
By kishu6926244

21.8K 1.1K 1.8K

Warning: mature content I expected him to be my dream man. I loved him the way that i forgot even myself. He... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11.1
chapter 11.2
chapter 11.4.
chapter 11.5
chapter 11.6
chapter 11.7
chapter 11.8
chapter 11.9
chapter 11.10.
chapter 11.11

Chapter 11.3

578 49 73
By kishu6926244

Please don't forget to comment. 💜💜💜

He is different right now.

He is not the Arjun who I am used to know.

He is not himself since he got that call.

We both are in plane heading back to Mumbai.

He has been constantly looking outside the window since we got in here.

This is not him at all. He isn't even looking at me let alone flirting. He didn't say even a single word to me unless it's something important.

Frankly speaking, I am missing his flirty side.

I am missing the way he used to play around with me.

I know I shouldn't but I am and what is making me more concerned is his face full of tension.

I really don't know what has gone wrong with him but I just wonder what could be so wrong to make him like this.

I really want to ask but what would I ask him.

How should I ask him.

Should I ask directly or should I initiate with some pretext.

What the hell am I thinking when I rejected him just couple of hours ago.

"Mam would you like to have something." Air hostess asked offering us some refreshments.

He didn't mind even her.

I smiled at her and took the coffee.

I wanted to ask if he wanted some but I couldn't.

I guess it's better for us to not to talk right now.

The flight took off and we came out of the airport after completing all the formalities.

He didn't seem interested in talking to me anymore since he didn't help me even with my luggage.

"I shall take taxi from here." I said and started walking taking my bag.

But he literally snatched my suitcase from my hand and put it in his car's trunk which was brought there by his driver.

"I am dropping you." He said opening the door of of back seat.

"It's ok. I can manage. You look busy.₹ I said because I genuinely don't want him to be bothered because of me.

"Did I say I am busy?" He asked blankly.

Complete blank.

"You didn't but I just assume to the way....."

"Your assumption is absolutely wrong." He didn't let me complete my sentence.

Coldness in his voice was so evident that I couldn't refuse.

But still I hesitated a bit.

I wasn't sure of of taking his help when he is like this.

"Don't think that much. It's quite late at night. It's not safe for you to travel at this time. Please get in the car." His plea sounded genuine.

The first genuine words from him since we met.

He was still cold but he sounded genuinely concerned for me.

What he said was absolutely right that's why I got into the car without giving it a second thought.

He sat right beside me.

Drive to Arihant's apartment. He asked driver to start the car.

He is still on his silent mode.

The reason why I didn't want to take lift from him is that I don't want to see his stressed face.

It makes me want to know what is wrong with him.

I have not asked for it so far but I guess there is no harm if I do now.

I somehow gathered my thoughts to start this conversation from a positive note so that he doesn't get any wrong idea.

"If you don't mind me I know what's wrong?" I asked expecting to have a real answer from him.

"No I don't mind. Nothing is wrong either." He said looking outside the window.

He didn't even turn his head to answer me.

That's all was for me to know that he doesn't want to tell me anything.

Is he behaving like this on purpose?

What if I had accepted his proposal?

Would he tell me then?


That means he is not telling me anything because I am no one to him.

Exactly you dumb head.

Who are you that he would tell anything what goes on in his life?


I got out of the world of my thoughts as soon as the car screeched right before the building where I live with Aarti.

I didn't want to go.

Not exactly didn't want to go but I didn't want to go without him having a word with me.

Not because I am missing him even if he was sitting right beside me but because I want him to be at ease.

I opened the door right after he got out of the car because I didn't want him to open the door again.

I got out of the car.

"I hope you wouldn't mind if I don't walk you to the door. I am a bit busy." I said as if he mean it.

It wasn't very long ago when he was so casual with me but I am already missing him like that.

"Finally, I know I guessed it right that you were busy." I said laughing a bit.

But I was disappointed as his lips didn't curve even a bit.

"If I had admitted that I was busy then you would never get into the car." He confessed.

"Thank you for the ride. It is really very late night." I smiled.

He turned to a walk back.


I gave him a voice from behind which made him look back again at me.

"I don't know if I should say this or not but I had a great time with you. I didn't expect us to get along that well but we did and all the credit goes to you. Thank you for making it that way." I confessed what I wanted to.

He smiled.

Yes he smiled and my mission accomplished.

I said that to make him feel good because I didn't want to bid him bye with a long face.

It isn't like I said it to just to make him feel happy. I said it because that's how I felt.

His smile was warm enough to tell me that he liked what I said.

That he wasn't expecting me to say that.

But I am happy that I did something he didn't expect and it turned out this good.


Is that even that good or it's just how I feel about it?

He smiled and left from there sitting in the car.

I couldn't stop smiling even after he left.

Maybe because I had this satisfaction of bringing smile on his stressed face.

I got into the building and entered the lift. I pressed for the sixth floor.

I got out of the left as soon as the door opened.

I went to my flat which was flat number 67.

I knew it was very late that's why I unlocked the main door with the extra key that I had as I didn't want to disturb Aarti in sleep.

I opened the main door and entered the dark hall. I threw my bag on the dining table and switch on the lights. I headed towards kitchen and opened the fridge to get some water. I took out a bottle of water. I was drinking water while walking towards the couch to lie on it.

I was so tired that I didn't it even look at it before hopping up on it.

As soon as I threw myself on couch someone screamed pushing me up so hard that the water in my mouth came out instantly making me fall on the floor.

I quickly looked at the one who did this to me.

I expected it to be Aarti but it isn't it was her.

It was some guy under the blanket which was supposedly sleeping on the couch.

"Who are you? What the hell did you think you're doing?" That guy spat.

Is he really serious?

I should be the one asking him this.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing this late in my house?" I asked snatching my blanket from him.

I can't believe.

He was using my blanket to sleep.

"Your house? This isn't your house and I am not answerable to you because I am in here with all the permission of the house owner." He snatched my blanket again from me.

How dare he?

And who the fuck allowed him to be in here?

"Are you talking about Arihant?" I asked trying to grab my blanket again but failed because he literally made it a bundle and placed in his lap.

"Arihant is the owner of the house just for namesake. I am talking about Aarti." He said composing himself on the sofa again.

Yes Aarti.

She should have been here.

"Where is Aarti? What did you do to her to get in the house? Just tell me you fucking bastard." I am literally screamed at him snatching the quilt again.

My last word caught his attention.

"Did you just curse at me?" He acted as if he couldn't believe it.

"Didn't you hear it properly?" I rolled my eyes.

He quickly stood up throwing the quilt aside in offence.

"First you barged in the house and now you are cursing at me without any reason. Wait a minute, who the hell even you are?" He asked being baffled keeping both of his hands on his waist.

He is unbelievable.

"How dare you to question me? I am the one who lives here and I have all the rights to ask question not you." I screamed getting on him slowly which made him fall on the couch again.


I stood straight and fixed my hairs.

"You live here?" He asked being confused.

"Are you deaf or what?" I scoffed.

"Wait a minute. Are you Shivani?" He asked as if he remembers something.

What a stalker he is!

"How do you know my name? What do you know about me? What did you do to Aarti? Just answer me you psycho stalker." I couldn't keep hold on myself and stormed at him.

He somehow managed escaping from me and stood straight.

"Look. You are getting me all wrong. I had been told that you wouldn't going to come tonight here that's why I stayed." He sounded trying to be calm.

But his logic got me even more confused.

"You were told? Who told you and what?" I asked trying to be calm.

"Aarti. Let me explain you. My name is Sachin. I am Aarti childhood friend as well as Arihant business partner. There is some problem at my rented place. That's why I asked Aarti for a place where I can stay for few days. She said you you would not going to to come for few days and she had to leave for mathura for about 4 to 5 days.So this house would be empty for a few days and I could stay here." He explain himself.

Although he was looking sincere and genuine but I cannot take any risk.

"How can I believe you?" I was indirectly asking him for proof.

"Don't I look sincere enough to make you believe me?" He questioned as if he couldn't believe that I didn't believe him.

Which made a kind of a sense to me because he was looking reliable.

But I cannot go for looks.

"No, not at all. You look like as if you are bluffing." I rolled my eyes.

He took a breath in frustration.

"Wait, let me make a call to Arti." He said and took out his mobile phone from his jacket and dialled a number.

"Its connected. Talk to her." He gave it to me once it started ringing.

I took the phone from his hand and put it on my ear.

"Hey Shivani. Are you there? You were not supposed to come for a few days, were you?" I heard Arti voice from the other side.

"Hi Aarti. Where are you and who is this jerk at our home?" I bombarded questions on her.

I said the last part eying on the man standing right in front of me which was kind of offendable towards him.

And he didn't like it of course.

"Look Shivani. Let me explain you everything. He is Sachin. He is my childhood friend. I know you must be flustered seeing him at our home but I was the one who asked him to stay there." She explained.

"If you were about to go then you should have informed me." It would be a lie if I would say that I am not upset, that's why I decided to be honest.

"I know it's my bad but something urgent came up and I couldn't inform you about anything. On top of that you were not going to come for few more days that's why I thought it is safe to make him stay at our place. I am really sorry for the inconvenience I caused you." She sounded genuinely apologetic. She is a kind of person who easily feels guilt.

I think I shouldn't have said what I did.

"No no. You don't have to be apologetic about anything. That's right I am surprised but what is so argent that can't come back and you had to leave so urgently." I said what I should have in first place.

I really wanted to know her reason of not being present here.

"It is something important that I can't tell you right now. I shall explain everything after coming back. But for now can you please adjust with Sachin? Just for tonight. He is a very nice guy. He won't cause you any trouble. I have full confidence in him. Please understand that I can't ask him to leave immediately in middle of the night."

I looked at him with cornered eyes and he actually looks sophisticated.

"I understand. Don't worry. I shall see what I can do." I said to make her feel ok.

"Thank you so much." She thanked me.

"Bye." I hang up.

I gave him his phone looking other side. Maybe, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did but it's not completely my fault.

How would I know about his identity?

Even if he is Arti's friend.

I wasn't looking at him because I couldn't come up with an excuse to divert the situation.

And finally I got one.

"Why were you sleeping in hall? Couldn't you sleep in guest room?" I asked him trying to neglect what happened earlier.

"Your guest room is enough to scare anyone. It only had a bed and an almirah. It's felt more like a morgue to me. You should keep atleast a vase of flowers to make your guest feel home alike." He shrugged his shoulders.

Who is he to tell me that how should I keep my home?

"Guests are guests. Why should I make an effort to make them seem this home like? Anyway, we usually don't have much guest." I said casually showing that his suggestion doesn't matter at all.

"Your attitude is clearly telling why you don't have guest more often." He said looking at me from head to toe.

"Did you just taunt me?" I really couldn't believe my ears.

"Didn't you hear it properly?" He scoffed.

Did he just taunted me with what I said to him few minutes ago?

"Now move aside and let me sleep." He shoved me aside before I could say anything to him.

He hopped on the sofa and again getting comfortable on it with my dear quilt.

Is he really serious?

"You can sleep all you want but leave my quilt." I said snatching my blanket from him.

"This is the only quilt I found. It is not my fault that you throw your stuff just like that anywhere in the house. I got it and used it." He stated the matter of fact.


I am super messy sometimes.

I don't keep my stuff at their proper places usually.

He must have found my blanket around somewhere bathroom.

"You could have used Arti's blanket." I kind of suggested him.

Arti's name made his eyes go wide.

"Do you think I am fond of getting killed? Arihant would behead me if I entered in the room where Arti live or if I touch anything she uses." He sounded really very scared of Arihant.

Even this guy knows much more than me.

Am I even important to Aati and Arihant?

Oh God! I missed such an opportunity to know more about them.

I should have asked to Arjun about them.

He must have known something.

Actually, he must have known everything.

But no worries. I can get some information from him.

"Why is that?" I asked him being interested in this gossip.

His face got suddenly serious as if he was going to initiate something genuine.

"Actually....." He started but stopped after saying one word.

He looked at me switching to his previous mode.

"Actually I am not answerable to you. For tonight you have to adjust with Elizabeth blanket because I am not going to give you this one. It's very soft and comfortable." He snatched my blanket again from my hand and covered himself with that.

Does he want to be dead?

"I swear if you were not Arti's childhood friend then I would have shown you the consequences of messing up with me." I seethed my teeth.

"Oh! I have heard this line somewhere before. But where?" He started wandering taking his head out of the blanket like a child.

"Oh yes. From a vamp of a daily soap show." He mocked at me.

How dare he?

"You....."I so wanted to kill him

".......are so intelligent." He completed my sentence.

" I know. Now let me have a good night." He continued being inside the blanket.

What the hell does he think of himself?

Does he think that I can't do anything?

Has he taken me that lightly?

Of course he has.

I wanted to punch his handsome face right now.


What is wrong with me?

Did I just adress his face handsome?


I need a good sleep.

A very good one.

What do you think about entry of Sachin?

I hope you remember Sachin.

Those who don't know about him can read chapter 4 of proclivity.

You will understand everything. ❤️❤️❤️

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