The War Hammer ( AOT x Male R...

By ShaneDixon043

89.1K 2.1K 561

Y/N Tyber, having inherited the War Hammer Titan power from his mother, Lara Tyber, is requested by the Marle... More

Chapter 1: Bloodline
Chapter 2: Tutelage
Chapter 3: Genisis
Chapter 4: Devising ⚠️
Chapter 5: Transmute
Chapter 6: Desertion
Chapter 7: Unforeseen
Chapter 8: Alteration
Chapter 9: Infiltration
Chapter 11: Dispute and Link
Chapter 12: Paradise
Chapter 13: Nirvana
Chapter 14: both are watching?
Chapter 15: Ascendancy
Chapter 16: Affliction
Chapter 17: Rejuvenation
Chapter 18: Acceptance
Chapter 19: Impression
Chapter 20: Monster
Chapter 21: Green Eyes
Chapter 22: Destruction

Chapter 10: Forgery

3.2K 96 43
By ShaneDixon043

"Nightfall. Good. Certainly took long enough" I murmered.

I sat atop my tree branch, having woken up a hour beforehand, one knee drew up to my chest and the other dangling off the side of the branch. Dusk had came and went and now a bright sheen was cast down the side of the walls, giving them an eerie glow. Long shadows were castfrom the walls, as well as the massive structures of titan bodies spewn about the area.

The fact I was asleep this long, from sunrise till dusk, certainly says something about how much energy I had used. However, I was fully replenished and had tore into one of the small bags of rations I had packed.

I stood up from my sitting position, adjusting my coat, and began to pick my way back down the tree. It was best I did not draw attention to myself with the blinding flash of a titan transformation in the middle of the night. It was slow going, but I eventually dropped from the final branch and landed softly on the grass below. The landing was soft and there was a gentle breeze making the grass, the wildflowers and the leafs dance in the moonlight.

And there was also a noise.

Something soft.

Something grunting.

I looked left slightly. There, no more than 6 meters away, was the face of a 7 meter titan, slumped with its back against a tree. It was staring at me, making soft grunting noises. I stared back at it for a moment, almost frozen. I did not even see it from the branch I was on mere moments ago.

It had a head to large for its body, with whisps of brown hair. Its mouth was massive, it covered nearly the entire lower portion of its face and it had shrivelled and weak legs. Could it even move with those things?

The legs looked completely deformed and had little to no muscle on them whatsoever. One was twisted backwards and looked like it was set like that. The arms were tiny in comparison however. The hands would be just larger than mine. As I examined the titan from a distance, I heard another noise. I looked up to its face, and what I saw, it sent shivers down my spine

The titan was crying. Tears were streaming down its face. It was also making whimpers. And then, it lifted its arms and reached them toward me. It was splaying its hands, and waving them. Almost like a child that wanted to be picked up would.

And then, realisation hit me like a bullet.

This was a child.

This titan was a child.

I slowley backed away, all the while maintaining eye contact. The titans whimpers were getting softer, but the tears did not stop. It just slowley dropped its arms and rested its chin against its chest. But there were still tears that would fill buckets splattering to the ground.

I could not bring myself to look. I turned away, clenching my fist. I kept my head forward and began pacing towards the walls, passing multiple titan bodies, but all the while, thinking of the child.

That child was injected with a serum that turned it into a man eating beast.

That child could have been no older than 4 or 5.

That child will continue to suffer for eternity, or until it is killed.



As I made my way towards the wall, the moonlight was on my back, casting a long shadow in front of me. I walked a few more steps, before reaching the walls. I placed my hand on the surface.

This amount of pure rage and hatred cannot possibly be healthy for a human being to harbour. I felt spikes begin to portrude from the surface of the wall, so I took a few breathes and regained my composure, sending the spikes back in to merge with the wall.

I then sent my reach across the walls surface. Strange. This felt and acted like titan hardening. I continued along the surface, my consciousness developing an outline of the structure, the layout and the overall layout of the gigantic structures.

* Only Wall Maria and the outer cities are visible here for the time being *

After a few moments, I released my hand and began to walk left, following the circular outline along the walls edge.

After about 20 minutes and passing many titan bodies, I reached a cross section with which this wall connected to the other, much larger ring surrounding the total interior of Paradise. I looked upwards at the 90° angle where the two walls intersected. How should I climb this? I cannot risk my titan transformation right now, that would be much to easy to notice and would wake every soul within a 20 mile radius.

Looks like titan hardening it is.

I looked back once more, back in the direction I came from. All those tormented souls, that child, all cursed to wander these plains forever. It infuriated me.

"I promise you all....

I murmered, as I placed my hand to the face of the wall and concentrated, imagining make shift stairs portruding from the wall. I opened my eyes a second later to see platforms no longer than 1 foot wide and 3 feet in width forming up at a 70° angle up the face of the wall. I slid my hand up the wall as I began walking up, new steps forming in front of me, while the others behind me were sucked back into the surface.

........I will save you all someday".

After another 15-20 minutes of climbing, I reached the top of the wall. I pulled myself up from the edge, and was immediatly basked in golden light. I looked on with shock. There was a city, just below me, bathing in golden light from street lights and fires. It was breath taking. Buildings, both high and small were everywhere, roads carving their way through like veins in a human body.

I had no idea that what remained of humanity within the walls had come so far in engineering, architecture and design.

Incredible. Its breath taking.

I continued to look down and saw there were a few people wandering the streets. There was singing, laughter and chatter floating in the breeze and I could not help but grin.

I looked around quickly, checking for patrols or gaurds, however there were none in sight. I see. Clearly, there was no need to gaurd the gates if the titans were dormant at this time. Perfect.

I began making my way back to the corner, where the walls intersected. I looked down and saw there was a massive patch of greenery and clay beneath it, possibly for farming crops or wheet. It was in the perfect position for catching sunlight aswell.

I made it to the corner and looked down. I would have to use the molding and absorbant technique again, same as I did with the docks. These walls were taller though, so it should give me more time to conjoin and merge my body with the wall.

I was tired. Forming steps up the wall took a lot out of me to begin with, but I should have plenty left for something like this

I gave one final look across the georgous landscape, before stepping of the edge of the walls

* 1 hour later *

Having made it down the wall and momentarily catching my breath, I began to explore the city.

I strolled along the streets of Paradise, taking everything in as I walked. The aromatic scent of wildflowers and dusk, the way the final few rays caught against the beautiful traditional white stone homes and buildings, and the soft patter of feet on the cobblestone roads and walkways.

All of it felt homely, welcoming, like I was meant to be here. Compared to Marley, with the smoke and fumes in the air, grey clouds during the day and the rattle of machinery, this did indeed feel like a paradise.

As I walked, my coat billowed slightly out behind me. I made no effort to keep it down, just keeping my hands in my pockets and walking, smiling at and greeting people who passed by.

I dont want this to end. Ever.

My smile dipped slightly at the thought.

I WILL fight for this island and its people, as well as those across the sea.

I swear it on my life.

I then heard a small "oof" and the sound of something wooden hitting the ground. I zoned in again and noticed it came from just a short distance down the path from me. A female figure was sitting on the ground, while 2 other women stood above her, their backs to me.

The female wore a pale beige shawl, covering her hair and hiding a significant portion of her face. She also wore a cream coloured jumper with frills around the cuffs at her wrists. She also wore a cream skirt to match with boots. She sat on the ground, looking up at the 2 women who had just bumped into her.

The other 2 women wore dresses and had their hairs done in buns on the tops of their heads, with loose strands falling. One was ginger, while the other was brunette. They were both clad in skin tight dresses that did not suit their plump figures and were clearly drunk, due to the stumbling the were struggling to keep under control.

There was a wooden box laying on its side, and a few apples were rolling across the concrete.

"Watch where your walking filth"
the ginger slurred, grabbing her friends shoulder to maintain balance with her right hand, while jabbing a finger down at the woman with her left.

The woman said nothing, just put her head down and reached for an apple to place it back into the box. The ginger made a feeble attempt to kick her hand, missing entirely, but making the woman draw her hand away.

"Who do you think you are, ignoring us you whore"
the brunette added, before the weight of her friend became too much for her, and they both stumbled back and landed on their asses. Both began cursing the other, getting louder and louder.

I sighed slightly. They were disturbing my serenity. I began making my way forward.

"Excuse me madam" I said, removing my hands from my pockets and striding forward.
"Are you alright?"

The two women ceased bickering turned to me, both began to smile. Oh my. Ive seen better smiles on the abominations outside these walls. Both put out their hands in lady like fashion, possibly expecting me to help them to their feet.

"We are now that a handsome young man has come to take us away from such filth" the brunette gurgled, attempting to batt her eyelashes.

I walked straight past both of them and hunkered down in front of the lady in the shawl.

"Your not hurt are you miss?" I smiled, reaching for the box and setting it back on its bottom, placing the apples back inside carefully before setting it aside. I looked back to the woman and saw she just seemed to be looking down at the road, avoiding all eye contact.

"What the hell do you think your doing, help us up". I stood up and turned, seeing that both women had angry looks and were still holding out their hands.

I smiled.

"Well ladies, you both got yourselves there, I think you are both more than capable of getting yourselves out. Unless of course, you are physically unable" I said, keeping my smile while maintaining my gaze.

"How dare you!!" The ginger shrieked, attempting to get up, though she struggled. Being in a skin tight dress did also not help matters.

"I will have you know I am the second daughter of minister Wal, leader of the political party in wall rose. You do not want to mess with me" the brunette smirked, placing a hand on her chest.

"Oh is he? Never heard that name in my life" I replied, looking away, uninterested.

Her smirk dropped almost as fast as she did and was replaced by a look of pure rage.

"I will see to it that you regret ever being born, scum" she hissed, before managing to make it to her feet and stumbling away with the ginger, wobling the entire way, constantly looking back and mouthing insults.

I looked back at the young woman before me and saw she still sat where she was, though her head was now tilted toward the box of apples.

"Why go through the trouble?" She said, her head facing upwards at me. Her eyes were still not visible, though I saw a few locks of black hair falling over her shoulders now.

I smiled at her, hunkering down again.

"I will not allow anyone to call other such foul words or insults. All humans are the same, some are just born more privileged than others, though that is still no excuse.

I offered my hand down to her.

"No one deserves to be called such rotten things" I added softly.

"Appart from Marleyans however" I thought.

I saw the woman smile, bringing her hand up to meet mine.

"You are a good man. There are not many people like you left" she said, taking my hand.

I held it for a moment.

And then.

A crackling noise........

.......Hair raising on both our arms.........

......Both our eyes widen......

...........And a small lightning bolt looping both our hands.

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