Little Miss Pureblood | Draco...

By Casfra011

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Francesca is from the Villin family a very powerful family in the wizarding world. Her family is known to be... More

Letters, Wands and Cats
Hogwarts and The Sorting
Bloody idiots
Seekers,Halloween and Trolls
Slytherin🐍vs Gryffindor🦁
Cats and Christmas
Mirrors and Detention
Exams and end of year 1
Summer Holidays
Summer holidays Part 2
Diagon\Nocturn Alley
Back at Hogwarts
Classes and Howlers
The Chamber of Secrets
Broken bones and no bones
Snakes and Confessions
The Odd Crabbe and Goyle
Christmas time
Solved Mystery by Saint Potter
A Week at Malfoy Manor
Pranks and dates
...We need to tell you something
Dementors on the train
New Classes
Werewolfs and Party
Celebration and last day
The Pureblood Ball
The Quidditch World Cup
Triwizard Tournament
Blood curse or no blood curse?
The First Task
The Yule Ball
The day after
Losing a friend
A dark Summer
A Pink Toad
The Inquisitorial Squad
Death Eaters
Sex won't fix everything
A changed Draco
Not so Lucky


335 6 2
By Casfra011

The inquisitorial squad was really busy, basically, Potter and some other students have created a group along with Dumbledore against the ministry of magic so Dumbledore could become the new minister of magic. Umbridge's obsession with Fudge got worse and she planned to take the position of Head Mistress once Dumbledore is asked. But the girls and I have a bigger problem to worry about especially Sofie. Her mother is about to escape prison and she believes that she will have to join the death eaters and go on some crazy missions like the ones her mother went on. Ellie and I try to calm her down but it's no use. We were in the great hall eating, the Christmas holidays have already passed. I spent them over at Draco's where we spent most of our time either studying for our exams or having sex. We didn't go out much and we didn't have much to do so when we got bored we had sex, in the shower we had sex and when we got horny we had sex. I spent some time with Sofie, but she spent most of her time writing letters to Longbottom. We were during breakfast until a Ravenclaw 7th year came up to Sofie, showed her the front page, and shoved it in her face.

"Bet you will be just like your stinking mother LeStrange" He spat. I got out of my seat about to throw a punch at him until I felt Draco, Ellie and Blaise holding me back.

"Piss off Noah" Ellie spat then he left. We took our seats and we saw the newspaper, Sofie stared at it with no emotion.

"Sofie, I'm so sorry this happened to you" I managed to say. Bellatrix escaped along with her husband along with 8 other death eaters. Ben snatched the newspaper and read it and he turned as white as Sofie.

"Babe? Babe, what wrong?" Aurora asked him in a worried tone.

"D-dad's out" he stuttered. Dad's father killed the McKinnon's and he was sentenced to life in Azkaban. He then left and Aurora followed behind to make sure he's okay. Suddenly we see Snape behind us.

"I need to speak to you three," he said indicating to me, Sofie and Draco. We looked at each other, gulped, got up and followed Snape. We then rushed towards the potions classroom. Snape opened the potions classroom door very aggressively and he had a worried look on his face, he usually had the same look on his face regardless of his emotions. We went inside and then slammed the door shut.

"Your parents have been sent on a mission to find the prophecy about Potter and the Dark Lord"

"How do you know about this?" Draco questioned. Snape then lifted his sleeve to reveal the dark mark. No wonder Snape hated Potter.

"The mission is the Drak lord will lure Potter into the Department of mysteries, you parents along with some other death eaters will take the prophecy from Potter and take it to the Dark Lord" he explained.

We tried to process everything that was going on.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but the dark lord has made his choice. This will happen tomorrow" he continued.

We nodded knowing our parents didn't have a choice. 

Suddenly the door burst open revealing Umbridge and Ravenclaw Cho Chang. "Professor, The veritaserum worked. They are currently in the room of requirement. If we catch them in action we will have Dumbledore sacked. We rushed to the Slytherin common room, grabbed the rest of the inquisitorial squad and rushed to the room of requirement. Draco and I both grabbed Cho Chang so she couldn't escape. When we arrived Umbridge exploded the door to reveal Potter and some other students practising the Patronus charm.

Long story short Dumbledore disappeared, Potter and the rest got detention and Umbridge was Headmistress.

---The day after---

I woke up cuddling with Draco, I couldn't sleep thinking that my father could potentially get locked up in Azkaban along with Draco's father. I got up and changed into my uniform, we had our final O.W.L which was charms. When I was doing my hair I noticed that Draco was still in bed, he was gonna be late. I went over to him and whispered "Love, we have charms today. It's our final exam"

"Yeah, and it's also the day where our parents might get arrested" I hated seeing him like this. But to be honest I felt the same way.

"Hopefully it will be okay," I said trying to calm him down but he probably didn't listen. He eventually got up and changed and we went down to breakfast. Then midway into the Charms O.W.L the Weasley twins set off fireworks that exploded everywhere and chased Me, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Then a giant dragon made out of fireworks chased Umbridge around and eventually it broke all of the rules that were hung up on the wall. Everyone cheered and celebrated except for the whole squad.  Then suddenly we saw Potter, Granger, Weasley, youngest Weasley, Longbottom and Lovegood rushing to somewhere. Umbridge then indicated to all of us to follow them. We chased behind them but made sure they didn't see us. We noticed that they were going to Umbridge's office to use the fireplace. Exactly when they were about to use the fireplace we burst in along with Umbridge.

The rest of the inquisitorial squad and I grabbed a member and held them tight with our wand up to their neck whilst Umbridge tied Potter to a chair to interrogate him. I got a hold of Granger tightly and made sure that my wand was poking so bad her filthy mudblood throat it would hurt badly. Draco came from outside holding Longbottom and said "Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl."

Umbridge then turned to Potter and with a very intimidating tone asked "You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?"

"No" he immediately replied.

"Liar" and then she smacked him across the face which took everyone by surprise.

Suddenly Snape barged into the room and examined what was going on. He then turned back to Umbridge and asked "You sent for me, headmistress?"

"Snape, yes. The time has come for answers, whether he wants to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?"

"I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students. The last of it on Miss Chang. Unless you wish to poison him... And I assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did...I cannot help you."

Potter then spoke "He's got Padfoot. He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden." What the actual fuck is a Padfoot.

"Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Where is hidden? What is he talking about, Snape?" she asked.

Snape then very blankly replied "No idea." and then left.

She then turned back to Potter and said "You give me no choice, Potter. As this is an issue of Ministry security... you leave me with... no alternative. The Cruciatus Curse ought to loosen your tongue." Everyone gasped.

Granger immediately replied, "That's illegal." I held her more tightly.

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him," she said whilst turning over the moving picture of the minister of magic.

"TELL HER HARRY!" Granger screamed.

"Tell me what?"

"Well, if you won't tell her where it is... I will."

"Where what is?"

"Dumbledore's secret weapon." She was bluffing.

I immediately shouted, "You're bluffing Granger!" She was almost about to cry.

"No, Villin. Release her. Show me Granger you too Potter" She untied Potter and they went away along with Umbridge. 

"What do you think you're doing Weasley?!" Goyle said.

"I'm hungry, I have some sweets in my pocket" Goyle quickly grabbed the sweets handed one of them to Crabbe and ate them. Then they started puking like crazy. The members managed to go and So did Neville who slipped from Draco's Hands from all of the confusion.

"FUCKING IDIOTS!" I screamed. Draco and I ran after them but when we went after them the stairs started changing. We lost them for good.

The rest of the day we spent it in the Slytherin common room worried about our fathers. Sofie was more worried about Neville than about her mother. She told us that if her mother gets thrown back into Azkaban she wouldn't shed a tear. She also showed us the letter Bellatrix sent her. The handwriting looked horrifying but you could still read it.

To my dearest Sofie,

I'm finally free. The dark lord set me free and I can't wait to get my hands on you again. You shall now join me as a death eater as it is your destiny. Join your dearest mummy and we can go on missions as a crazy team. Don't disappoint me.

your dearest mummy.

All day we didn't get any news about our parents we left Hogwarts that year nervous and anxious not knowing what was coming towards us as we stepped into Malfoy mannor.

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