses, her tongue swirls against the abdominal. It torments around the navel, Kimberley is unable take it anymore. Her body begins to react on its own accord; grasping a fistful of Cheryl's hair - forcing her back up to meet her lips.

"Eager my love?" The Geordie giggles into the heated kiss, it's filled with urgency and fury for desirable needs. Hips rock fiercely against each other, and the tease had finally settled down. Kimberley grasps her wife's backside, grinding violently, the need to discharge the tension grows in seconds. The throbs, and pulsing is too much to handle.

"Mmm yes.. F!ck" Their moans are echoed loudly, it was a scene that would leave the eyes bulging out in envy. Bed sheets rumple, and crumble, the once put together sheets have now been ripped off the mattress. The tornado has made its way into the bedroom, tearing everything in its way. Pillows and duvet thrown everywhere, wild winds blowing into the bedroom. Nothing was processed through the lustful lovers but each other.

They come together. It's a beautiful, flourishing, mind blowing orgasm. Their wet centers smear against their thighs and release the natural sweet juices against one another; they ride out the palpitating orgasms.

"Jesus f!cking Christ" Cheryl pants, her face buried in the crook of a heaving Kimberley. Their eyes are clasped shut, the need for oxygen grows, intakes of fresh air is pumping back into their lungs. Perspiration streaks down Cheryl's back, Kimberley's forehead lines freely with glistening moisture, matching her wife's state.

They shiver, noticing the cold winds for the first time. Their senses returning to their sanity.


"Yeah.. Baby?" Kimberley gulps, the need for water dries her mouth. She's craving a cold bottle of water, but her body is too exhausted to move a single inch.

"Please close the terrace doors" Cheryl whispers groggily.

"You're closer"

"Am not" They bicker back and forth; it was always in their relationship to ruin a peaceful moment. The need to relax after mind-blowing sex sessions never did happen for them.

"Maybe if you'd get off me I could move" Cheryl doesn't budge, her body lies fully atop of the blonde, their sweaty skin sealing them together.

"I think I'm dead"

"So bloody dramatic, can you get off now?"

"Tell me you love me" Cheryl speaks in a baby voice; her sore lips plant sweet kisses against the gleaming neck. Kimberley was soaked in perspiration. They both were.

"Only if you get off" The blonde giggles at her wife's persistence. Always asking to hear those three words.

"Say it" She whines.

"I love you, now get off!"

"Say it like you mean it"

"How can I say it like I mean it? I've just said it. Now, off you get" Kimberley playfully smacks Cheryl's backside, but of course, the Geordie doesn't cave.

"Tell us how crazy I make you, how crazy in love you are with us" She cutely giggles, suddenly going shy.

"Full of yourself are we?"

"I know you love us like crazy, don't even try and deny it"

"Who's been lying to you? It's you that's crazy in love with me" The laughs settle, suddenly the conversation taking a much serious route. The sound of light breeze only to be heard, their eyes locking back together. The touch of love soaks through a spell of eye locking and hearts connecting.

"Kimba?" Cheryl whispers minutes in time.

"Yeah baby?" It was always their word. Once their name was called by the sound of their partner, it would always follow with the refrain they'd constructed so naturally. 'Yeah Baby' was theirs.

"Do you love us?" Ever so delicately, the blonde cradles her wife's beautiful face and kisses around the mouth she was addicted to. Light and trancelike, filled with so much love and adoration.

"I'd be crazy not to, don't you think?"

"Told you" Cheryl giggles, claiming Kimberley's lips once again. Finally, the brunette forces herself off her wife, allowing Kimberley to turn the lights off and close the terrace doors. She grabs a water bottle from the mini cooler and pulls the duvet along the way; throwing the warmth over their shivering bodies.

"Thirsty baby?" Cheryl laughs, watching Kimberley down the cool water.

"So much," She gasps, taking another gulp "want some?"

"Mhm, nurse us with some" She opens her mouth, allowing her wife to enable her with the cold and refreshing liquid. They finish the bottle and toss it carelessly to the floor.

"C'mere you sexy thing, I'm cold.. Warm me up" Kimberley growls, dragging her wife into her arms and spooning Cheryl tightly from behind. Hands are still roaming, and Kimberley couldn't seem to get enough of the velvety skin, warming them both up. She kisses the exposed shoulder and neck, her hands stroking her wife's toned abs.

"We're not going for round two! I'm f!cking exhausted" Cheryl warns.

"Can't I just touch you for Christ sake? Not every time I touch you means I want to f!ck you"

"By all means touch us.. Actually, can you play with me hair?"

"I'm always the one playing with your hair, you play with mine for once" They were like teenagers, it was adorable and comical. It was a relationship many dreamed of.

"I'll play with your hair if you play with mine"

"I'm not falling for that again, are you forgetting that one time you said you'd give me a foot rub if I gave you one? Remember how that ended?" Kimberley reminds her, giving Cheryl a light poke to the stomach.

"Aw, only because I was tired that time. Promise I'll play with your hair."

"Fine, turn around then" Cheryl does as she's told, tenderly, pushing Kimberley onto her back and taking comfort against the bare chest. Her hand trails up to Kimberley's scalp, lacing the blonde hair through her fingers.

"I'm playing with your hair.. See? Now play with mine" Their fingers run freely through each other's hair. Chocolates and blondes mixing in a beautiful river, it didn't take long for Cheryl's hand to still and limp frailly to Kimberley's shoulder. But, that didn't stop the blonde; a light smile making it's way to her lips. Cheeky sh*t. She thinks to herself, she's fell for the trick once again. It didn't bother her, because Cheryl had fallen asleep in her arms, exactly where she belonged.

"I love you"


The day had finally come, disorder, shouting, and laughs echo through the home as they wait for the driver to arrive. The entire lot was at Kimberley and Cheryl's home, it was time to leave the U.K. for two weeks of sun, sex, and food - spontaneously living.

"But Mummy! Lucky has to come!"

"Bella, baby, Mariala is going to take care of him until we've come back from holiday" The toddler stomps her foot and runs out of the grand entrance in a huff. Kimberley apologizes to the dog sitter and hands over the husky mutts lead.

"Thank you again"

"No worries, have a nice break"

"Thank you" She waves off the young teen as she exits the home. Kimberley intakes a deep breath before returning to the commotion held in the front room. Their friends had occupied their home, Joan has already began drinking, it's just hit noon. The teen's sit together, they don't speak as they're too engaged in their cellphones.

"Two weeks of this" Cheryl whispers to her wife, her arms envelope the blondes waist, drawing her into the warm embrace. Kisses place sweetly to the floral scented skin.

"Was this a bad idea?" Kimberley asks, her eyes growing with horror as she witnesses Sarah assist Joan with the wine bottle, both drinking out of the bottle.

"Think we'll manage, just don't know about that one" They giggle. Bella had decided to wear a white captain hat for the flight, she'd watched an episode of Lonney Toons, and it just so happened pilots and airplanes were drawn into the mix, she had begged her Mam to go out and buy her one. So here she was, wearing that white captain pilot hat. She's refused to take it off, and there was no arguing with the child when she had her mindset.

"She's a right firecracker aint she?" Cheryl laughs through her words, Bella was an exact replica of Kimberley in the physical aspect, apart from the deep dimple's she'd inherited along with her cheeky behavior.

"Wonder who she reminds me of" Finally, the blonde turns around in her wife's arms, they share a sweet kiss, ignoring the whoops and whistles in the background.

"God help us"


Julie sits in the window seat; she loved nothing more than watching the clouds rest beneath her. So high up above, everything seemed so peaceful and serene.

"I didn't tell you thank you" Libby whispers, Julie was trying to ignore her presence. She felt obligated to communicate with her; she didn't want to upset her Mum.

"No need" She shrugs modestly.

"I say we make the best out of this holiday, remember our first holiday together?" The memory brings a smile to Julie's dimpled expression.

"Yeah.. My parents got engaged" Julie disregards what Libby was thinking; she wasn't ready to fall in love again. You can't hand your heart back over to be healed in the arms of the ones that broke it in the first place.

"Reckon this one will wakeup any time soon?" Julie changes the subject; she leans over and gives Lexi a flick to the cheek, startling the teen out of her deep sleep.

"What the f!ck man!?"

"We've just come on the damn plane! You slept last night at ten o'clock! I suppose you've had enough sleep!" They argue; Libby sits in the middle trying to suppress her laughter.

"What are you? The f!cking time police! Leave me be, or I swear I will drown you in that damn sea"

"You're terrible with threats, really, stop, I'm terrified"

"Watch yourself! You'll regret it, I'm telling you" She warns her, and Julie can't help but laugh. She gets off her seat; Lexi's eyes grow wide. The teen jolts abruptly, pretending to ready her attack, Lexi shielding herself instantly.


"Am not! Leave me alone" Her words muffle in her arms, protecting herself from a cheeky Julie.

"Whatever, I'm not sitting here-" Julie grabs her blanket and shuffles her way out of the seats.

"Where are you going?" Libby asks.

"I'm going to sit with my parents" That's all she says, she doesn't need to explain herself to anyone. Especially not to her ex-girlfriend. The smile is plastered across her face, striding her way down the aisle and finding her parents with Bella sat in Kimberley's lap, playing away on her iPad.

"Hey, you okay?" Cheryl asks straightaway, she pulls her daughter down onto her lap. Julie readjusts herself and lies in a cradle position, burying her face against her mother's chest.

"M'fine, just wanted to sit with you's" She murmurs with a content smile. Cheryl takes the blanket off her daughter and throws it on them, allowing Julie to melt completely in her Mam's arms.

"Juju baby Mummy" Bella giggles uncontrollably

"Mummy, Juju big baby" The parents can't help but laugh at the toddler's abrupt saying.

"You're annoying"

"You baby Juju" The child throws her head back, howling out in an obnoxious laugh. They get odd looks from passengers, but they can careless what anyone thinks of them, all that mattered is the love for each other.

"Oh my god, how many more hours?" Julie groans, already growing annoyed with her sister.

"Just about nine more hours" Kimberley tells her daughter, reaching over she strokes Julie's knee with a pout on her lips.

"Oh, that's all. Just nine hours, right, well excuse me whilst I die"

"You're just as dramatic as your Mam" Kimberley laughs, shaking her head, she pulls Bella further into her. Everyone was in high spirits, laughing and giggling at nothing in particular, the happiness lighting up their being.

"I'm not dramatic-"

"What are you trying to say Kimba? Aye? I'm dramatic; you just wait and see when we're off this plane. Calling us dramatic, Julie is dramatic not us"

"Rude!" Julie gasps, playfully giving her Mam a swat to the chest.

"Aw! You're me little dramatic baby, give us some kisses" Julie giggles as she gets smothered with kisses, Cheryl holding her tightly, the kisses never stop and the laughs never die out. They've yet again got lost in their world. It could last forever, the mothers and daughters getting lost in each other, life couldn't be any better for them.

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