Descendants 4: Heros and Vill...

By evanswritingarden

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Taking Place After D3, Auradon Prep is having a Heroes and Villan Kids day which is meant to bring the VKS An... More

Meet Amelia
-Meeting The Heroes-
Fairy Godmother's Success
Building Relationships
Starting a New Life
A Million To One
Who Am I?
Rescue Mission
A Shocking Reveal

Crossing The Line

351 3 4
By evanswritingarden


After getting out of the shower I changed into a purple and green nightgown and laid on Audrey's bed still shocked at what happened tonight. Audrey entered the room in a glittery pink nightgown.

Audrey: "Hey...are you okay?"

Me: "Oh...yeah...Im fine.."

Audrey: "Mal...I-....I-Im so sorry for what my grandmother did tonight. The Way she was treating you was absolutely appalling.."

Me: "Its fine Audrey...Its not a big deal..its not your fault.."

Audrey: "Look...putting aside our family history and stuff...We really do care about you and welcome you in the family. I own up to how awful I was to you at the beginning...I wanna start over..since we're gonna be sisters soon and if My grandma isn't gonna accept you then I dont wanna associate myself with her.."

Me: "Thanks Audrey..(yahn)...I think Im gonna sleep now..Im exhausted."

Audrey: "Yeah...Me too..."

Audrey got in the bed with me and pulled the blanket over the both of us.

Audrey: "(yahn) Night Mal.."

Me: "(Yahn)...Night Audrey.."

I flicked the light off and slowly fell asleep


We started driving home after the party was ended because of Queen Leah. It was pitch black out and I was trying my best not to dooze off. I turned to see Nanny, Pongo, Perdita, Claire and Carlos in the back seat with Carlos completely asleep.

Roger: "Honey you don't need to keep checking on him every five minutes...He's fine."

Me: "I know...Im just worrying...about his mental state. What Queen Leah did at the party was absolutely appalling and very damaging to his emotional state.."

Roger: "(Smiles) Your already being a over worried mother and we havent even signed the papers yet."

Me: "Well...its never too early to be a mother."

After five minutes of driving we finally parked in the parking lot.

Roger: "Nanny...go open the door for me. I'll carry him in."

Me: "Would you rather have me wake him up?"

Roger: "No...let the boy sleep...He had a long day."

Me: "Thats true. Okay."

Pongo: "Me and Perdita will check on the puppies."

The six of us walked inside with Carlos being carried in Roger's arms.  Roger gently placed him on the couch and I put a blanket over his body and kissed his forehead

Me: "Im really happy we're doing this. I can't wait for it to be official."

Roger: "Yeah...Me too."


I started walking back to Auradon Prep and Amelia decided to tag along.

Me: "Wow...that party was something.."

Amelia: "Yeah Don't worry...we don't feel the same way Queen Leah does. Don't listen to her."

Me: "Im not worried about me. Im worried about Carlos, he's my best friend and I knew Cruella was emotionally abusive but I didn't know it was as bad as it was..Im just worried how its impacting him emotionally after all those years of know."

Amelia: "Yeah I get it. But Im sure Anita and Roger will be much better parents to him then Cruella ever was."

Me: "Yeah..that's true.."

Amelia: "Jay...can I tell you something?"

Jay: "Yeah sure...Anything."

Amelia: "I kinda...had a crush on you ever since meeting you yesterday. I don't know, I been sent a lot of guys my way and to be honest none of them were that great...but you...your..different...idk why..something about you...I-I don't know how to say it."

Me: "Shouldn't you be heading back to Agarba now?"

Amelia: "Oh! Yeah...See you tomorrow.."

But something that I didn't expect was Amelia getting closer and kissing me on the lips before getting on Carpet and flying away. I....I think I like her...I know it sounds crazy but could me and her actually have a chance together


That party was a disaster, everyone was praising Mal and her friends when they should be worried that they will destroy Auradon. I KNOW they are dangerous, they are just really good at manipulating everyone. I went back to the asylum where Monsieur D'Arque, The Bimbettes, and Chad all waited.

Me: "Ugh!!! That party was a disaster! Those VKS got all the attention! Im so happy we're locking them up like they deserve."

Chad: "Um...About that.."

Me: "what?!"

Claudrette: "We're backing out of this. We realize this is all messed up! We are getting jelous of kids!"

Laurette: "Im ashamed of myself for even agreeing to this."

Paulette: "Even Chad and Monsieur are backing up out of this."

Me: "Im sorry EXCUSE ME?!"

Monsieur: "I can't go through with it. One its a morally wrong thing to do but more importantly, I value my reputation and Auradon does not take child abuse lightly. Im already on thin ice just managing to get out of being sent to the isle by arguing with King Beast, well king at the time, that my institution was to help mental health patients. If this came out, there's no doubt in my mind I would be sent to the isle no matter what. Plus Chad was the one who said he wanted to back out in the first place."

Me: " this true?!"

Chad: "Yeah...Im sorry but after the party and not only what you did but after hearing about their experiences with their parents..I realized, this is wrong on so many levels. I can't go through with it."

Me: "Oh yes you will. How much are you five willing to do to keep this from coming out?"

Chad: "Im sorry what?!"

Me: "We will continue  the plan. I have documents and papers with your and Monsieur's handwriting planning the whole thing even with comments from the Bimbettes. These are papers you don't want to go out in the public but if you back out, I will come forward with these to the mass media and all of you will be sent to the isle of the lost, not me because I was smart enough not to write on the paper."


Me: "Lets not argue. I have faced backlash but not enough to get sent to the isle, however these papers will get you sent there if I come forward to King Ben  and Fairy Godmother with these files. If we do continue on, no one gets exposed. Sounds fair? Sounds fair to me. Let me make this clear, there is no "getting out" of this. You either do what I say, Or I come forward with the files, Im willing to stoop this low to get these brats out of Auradon. Do I make myself clear?"

Monsieur: "Crystal clear.."

Chad: "Whatever...Your blackmailing a minor and humiliated a abuse victim in front of hundreds of heroes and yet you have the moral high ground? Yeah sure...."

I walked out of the Asylum with a smug look on my face. No way in hell am I letting this opportunity slip past me. But that isn't over. Im willing to do literally anything to get those VKS out of Auradon Once and For all so I did the unthinkable. I got in my car and drove to the Isle of The Lost. I know my motives are "to get the VKS out of Auradon before they turn into their parents" and going to see the villains is counterproductive but getting them to confront their children and spark lets say "family drama" between them presents a opptunity to get those vermin to finally split up becoming more Vulnerable and Im sure those parents wanna punish their children for not going along with Maleficent's Plan.

I parked in a allyway and got out and started walking towards Maleficent's Castle. Admittingly I was extremely nervous but knew if I wanted to get rid of the VKS once and for all, the villians would be very help Im hoping to death they don't geninuely love them. Cruella is physically abusive to her son so I know 100% I can exploit that, but Im not sure about Maleficent, Evil Queen or Jafar. It may need more subtle threats or I would need to dig up dirt on them as blackmail but to be honest that would take a lot of time and I want the vks gone NOW and if "gone" means death or being abused by their parents, so beat it. Auradon is a perfect world, and the vks are ruining my perfect world and I need to clean Auradon of all potential threats. Auradon is loosing their minds.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Maleficent opened the door looking shocked at me before smirking

Maleficent: "Well Well Well...If It isn't Queen Leah. Who ever imagine us coming face to face once more?"

Me: "I didn't want to do this..but I need assistance from you, Jafar, Evil Queen, and Cruella."

Maleficent had a evil smirk on her face.

Maleficent: "Ah...having trouble are we? Come in! Come In! Lets chat!"

Maleficent pulled open the door more and I stepped in. Cruella, Evil Queen and Jafar were all sitting down chatting.

Maleficent: "VILLAINS! We Have a  unexpected guest this evening."

Cruella: "My My! What brings you here this time of night or here at all darling?"

Me: "Auradon has lost their minds. The VKS are getting more attention then my granddaughter and its pissing me off so I want you to DO Something about it."

The four looked at each other with excitement

Maleficent: "Finally...Im given a chance to teach my backstabbing daughter and her imbecile friends a lesson about loyalty. She will regret choosing 'true love' over evil."

Evil Queen: "As far as IM Concerned, My daughter is a disgrace. You do what you want with her, I need extra motive to get up from this couch to do something to her."

Me: "Oh and Snow White has taking a  liking to her and vice versa."

That got Evil Queen to stand up outraged


Me: "Jay has befriended Aladdin and Jasmine and Genie..."

Jafar: "I WILL-"


Me: "The Radcliffes have made a decision to officially adopt Carlos."


Me: "And its great tragedy I must say that Aurora is adopting Mal...Our family plans and family legacy...all those years of planning...completely ruined. Im trying to keep Order in Auradon but these heroes do not understand how the vks are-gaining too much attention and my family legacy is ruined."

Maleficent: "How about this..You let us out of the isle, temporarily of course. At this point we don't care about not living in Auradon. We just wanna teach our children a "lesson". I promise you Queen Leah our children will be delt with appropriately."

Me: "Good. Also Get Ursula, Captain Hook, Gaston, Ursula and Dr. Faciler Involved too. I want all vks sent back to the isle any means necessary. If you have to drag them there so beat It. I want them away from Auradon. As for the punishments you will be giving your children, I dont care. Go nuts. Use your imagination."

Maleficent: "I must say, despite having distastes for your husband and daughter, I am quite found of you and if things don't work out for you, We must have you as apart of the group."

Me: "Of Cource. Also when you get out, it is crucial you do two things. One, you MUST come at night. Two you must never tell people I released you. Three, Get the VKS seperate and abduct them in areas that they are vulnerable without any heroes or even each other to protect them. Understood?"

The Villains seemed to understood. I never wanted to do this, but I'll do it for the sake of Auradon's Future.

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