Shapes in My Palm

By Linnea563

1.3K 19 6

Kai, a warrior from the kingdom of Rathen, is assigned to assist Princess Lillian to a secluded castle in Nor... More

Authors note :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 11

49 0 0
By Linnea563

There they were, dancing the waltz on an empty dance floor being watched by hundreds. For not being able to dance, Kai had to admit she wasn't horrendous. She could tell that Lillian was stiff and definitely not enjoying it. Even though Kai was a little tipsy, her nerves were still screaming at her, and her moves slowly got worse. Lillian had taken the lead and Kai let her. Since her brain was properly working, she took the opportunity to talk to Lillian. She had a stern look on her face and was obviously focusing on the task at hand.

"I can't dance," Kai whispered. A small smile appeared on her face. She knew if she was stone-cold sober, she wouldn't be in that position.

Lillian's stern slightly face faded away for a moment before it returned. "Shh, be quiet and focus."

"I can't, these heels hurt and I miss my boots. Also, I can't dance." Her smile grew.

Lillian sighed, and let out a short laugh, " I know, my feet are numb and it isn't the heels."

Kia laughed as well and responded, "I'm sorry. Dance wasn't part of our training curriculum."

"Lillian smiled, "It's okay." God, she loved that smile, it filled her with an emotion she couldn't quite place.

"I'm also sorry about the photo." Kia apologized, she was definitely pushing the line and she knew it.

Lillian tensed for a moment and then said, "Thank you for apologizing."

Kai smiled in return and changed the subject by saying, "I should probably focus."

Lillian giggled once again, and something warmed in Kai. "Yeah probably."

"Just so you know, you look amazing in that dress, I knew I was right." Kia smiled.

A small blush grew across Lillian's face and she said, "I guess you were, but I am only saying that because I know you are tipsy and won't remember in the morning. And by the way, you look awesome in your suit."

Kai leaned in and whispered, "Thank you."

But before Kai could remember the next step, the dance was over, just like the moment. Lillian let go and backed up to bow, Kai followed her lead. Lillian slowly walked away from the dance floor, a smile still present on her face. She was then pulled away from the dance floor by a man Kai didn't recognize, but not before shooting another Kai a small smile and wink. Kai took a moment to watch her walk away.

Kai turned on her heel and started towards her new friends. She grabbed a glass of water, she wanted to remember this night and sat next to Olivia.

A sly smile appeared on Olivia's face as she turned towards Kai, "So that's the girl," she said.

"That's the girl," Kai sighed.

* * *

After a few minutes of talking and laughing, Kai felt that something was off. So she decided to investigate. She told her friends she was heading to the loo and walked down the hall. As she got farther and farther she could hear some shuffling and other noise. Kai turned a corner and heard a voice say, "stop," repeatedly. Kai picked up speed and ran down the hall. At the end of it, she saw Lillian pressed against the wall by the same guy who pulled her away after their dance. Kai could see that Lillian was struggling and seemed to need help. The man was aggressively trying to make out Lillian and touch her in places where his hands didn't belong, and Lillian wanted no part in it. She was obviously trying her best to get free, which included using her words and actions.

"HEY GET OFF OF ME!" She yelled as his hand crept up higher.

"Come on, you know you want it," He replied in between his kisses against her lips and neck.

Kai knew she needed to help, so she decided to do the only thing she knew how to.

Kai ran up to him and yelled, "HEY GET OFF OF HER," which was followed by a strong punch to his face. The man fell to the floor unconscious and Lillian stepped out from the wall. Lillian stood there unaware of what to do and how to react. Kai hated seeing Lillian in this state, her makeup was messed up and her hair looked like a bird's nest. Her eyes were filled with tears and she looked so broken. Kai wanted to give her a hug and tell her everything was going to be okay, so that's what she did.

Kai pulled Lillian into a strong comforting hug. She stiffened for a second but soon melted into the hug and began to cry. Kai let her, she knew how much she probably needed to let it out. She waited in silence until Lillian was finished and felt better. At some point, they had fallen to the ground in the hug and we're sitting on the floor. Lillian began to let go, so Kai took it as a sign to follow. They stared at each other and slowly a smile appeared on Lillian's face.

"Thank you," she sighed, playing with her dress and looking at the floor.

"Anytime," Kai responded. She took her hand and lifted Lillian's chin so that they were looking at each other once again. She used her other hand to wipe a tear falling down Lillian's cheek. "Now come on," she said standing up, "Let's head home, your highness." Unlike the times before, your highness was said full of love.

Lillian smiled and grabbed Kai's hand and they made their way to the main door.

* * *

They decided to take the carriage back to the Inn. It had begun to rain while they were dancing and the rain continued to pour. They reached the main door and were ready to leave.

"Guess we will have to run," Kai smiled. She grabbed Lillian's hand.

"I guess you are right," Lillian responded, she squeezed her hand and a smile showed on her face.

"I always am," Kai remarked.

"Oh, whatever" Lillian laughed.

Kai saw the carriage and began to run towards it, with Lillian's hand in hers. The moment they reached the bottom of the stairs and took off on the road towards the carriage, Kai could feel the rain hit her face. It felt refreshing and Kai had no complaints. She made sure to slow down a little since Lillian was in a dress, but still caught some speed.

"WOO HOO!" Lillian yelled, soon followed by a laugh.

Lillian hopped up into the carriage and Kai followed, they sat next to each other and they soon felt the sway of movement. The rock of the ride slowly made Kai sleepy. Neither of them said anything, but the carriage was filled with the warmth that Kai associated with Lillian. Kai couldn't ask for a better way to end a very confusing night.

The last thing Kai remembered was the feeling of weight on her shoulder and her head resting atop Lillians.

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