Soulmates Are Good For Nothing

By FotherMucker

75.1K 1K 321

(Story being rewritten) Christianna is not a normal young lady. She is a werewolf, but not just any ordinary... More

SAGFN Part 1 This is who I am!
SAGFN- Mr. Alpha part 2
SAGFN- Causing Trouble part 3
What is about to happen? SAGFN PART 4
It's your funeral Part 5
My Life is Ruined SAGFN Part 6
You Can't Control Me SAGFN Part 7
I Will Always Be With You SAGFN part 8
SAGN part 9- All is One
We Fall -SAGFN part 10
SAGFN part 12-Simon's Story
SAGFN part 13-Sam's Story
SAGFN Part14-Jeremiah's Story
SAGFN Part 15- Secret Garden
SAGFN Part 16- HOME?
SAGFN part 17
SAGFN Part 18 Aww Man
SAGFN Part 19- All Work And No Play
SAGFN Part -What A Bummer!
SAGFN Part 21- A pack is family
SAGFN Part 22- Friend or Foe
SAGFN Part 23 Fun with Sully
SAGFN Part 24- Super 8
SAGFN Part 25- Me Myself and I
SAGFN Part 26- A Nice Night to Stroll
SAGFN Part 27- It's your fault!
SAGFN Part 28- Headache
SAGFN Part 29- A Quick Retreat
SAGFN Part 30- Just Peachy
Part 31- I want out

SAGFN Part 11

2.5K 27 5
By FotherMucker



His silver eyes gleam in the night.

"Who are you?" I muster any amount of bravery I have left in my voice. Ignoring me, he looks towards the cliff. He walks out of the shadow and removes his hood. He had a rugged look to himself.

"They made you take the test? That's a first a girl in the pack. You must be pretty special." His voice is deep, he returns his gaze back to me.

"Who are you?" I ask again a little more angry.

"Well doll you can call me Sullivan." He sticks out his hand. I look at his hand, not trusting him. Once he notice I wasn't going to take it he put back at its side. "Look-" Before he could finish his sentence a body slams into him. Relief hits me when I see it is Jeremiah. He wrestles with the man, but pauses.

"SULLIVAN!" Jeremiah yells, he knows this man? "I could have killed you," Jeremiah pushes off him, in anger. The guys called Sullivan starts to laugh. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't an old friend come and say hi," he laughs. "Well I'm not that old," he looks at me and winks. I felt my face heat up. "Who is she," he asks. Jeremiah glances at me for a second.

"No one important," Jeremiah speaks up. OUCH! I glare at him but he is no longer looking at me. "Come on buddy," he wraps an arm over his shoulder.

Sully gets out of his hold. "You should probably puts on some clothes," Sully shouts at Jeremiah. I've been making sure my eyes don't stray down from his face. This is the first time I have seen him naked. Jeremiah looks back at me and stares right at me. I immediately turn my head and look away. 

"Like what you see?" He laughs, he is just loving this.

"You wish!" I screech at him. My face heating up, please just go away. As much as I would love to say I didn't like what I saw. I can't. I did like what I saw, he is from every girls dream. His skin glistened from the river water. His muscles begging to be touched and let's just say he has nothing to be self- conscious of.  

"Race you," He shouts at Sullivan. He immediately changes into his wolf and is gone.

"Bye toots," Sullivan winks at me and runs off. He stays in his human form and disappears into the forest. They left me there sitting sopping wet. What the hell am I just chop liver. I stand up and begin slowly walking, I feel a painfully feeling come over me. A feeling I never felt.  He sure is confident that I wouldn't leave, I could run right now. The icy water bit at my legs, I am beginning to shiver. It has to be twenty degrees out, and I'm soaking wet. I hear some branches being moved I stop in my tracks. What now? I'm ready, I stare in the direction the noise is coming from.

"HEY!" A familiar voice jumps out from behind a tree. I am relieve to see Jake.

"Hi Jake," he looks at me and grins from ear to ear. "Did the alpha send you?" I question him.

"Yup!" He says a little too happy.

"I'm wet," I say. Directing him to my clothing that are clinging to my body.

"Eww Chrissy keep that to yourself," he starts to holler. Very mature Jake, I punch him really hard in the arm. "Hey you said it," he teases.

"But you thought it," I counter. He pauses and thinks for a moment.

"Hmmm I guess I did, oh WELL." He shrugs. He wraps an arm around me. "Man you're chilly," He starts to rub my arm to warm them up. A comforting feeling runs through me. We slowly begin to walk back to the house.

"Can I just go on patrol with you," I ask I dread the idea of seeing that stranger and that asshole aka alpha.

"Um sure but I think you should take shower and get some new clothes. Since my sweats aren't really keeping you warm." He teases and playfully shoves me. We make it to the house and enter the living room. Finding it empty, thank the heavens. "Okay go get changed," he slaps my ass. I glare at him as I walk away, my reaction only causing him joy as he burst out laughing. I run to my room to, I don't want to keep Jake waiting. As I pass the alpha's I hear some laughter, he seems to be having a jolly time. I continue down the hall, until I reach my destination. I am freezing, I got to my dresser. I am not happy with my selection. I grab a black skirt and a purple heart line lacy tank top. Making haste, I take a quick shower and change. I glance at the mirror seeing myself. I look like a hooker. The skirt barely covered my ass and the tank top only went down half way over my belly. What were these idiots thinking? It's still winter time.

I dry my hair the best I could before heading back down the hall. Only to be stop, I came face to face with one of the people I didn't want to see. "Wow you sure know how to clean up." His familiar silver eyes do a once over my body.

"Oh well if it isn't Sully," I say.

"Um I believe I said Sullivan," He leans against the wall, only blocking me more. He towers over me, he's definitely over six feet tall. He isn't wearing the hoodie anymore. Now that I have better lighting, he is also pretty handsome. He has brown hair, that is pulled back in a bun. His beard and mustache is well trimmed.

"Sully has a better ring to it and it looks like someone else has cleaned up as well." I flirt back, I'm covering all my bases. Maybe if I can make this sap fall in love with me. He could be my ticket out of here.

"Well I like to look good," he smirks and leans a little closer to me.

"Well I guess that's a good thing for me," I give him an award winning smile. "But I have somewhere to be so talk to you later." I walk around him, I can't let it be too easy. I make it back to the living room. Jake however is gone, I hear foot steps behind me. I turn around to see Jeremiah and Sully have followed me and are now right behind me.

"Do you know where Jake is?" I direct the question at the alpha.

"Jeremiah sent him away," Sully speaks up.

"Darn I guess I'll go and find him." I begin to walk to the door.

"Or you can stay here and I can keep you busy," this man knows how to play his cards. Jeremiah is glaring at Sully. I don't know why but I'm loving that reaction.

"Oh I don't know if you can handle me," I tease.

"Well shouldn't you let me make that call," He leans a little forward.

"Sullivan we got to go," Jeremiah announces he says between his teeth. Annoyed with his friend.

"Why when we can have just as much fun here as we would there," Sully smiles at me. He either loves to make Jeremiah mad or he is a man whore. Or maybe a little of both.

"Will just have to call a rain check," I wink at him. This makes his smile even wider. 

"I will remember that," I have no doubt in my mind that he will. He starts to walk with Jeremiah. "What's your name," he turns around. Jeremiah looks irritated and just wants to go.

"My name doesn't matter, since I'm no one important," I mock Jeremiah and stick my tongue out at him. Jeremiah gives me a forced smile.

"Aren't you just a funny one," Sully laughs. He is enjoying this.

"Well at least you know your place Chrissy." Jeremiah responds. He is ruthless today.

"Ya whatever," I walk to the door. I don't have the time nor energy to fight with him.

"Hey at least I figured out your name," Sully yells to me; as I'm already almost out the door. I pause and look at sully.

"Yeah I guess you did," I smile at him and continue my escape. I make my way outside and follow Jake's scent. After walking in the forest following his trail I found him. "I can't believe you left me," I tease.

"Sorry alpha ordered me out, and I didn't want to disobey him." He must feel a little bad. It's no big deal however. "Here," he tosses a hoodie at me. Jake is my savior, I quickly put on the hoodie. It goes to my knees, it's so warm. I'm so happy right now.

"It's okay Jake , I don't blame you. The alpha is usually always to blame." I joke. Jake shows me the perimeter of the territory. It is huge lets just say, I feel comfortable being in Jake's presence. We take our time walking which is nice and make small talk. I learn his favorite food is macaroni and cheese. But not the blue box kind he said the homemade kind is better. Which is very true statement, however the blue box has come in very clutch for me when I was short on cash. His favorite color is green. He actually likes to read books, which I wouldn't have pegged him for.

We made it back as the sun barely begins to rise. "Well that was fun," he says. "Thanks for keeping me company." Jake was smiling the whole time we were together. I'm glad he had a good time.

(Not Edited passed this point)


Five days had pass and it has been pretty uneventful. I go on patrol with Jake everyday now, and nothing exciting has happen once. Sully and Jeremiah have been mostly absent through out the days. Coming back late, but every time I did see Sully he always tried to flirt with me. Then to have Jeremiah drag him away. I been working with Dalton but I always make myself mess up. I over cooked the chicken so far or under cooked the noodles. I make it look I am improving but only the slightest.

I sat at the table, the house seemed quiet too quiet. I still rarely see other members of the pack, its like the eleven people the say are in this pack but I have only seen about six people. I looked at the clock and it said twelve was something suppose to happen today. I heard someone come up from behind me, some put there hands over my eyes. "Guess who?" The familiar flirty voice asked.

"Sully get your hands off me," I said.

"Woah there only on your eyes," he teased and I rolled my eyes.

''What do you want?" I eyed him suspiciously, this was the first time I seen him by himself usually him and Jeremiah were joined at the hip.

"I'm suppose to escort you to the celebration," I gave him a confused look. "The triple generation thing," Oh yeah I forgot. "Let's go okay," he grabbed my hand a led me to a black car outside. Opening the door for me. The drive was silent until he finally decided to break it.

"So Chrissy how do you like the pack so far?" I could tell he wanted to make small talk. So I decided to use my womanly powers on him.

"It's okay but got much better since you have arrived." I smiled, he chuckled and looked at me. Man that sounded cheesy.

"Oh then I'm glad I came then," he smirked.

"So where did you come from," I asked. I never really got any alone time with him. But I'm pretty sure if I did it wouldn't have much talking involved.

"Oh I'm just a traveler going from place to place, me and Jeremiah been friends for years. So I tend to stop by and stay for awhile." He answered and continued glancing at me from time to time.

"So what's your story?" He asked, why does everyone want to know.

"Well I'm the captive caught because I accidently was caught hunting on the territory and that's it," I said.

"I know all that I'm saying what's your story," he repeated himself again.

"None of your business," I smirked and looked out the window.

"Mysterious, I like it." He muttered and had a glint in his eye. I didn't reply to that and just rested my head against the glass. The car came to a stop. I opened my eyes and found myself looking at a small shop.

''Where are we?'' I asked.

''I was order to take you and get a dress we can't have you looking like a stripper now can we?'' I was about to speak but he continued. ''I mean I don't mind but then I would have to watch all the guys from getting to you.''

''What are you saying are you my babysitter,'' I don't like that one bit.

''At least I'm a hot babysitter,'' he said. I guess that's true, I sighed and got out. We enter the shop and walked around. This was my kind of store there were everything I need.

''Are you paying for this,'' I asked.

''Nope I got Jeremiah's card,'' Hell yeah I was going to get whatever I wanted he's not here and I have his card. ''Sorry toots I'm under strict order to only get you one dress.'' My smile faded you have got to be kidding me.

''Please Sully I only want a couple pants and shirts.'' I walked to him and stroked his chest. I pleaded with my eyes and did the famous puppy dog eyes.

''I....I...can't, you ...would try to do this and he told me if I did he would kill me,'' he finally said after he finished stuttering.

''Well why don't you just buy me something instead of using his card,'' I batted my eyelashes.

''Sorry but I'm broke and left what I have at the house,'' I narrowed my eyes and huffed. I walked away from him and went to the dress selections. I grabbed four sun dresses. I grabbed a light green one, a baby blue, a purple one and a an orange one. ''You going to model these for me,'' he pointed at the dresses I held.

''I don't know,'' I looked away from him and began walking to the dressing room.

''Aww come on,'' he grabbed me and spun me to face him. We where only inches apart, he wrapped his arms around my waist. ''Please,'' he begged. He leaned closer to me.

''Um I guess,'' I said in defeat. He let go of me, and had a smirked. I just shook my head and continued to the dressing room. I tried them on and the fitted perfect the flowed to my knees I went outside to show Sully. He didn't say one thing and only nodded. ''Well which one did you like?''

''I would say the purple one it brings your eyes out. The orange one looked weird with your black hair and looked like you were dressing for Halloween. The blue made you look to innocent and I liked the green one but I could only get one so it would have to be purple. The light green and blue also made your hair pop out a lot,'' I guess a light color would make black hair pop out. ''So here hand me the purple so I can buy then you can change and we can go.'' I handed the dress over and he left to buy the it. I waited before he came over and started to rip the tags off and threw them on the ground. ''Here,'' he handed me the dress I closed the door and put it on carrying my other cloths out.

''Okay lets go,'' the dress made me feel so free. It wasn't tight or revealing, it flowed so nicely and still show my curves. It had a straight cut line and was strapless.

''You look so cute,'' Sully said and put his arm around my shoulder and led me back to the car and began driving. It was a short drive before we stopped and I looked to see we parked at a big mansion like house. With a large clearing, there where BBQ pits at one end far away from the white tables. there where these big four poles that had ribbons twisted connecting to one another. showing decoration. Many people where walking around with children's running and playing. I got out of the car, Sullivan ran around the car and pulled me to his side with his arm around my waist. Everyone where dress in bright colors all. Everyone seemed so happy. Sullivan lead me to the crowd. Some of the ladies glared daggers at me okay all of them did. I had know idea why, but it was starting to get me pissed off so I started to bare my teeth at them. They responded my going wide eyed and turned away talking with people.

''Why are all these girls, looking at me like that.'' I asked.

''Isn't it obvious.'' NO, I wanted to shout at him but I settled for just shaking my head. He sighed, ''your the prettiest girl here.''

''No I'm not,'' I laughed.

''Yeah you are have you seen all the guys, the only guys who don't look at you already have a soulmate and have there hearts for another.'' He seemed happy to have his arm around me.

''That's bullshit, half these girls have big boobs and way curvy bodies then me.'' I admitted.

''Well you obviously don't see yourself then, A you have those cuffs so it kind of shows you having a bad side B your hair is like the midnight sky and it gives you an edgy look. C your eyes well know one here has those colors eyes. E your wearing a dress that makes you look innocent. F-''

''Okay Okay I get it, but still there's all kinds of girls here that are pretty.'' I said.

''But your new meat and any of these guys can be potential soulmates.'' He smirked, ''now why couldn't I be your soulmate I don't know maybe the gods just punishing me with your beauty.''

''Yeah that's not going to happen,'' I scoffed.

''You never know,'' he said. I just dropped it. I'm not going to get a soulmate anytime soon, trust me. He led me around grabbing some beers. I hope I enjoy this place, I could really use having fun. I looked around at the same time music began to play. People where walking to the a dance floor farther away. How did I miss that it was so huge. ''Will you dance with me my lady,'' that made me go speechless until I saw him giving me a teasing look, I started to chuckle.

''Why certainly sir,'' I curtsied and he bowed. He extended his arm to me and I took it. When we hit the dance floor we began to twirl around. Sullivan sure knew how to dance. He rocked me back in forth as the music went faster so did his steps. I haven't dance like this for years, so I would stumble once in awhile. Which made him laugh, the song changed to a slow tempo. I wanted to leave but Sully tighten his grip on my waist I sighed and put my hands on his shoulder as we swayed back and forth.

You know that feeling were you have two eyes boring into the back of your skull. Well I started to just get that feeling and I didn't like it. I tried to find out the owner to those eyes but came up empty handed.

''What you looking for,'' Sully ask bring me back to him. I stared into his eyes, his silver eyes stared back at me.

''Nothing just got a wierd feeling,'' admitted. He just nodded his head and continued to dance with me. We dance for about three more songs before someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to look and saw Sam.

''SAM, hey how are you?'' I smiled at him, last time I saw him was at the party. I felt Sully's hands tighten on my waste. I glanced at him and saw him glaring death at him. Great is this his enemy too.

''Fine, better now that your here.'' He didn't look at Sullivan, he only stared at me. ''Can I step in,'' he looked at Sully, his smiled turned into an amused smirk. I looked at Sully and gave him a smile. He looked at Sam throwing him one last death glare. Turned to me and his eyes soften before he let go.

''Is that your boyfriend,'' he asked me. I started to laugh loudly earning me glances from people around me. I saw some girls off to the side in a group with their arms folded over there chest staring at me anger flashed in their eyes. All had blonde hair. They looked like Barbies with there dresses, looking like they where ready for tea. All matchy matchy. One girl had a white dress with pink poka dots and a matching hat. Another had a yellow hat with matching dress. They all basically dressed the same. Only having different hats, the dresses where the same style. All had red lipstick and blush. Making them all look pale.

''No,'' I giggled. Did I just giggle? ''Are those your girlfriends,'' I questioned nodding of to the Barbie crew. He looked in the direction and smile cracked on his face.

''Nope just girls who wanted more of a boyfriend material,'' he exclaimed.

''Are you not boyfriend material,'' I asked. I didn't care I like guys who aren't clingy.

''Only when I want to be,'' he truthfully said. His dark chocolate hair fell into his eyes. His hair was much darker then Sullivan. Almost black, if the sun didn't gleam off showing its true color. We danced for a long time until he said he needed to go. I was about to leave when some grabbed me and started to spin me around.

''JAKE, what are you doing her?'' He let my feet touch the ground again. I looked up at him, he had a big grin on his face.

''I thought he would never leave,'' he announced. ''I asked Derek to let me come this is my second time coming I only got to stay for an hour last time and missed the bonfire and story telling and I wanted to come so badly so I just bugged Derek to death. Literally he fell over during my begging.'' I started to laugh.

''I didn't dance with him that long,'' I said I started to blush.

''Please when I arrived you finally stopped dancing after two hours, look the sun is setting.'' I glanced at the sky seeing the sky starting to turn purple and pink.

''Oh,'' was all I manage to utter.

''It doesn't matter I get about an hour dance with you so be ready,'' he said. He turned back to the dance floors and we immediately matched the music. We where laughing so much I pointed out the Barbie crew who would still steal glances at me and this made us both laugh.

''Ma'am will like some sugar and cream with that tea,'' Jake mocked in a girlie voice. I started to laugh so much.

''Dude the one with the polka dots I think is the ring leader.'' We looked at her just as she looked at us and we started to laugh. She narrowed her eyes and looked away.

''I've seen spots,'' Jake mocked Cruella devil.

''There should be a dress code violation, for having that many spots.'' We got caught into a laugh attack. So many people stared at us but I could care less. The sky grew dark and a fire was being built. My tummy growled, unexpected.

''Go find us a spot as close to the front as possible and I'll get us some food,'' I nodded in agreement and left. People were beginning to walk to the fire. So I quickened my pace. Passing everyone up, I saw someone waving at me and when the fire grew I saw it was Sullivan he was in the very front which I was happy for. I jogged over to him and we sat down in the front. I sat side ways putting my legs over a spot holding it for Jake. Sullivan raised an eyebrow at me.

''Jakes getting me food so I promised him a spot next to me,'' relief washed over him. Hmm did he think I was saving a spot for Sam. The spot was weird we sat on the grass. right  infront of a log. I looked around and saw mostly kids sitting around us and a couple of adults

''Most members have heard all the story there closer to the fire chatting with friends. I looked back toward the fire seeing many bodies around it they didn't need the warmth, but when I looked closer they had marshmallows. Awww roasting MARSHMELLOWS....I sighed, when Jake came over with some food. I was glad he had three hamburgers on each plate and two bags of chips. I immediately started to munch on them. I opened the bag of chips and offered it to Sully which he gladly took. Savoring the taste, i made an mmmmmm sound. Sully started to laugh I was just about to ask what was so funny. When I heard someone clear there throat I looked up and saw three guys readying themselves to sit down. One I saw Jeremiah and another was Sam. I didn't recognized one of them but it was another guys. I could feel his power and knew he must be the alpha of the other pack. He had caramel skin and curly dark brown hair that he had tied back in a pony tail.

''Attention everyone,'' he hollered making the place go quiet. His voice was very powerful and was loud. ''Thank you all for coming to the Kappa's pack. I am Simon Kappa. I hope all is well and that your enjoying yourself. As you know our great grandfathers started the Triple Generation gathering.'' I looked at Jeremiah who had a smirk on his face. ''And now it is time for the three alpha's to tell a tale.'' Hahaha your funny I thought sarcastically. ''As has our father's have and there father's have as well. I will start off since it's custom for the alpha who held this celebration on there territory to start first.''

I was beginning to get excited. I hope these stories. Simon folded his hands together and looked at the ground. He opened his mouth to begin his story


THERE YOU GO HOPED YOU LIKED IT. I plan on making each person stories a couple pages long really long hopefully. I just need to plan out the stories I have one story, but that's jer's story. So I need to think of something. Maybe each upload will be a story I don't know still planning. I hope you like. WHAT DO YOU think about Sullivan? Please comment. Sorry I didn't edit. But i wanted to post this so here you go

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