Student, Teacher Conference;...

By IHeartALad

721K 12.1K 1.1K

"We shouldn't..." "I know, but I can't stop thinking about you" "Alex..." Melissa Butler is your average stud... More

Student, Teacher Conference; Prolouge.
Student, Teacher Conference; Chapter One.
Student, Teacher Conference
Student Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference Chapter Two
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference Chapter Three
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
Student, Teacher Conference
First Date
Date Two
Not So Monday Blues
The Ice RInk Development
Planning The Weekend
Sleep Over
Morning After
Anniversary Plans
Party Plans
Getting To Know Each Other
Topless Tuesday
Getting There
Parent's night
The Jury Is In
The End Result

Trouble In Paradise

15.1K 251 13
By IHeartALad

Merl's POV

Biology I'm confident in, Chemistry I'm confident I've got a 'C' in, R.E I'm sure I've passed but maths? Forget about it...

Friday came round so fast I barely had anytime to think. R.E was my last exam of the week, I looked outside as the invigilator called for us to put our pencils down and I shivered at the thought of going out in the light snow that had begun to fall. I was prepared for it, but it still didn't make me want to leave the warm sanctuary of the school. We passed our papers along and waited to be dismissed a row at a time. When we were finally out of the room, I joined Cassie and Terry in a conversation of what was going on; Jo ran to the bathroom. We waited in the main hall for her as there was only five minutes to the bell so we didn't have to go back to class, but we did have to stay in the school building till the bell rang.

Jo joined in our discussion, relaising we done certain parts wrong and things before the bell finally went and we slowly made our way outside, deciding it would be nice to wait on Sam and Mickey. As we waited I decided to check my phone, I pulled the pieces out of my pocket and put the battery back in the phone, trying not to get snow on it and trying not to keep my fingers out in the cold more than I had to. I waited for it to reset then I checked my texts. I had two from Alex and a missed phone call. Tonight was Frasers party and he was super excited about us going. I thought it was awful cute and I couldn't help but smile as I read his texts. Sam and Mickey walked by us, I was only aware when I heard the yells of Jo and Cassie. We trudged over through the crowds and made our group, walking towards the gates and slowly to the bus stop. Cassie and Terry just walked home as they didn't live far away, but Sam and I got the bus, Mickey was walking, he lived far but the bus didn't go by his house and Jo was getting a lift, but she was going for something to eat with her mum.

"Good thing we aren't going out tonight" Sam said.

We watched a few first years run amock at the bus stop, growling at them as they narrowly missed our heads with very small snow balls. The snow wasn't settling but it had on the grass, and was starting to make slush on the roads.

"Lucky for you, I'm still going out"

"Oh yeah, good luck with that" She smiled encouragingly.

"Thanks" I smiled back.

"What will you do tonight?"

Sam shrugged and put out her hand as the bus rounded the corner at the top of the road. All the kids started to cheer and yell, the bus pulled up and we waited till we had a seat on the bus before continuing our conversation.

"Probably just play xbox or something" Sam said and looked out the window.

I frowned and felt bad that I didn't invite her to the party, but I knew I couldn't.

"Why don't you see what Mickey's doing?" I asked.

Sam rocked her head from side to side as she considered it.

"I might, could always have a movie night with him and have a drink, though I don't see the point since I'll be seeing him tomorrow"

"So?" I challenged.

"Invite him over and play xbox together or watch a movie, just something so you're not on your own"

"I guess, but isn't that using him?"

I chattered my teeth in thought.

"Kind of, but he'd be using you as well so it kind of cancels itself out" I shrugged.

Sam laughed and nodded.

"I'll see later, let myself get home an d relax and give him time to get home and stuff"

I nodded.

"I'm not making you hang out with him. I just think you should"

"If you're trying to set us two up together it won't work"

My heart leapt and I inhaled a little too sharply, I glanced at her and saw she was fighting a smile and trying to look serious.

"I don't like him like that" She said after a moment.

"I'm not trying to set you two had  crossed my mind..." I stopped and she shook her head at me.

"I'll find someone tomorrow. Mickey will too" She stated.

I nodded and dropped it, asking her instead about her parents and brother. Her brother was at our school but he didn't like to spend time with us and normally made his own way home by that of doing the opposite of his sister. Pushing the button we got up and stood at the front of the bus waiting to get off. Sam started to talk about her outfit for tomorrow, we had decided to go to town and go to a rock and roll pub called Rufus T Fireflys. We had been before and it was really quite good, drink, food, music and people wise. Then again pubs were better than dance clubs, though we had also decided that if, when we were drinking in Rufu's T's, that if we got a free pass into a club we would go to it. We would go anyway but going to Rufus T's increased the chances of us keeping our entry money and using it instead to buy a few more drinks. We got to the point where she went one way and I went the other and we said our goodbyes. I hurried home and quickly had a shower, my mum knew I was going out tonight, but she thought I was going to dinner with Alex and his parents, to which she was annoyed about and used to argue her point, that, she had yet to meet my boyfriend, never mind him coming for dinner.

Once I was out of my shower I decided what to wear. I was going to wear a dress and heels and put on some make-up to make me look older. Though what dress I couldn't decide. I didn't have many dresses and the ones I had made me wince a little; they just weren't really my style.

I ended up picking up a light blue summer dress, making sure to wear two layers of opaque tights in the bitter cold outside! It had a little brown belt with it but I changed it with a white one and looked for my three inch painted white heels; I couldn't find them. I looked at my curling tongs and decided to think about a revised outfit as I curled the bottom of my hair. I fixed my make-up too, only adding a bit of eyeliner, mascara and a light blue eyeshadow that you could barely see. An idea hit me and I nearly smudged the pale pink lip-gloss I was applying to my lips when I remembered a pair of brown dolly shoes that I let my mum borrow. I fixed my lip-gloss and ran into my mum and dads bedroom, flicking on the light and rushing to the cupboard where my mum kept her shoes. I tore through the box, my heart giving out that she had tossed them out; but luck was with me!

I gave myself a look in the mirror above the fire place in the living room and smiled, I had a beige shawl that glittered with gold thread around my shoulders, I wasn't a big fan of what I was wearing, but at the same time I felt rather girly and suddenly shy about what I was wearing.

"Are you sure this is ok?" I asked as my mum came into the living room carrying my small brown belt.

"If you swap that white belt for this one; yes" My mum smiled and tossed it at me.

I rolled my eyes but smiled fixing my belt.

"So, where are you meeting him?" My mum questioned.

"Uh, well, he's meeting me at the bus stop" I smiled timidly.

"Really? It's not like we'll kill the poor boy! You should invite him round here Melissa" My mum tutted.

"I will, I will" I groaned.

I looked at the clock and grinned at my mum.

"Are you sure it's ok for me to stay then?" I asked.

My mums eyes hardened but she nodded.

"I wouldn't allow it, but since you're old enough and your dad brought it to my attention that I can't keep telling you what to do and unfortunately he's right" She said.

"Yes it's fine, you just keep in touch. I would like to speak to his parents though..."

"Mum please!" I whined.

I glanced at the clock again.

"I'm sorry I have to go, thanks!" I shouted and grabbed my school bag that I used for staying over.

I was annoyed that I had to bring it because if I did really look like my mum insisted, then the bag would definitely ruin my look, and I really wanted to look good for him. Just around the corner at the top of the hill, the small familiar car sat parked and a shadow moved inside it. I ran towards it as the door clicked and opened, light splashing on his grinning face as I got to the door.

"Hey, everything go OK? You've got your overnight bag..." Alex asked and his face turned to a frown.

I giggled and hurriedly got into the car and closed the door, my bag at my feet as I turned and kissed the very confused Alex on the lips. His lips twitched in a smile then a short laugh as he leaned back into his seat.

"Mum said I can stay!"

He grinned and leaned over and kissed me and I giggled as I held his face.

"This is already turning out to be a great night" He said looking into my eyes.

I nodded and kissed him quickly before he moved back into his seat and started the car. We talked about how exciting it was that I was actually allowed to stay over now and didn't have to sneak behind my parents back, also of the party. I felt the excitement build in my chest as a thought flitted through my head; tonight's the night.

Alex ran up to the house with my bag as I waited outside for the taxi. We got to the party about ten past eight, it was in a pub that had a functions room in the back, though some of the older male guests sought refuge from the loud pop music in the quiet bar lounge where there was some puggie machines and a pool table. Alex had bought Fraser a bottle of Jack Daniels, I bought him a bottle of coke as a laugh but had picked him up a set of cufflinks in the shape of xbox controllers. Alex was rather jealous of the gift and hoped to get something as cool as that for Christmas. Fraser was at the bar just across form the door as we entered, the music was blasting and the room was dark with disco lights flashing, there were lots of people in the room of all ages; a few kids ran about with balloons and poppers. I grew a little nervous but Alex took no notice as he waved over at Fraser and took my hand and we made our way through the crowd.

Fraser gripped Alex in a man hug and gave me a kiss on the cheek and a small delicate hug as he accepted the bottle bags, mine was heavier so he opened it first, his face contorted in confusion, Alex rolled his eyes and took out the bottle of jack from the present he got Fraser.

"It's to go with this" Alex had to practically shout over the music.

Fraser nearly double over with laughter, I thought it was pretty funny, but from the amount of laughter from Fraser, we could tell he was already pretty drunk.

"Great!" He laughed.

We got a few drinks then went with Fraser to the table where Lynsey, Chloe, Blair and Chad where sitting with some other I had never met whom I was introduced to as I sat down. Alex greeted all his other friends and after a while he left me with his friends to say hello to Fraser's parents. Blair and Lynsey chatted to me until Alex returned with more drinks and a few shots. I was slightly intoxicated by eleven, we had been up dancing and we had a game going between Chad, Blair, Alex and I that every time we saw Fraser with a new drink in his hand we had to take a shot. We where making our way back to the table when I had to excuse myself to the bathroom.

I turned and glared at Chad as he wolf whistled as I walked away, Alex slapping him across the chest and throwing back their heads in laughter. I swayed a bit as I got into the bathroom and grabbed the side of one of the sinks to steady myself before rushing into a stall. After I had washed my hands, I started to fix my make-up a little and smiled at my reflection in the mirror, might just be my drunken vision but I thought of myself as quite pretty. The door slammed against the wall as two girls came into the toilets, evidently drunk as hey began to giggle at the noise and shush each other. I smiled and turned to leave when they looked at me and grinned, well one of them did.

"Melissa? Melissa Butler?" Came a very high, excited sounding voice.

I felt the smile on my face fall as the thoughts slowly formed in my clouded mind; that sounds like...

"Melissa Butler it is you! Wow! What are you doing here?!"

My eyes unclouded and I forced a huge grin on my face and jumped on the spot, suddenly sober enough to know I had to act a little more drunk to get away with the delay in greetings.

"Oh my god, Kodie! It's you! Oh my god!" I squealed.

Kodie squealed too and we hugged, spinning in a very risky circle as her friend laughed and clapped her hands before saying she was going to use the loo. We separated and we both swayed, my head a little fuzzy but I grinned regardless at Kodie as she gasped and swayed worse than me.

"How do you know my cousin?" Kodie asked, her glazed eyes twinkling.

"Your cousin!?" I gasped.

"Yeah, what's so" She hiccuped "Surprising about that?"

"Nothing, nothing..I met him on a night out and it's just weird to think I've been out drinking with your cousin all this time!" I gave a giggle and she laughed too.

"This is so weird!" Kodie laughed.

The girl that came in with Kodie flushed the toilet which reminded Kodie she to needed the loo.

"I'll have a drink with you, I'll come find you after I've used the toilet!" Kodie promised.

I nodded and left the bathroom, making my way over to the table I had left Alex at to find only the group of people I had just met that night. I then spotted Alex and Chloe up dancing. I panicked, wondering what I was going to do! I didn't want to interrupt them dancing but perhaps this was good, if he was busy with Chloe then I could speak to Kodie and then get Alex so we could leave after it, Kodie would be suspicious if she found I had left the party early. How could Alex not know Fraser had a cousin at our school?! I felt myself getting emotional and I cursed myself for drinking. I felt someone behind me and I turned to see Blair wink at me with a drink in his hand.

"I was to buy the drinks, come sit!" Blair was walking to a table and I decided to follow.

The dance floor was pretty busy, I felt a little safe knowing there was a minimal chance of Alex bumping into Kodie. Blair noticed I was fidgitty and he sat next to me.

"Is everything ok?" He asked.

I sighed and bit my lip.

"You're not worried abut them dancing are you? They're both classy people, not into cheating or that!" Blair defended them.

"Oh god no! I'm not suggesting that Alex would, nor Chloe! I'm just...I think I've had too many shots" I grabbed my stomach and he nodded and gave a sheepish smile.

"Sorry" He grinned.

"It's fine!" I laughed a little.

I looked up when I heard a loud laugh and saw Alex holding Chloe up as she tripped over her heels. They were making their way back over and my heart gave a leap as a small smile broke over my face, but it was gone as fast as it appeared.

"Mr Jackmen?!" Kodie squealed and jumped around in front of him.

He laughed as his eyes widened, he was so good at hiding his shock. I watched with my nervous heart pounding in my ears as he greeted her and spoke with her. Chloe waved at me and made her way over, I moved along so she could sit beside me and block me from Kodie.

"So who are you here with?" Kodie asked with a giggle.

Alex's eyes widened as he too didn't know what to say.

"Just some friends" He smiled.

"Not your girlfriend?" She asked with a shocked face.

"I heard you got one, broke Ashley Dickenson's heart" Kodie blurted.

I covered my mouth to stop the laugh that suddenly threatened to burst forth as I remembered Ashley in the classroom, gutted Alex had set me to help her instead of himself.

"No, no. She's not here" Alex said.

"Alex!" Chloe shouted at him startling all of us.

My heart was racing and my head was swimming, I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Your girlfriends right here you! If I was her I'd slap you!" She said and turned to look at me.

I pushed myself back to try and hide myself from Kodie's view but Chloe moved more. I turned my back and waved at them, pretending to cry and be hurt, Chloe grabbed my shoulders and shushed me trying to be soothing.

"Look what you've done! How could you say that?! Especially when she was right here!" Chloe scolded him.

I hoped Alex knew I wasn't actually upset about it and only doing this to hide from Kodie.

"Oh no, I-I-I'm so sorry!" Alex said.

"Sorry Kodie, I'm gonna have to fix this" He excused himself.

"Sorry I got you in trouble"Kodie said bashfully and walked away.

"She's gone" Alex whispered in my ear as he leaned over Chloe.

"I want to leave!" I said and turned to look at him, pretending to wipe tears from my eyes.

He nodded and Chloe gave me a hug and nodded in understanding. She hoped we sorted things as long as I made him pay for what he had said. Alex took my hand and we ran around looking for Fraser. We stood behind a few people at the bar as we watched Fraser, the guest of honour we had to say goodbye to was talking to the one we were trying to avoid.

"I think I made a problem between him and his girlfriend" Kodie pulled a face.

"Aw, aw n-no. I'm...I'm s-sure they'll, be fine! Ol' Al and Mel are always good!" Fraser smiled drunkenly at her.

Both laughed and Fraser bid her goodbye, accepting a drink off a woman who kissed him. Alex lead me up to him.

"sorry mate, we have to head off"

"Hey!" He grinned and grabbed Alex in a hug, now spilling his drink everywhere and over Alex.

"I'm sorry Fraser, I'm going to pp outside now and check for the taxi, I hope you have a good night! Thank you for inviting me!" I shouted at him over the music and blew him a kiss and ran outside to call the taxi.

The fresh air nearly knocked me off my feet and my eyes watered badly. I arranged for the taxi and waited for Alex to come outside, he took a while but appeared soon and explained that Fraser was telling him about Kodie and how she thought she had caused Alex's girlfriend to fall out with him. Alex tried to stress the point we were fine, I just wasn't feeling well. The taxi finally pulled up and we set off to Alex's house. In the back of the taxi I gripped his arm as he took deep calming breaths and wiped his face, clearly the fresh air having affected him too.

"I...I can't believe I didn't know Kodie was Fraser's cousin!" He said shocked.

"I can't believe he never mentioned it to you, 'hey did you know my little cousin goes to the school you work at?' or something!" I gasped.

"Apparently they're not that close" Alex yawned.

I nodded against his arm which he took from me to wrap around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Do you think she saw us?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"I mean, together "I added.

Alex inhaled and exhaled through his nose and leaned his chin on my head.

"I just don't know love" He said.

I nodded and we sat in silence, reaching the house in no time. We made our way up the close to the door, Alex put his key in the door as I leaned against the wall and wiped a fe tears from my eyes. What if she had seen us together? What if she told someone? What if we couldn't see each other again? I heard nothing in the echoing close which made me look up to see Alex looking at me with a shocked face, he looked like he didn't know what to do. I shook my head, unable to stop the tears.

"I'm fine, it's nothing" I whispered with a small laugh.

He took my in his arms at once and I had to wrap my arms arund his neck. I cried as he rubbed my back and tried to sooth me.

"What, what if I'm not allowed to see you anymore?" I asked into his neck.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!" He said and pulled me off him, moving my hair from my face and stroking my cheek.

"No one is going to stop us seeing each other" Alex said.

I looked into his beautiful green eyes and I knew he wouldn't let anything come between us. I hugged him and then let go as he took my hand and lead me into the house. We decided it was best to go straight to bed. We went about our nightly routine of using the bathroom and brushing out teeth before changing and getting into bed. It was silent before Alex turned to face me and I turned to face him.

"Melissa" He said.

I sniffed and smiled in the darkness, moving so we were touching. He took me into his arms and I looked up into his eyes, seeing them vaguely in the dark.

"I love you"

I don't think my heart could take more excitement, so I just reached up and kissed him, passionately on the lips.

"I love you too" I smiled.

We kissed again but didn't go any further and spent the rest of the night holding each other and talking. I couldn't stop thinking about Kodie and the threat she now posed, but feeling Alex's arms around me and his voice penetrating the silence made me feel so warm and safe and I really believed that no matter what Kodie said or did, nothing would come between Alex and I.

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