Aphmau My Inner Demons Season...

By JiqSan

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Disclaimer Warning❗ Disclaimer Warning❗ This is totally just for fun! I love Aphmau My Inner Demons so much t... More

Disclaimer Warning!!!


321 8 0
By JiqSan

Ava's POV

Ugh...I have felt weird by now....

From the glowing crescent tattoo that Pierce and Emo just mentioned to this....

I rubbed my temples as I walked across the stone made bridge. ( A/N How nice that I just realised that there's a freakin bridge if I mistaken it in the first episode.)

"Lady Ava , are you alright? I think we should ask permission from the king for-" I quickly cut off her sentence with my hand held up. "I'm fine , just probably overtired , ain't a big deal." I said while continued walking to the throne room with Emo's accompany.

While we almost finish crossing the bridge , a child who reached down for his toy stick or some sort stuff. He jumped up from the fence,  trying to reach it but ends falling down. But I should be appreciated that he had some smarts as he quickly grabbed the fence with his small chubby hand, yelling for help.

I quickly got there and tried to reach to him , but he seems like he can't hold much long. "Lady Ava,  be careful about this..." Emo said while I reached lower down from the fence. I ignored her alert and put all my focus on the kid.

His hand slowly slipped away from the fence. I told him not to let go , if he fall , he might break his spinal cord and even worse...

The kid groaned with a tone full of effort and hopeless as his hand slipped away from the stone fence and fell off the bridge. Without any hesitation, my involuntary response was jump!

"Let me just......" Hiro said while putting his hand on the crack , closing his eyes , healing the crack. Countess Nákaa turned excited when a small crack turned invisible.

I held the child in my arms as I felt an energy that I can't describe flowed through my body. I loss my consciousness for a minute as the energy fully flooded my body. As I snapped out from the sudden energy,  I had found myself standing on the fence , watching the kid running back home.

What did just..... Did I just....

"Lady Ava! Thank god you're alright , I couldn't give an explanation to his highness if anything happen to you!" Emo yelled while helding me in her arms. I smiled and recieved a head pat from Pierce.

"Lady Ava, seem you had made it. I know that Asch had request Pierce to give you more training for defense." The king said on the throne as Emo pushed the doors opened.

"Are you alright , Ava? You seem a bit pale now..." Asch asked while holding me by the arm. "I'm fine , just a bit tired..." I giggled,  trying to calm his crazy nerves down , in case he overreacted from whatever happen just now.

Asch's POV

For the next 30 degree of the sun , we had a long conversation about the ceremony to make Ava my wife. But my eyes were all on Ava , who's paler than any day on Daemos or Ear-th.

Was it the effect of the environment?
I ignored that thought since she had been on Daemos for almost a month. It gotta be something to do with whatever happen just now during their training.

I clearly know that she was acting to be strong just now , trying to calm me down. This only makes me more concerned about this.

"Lady Ava? Are you alright?" Father asked when he finally saw Ava shivered from....terror or something.... "Lady Ava , I requested you to retire for the day. It had been a quite rough day..." "How many times should I tell you...I'm fine!" Ava suddenly yelled at the assistant with her eyes turned white.

Al things around us , candlestick,  table , papers started levitating in the air followed by Ava's anger. Ava suddenly groaned in pain and I could clearly see something convex from her back. It slowly turns bigger until the assistant of hers threw a splash potion upon her , making Ava being unconscious on the ground whole the things descend onto the ground.

I quickly rushed towards her , picking her up from the ground. Found her still having her breath and the bumps behind her back were magically disappeared.

"I think we should call it a day , son. Ava did had a tiring day after all." I agreed with my father as I picked her body up. "Do you need Lady Grandma,  son?" "No need , Rhys was all we need." , I looked at the assistant who's looking onto the ground , "I'm gonna deal with you later. Come with us." She only nodded and followed us nervously.

Rhys's POV

"How did she get into this?" I asked Asch and Pierce after examining Ava since they're the only ones who had been with Ava the entire time.

"I have no idea , but I believe she has a thought in mind." Asch grabbed the Daemos who's usually around Ava by the collar and dragged her in front of me."She had spent more time with Ava than any of us." Pierce said which make her looked down to her foot full of guilt.

"What happen to Lady Ava? Why didn't you inform us about this earlier?" Asch questioned her which gave her a fright by the face. "F-F-First of all , I don't want to loss this work even as a peasant. S-Secondly , it's her who doesn't want me to tell you. She doesn't want you to be worry...." She said while her body shivered a bit.

"Well , you could secretly tell us , you know I like mischie-""Now's not the time joke around Leif." Asch scolded Leif who's making jokes by such time. "If there's nothing...I'll just....move on to my chores..." She then excused herself as we heard some groan from Ava who's put her palm on her forehead.

"Ava , what in the world happened to you? You just got insane for a second , thank God the friend of yours threw a potion on you , bringing you to temporary slumber!"yelled Asch aggressive yet concerned. "Are you alright , Ava?! I was so worried about you when Leif told me that you're unconscious in-" Leif quickly smacked Noi by the head, shutting him up.

"Ava , just tell us what's going on. We might can help you out." I said to her full of worries while grabbing her hand tightly , hoping her to tell the truth. She looked at me with her pink eyes widen , but then looked away from us with her hand pulled away from mine. "Just give me some time to figure out....And I will when the time is right." She said as we excused ourselves , giving her space.

As I was walking back to the royal library, to the altar,  a whisper with excitement crawled into my ear , letting my guard up. "...If I just move the fact she's her to here , and I move this here..." I quietly walked to the other side of the altar with my back leaned against the wall.

I can't see the figure but a blue transparent page flowing in the air. The tone seems to be a female and a quite smart one.... I walked closer , going to find out the truth when a call from Lady Grandma freaked her out , causing her to disappear in the air.

"Rhys , what's the matter?" I looked at Lady Grandma,  looked back to the wall where the female hid , and answered ,

"Nothing , Lady Grandma. Nothing at all."

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