The jerk who stole my best fr...

By Bethany-turner

2.5K 765 2K

What happens when a jerk comes along and presumably steals your best friend's sock? You fall in love. Pffft... More

6 (part 1)
6 (part 2)


87 27 53
By Bethany-turner


Sexy_playboi_nextdoor, 2:21am
Anybody ever tell you, you snore like a trucker, drool?

Before anything, I notice the Grey's Anatomy reference.

Its_a_holly_jolly_day, 2:22am
Not in those exact words

The second thing I notice is the fact that the user called me drool.

Oh my gosh, it's the serial killer again! Before I can file a report against him for hacking into my phone and adding himself as a friend so that he could text me, I crinkle my nose at his username.

Its_a_holly_jolly_day, 2:22am
Ewwwwww ewww
You're such a porridge
You're suck a pervert*
You roll such a pervert*

Sexy_playboi_nextdoor, 2:23am
This message is grammatically correct, but it's wordy and hard to read. It undermines the writer's message and the word choice is bland Grammarly's cutting-edge technology helps you craft compelling, understandable writing that makes an impact on your reader.

Did he just-

Its_a_holly_jolly_day, 2:24am
How did you text me anyway? I didn't even add you as a friend 

Sexy_playboi_nextdoor, 2:24am
Well, you left your phone on the floor when you were in the mall so I just decided to add myself

Its_a_holly_jolly_day, 2:24am

Sexy_playboi_nextdoor, 2:25am
I hate to break it to you but it's popsicle*
And come on, I got it right on my second try, 'pomegranate juice is made of pomegranate'? Pls, that was just too easy. Your lock screen literally has a picture of a pomegranate

Its_a_holly_jolly_day, 2:26am
Also yeah I guess it is pretty predictable. I'll change it later

Sexy_playboi_nextdoor, 2:27am

Its_a_holly_jolly_day, 2:27am
Same thing

The third thing I notice is the time. I have to get up at six to see my parents off to the airport. In a hurry, I turn my phone off and make myself comfortable between my eight pillows and a warm blanket.

Sleep come to me. Sleep come to mama. Sleep come to me. Sleep come to-

Ughhh! Why did the stupid stranger have to text me. I literally don't even know his name.

Sleep come to me. Sleep come to mama. Sleep come to me. Sleep come to-

Great now that damn Grammarly ad is stuck in my head.

Sleep come to me. Sleep come to mama. Sleep come to me. Sleep come to-

I love it when you call me señorita
I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya
But every touch is ooh, la-la-la
It's true, la-la-la

Man Camilla Cabelo is such a legend. Oh wait, shoot, I was supposed to sleep

But every touch is ooh, la-la-la
It's true, la-la-




Ugh fine.

After a few more minutes of twisting and turning in my bed, and depriving myself of my phone, I finally manage to fall asleep.




The stranger inches closer and closer until...


I jolt awake with my eyes wide open, panting slightly with the remains of the dream still playing in my head.

Oh, thank the lord, it was just a dream!

I switch my phone on. Glancing at the time on the lock screen, I turn it off. A second later I realize I forgot to register what the time is and turn it on again.

4:21 AM

Ugh, now I feel like peeing.

I contemplate whether to just go back to sleep but realize that it's never going to work unless I go to the washroom first.

I tip-toe out of my room and walk downstairs into the washroom situated next to the kitchen. After I freshen up, I make my way to the kitchen and grab a box of cookies along with a cup of hot chocolate.

I walk up the creaking steps and into my room, making sure not to wake anyone up. On entering my room, I do a fist-pump two seconds before realizing I am holding a box of cookies. Thankfully, I manage to get a hold of it before it goes tumbling down the floor.

I turn back to close the door with a happy smile lighting my face only to stub my toe directly into the wall.




I bite my lip, the taste of blood filling my mouth, to prevent my screams from exiting into the world beyond.


Tears blind my vision as I try, desperately, to get to my bed. On my way, I manage to place the cup of hot chocolate on my study table.

While hopping towards my bed, I walk into my four-wheeled chair which goes rolling towards the front causing me to trip. Before I can fall onto the solid ground I grab hold of the nearest object to support me only to realize it is the cup of boiling hot chocolate which pours all over me, burning my skin.

'AHHHHHHHH,' I shout, not being able to keep it in any longer and try to get back up, throwing the box of cookies forward in the process. A loud shatter sounds through my room as I gasp in horror at the mess I made. Shards of the broken window lie on the ground as the box of cookies flies freely towards my neighbor's house.

Way to make no noise, Holly!

The door to my room flings open revealing my parents, the creases of worry evident on their faces.

They rush over to my fallen body as a tear slips from my eye due to the burning sensation traveling down my arm.

'Honey, what happened?'

I try to reply but another tear travels down my cheek.

My dad looks at the broken window and realization dawns on him. 'It was a burglar wasn't it?'

Before I can open my mouth to respond, he threatens the non-existent being, 'Where are you now, man? You scared? Come out, come out. I'll crush your head and-'

'Will you shut up. Why would a burglar enter her room? She literally has nothing. The only good thing in her room are the Louis Tomlinson posters,' my mum exclaims.

'Well, can't argue with that,' my dad shrugs.

'Excuse me? I'm dying over here and you decide to insult my choice of furniture?' I question, exasperated.

'Go bring her an ice pack to help with the burns on her arm,' my mum directs an order at my dad. She looks at me and continues, 'You can sleep in the guest room and I'll get the window cleaned u- OH MY GOD YOU BURNT YOURSELF WITH HOT CHOCOLATE!?'

Finally, she understands my pain.


....oh, never mind

After getting my ears tortured and using the ice pack which my dad heroically confused for cooking cream, I finally go back to bed.

'Wake up this instant, Holly Winters'


'Why did I marry you again?'

'Because I spiked your drink, of course'

'Oh, revenge will be taken- wait a second WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FACE!?'

'WAKE-A-DOODLE-DOODLE-DOO...this reminds me of scooby doo. Oh my gosh, I miss scooby doo. SCOOBY DOOBY DOO WE'RE COMING AFTER YOU-'

God, why does it feel like a bulldozer is spanking my skull.

'Oguurh,' I groan at all the noise around me.

'Oguurh?' My dad asks confused


'ORGHUGHU TUTU SHOE,' my dad responds confidently.

'Ghuurrr,' I say, placing a pillow over my eyes to darken my world.

'GUURRR GHOO GHOO GAAA why are you talking like this GUU GHUAUA,' he replies in a deep voice.

'mm-hmm go away let me sleep.' I finally manage to form words.

'MUMUHU GU no we're leaving for the airport in half an hour.'

Where are they-

With all the energy I can muster up, I manage to open my eyes.

I roll out of bed and make my way to the washroom to freshen up while my parents exit my room to get their luggage ready for their visit to Tokyo.

Grudgingly, I walk towards the kitchen and stuff my mouth with all the edibles I can find and swallow an aspirin pill. My mum walks into the kitchen looking like someone killed her pet pigeon, which by the way doesn't exist.

'Your dad made a mustache on my face while I was asleep,' she expresses annoyingly, folding her arms in front of her chest.

I play with the peanut in my hand, twirling it around my fingers.

'Like who the hell does he think he is!? Just because he's not manly enough-'

'OMG I broke my penis- I mean peanut,' I exclaim as the little nut cracks into a billion pieces.

'Let's have a moment of silence for the precious peanut which did nothing but provide us with nutrition and eradicate our hunger for all the years it existed,' my mum says, looking directly at the broken nut.

In less than thirty seconds her eyebrows shoot up and she exclaims, 'Oh right! I had to talk to you about something.'

'But the peanut-'

'Ah, no one cares about the damn peanut. I wanted to talk to you about college,' she brushes my protests aside.

'Oh yeah I found out it starts next week,' I express, my expression immediately saddening.

'I was thinking, it's been two years since you physically attended the institution. I think you're ready to finally do that now, do you agree?'

'But why? Homeschool is great I don't mind continuing it.'

'You need to interact with people around you. You're missing out the entire college experience staying locked up in your room. What if your kids ask about who your boyfriend was?'

Why would she-

'I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen but I'll think about it.'

'Alright, sweetie.' My mum smiles at me.

My parents might be annoying at times but they always respected my space and gave me the privilege of making my own decisions.

The next few minutes are spent loading the luggage, which consists of five big boxes of my mothers belonging's and only one small backpack of my dad's clothes, onto my car.

I drive my black Subaru to the airport, just under the speed limit. On reaching the large glass doors with the sound of announcements echoing around the area, we get out of the car and unload the bags.

'So, this is it,' my dad states awkwardly while we're directly in front of the gates.

'Mom, dad; you guys suck sometimes but I love you,' I say with a smile lighting my face.

'Who's going to tell her?' My dad asks.

'Holly dear, I mean like you kind of suck all the time but we'd do anything for you,' my mum says cloning my huge smile.

'You guys are the worst.'

'Right back at ya.'

The three of us suffocate each other in a warm group hug, smiling widely through our hairs.

'Flight AK5611 to Tokyo departs in 15 minutes.' The announcement bursts through the speaker.



'HOLY CRAP RUN NOW,' my mum shouts as my dad hurries towards the doors, dragging three big boxes with him.

My mum grabs the other two boxes and scurries behind him, shouting something about how it's all my fault that they're late.


Three minutes later, the two of them are out of my sight. I turn around to walk towards my car only to smash my foot into something hard. I look down to see my dad's backpack lying on the tiled ground.

'So first you start off in a boxing stance, legs stretched wider than your shoulder width and left foot in front of your fists to protect your face,' the instructor explains, replicating his orders with his body.

After two hours of sit-ups, push-ups, planks, skipping ropes, and every exercise imaginable we were finally starting off with offense moves in self-defense; boxing classes

'Jabs are short punches that weaken the opponent. Step forward with your left foot and extend your left hand forward, in case you're a lefty use your right one. With your palm faced down, push your hand towards the opponent with proper control and immediately snap your body to the starting position.'

The instructor demonstrates the move twice before giving us a chance to do it.

'Holly, how about you perform it in front of the class. Hit me with the best left jab you can conjure,' my mentor says with a glint of wickedness shining in his eyes.

Mom, please come pick me up-

'Uh..s-sure,' I stammer, making my way to him.

I get into stance, finding it a little hard since I've been out of practice. Slowly I proceed to do the move, making sure I don't make a complete fool of myself.

He blocks my jab, twice.

'Good but you need to put more power behind your punch. I see you're rusty; but you'll get the hang of it, kid.'

He then tells the class to practice on each other while he picks different students to perfect their jab. I block the few hits that come my way from my partner but don't manage to get a punch in.

'How are you feeling now, holly? We missed you here,' my partner, Tyler, says sweetly.

'I'm doing much better. What about you guys? How are all of you? I missed you guys too,' I reply while blocking another punch.

'We're all good.'

The conversation is cut short as the instructor tells us to stop and proceeds to teach us how to perform an uppercut and hooks.

Hours go by as we hit our punches with all our might, dodging and boxing over and over again until our body is too exhausted to move.

Finally, he dispatches the class.

'I think I'm going to faint,' I tell myself while walking out of the class.

After my health went down for the last two years, I decided to quit self-defense classes but now that I'm much better I think it's time I get my old life back.

I drive to my house, parking my beautiful Subaru in the parkway.

I walk to the front door, dropping the key five times while attempting to unlock it. Finally, I enter the house expecting to see my parents.

Oh wait, they're not here

A wave of longingness washes over me. It's not even been a day and I already miss them.

I brush the feeling aside and shuffle through my clothes in the wardrobe. I finally decide on the warm hoodie and black tights I wore for five days in a row last week.

I live like a hobo with only one pair of clothes, but whatever.

I get into the bath, warm enough to boil any normal person's bones; but I happen to find it cold.

So look me in the eye
Tell me what you see
Perfect paradise
Tearing at the seams

I wish I could escape it
I don't want to fake it
I wish I could erase
Make your heart believe


I continue singing at the top of my lungs without a care in the world. I bow down to my non-existent audience, smacking my face into the tap; and then continue with the second song

..and then the third one, and fourth, and fifth.

At some point, I lose count.

My stomach grumbles loudly after I change into warm clothes.

'Mom, I'm hungr-'

Oh wait, she's not here.

Well, great. Now I've got to cook.

I spend the next thirty minutes contemplating what to cook. I finally decide on making a pizza.

I play 'erase you' on the speaker and grab the ready-made base from the fridge. I sprinkle mozzarella, ketchup and olives on it. Finally adding a bit of non-veg and mushrooms, I place it in the oven and walk towards the hall to occupy my mind with something else while it cooks. 

I bury my body into the comfortable sofa and put on an episode of pretty little liars.

I sniff the unusual scent engulfing me. Slowly I open my eyes and look around. The first thing I notice is the thick smoke surrounding me before I start choking, desperately trying to get oxygen into my lungs.

The dense fog of gray conceals the view in front of me. Confused and scared, I hurry outside my house, opening all the windows I come across in the process.

Immediately I dial the fire rescue team, feeling much better now that I was outside. While waiting for the fire brigade to arrive, I call my friends. Conner, Katy, Lydia, Cindy, Jake; none of them pick up.

Well duh, it's three in the morning.

I scan my contacts for anybody I could talk to. My finger lingers on my parents number but I decide against it. They've not even been gone a day and I already messed up.

Honestly, I'm twenty-one and I still can't take care of myself. An unknown feeling of loneliness fills me. Finally my eyes land on the last contact 'Ryde_me'.

Wait, who's that?

I open the conversation and realize it's the serial killer from yesterday.

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:14am
This still highlights your pervert-ness you know?

I don't get a reply and the small candle of hope burning inside me dies.

Ryde_me, 3:16am
And that's a bad thing why?

A small smile lights my face, feeling just a little less alone.

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:16am
Your previous message has been humbly ignored

Ryde_me, 3:17am
Aww you wound me, drool

It's_holly_jolly_day, 3:17am
Stop calling me that

Ryde_me, 3:17am
Sure, drool

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:18am

Ryde_me, 3:18am

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:18am

Ryde_me, 3:19am

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:19am

Ryde_me, 3:20am
Because I sooth your eyesight?

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:20am
you know what?

Ryde_me, 3:20am
NOOOO anything but that-_-
Okay you asked for it

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:21am
You're so lame

Ryde_me, 3:21am
Weren't you calling me a carrot a second ago?
Why are you awake at this time anyway?

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:22am
I just uh ended up getting my house on fire 

I look up to find a group of men in thick suits heading my way with a fire truck close on their trail.

'Hey miss, are you okay? Here wear this,' one of them says, handing my an oxygen mask.

'Thank you,' I croak, a few cough sputtering out unintentionally.

He helps me to one of the trucks while the rest of the men rush into my house.

Ryde_me, 3:23am
Are you being serious or?
You there?

Ryde_me, 3:25am
Okay stop this isn't funny

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:26am
Oh sorry the fries bride came
Oh crap
Fries brigade*

Ryde_me, 3:26am
...I don't know whether to laugh or be concerned

I send him a picture of the fire truck, a few of my hazel stands covering the corner of the screen.

Ryde_me, 3:27am
Oh shit are you alright?

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:27am
I'm good

I don't know whether it was the loneliness or the vulnerability flowing through me right now but I end up elaborating.

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:27am
I alone
It's stupid I mean why the hell would I even feel alone? It's just that my parents aren't home and all my friends are asleep.
I mean it doesn't even matter I'm fine
Yeah I'm good
It's all good

Ryde_me, 3:28am
Okay tell me where you are, I'm coming over right now

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:28am
I'm sorry what?

Ryde_me, 3:29am
Where are you?

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:29am
Oh no I didn't mean it like that
You don't need to come all the way here

Ryde_me, 3:30am
Holly, I'm not that far away I was just on my way home

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:31am

I ponder on whether I should tell him or not. Before I can respond, two of the men walk up to me.

'There was a small fire. We were able to get to it before it could spread too much but the smoke will take a while to go and there's slight damage to the furniture.'

'Oh,' is all the respond, not knowing what else to say.

'I think it's best if you stay somewhere else for tonight. Do you have anywhere to go?' The second man asks, looking down at me with his piercing gaze tinged with utmost seriousness.

'Uh yeah, I have a place,' I reply, not wanting to take more of their time.

'Alright, stay safe.'

Slowly; the fire trucks leave the area, leaving me all alone in the middle of the street. Uneasiness settles over me because I've never been alone before. I was always surrounded by my parents or friends.

I sigh to myself as I take the phone out. It's worth a shot.

It's_a_holly_jolly_day, 3:43am
Street 12. North lane. Villa number 11.

Ryde_me, 3:44am
I'm on my way

I sit on the bench that stands on my front yard. The chilly air causing shivers to travel through my body, makes me regret not wearing something warmer to bed.

Suddenly, A deep voice catches my attention.
'Hey there, drool. I'm Luke Ryder.'

'So you finally decided to reveal your name, huh?' I raise my eyebrows at the serial killer, Luke.

'Since you were so desperate, I had no other choice. I can't make a girl cry; now can I?'




'Because you want to eat me?'

'Because I want to cut you into pieces and feed you to the werewolves.'

'Ah and I came all the way here just for you.'

A feeling of guilt suddenly takes over. 'I'm sorry, you can go if you're busy,' I apologize, dropping my gaze towards the ground.

'Where are you going to stay the night?'

'I have a place,' I answer, not wanting to reveal that I am homeless at the moment.

'Which is?' He presses for more information.

My gaze still lowered I play with my fingers, trying to come up with a decent answer.

All of a sudden his finger gently lifts my chin up to look at him. I gaze into his intoxicatingly serene blue eyes that stare back at me with equal intensity.
'Come with me.'

'What?' I ask, startled.

'Come with me. It's a little far away but you can stay the night.'

His petrifying stare keeps me rooted on the ground. 'Okay,' I whisper, giving in. Relief and contentment swim through his eyes as he drops his hand and walks towards his car.

I seat myself in the comfy passenger seat of his minivan.

'Okay, so I'm going to need you to be really careful. I understand that it's a habit of yours and you can't control it but try to keep the drooling to the minimum yeah?' Luke expresses, feigning a serious expression.

'You might have to break the side view mirror to make sure of that cause holy crap just look at me,' I retort with a challenging smirk.

I watch his lips twitch up from the corner of my eye and mentally applaud myself.

'Good thing I broke it a few weeks ago.'

I look towards my side and watch the shattered remains of a mirror clinging onto the metal surface.

...And once again I manage to render the world speechless

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading, don't forget to leave votes and comments(:

Also, if any of you guys are interested, I've published a new book called 'Concealed within cloaks' on my joint account writingsisters5611
It'd mean a lot if you guys could check it out and give me your opinions.


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