Shapes in My Palm

By Linnea563

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Kai, a warrior from the kingdom of Rathen, is assigned to assist Princess Lillian to a secluded castle in Nor... More

Authors note :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 14

49 0 0
By Linnea563

Kai and Lillian were running through stone corridors of what looked like a castle, the wind was flowing through their hair and Kai felt both alive and free. She was chasing Lillian down the corridor and slowly gaining speed. Her feel was running in a fast-paced rhythm and her heart was pounding. The only thing that mattered was them, their breathing, their footsteps, their moment. Kai had caught up to Lillian and grabbed hold of her around her waist, pulling her back towards Kai. They both came to a sudden halt and the world stood still. Lillian leaned her head back on Kai's shoulder and Kai gave her a squeeze. She heard an exhausted laugh coming from Lillian, soon followed by Lillian turning around and she wrapped her arms around Kai's neck. They both took a deep breath, staring into each other's eyes and Lillian slowly eaned forward. Their lips inched closer and then-

Kai suddenly awoke in her bed, alone. She instantly sat up and looked around her, she was in her room at the inn. It had all been a dream, the feeling of comfort and calm, it wasn't real. Kai threw her head back onto her pillow out of anger, why couldn't it be real? She wanted it to be real, all of it. She wanted to get to hold and kiss Lillian anytime she wanted. But why was she feeling like this? And where did these feelings come from? Kai rolled over on her side, alone, lonely, and falling on her Princess Lillian, her rival kingdoms' princess.

* * *

"I'm so so bored," Kai whined as she flopped onto Lillian's bed. It was around noon now and they were hoping to do something today besides sitting around. It was their last day in the town and Kai was getting anxious to get back on the road.

Lillian walked over and sat down with Kai. "I know," she replied.

Lillian picked up Kai's hand and started drawing shapes in her palm. It was a small thing but the sensation it brought Kai made her wish it would never end. She let her head fall back onto the bed and closed her eyes, as she focused on the feeling in her hand. She felt circles, squares, and triangles all being drawn in her palm. The contact was nice and gave Kai some desperately needed peace.

She looked up towards Lillian once again and gave her a smile. A wave of relaxation ran over her body, and she was instantly calm. Like in the dream, nothing mattered but them. Kai closed her eyes again and let her mind drift.

After what felt like an eternity, not that Kai was complaining, she sat up and looked Lillian in the eyes. Kai never realized how beautiful Lillian's eyes were until she was staring at them with the time and purpose she had at that moment. They were green, but not just green. It was the color of the trees that they passed every day, the color of the green covers filling the shelves of every bookshelf. They were electrifying like the wings of dragonflies and hummingbirds. And green seemed to become a pretty good color to Kai.

They held eye contact and something hit Kai. This is exactly what she has been waiting for, looking for, her entire life. She wanted this to stick, but she needed to know if Lillian reciprocated feelings. And there was no better way to find out than to ask. But baby steps would be the first palace to start. Get to know her better and then ask if there was a future between them.

She didn't know what answer she wanted to hear.

Kai moved so that she was now facing Lillian, "Do you want to-"

There was a sudden knock on the door and Lillian smiled and scurried to answer it. Kai sat on the bed, silent. The waiting gave her time to overthink. What was she doing? This was a bad idea, she needed to forget it. Lillian probably didn't feel the same way anyway.

"What were you saying?" Lillian asked. She was walking back from the door with a letter in her hand. Kai assumed it was from someone Lillian knew, so she didn't ask.

"Oh uh," Kai stumbled, she thought of something quickly, "Do you want to go to the coffee shop again?" There, it was a perfect lie and Lillian didn't suspect anything.

A wave of what looked like disappointment swept Lillian's face. However, she threw a smile on and replied, "Sure." Lillian grabbed her cloak and Kai followed her out the door.

Next time she thought. Next time she would be braver.

They walked along the street watching out for other citizens and small children. The town was still bustling and the smells were overwhelming the air. Children were playing throughout the streets and sidewalks and anytime a child would come up to Lillian, she would crouch down to their height and listen to what they had to say. Kai knew that Lillian preferred children to adults and she was so considerate and caring. Lillian would listen and listen until they were finished, and then give them a hug and send them on their way back to play. That situation happened a few times, each time she showed the same caring and curious face, no matter how slow or quiet the child spoke. Lillian obviously loved kids and enjoyed the excitement and happiness that they carried, it stuck with her for the rest of their walk.

Lillian had a small giddy look on her face and Kai couldn't help but laugh. "What?" Lillian asked. Her smile grew a little more.

"Nothing," Kai laughed, "I just think that you are amazing with kids and you seem very happy, it's nice."

Lillian blushed and let out another laugh, "Well I think kids are better than adults-"

"I agree with you," Kai added

"-and since I was youngest I like to take care of each kid as if they were my own younger sibling, and yes it does make me happy." Lillian finished.

"That a sweet way to look at it," Kai confessed, her heart grew a little more rapid, "I will have to have you meet my sister Ivory, she would love you,"

"J'espère qu'elle n'est pas la seule," Lillian smiled, her cheeks growing redder.

"Someday I am gonna learn french and understand you!" Kai laughed, as she pointed her finger towards Lillian.

"I think it would be nice to meet you sister," Lillian smiled, she ignored the playful eye-roll coming from Kai.

As they walked, Kai felt a brush against her hand. She tried not to look down and tried to keep her breathing and heart rate steady. They were about to reach a right turn which would lead them to a smaller road, turned and they were alone in the street. Each side of them was sheltered by a brown brick wall and the only thing lighting them was the street lights and the setting sun.

Kai felt movement near her hand and diverted her eyes to her hand. Lillian had locked their pinkies together, and it felt so magical. Lillian had not moved her head and acted like this was something they did all the time, Kai wished. She once again followed Lillian and acted normal, as she turned her head back to the street and tried to keep herself calm. However, she was anything but normal. Her heart was racing, her breath was shaky, and her stomach felt like a firework. On the outside, she seemed normal, but Kai knew that Lillian could tell that she was freaking out. She gave Kai's hand a quick squeeze, followed by a smile and they continued down the small street locked pinky to pinky.

* * *

They ate a late lunch of paninis with salad and sat mostly in silence. One of the others would make a comment about the food or the town, but they both were too devoured in their thoughts to think of a conversation starter. Kai was trying to figure out when and how she should approach Lillian about her feelings because they were obviously there. She had to feel the same right? After the pinky citation and the drawing in her palm/

After finishing and paying, they headed back to the Inn. Kai thought she could do some more reading and planning for the rest of their journey. She needed to figure out the next town they would stay at and what path they needed to take through the forest. She forgot all about the end of their journey, she didn't want it to end. And she really did not want to kill Lillian. She would have to figure out an escape plan for them, they needed to escape. That is what she would work on in her room, their escape plan.

The sun had fully set and the pair was turning into an alley when Kai heard someone whistle behind them. Kai's stomach filled with a bad feeling and she tried to stay calm. She looked behind them and there was a man staring at Lillian and Kai. Kai stopped walking and stared at the man across from her.

"What is your problem?" Kai asked, she stood still giving the man across her a death glare. Lillian had noticed and stopped walking as well. The man looked up and stared Kai in the eyes.

"Nothing, I just think your friend here has a great ass," he replied. His lips shaped into a crooked smile and he seemed a little off-balance. He wobbled a little though he tried to seem as confident and manly as possible

Kai rolled her eyes and said, "Keep your eyes and opinions to yourself." She turned around and kept walking. Lillian caught up and quickly shot her a smile of gratitude. Kai knew she could have handled it, Lillian was a badass, but she wanted to help.

They heard the man whistle a few more times and Kai assumed he was following them. Her blood began to boil, the nerve of this man. But she didn't want to cause a scene, so they kept walking. They reached the small street again that led to the alley and then Kai heard Lillian shriek. Kai shot around and saw the same man abruptly stand up straight. He had been leaning down and his hand was still extended and he had a greedy expression across his face. Lillian whipped around and stepped backward, shielding her body.

Kai couldn't hold back anymore, she had snapped. she stepped towards him and lifted her fist, throwing a punch right into his face. He buckled over in pain but wasn't down for long. He stood back up and swung at Kai, she ducked the first punch but the second punch hit her right in the jaw and his cheek began to bleed from a small cut from his cut.

Still, Kai's training wasn't for nothing and she quickly stood up and swung up into his face, hitting his chin and throwing his head backward. Kai was high on adrenaline, she hadn't done this since her training, causing her to ignore her own pain. His upper body fell forward and this was her chance, she kicked him right between his legs and he fell to the ground, moaning in pain.

Lillian came up to Kai and slowly grabbed her hand beginning to pull her away when Kai heard the man say something.

"You punch like a girl," he sneered as he began to stand up. He saw them holding hands and looked them in the eyes saying, "What a bunch of homos!" He spat.

Kai began to boil again and she lost control once more. She strutted towards him and before he was ready she punched him in the face. He fell to the ground in pain again and he did not seem to be getting up anytime soon.

"I may be a girl," Kai began, "but you are the one on the floor in pain and my sexuality has nothing to do with it!"

Kai's chest was heaving and she was definitely bleeding on her cheek, and maybe jaw. The pain was starting to set in and her brain went a little fuzzy. She scrunched her eyes tightly together, giving her brain a chance to settle.

She stood there for a few seconds before she felt someone grab her arm and someone whisper, "Let's get you cleaned up."

* * *

Kai was once again on Lillian's bed, she was sitting alone waiting for Lillian to come back from the bathroom. Kai laid back, letting her brain continue to settle and calm down. Lillian came back into the room with a wet rag in her hand and took a seat next to Kai. She let out a small laugh and used her hand to guide Kai so that they were both sitting up.

Lillian lifted her hand up to Kai's cheek and said, "Hopefully this doesn't sting."

Kai smiled in response, unable to form any words, and allowed Lillian to guide her head and face. She felt the smooth skin brush and lightly press against her face. She felt safe and comfortable in the grasp of Lillian.

Kai didn't regret anything, she was proud of what she had done.

They sat in more silence, and Kai's eyes diverted to the wall and a painting. It depicted a tree with apples and in the background was a small barn-looking building. She focused on the shapes and colors, anything to not look at Lillian. Kai didn't know if Lillian was mad at her, should she had not stepped in.

Her answer was answered when Lillian whispered, "Thank you. Tu étais très courageux et mon héros"

"Again with the french," Kai laughed. Her lips formed into a smile.

She smiled and Kai noticed her eyes looked at Kai's lips. She looked like her mind was running at full speed and needed to decode some sort of message. What was she thinking? Lillian's eyes shot back at the rag in her hand and silence engulfed them once more.

Kai suddenly grew tired from the long day and her brain got very empty. She slowly closed her eyes and leaned her head on Lillian's shoulder without thinking. Her head nuzzled into the crook of Lillian's neck and she slowly began to drift.

"Tu es si mignonne en ce moment," Lillian whispered. She lowered the rag and took Kai's palm, once again drawing shapes.

"You and your french are gonna be the death of me," Kai laughed again before she finally fell asleep. More comfortable than any time before.

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