Love At First Sight

Від TarableTaralynn

8K 268 38

Dean and Seth are secretly in love with each other, neither of them has the courage to tell the other. One ni... Більше

Secret Love
Breaking Down
Confessing Love


1.2K 41 3
Від TarableTaralynn


 After getting ready they left the hotel and walked to the club, Seth was really looking forward to spending time with Roman and Dean; especially Dean! Seth couldn't wait to get there, after a few drinks maybe he could convince Dean to dance? Thoughts of dancing close to Dean, was not the mental image he needed when he was in public; especially not when he was with Dean! As they walked Seth kept sneaking glances at Dean, he couldn't wait to see where the night took them...hopefully if Seth had his way it would end with him making out with Dean! As they arrived all three hoped they could get inside without being recognized; it wasn't that they didn't love their fans, they just wanted one night where they could forget about work! As they walked past some people outside the club they were recognized and happily posed for pictures, signed autographs and talked to them for a few minutes. They finally made it inside, the place was busy not packed, and the music wasn't loud enough you couldn't have a conversation over it. Seth looked at Dean and Roman all three smiled as they made their way to the bar.

 A couple of hours later Dean stood by the bar waiting for the three beers he ordered. As he waited he looked for Seth and Roman, he found them on the dance floor, he shook his head smiling as he watched them dance. Actually Seth was dancing, Dean had no idea what Roman was doing, he maybe a powerhouse in the ring, but on the dance floor Roman was like a fish out of water. The beers arrived and Dean held them up signalling Seth and Roman to join him. All three sat and began drinking their beers, when suddenly someone bumped into Dean causing him to spill his beer, Roman and Seth instantly got to their feet to defend Dean. The man who bumped Dean stood in front of them smiling, Dean wiped his hand on his jeans before he slowly stood facing the man. The man was the same height and weight as Dean, he looked at all three before still smiling he spoke.

 "Aw, did Pretty Boy have an accident?" The man mocked.

 "Real funny asshole!" Dean answered smirking. "You're about to have an accident!"

 "Who are they?" The man questioned pointing at Seth and Roman. "You're body guards, Princess?"

 "Nope!" Dean answered clenching his fists. "You're going to need some soon!"

 "Oh yeah? You think you can take me?" The man challenged.

 "I don't think, I know I can!" Dean said smiling.

 "Let's go then Pretty Boy!"

 "Dean, let's just get out of here!" Seth said trying to keep Dean calm. "He's not worth getting into shit with Hunter!"

 "Seth's right D!" Roman added.

 "Alright, fine!" Dean relented angrily.

 They turned to leave when the guy pushed Dean into the table, Seth and Roman tried to help him up, but Dean pushed them away and charged the guy. Dean began punching him, he only stopped when Seth and Roman pulled him off. People stood watching, they began to laugh at the guy as he got to his feet and starred Dean down angrily. He took off out of the club, while Dean pulled away from his brothers and picked up his beer, he drank the rest of it before smiling he walked out with Seth and Roman following. They began walking back to the hotel, Dean was pissed, that wasn't how he wanted the night to end! It should have ended with him and Seth making out, but some stupid, son-of-a-bitch had to ruin it! He was pulled out of his thoughts when the same guy appeared in front of them, he had been hiding in an alleyway waiting for them.

 "Hello Princess!" The man said smiling.

 "Want me to finish kicking your ugly ass? I hate leaving things half done!" Dean taunted smiling.

 "You think you're tough don't you?" The man said angrily. 

 "I kicked your sorry ass, didn't I?" Dean mocked.

 "Let's see how tough you are Princess after I do this!" The man yelled, before he threw some kind of liquid into Dean's face, Dean yelled out in pain as he fell to his knees holding his face.

 "DEAN!" Seth and Roman yelled together as they knelt by him, the guy took off.

 "I'm calling 911!" Seth said scared as Roman tried to get Dean's hands off his face so he could check the damage.

**A Couple Hours Later**:

 Seth paced the waiting room for the 100th time since the ambulance brought Dean in over an hour ago. Seth's mind replayed Dean getting hurt over and over, he couldn't get Dean's pain-filled screams out of his head. As he stood looking out the window Roman returned with coffee.

 "Here, I got you one too." Roman said gently, Seth took it thanking him.

 "What did the police say?" Seth asked as they sat.

 "Not much. They took my description of the guy, and said once they talk to Dean's doctor they'll go after the bastard!" Roman answered angrily.

 "He has to be okay Rome!" Seth said fighting his tears. "I should never have dragged you guys to that damn club!" He said standing throwing his coffee out.

 "Seth, you can't really be blaming yourself for this?" Roman asked gently.

 "I' am!" Seth answered.

 "Seth, how the hell is any of this your fault?" Roman asked putting his coffee down as he stood. "You had no idea that psycho would do this to Dean!"

 "It was my idea to go out! I'm...scared Rome, I'm really scared!" Seth said, Roman pulled him into his arms.

 "No one blames you Seth, none of this was your fault! Dean's going to need us right now, we need to be strong for him!" Roman said comforting Seth.

 "You're right, Dean needs us! Thanks Rome." Seth said when the hug ended.

 "Are you Dean Ambrose's family?" A male voice spoke from behind them.

 "Yes, we're his brothers!" Seth answered as they turned.

 "I'm Doctor Brooks, I took care of Mr. Ambrose when he was brought in."

 " is he?" Seth asked nervously.

 "Mr. Ambrose is alive, and stable. That's the good news."

 "There's bad news?" Roman asked scared.

 "Mr. Ambrose is suffering from chemical burns to his face and neck. The burns aren't serious, but the chemical did do damage to his eyes I'm afraid."

 "Wait, what?" Seth began upset. "He's been burned?"

 "Chemical burns are similar to burns caused by fire. The chemical used by his attacker caused burns to his face and neck, but it did more damage to his eyes." Doctor Brooks explained.

 "What kind of damage?" Roman asked taking Seth's hand.

 "Without using medical terms, to make it easier to understand. The chemical caused severe pain, and severe burning to both eyes, and has caused a whitish, hazy film to form over both corneas."

 "Will...will he be able to see?" Seth asked.

 "Right now he's unable to see anything, I can't get a good look at the back of his eyes they're too inflamed and very sensitive to light. There's no way I can get a proper look."

 "So, he's blind right now and there's nothing you can do for him, is that what you're saying?" Roman demanded angrily.

 "Ro, calm down, Dean needs us remember?" Seth said gently calming Roman down.

 "You're right, I'm sorry Doctor Brooks." Roman apologized.

 "It's alright, I understand you're angry and frustrated. I numbed his eyes with freezing before I looked at them, I applied medicated drops to both eyes first before I put medicated cream on both his eyes and burns. I then covered both his eyes and burns in gauze to allow them to heal without risk of infection. I gave him some pain meds and he's resting comfortably now, he's fully aware of his condition. I'd like him to stay the night, but Mr. Ambrose signed himself out against my wishes."

 "That's Dean! He hates hospitals!" Seth said.

 "Well, I'll give you his drops, cream and gauze. I'm assuming one of you will be helping him?" Doctor Brooks asked.

 "Both of us!" Roman answered, Seth agreed.

 "Good, good! Here's the box of supplies, the directions are in it, and here's his prescription for pain medication. I realize you travel with work, but Mr. Ambrose needs to have his eyes checked again in a couple of weeks to assess his healing. I'd like him to be seen by me preferably; if you're back in town. If not here's my office number, call it and I will set up an appointment with a doctor in whatever town you're in." Doctor Brooks said handing them a small box, Dean's prescription and his phone number, Roman took them. "He's to keep his eyes and burns covered at all times, the burns should heal well in a couple of weeks. Follow the directions and there shouldn't be any problems, but if any do happen bring him to the hospital immediately!"

 "Yes sir!" Seth assured him.

 "Alright, since he'll be in capable hands I'll go finish signing him out and you can take him home."

 "Thank you Doctor Brooks." Roman said as they shook hands and he left.


 "Going to be fine!" Roman said cutting Seth off as he hugged him.

 "What are we going to do?" Seth asked quietly when the hug ended.

 "We do exactly what Doctor Brooks said to do! We take care of our lunatic!" Roman said as they both smiled sadly.

 "Rome, what...what if he never gets better? What if he's blind for the rest of his life?" Seth asked scared.

 "Seth, we can't think like that, it will only drive us crazy. We need to be strong for Dean, he needs us we're his eyes now!" Roman said gently.

 "You're right! We need to stay strong for him...I think I can do that!" Seth said sighing.

 "Come on, let's go get Dean and go back to the hotel." Roman said patting Seth's shoulder.


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