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 After Dean was checked out of the hospital, Seth and Roman helped him to the car, no one spoke none of them knowing what to say. They stopped at a drug store and got Dean's pain medication filled, before they went back to the hotel. After helping Dean into bed, while Seth sat looking at the instructions the doctor gave them, Roman went and talked to Hunter to tell him about Dean.

 "Alright, Hunter and Steph know about Dean. We're meeting them tomorrow to discuss what we tell everyone about D!" Roman said sighing as he returned.

 "I looked at the instructions and it seems easy enough." Seth said as he gave them to Roman to look at, he stood and began pacing in front of Roman. "Rome, I'm worried, not just about his injuries, but him! He hasn't said anything since he was attacked, you know him as well as I  do and a quiet Dean is never a good thing!" Seth said concerned.

 "Seth, he's been through hell tonight! We have to be patient." Roman said gently as he stood. "Dean's strong, nothing can keep him down you know that!"

 "This isn't just some failed wrestling move Ro! He's blind!" Seth said upset as he continued pacing, Roman stood watching silently. "What...what if he never gets his sight back? What if he's blind for the rest of his life? Then what Roman?"

 "Then we be his eyes!" Roman answered. "Seth, no matter what happens we'll be beside him, doing whatever he needs us to do! He's still the same crazy Dean we've always known and love!"

 "How do you do it Ro?" Seth asked quietly as he stopped pacing and looked at him.


 "Stay calm, always know the right thing to say?"

 "That's what a big brother's for!" Roman answered smiling as he hugged Seth.

 "Thanks Rome!" Seth said once the hug ended.

 "Anytime Two-Tones! I'm going to check on Dean."

 "Okay." Seth answered as he sat.

 Meanwhile Dean lay on his side in bed, he hadn't moved since his brothers helped him into bed an hour ago. He hadn't spoken to anyone since the doctor told him he was blind, what could he say? His life was over because he embarrassed some asshole! His heart ached knowing that any chance he had with Seth was now gone! Seth could never love him now, he was damaged, he was just a burden to his brothers! Every time they looked at him they'd only feel pity and soon they'd grow tired of him and throw him away just like everyone else had in his life! As he lay there drowning in self-pity he felt the freezing in his eyes begin to slowly go away, and the dull throbbing began. He felt his face and neck, feeling the gauze, he wanted to rip it off he was so angry and in pain. He was stopped when someone sat beside him, they gently grabbed his hands as they spoke.

 "You have to leave them alone D." Roman said gently, Dean sighed and put his hands down. "You in any pain? I have your meds."

 "Yeah, the freezing's wearing off." Dean answered quietly as he sat up.

 "Here, these should help." Roman said giving him two pills and a glass of water.

 "Thanks." Dean said taking the pills before handing the glass back to Roman.

 "You want to talk?" Roman asked gently, knowing Dean hated showing any kind of weakness.

 "No, I'm tired. I think I'll just change and..." Dean trailed off realizing he couldn't do that without help, he didn't know how to ask for help.

 "Why don't I get your clothes and give them to you?" Roman suggested.

 "Thanks Ro." Dean said quietly.

**Two Weeks Later**:

 The days past, and Dean's burns slowly began to heal, his eyes though remained the same. He wanted to keep his life as normal as possible so, he continued travelling with work, and would go to the arena's with Seth and Roman. No matter how hard he tried to ignore what happened he couldn't because everyone treated him differently, despite his telling them not too. No one knew how to act around him, constantly asking how he was, or if he needed help. The worst though were the whispers, he could hear them from the other wrestlers and Divas, he could hear the pity in their voices, and every once in a while he could hear the mocking in them too. He could learn to ignore the others, they really meant nothing to him! It was being treated differently by Seth and Roman that affected him the most! Both of them were always with him, not letting him do anything by himself, and talking to him as if he were a child. He hated it, and he hated being a burden to his brothers. He became depressed and angry, and just wanted everything to go back to the way it was before, but most of all he wanted Seth to love him, like he loved Seth! That hurt the most knowing Seth would never want him now that he was damaged goods, all he'd ever feel for Dean was pity!

 Two weeks later it was time for Dean to get his eyes checked, Seth had called Dr. Brooks earlier that week and had set up an appointment for Dean with a doctor in the town they would be in. The morning of his appointment Dean had showered with Roman's help and after changing all three went out for breakfast. After breakfast they headed to the appointment, Roman helped Dean sit, while Seth checked him in. A few minutes later they were called into the office and the doctor came in soon after.

 "Hello, I'm Dr. Gray. You must be Dean?" She asked, Dean smiled and nodded.

 "That's me." He said. "These are my best friends Seth and Roman."

 "Nice to meet all of you." She said shaking their hands. "So, Dr. Brooks spoke with me explaining your situation and he faxed over your records. So, why don't we check you out and see how you've progressed and then we'll talk more okay?"

 "Okay." Dean replied. 


Love At First SightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora