The Belieber He Fell For ( Ju...

By TezneyEpicoco

113K 1.7K 178

The Belieber He Fell For . My first FanFic . Don't be too tuff on me please :) . When Faye Aged 17 see's Mr... More

The Belieber He Fell For (Part 1)
Part 3 Day 2
The 2nd Date . Am i your girlfriend ?
This Spells Busted . Day 3 .
Selena Hoemez !
Don't Judge Me
Thank God !
Come Home To Me
Butsy Butler and Little Red Riding Hood
Your Carriage Awaits
Friday Night . . . CRAP !
I think she understands :/
Don't Think I Forgot
I Promise
I Love You .
You What ?!?
Mark's Talk and Girlfriend
You need to leave now
They want you
Our Last Week
Aquarium Madness
2nd Times A Charm
WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday .Sunday!.
The Long Interview
The Last Chapter .

The Belieber He Fell For (Part 2) Day 1

6.8K 112 34
By TezneyEpicoco

It has been a week now since i got hit by that car in the car park of the Showcase cinema . Words cannot describe this past week and to think im here for another week still . Im at Justins house by the way , its so beautiful and i have so much to tell you . I dont even know where to begin it all seems like one crazy dream but it's not it's actually all real .

Ok im going to start off with day one , the day everything is explained so you can understand all of these crazy events that your going to read about soon (and no Justin is not with Selena in my story , in my stories there is no history of them being together ;) . 

It was the day after the crash i was flown over to Justins house in Atlanta . It was so huge my mind couldnt take it all in . I was sitting next to Justin on the plane and he kept grasping my hand and giving me this huge smile like an excited little kid , it was so cute . It was me , my mum , dad and brother on the plane with him that day . Talking about it now it seems even more unreal .

When we finally landed in the Airport not too far from Justin's house it was so hot . Justin even took his shirt off and that made me even more hot and flustered . When he had taken his shirt off he turned around to look at me like 'you like what you see , dont you' and he's right i so did . So mum started walking faster and started to cut infont of me and gave me the 'eyebrows'

So then when we were at Justin's , he gave us a tour of his house and showed us our bedrooms . Mine was right next door to his and then so on from my room with the rest of my family . My room and the whole of this house was massive even the swimming pool was the size of the Atlantic .

Then it was time for dinner . Oh my jesus , i had never ate so much in my life . Im suprised how Justin keeps his body so fit i mean he eats LOADS . His private chef was wacking up everything . From Eggs to honey glazed Lobsters . It was delicious . But this is where the first big event comes in .

"Faye?" Asked Justin after swallowing a piece of Lobster .

"Yes , Justin?" I say looking straight at him .

"Im taking you somewhere tonight and would you mind getting dressed up for me?" He said so sweetly i almost said awh out loud in front of everyone even my dad but i didnt think he could even hear . His thoughts were plunged into his steak , salad and chips .

"Of corse" I smiled "I would love to , i will go now actually im so full . This was such a lovely dinner thank you Florrey" (Florrey is Justins private chef ) .

So i put on this purple dress i got with last years christmas money . Waved my hair . Put my makeup on . Had a little spray of Girlfriend . I was finally ready when i heared Justin shouting up the stairs .

"Bring a Bikini too please" Just as i had came out of my bedroom . So i went back in and grabbed my favourite purple and white pokka-dotted bikini . Now i was finnaly , actually , really ready .

So Justin escorted me into his chrome painted car and we drove off .

"Where are we going Justin ?" I asked as politely as possible "I guess we are going swimming somewhere?"

"Yep , well we are going to the Beach actually" He said stiring the wheele looking as sexy as ever , i could see he had his swimming trunks on with an albercrombie shirt on and flipflops at the bottom . While i was all dressed up in a purple dress , hair all done and makeup and we were going swimming . Ha i just don't understand him sometimes .

"You look beautiful by the way , well you always do " He said and he put his hand on my leg and i blushed .

"Thank you , Justin " i went even more red when he smiled at me .

We were finally here . The sunset was pushing over the water from the horizon making the water look at majestic pink colour . Justin parked the car and we both ran as fast as we could , wading our way through the sand . And he started to take his shirt and flip flops off . No one was here absolutely no one , it was just me and Justin . Shoot i hadn't put my bikini under my dress .

"Justin , do you know if theres a changing room anywhere?" i ask just trying to keep my eyes on his face and not his perfect body .

"Yeah just up the slope" He said pointing toward a small wooden shack upon the slope . I turned round to him pulling a face like ' you can't be serious' and he knew exactly what the face ment . "Just go " he said laughing .

I changed as quick as possible and then i was ready i had my dress and shoes in my hands and ran all the way back over to him where he was stretching in the sand . "What are you doing ?" i laugh "Getting ready for a race , but that would be stupid cause you know id beat you" i said pushing him .

"Oh really ?" he chuckled "Fine i will race you then , if you can keep up?" he smirked raising his eyebrows at me .

" On your marks get set go" i said so fast i dont even think it came out right .

"What?!?" he shouts "I wasnt even ready" He laughs his head off sprinting behind me .

I swam out as far as i could but then i felt as sudden tugg on my right foot and i came flying back into Justins arms . 

"I give up" He smiled picking me up in the water . I just laughed at him , i knew he couldnt beat me but then he just stared at me like that look he did before when he first met me .

"What?" I laugh . But he still just keeps smiling and staring at me . "What?" i laugh again now putting my hands round his neck . Then he started looking at my lips and i knew then what he was waiting for and he started biting his lip and as soon as he stopped i planted one straight on him . I mean you can't really expect me to just stare at Justin Bieber while hes waiting for a kiss ? .

Then he looked at me straight in the eyes , still holidng me and he said " I think i have fallen in love with you Faye " and thats when the water works came back . "Oh no dont cry silly" he said rubbing away a tear from my cheek . I laughed and touched his face but he didnt brake after all .

"I thought if i touched you i would brake you because you were so gentle " i said with a smirk .

"Break me ?" he cracked up "The only thing you can break is my heart" he said to perfectly and kissed me on the cheek for so long he started to laugh and i started to squeal and laugh aswell . So i spalshed him and he let go of me and i fell back under the water . He didnt know , i thought i was coming back untill he realised and swam under , grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back up .

Then he started laughing again . "It not funny" i shouted .

"Sorry" he screamed still laughing and holding me up and then he took me back up to the sand . He held me round the waist and leaned in for another kiss , but i had been under for so long i had swallowed loads of water when suddenly , i spat it all out in his face and cried out with laughter .

"Oh my,im so sorr-" no i couldnt do it i actually layed on the floor rolling around in fits of laughter while he was getting all of the spitty salty water out of his face . Luckily he still found it funny and then he came and lied down next to me . It was night time now and all the stars were out .

"Wow look at that one"he called pointing up at a huge white bright star .

"It's beautiful" i answered looking up at it .

"Yeah , you are" he whispered and then rolled over to me and kissed me again and no spitty salty water that time .

When we had finally finsihed . :L aha . I got changed back into my dress with wet hair and smudged makeup and got back into his car and started the drive home . He put the heat on full so i would dry quicker but he pointed all of the heaters on me , not even one on him . I guess he didnt care being all damp and wet , his hair was still standing exactly the way it was when we first got to the beach . Then As Long As You Love Me came on the radio . We both looked at eachother with the same idea , as soon as he started singing we both blared out the words even he sounded horrible ahaha but thats the thing with Justin . He can do anything he can even make himself sound like a terrible singer even though he is the most beautiful singer in the world .

Then we finally got home . Justin took me in , he scooped me up in his arms through the door and up the stairs running so fast i closed my eyes in case he dropped me but he didnt . He put me down and slipped his hands in his pockets , i had never seen him do that before , they way he did , raising his shoulders and biting his lip . I looked at him confussed .

"What?" i asked him , moving closer to him .

"I love you" i shouted quickly , kissed me on the cheek and ran in his room like an excited and nervous little kid and shut the door .

"I love you too" i shouted at the door "good night" and i went and got in bed smiling in till i fell asleep .

***************** Hang Around For Part 3 (Day 2)********************************************************* 


Piccy of Justin getting on the plane :') >>>> 

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