Togetherness? - Little Nightm...

By Deadmandrifting935

69K 2.4K 1.4K

Trapped in a vicious cycle, time and time again Mono has only known failure. Bound by an incomprehensible for... More

Over and over again.
The shack
Soothing melody
Cat and mouse
Last resort (part 1)
Last resort (Part 2)
The calm
Journey to the pale city
The bending towers
He calls
The school
Plastic Hooligans
An Ally From Beyond
Found you
Wingless Bird
Once more
True colors
Kindred spirits
Still City
Last Swig
Centuries old
A coat from days past
Can you hear my voice?
Beware of the light
The tower
Garden of eyes
The hospital
The west wing
The doctor
Wonderful darkness
TV man
I am you
Promise broken
Old friend
Round two
Horrible melody
Stay with me
The Alpha And The Omega
A cycle's end

Through the halls

1.4K 54 16
By Deadmandrifting935

*Hops out of tardis* Hello again! how have you been? Here, I brought you another chapter! a long one too at that! 3k+ words I think.

I'm thinking of putting one extra chapter after the end, where I would talk about behind the scenes, (If that really mattered anyway.) it would get updated a few times. But anyhoo, this story is still far from over. We're not even halfway yet.

Enough of that! Enjoy! you lovely people.


"A school..." Mono said, scratching his chin. "Huh..." This Frankensteinish castle is a school. Well, maybe it's not as bad as he claims it to be. "Wait here for a bit, Six. I'm gonna check it out." He said and Six nodded. First, he went up the stairs leading to the entrance, placing his two hands on one step then lifts himself. Onward and upward until reached the double doors. He tried pushing them, but they wouldn't budge. He took a few steps back and looked up at the square windows at the top of each door, he didn't see much, but there were a couple of metal rods propped against the doors from the other side. "Nope. No getting through here." Mono said, going back down the stairs.

Six had her back turned to him, kneeling right next to the detached swings a few steps away. She seems to be holding something in her hands. Mono tilted his head. Now filled with curiosity, he walked towards her, passing the white chalk drawing on the floor, he couldn't help but slip a glance at them, most of the drawings were either stick figures or flowers, but one particular drawing was a female stick figure, she seemed pretty angry, her hair was drawn in roughly in circles to her shoulders, she had fangs for teeth and a wicked smile stretching from ear to ear, and her neck was bending out and twisting so horribly from her body. Jeez, kids draw these things?  Mono thought, briefly. Now he was filled with doubt, he no longer knows if he and Six are the only ones around here. Looking back at the building Mono wondered if it really was the best idea to go inside. OH, get it together! Who in their right mind would choose to live in a wasteland like this? a person with a death wish that's who... 

As Six heard him approach, she turned towards him, "Mono..." She said, her eyes examining the ball in her hand. Its fabric was torn from all sides, but luckily it was still filled with a good amount of air. 

Mono placed his over the ball and squeezed it. "Where did you find that?" 

Six pointed towards a netless goal made of rusted metal, oddly enough, the goal was pretty much made for children their size. 

Mono thought about it for a while, Oh well, where's the harm in that? he turned back towards Six and beckoned with his head, "Come on, I wanna show you something." Mono said, running towards the goal. Six stood there reluctantly for a moment, and as Mono called for her again she followed him. Mono stood in the middle as keeper, he placed his hands against his hips with confidence. Six stood a few feet away, the torn sports ball in her hands still, confusion drawn all over her face. 

"Uhhh, I-... am I supposed to do something?" Six said.

Mono laughed nervously, "Place the ball in front of you." he instructed. And Six did so. But she just stood there, "Okay... Now kick the ball in the goal!" Mono said standing at the ready, squatting a bit with his hovering at his sides. Six gave the most pitiful kick ever, the ball slid and hit Mono in his toes, "Six... really? Come on give it your best shot!" He said rolling the ball.

"Best shot?" Six said, laughing nervously. 

"Kick it harder! aim for the goal!" He said.

Six shrugged, "Okay then..." She said, backing off. She ran towards the ball and kicked it, sending it flying towards Mono. He caught it just inches away before it smacked him in the face.

"Wohooo, did you see that? Pretty awesome don't you say?" 

Six huffed in amusement, "Right..."

"Fun isn't it?" Mono said.

"In a way, I guess."

"Want another go?" Mono said, rolling the ball back to her.

Six stopped it with her foot and picked it up, "Sure..." she said tossing the ball in the air twice before drawing it back, readying herself to throw it. 

Mono's hands shot in front of him, "Wait, wait, wait! No, that's not how you play the game! there are rules!" 


"You can't just throw the ball. You have to kick it in the goal..." Mono explained. 

"Says who...?" Six said, unconvinced.

"Well, errr..." Mono thought for a moment, "I don't know! Just humor me." He said finally. 

Six just shrugged and placed the ball back down, as it stopped bouncing she kicked it without warning too fast for Mono to react, it went straight past him and through the goal. "HA! score for me! I'm up by one!" 

Mono wasn't having it, "Where did you learn to count?! Our score is tied!" 

"We'll see about that! Come on, again!" Six said, eager for more. Mono tossed her the ball and stood at the ready.

"Bring it! I'm done warming up!" he said. The game went onwards, the playground was filled with both laughter and argument, Mono had caught a few shots while missing others by that much, and Six's cheeks would puff every time the ball struck the metal surface, and she would complain how the goal wasn't wide enough.

"Oi! watch the face here!" Mono said is he caught the ball, they were even once more and now finally it was time for match point, this had gone for more than enough time, and Mono was starting to get pretty sweaty.

"I was aiming for it!" She said with a snicker.

Honestly, that girl... "If I get a concussion, I'll have you carry me on your back!" and to that Six just laughed, "Right, time to decide the winner!" he said tossing her the ball one last time. She caught it and placed it in front of her. "Matchpoint, Six. Make it count! come on, give it all you've got. Think of someone you really hate or something..." 

Six's features turned sour, and her lips twisted into a frown, Hey wait not literally! She drew back and stood there, ready to charge. Mono gulped, this was gonna hurt... She lunged at the ball, her leg drawing as far backward as possible, her foot collided with the ball with a loud bang, the ball flew upwards at half the speed of sound, Six missed the goal completely, the ball hissed passed Mono and crashed into a window behind him, shattering it to smithereens. Mono covered his head and ducked, and Six's hands went to her mouth in shock. 

Mono looked up at her then slowly glanced back to the broken window, "Good game, Six. You win." He said, calmly.

"Uhh, I don't think I did." Six whispered.

"Oh yes, you did..." He went to the window and stood there for a moment, looking inside the building, it was pretty dark to see what's inside, but it did look like there wasn't anything blocking the way in. "And you found us a way inside too. Way to go!" Mono said. He beckoned her to come to him, Six made towards him, then stood there waiting. "Let me go there first, make sure everything is alright, yeah?" he said.

Six nodded slowly and propped her back against the wall, placing her hands together and waited. She boosted him up, and Mono clung to the edge of the sill. Once he was up and over he took a closer look inside, his small form casting a large shadow across the room. He saw nothing more than the patch of a wooden floor where the moonlight shone, I didn't look that ancient to Mono, the surface was still intact except for a few loose wooden tiles, and tiny pieces of dirt were riddle all about the room. He thought twice about calling for someone, his instincts were now starting to betray him. 

"Hey!" Six called from below.

"Just a moment!" Mono said, kicking off the remaining shards of glass from the frame of the window, getting stabbed was the last thing anyone wanted right now. After he was done he clapped his hands together and rubbed them, he went on his belly and called for Six, his hand extended, "Looks fine to me! Grab on." 

She was light as a feather, he lifted her up with any effort at all. Six stood and gave him that gentle punch in the chest, he didn't really know what she meant by it, but he enjoyed that small gesture. For every time she does it a warm feeling wells up inside him. He cleared his throat and said, "Watch your feet down there, glass' still scattered." 

Six smiled and pulled out the lighter from the pocket of her blue woolen sweater, she flipped the lid open and flicked the flint wheel. Wasn't much of a light source but it would still do, for now. She carefully sat down and hopped inside the room, tip-toeing across the room, minding the shards. Mono then followed close behind matching her footsteps, she waited for him, looking back towards him and waving her hand. Mono grabbed it and kept it firmly in his palm, her hand was warm and calloused.

"Stay close." Six said as she led the way, waving her lighter this way and that. Portraits that hung from the wall came into view, pretty terrible tastes in art Mono had to say. One portrait had a face of a man, his head had only a fringe of black hair. his smile was twisted, showing a thin glimpse of crooked yellow teeth. His mustache black and upturned, the pointy ends rising to meet his sunken black eyes. 

One other portrait was twice as ugly. A middle-aged woman, with curly hair that only reached her shoulders, her eyes were bawling out of their sockets, Mono could feel her gaze into his soul, even from the picture. Her lips were painted with a thick pinkish gloss, it was like a pink smile drawn across the face of an Ogre. 

Six had paused for a moment next to that portrait, her lighter shining on its hideous features for a while, he felt her hand trembling in his. Mono squeezed her hand gently, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. It seemed to have soothed her, for a while at least...

Mono caught something in the corner of his eye, something blinking, a red light. Just like the one in the shack. A little light with do them some good, Mono had thought. He tugged at Six's hand, she looked at him as he pointed towards the blinking light. "Over there." He whispered. 

They made for it, Six handed Mono her lighter as she placed her hands together to boost him, Mono shone the light on the switch with one hand while he reached for it with the other. Six helped him up then back away, Mono clung to the switch and let his weight do the rest. With a click, the lights overhead flickered to life. He could see that the front door was blocked by a stack of desks and chairs, and further down the hallway was yet another stack of desks blocking the way.

Mono gave Six her lighter back before he went around exploring. pretty much every door was either locked or blocked from the other side. Six didn't find much either, but there was this whistling of wind coming from the portrait of the woman, the canvas was blowing back and forth. "Find anything?" Mono asked from a distance.

"Here." Six said, Pointing at the portrait. Mono strode through the hallway, minding the loose planks on the floor. "There something behind it." She added.

Mono tried moving the painting, but it was firmly nailed to the wall. He could hear the hissing of the wind too now, he looked back at the stack of chairs back there at the front door, "Hmm, come help with this." He said as he sprang toward the front door. Six followed closely, Mono's coat flapping behind her. 

Mono grabbed hold of a chair and started pulling, "Here, give me a hand with this." Six grabbed the chair, and soon enough with their combined might the chair came loose from the stack and fell to the floor with a loud thud, making them both grit their teeth, "Right, let's bring it over there." Mono said pointing just below the painting.

Soon enough after a few seconds of pushing, they propped the chair in position. Mono had picked up a pointy shard of glass along the way. He held it carefully in his hand as he hopped onto the chair, now coming face to face with the woman in the portrait. "Careful with that, Mono." Six said.

"Of course," Mono said. hovering the shard inches away from the painting, "Hello there. beasty..." He said and started carving the painting open, he slid the shard down vertically, then horizontally. Until he made himself a nice little path inside the painting. Mono threw away the shard and pushed the fabric of the canvas away. He took a peek inside, noticing a ventilation system. 

Mono looked back at Six and beckoned, "There you go again! How do you even do this?" He said. 

Six just shrugged, "I dunno..." she said, joining Mono, he stepped into the painting first and kept the fabric wide open for her. The air suddenly became chilly here, the cold biting at Mono's feet as they crept through the narrow path of the vents.

They went on blindly, each time they came across two corners they would take the left one. everything was fine and dandy, Mono only wished they would get out of the vent sooner. But then came the sound of footsteps below them, the slow and vicious click-clack of high heels against the wooden floor.

Six grabbed his hand suddenly, her entire form trembling. Mono was frozen stiff, his muscles aching with fear, there was someone here after all. He had done it, now... 

Mono turned back to Six and placed a finger against his paper bag, he crouched lower and made for the tiny rectangular gaps, he placed his hands on the icy metal and looked through them, seeing a library below him, with only one light coming from a doorway at the far right. A huge shadow crept inside the room, slowly getting bigger with every step the figure took, the shadow's form shook and wobbled as its feet shuffled against the floor. And soon enough he saw its hair, curly and unkempt, only reaching its shoulders. It was wearing a torn buttoned-up shirt and dark-green long skirt. In its ancient hands, it held piles of books.

What seemingly looked like a teacher, made its way towards the shelves and started adjusting the books by color and size. Six sat in the back hugging her knees. Mono extended his hand for her, "Come on, Six." he could stop the trembling in his voice, "It hasn't seen us yet." 

Reluctantly Six reached for his hand, Mono grabbed it and pulled her close. He slipped on the last look at the woman beneath, she made a growling sound as she scratched her neck with crooked fingers. Better go now while it's busy... 

They tip-toed through the vents, Six was leading through, careful enough not to make a sound. Mono was right on her heels, constantly slipping a glance through those tiny gaps to keep an eye on that woman. He collided with Six, "What? what's going on?" he whispered. 

Six let out a shaky breath as she pointed at something stuck in the vents, it looked like, a boy? it laid there in the way, its arms and legs were bent in the wrong direction, its head had this bowl haircut and it seemed to be wearing brown overall clothes with a white shirt under them. what the heck is that?

Without warning its head snapped towards them, they gasped as they saw it, its left eye was smashed in its head, cracked like some sort of porcelain doll. It smiled at them, its arms bending back in the right direction, Six drew back in fear. Mono grabbed her and pushed her behind him, "Stay calm..." He whispered to that thing in front of him. Its head shook ferociously snapping in all directions. Making the pieces of his cracked eye inside his head click. It let out a screech and banged its arms and head on the surface of the vent. "No! stupid puppet!" He said grabbing Six by her arm and rushing her away from the sounds. 

He slipped one last glance before rushing behind cover, the woman below didn't even turn her body, she just stood there, but what happened next made Mono want to retch out his insides. The woman's neck twisted with the sounds of bones crunching, it bent out of her shoulders and stretched into unnatural ways. The woman growled, her head slithering upwards towards the vents. 

At the far side of the vent, the doll was still throwing a tantrum, yelling and shaking and slamming its body against the surface. Six grabbed Mono by his arm and rushed him behind the corner of the vent. He knelt there, his throat dry, his chest rising and falling violently. Six clasped a hand against her mouth, then looked at Mono with terrified eyes. She shook her head. Mono did the same, slamming his hand shut against his mouth.

The woman bit metal off the vents and dug her head inside, following the sound. In a flash her neck twisted deeper in the vents and snatched the screaming doll, trapping it between its teeth. it kept on fussing and screaming, but then came the sound of jaws snapping and the cracking of porcelain. The screaming was finally silenced.


Woooo! Terror, am I right? Any of you seen or played the P.T of 2014? yeah, good horror doesn't need jump scares to scare you.

well, sorry this took so long, how was it? any mistakes I missed?

That's all for now! *Cuts a rift in time and space, then steps through.* 

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