Harley 》Klaus Mikaelson

By bree_tee

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"He was the rock in her chaos that the rest of the world splashed off of." Harley Quinn is a psychopath, on t... More



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By bree_tee

Sept: The Harvest

Mikaelson Mansion | Hayley's Room

Harley Quinn liked sleeping. You weren't dead but it wasn't like you were awake either. It was the state in which she was most peaceful, the land of dreams. Because of all of this, it was extremely easy for her to doze off when she was in a quiet environment and as her eyes opened, a small smile graced her lips because naps always made her feel better.

Her hazel-green eyes blinked slowly and she rubbed at them as she sat up on her sister's bed. The last thing she remembered was sitting down and talking baby names with her sister.

She looked around in confusion when she realized that her sister was no longer beside her and sat up quickly, slipping on her boots and going to look for her pregnant sister who had a knack for getting herself in trouble.

She searched the entire mansion before she realized that everyone had left. With a loud huff, she pulled out her phone and called her sister.

"Hey big sis." Hayley looked at Rebekah and Sophie sheepishly as she pressed her phone to her ear. Between the wolf track they had found and trudging through the Bayou, she honestly forgot that she left her sister asleep in her room.

"Don't you 'big sis' me young lady! Where are you?" Harley grabbed her leather jacket and shrugged it on over her t-shirt.

"I'm with Sophie and Rebekah, we're out in the Bayou."

"Stay right where you are and do not take another step until I get there." Harley hit the end button on the call before cracking her neck.

Her eyes closed briefly as she mumbled Latin words under the breath, her fingers moving around as a gray mist began to emit from them and surround her entire body

Harley had always been better at being a witch than she was at being a werewolf. The ability to do spells just came to her easier than going down on all fours and breaking every bone in her body.

When she opened her eyes again, she was met with three wide gazes. Her red lips pulled up into a large grin and she waved at the three women excitedly, "Hey guys!"

It was Sophie who seemed to snap out of her shock first and waved her hands in the air exasperatedly, "How the hell did you do that and can you please show me how to do it?"

"I am always open to share my knowledge with the young and desperate." Harley winked at the Deveraux witch before she trudged through the dirt and moved to her sister's side.

"But before any of that can happen, would someone like to explain why I'm in the mud in one of my favorite heels?" Harley's French accent seeped out into her last words as she glared at her younger and very pregnant sister.

"Sophie wants to consecrate the remains of her dead ancestors." Rebekah grumbled as she too looked down at the mud that now caked her designer black boots.

"And she couldn't do it on her lonesome? Or better yet, without my very pregnant and wanted for dead, sister?" Harley's eyes glowed for a second as she glared at the short witch.

Sophie shrunk under the heretic's gaze, having never felt fear like this from anyone except the Marshall twin. "She insisted that she wanted to come."

"And you!" Harley swung around to fix her gaze on her twin sister who widened her eyes as if to say, 'Me'?

"Are you out of your bloody mind? Do you understand how dangerous it is for you to be traipsing around in the freaking Bayou? And do you understand that Klaus would have both of our heads- actually scratch that. Your head! Because he sure as hell can't do a damn thing to me." Harley's chest rose and fell quickly as she allowed her frustration to show.

Harley Quinn was many things, but for her sister, she was a mother. And it was so frustrating to deal with her when she didn't even seem to understand basic things, such as to stay hidden.

Hayley let out a deep sigh before she unfolded her arms. She knew that her sister meant well and she did understand the dangers but she needed to know who or better yet, what, saved her from the witches.

"I'm not gonna change your mind about being out here am I?" Harley eyed her sister warily, seeing the lack of change in her demeanor.

"Nope!" Hayley grinned widely at her big sister, knowing that she was going to give into what she wanted regardless.

"How peachy."

"Also, quick mention here because everyone has seemed to forgotten. A vampire just saw us, one of Marcel's. But he got away before I got the chance to grab him by his scruffy little neck." Rebekah gritted her teeth, frustrated that nothing seemed to be going right during this little adventure that she had been dragged on.

Harley giggled at the mention of Marcel's name before a smirk rose on her lips. "Don't worry your pretty little head too much about Marcel, yeah? I'll handle it. But please, make sure my sister doesn't get hurt or I'll forget that you mean something to Klaus and I will rip your little Original body to bits and pieces and eat you."

With a twisted grin on her lips and fire in her eyes, Harley gave them all a flutter of her fingers before she disappeared in a cloud of smoke, "Tata."

Rebekah stared at the space that she stood in, almost baffled that she had just been threatened by a girl who looked like she ate cake and ice cream for a living. "Your sister scares me."

"She scares everyone." Hayley deadpanned.


Harley fluffed her hair and licked her teeth to ensure her lipstick didn't smudge before she sashayed into Rousseau's, her hips swinging with every step.

Eyes were immediately on her, vampire and human alike. It was obvious as to why, Harley Quinn practically oozed sex appeal. You either wanted to be her or wanted to be with her, there was no in between.

Klaus' ears perked up as chatter erupted around them, what could have possibly grabbed everyone's attention so easily?

The hybrid was a mix of emotions as he spun on his stool and his eyes immediately met with familiar hazel eyes. He wanted to scream and he wanted to shout, what was she doing here? She was suppose to be with her sister, ensuring that she and the baby were safe.

"Hello boys!" Harley grinned maniacally as she threw her arms over Klaus and Marcel's shoulders.

Marcel visibly brightened up and a genuine smile curled at his lips. "Quinn. To what do we owe the pleasure of this sudden visit?"

Klaus' eyes narrowed, watching the way Marcel's eyes travelled the Marshall twin's frame. He didn't know why but he definitely wasn't comfortable with whatever the two had going on between them.

"I can't visit my favorite vampire in his hunting grounds now?" Harley placed a hand to her heart, feigning hurt at Marcel's suspicion.

Marcel hummed in acknowledgement but didn't push further, trusting the heretic enough to not hound her with questions.

Klaus' eyes had turned to slits at this point. That was it? There wasn't going to be some big argument where he insisted on knowing why she was there? Klaus had seen Marcel kill people for much less already and yet Harley Quinn, a proud practitioner of magic, a strong one at that, was standing next to him, untouched.

"I was just telling Klaus about how we saved Davina." Marcel put his drink down and awaited the reaction he knew was coming from Harley.

The heretic stiffened immediately at the memory that crossed her. Harley wasn't a good person and she never claimed to be but even she knew where to draw the line and children were definitely a line she had drawn.

The hazel-eyed woman flinched as the screams from that night echoed in her head. All those innocent girls killed and for what? For the witches of New Orleans to have magic?

Harley shook the thoughts way quickly and waved her hand for Marcel to continue with whatever he was saying before she came.

"They led them out like princesses, made them think they were being honoured by their ancestors." Marcel's lips lifted in a disgusted sneer.

"They weren't putting them to sleep, they were slaughtering them. They were killing children." Harley blinked furious tears away from her hazel eyes.

Marcel's eyes softened and he pulled the shorter female into his side, tucking her under his arm.

Klaus' eyes followed the movement warily but this time, he started to understand why their bond ran so deep. It all boiled down to one little word, Davina. The young girl was the reason Harley and Marcel were so close, why they were so loyal to each other. The two had bonded over the girl who they both saved that night.

Harley's eyes misted over as she recalled the night that probably changed her life, the night she gained a daughter.

"Please! No, don't do this!" The brunette teen cried as she thrased in the arms of the warlock who was holding her down.

And suddenly, Davina heard it. Feet hitting the ground as vampires dropped from the roofs around them. Veins crawled up their faces and their eyes gleemed brightly as they tore into the necks of the witches that had gathered to watch the Harvest.

"You're the ones who stopped it." Klaus stared at the two friends whose faces both held grimaces as they relived the night like it happened just yesterday.

"Kieran knew every detail from Sophie. After his nephew's massacre in the church, he was so torn up he left town just before the Harvest, but on his way out, he came to me and asked me to stop the Harvest. He knew I didn't want the witches getting more power, and I do have a rule about people abusing kids. So I did what he asked but I was too late." Marcel explained as he shifted Harley from his side and settled her onto his lap.

Klaus gritted his teeth at the action but held his tongue as he waited patiently for them to tell the rest of the story.

A heartwrenching sob broke from Davina's mouth as one of the elders rushed to her feet, knife held tightly as she slid the blade across the young witch's throat. "Oh God. Monique!"

Harley eyes were immediately drawn to the cries as she watched the girl thrash in the man's arms, tears running down her eyes as her chest heaved. "No! Let go of me, let go! Please!"

Harley snarled loudly and she held her hand up, the rings on her fingers glistening in the moonlight as she twisted her wrist, effectively snapping the man's neck.

Davina fell as her feet hit the ground unsteadily, crying out louder as arms wounded around her once again. "Let go of me! Please don't do this."

Harley's grip tightened around the thrashing girl and she smooth Davina's hair back. "Hush, little one. I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe now, I promise."

"There was something about seeing Davina fight. She didn't just go along with the slaughter, you know?" Harley ran her finger tips along the rim of Marcel's untouched glass.

"I feel like she and I, we were kindred spirits." Marcel smiled lightly, remembering the fond moments he and Davina had shared over the past years.

Davina held out her hand instinctively as a light moved from Monique's arm and up her fingertips.

"Every girl who died released her power onto the next. When Davina was the last one, she got all of it, all the power that was suppose to be released back into the earth to appease the ancestors." Harley's frown had slowly turned into a blooming smirk.

It's what they deserved after all. A victim turned into their greatest enemy, their biggest threat.

"And thus bringing you onto the power you built your kingdom upon." Klaus shook his head almost mockingly at Marcel as he sipped his drink.

"Davina was just doing what any person would do when you save their life, she's trying to repay us by doing what she thinks will make us happy. But please, make no mistake in your thoughts where she is concerned. I will do anything in this world, including lay my own life on the line if it means that Davina Claire remains safe." Harley's eyes turned to slits as she set her glare on the hybrid sitting beside her.

If he thought he could just have Davina, use her as if she is some sort of weapon in the silly war that was brewing, he was way in over his head. He wouldn't be starting a war with Marcel at that point, he would be starting a war with Harley.

And she never lost.


A/N: Hello sweethearts. Did you miss me?

I'm so happy to be back here writing Harley. Honestly she's my favorite character to write in all of my stories and I have so many plans for her and Mr.Sexy Hybrid ;)

Quick question, did you guys like the gif I created for this chapter featuring our lovely twin sisters, Harley and Hayley? Should I make more?

But please, do let me know what you think is going to happen in the waging war between Harley and Klaus for Davina.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and follow me on Wattpad! <3

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