The Littlest Bitty

By LiveOnShadow

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[Y/N] was just going about her day gathering food and materials for her fellow Bitties, when she spots someth... More

Chapter 2: Alvin and the Big Wide World
Chapter 3: Spooky Scary Skeletons
Chapter 4: I Have So Many Questions!... Do You Like Pancakes?
Chapter 5: The Helpful Giant Skeletons
Chapter 6: Home Coming
Chapter 7: The Gentle Skeletons
Chapter 8: Alette, the myth, the legend!
Chapter 9: Pent-Up
Chapter 10: All Good Days Must Come To An End..
Chapter 11: Not All Giants Are Gentle
Chapter 12: Out of the Frying Pan and Into the (Curious) Fire

Chapter 1: A day in the life of [Y/N]...

813 25 1
By LiveOnShadow


My name is [Y\N].

And this is how I usually go about my day.
Every morning I wake up to the sounds of birds chirping, and leaves rustling in the breeze. I get up and out of my small nest of dried grass and stretch to wake myself up further. I go about my goosepen doing my usual routine for washing up and getting dressed for the day. And after a quick breakfast of dried blueberries and nuts, I put on my safety equipment, that consist of acorn shells that I use as elbow and knee pads, half a walnut shell for a helmet, and a vest I made out of pine cone scales and tree sap, to keep it together.

I make sure my bow and quiver of hedgehog quills are secure on my person, and double check that I have everything I need in my wagon. After reassuring myself that I'm not forgetting anything, I grab the wagon and start pulling it and head through the makeshift door of vines that cover the entrance to my home.

The morning sun is shining brightly through the tall oak trees that enclose this small patch of land. I watch as other bitties from my clan exit their own goosepens and go about their day to day work. I take a deep breath of fresh air, before making my way through the village with my wagon. Many of the others pause what they are doing to wave at me as I pass by, and I smile and wave back. Some even wish me luck, and for my safe return.

But just as I was about to reach the village exit, I hear an elderly man's voice call out, "[Y/N]. Are you heading out already?"

I pause in my tracks and turn to see the Elder bitty slowly making his way towards me, and I greet him, "Good morning, Elder Elderwood. And yes, I was just heading out."

But Elderwood looks down at me with concern, "Do you have to now? Why don't you stay for the morning ritual at least?"

"Sorry Elder, but you know how it goes." I say apologetically, "If I don't start now, I won't be back until after dark. And you know how much more dangerous it is for use bitties after dark."

"That is true." Elderwood acknowledges, though unwillingly, "If only you could take some of the others with you. That way the work wouldn't be as much of a burden."

"That would be a great idea, but..." I respond, my words oozing in sarcasm. I turn toward the rest of the village and shout, "HEY GUYS! WHO WANT TO JOIN ME OUTSIDE OF THE VILLAGE?"

Everyone either hurried away or ducked their heads, pretending to be too into their work to hear what was said. And I turn back to the Elder and say, "Well ain't that a shame. Guess I'm still the only bitty here that's crazy enough to go outside."

I start making my way toward the exit again, "Well, it was nice talking to you Elder, but I really have to get going."

And with that I head through the tunnel that goes through the base of one of the oak trees surrounding the place. The only way in and out. But as I was making my way through the dark tunnel, I noticed that the sounds of my foot steps were echoing strangely.

Knowing exactly what was going on, I sigh before calling out, "Alvin! Go home!"

A curly haired, carrot top, little boy poked his head out from behind the mushroom he was hiding behind, "Aww, how did you know it was me?"

"Cause you're the only one crazy enough to follow me." I deadpan.

Alvin comes all the way out of his hiding place and runs up to me chanting, "I wanna go! I wanna go! Let me come with, please!"

"No." I answer flatly.

"Aww come on!" Alvin pouts, "You said you would take me to see the rest of the forest, one day."

"Yeah, one day, when you are older." I correct, "You're still a kid."

"I'm nearly as tall as you." Alvin grumbles.

"So is nearly every kid in our clan, I'm tiny." I acknowledge, "My size isn't the point. I'm still way older than you, and I said no."

"But I can do it!" He negotiates, "I'm not scared. I'm the most bravest of all the other kids!"

"I'm sure you are, but the answer is still no." I say, not budging on the subject, "Bravery doesn't make you less of a target for predators."

Alvin makes a frustrated noise as he stamps his foot. But I just sigh and point toward the village entrance, hoping Alvin would get the hint. He does, and stomps his way back. He pauses near the mouth of the entrance and looks back hopefully, but I just shoo him away with my hand. And only after he's gone far enough that I no longer see him, do I continue making my way through the tunnel and exit on the other side.


A few hours of trekking through the forest and I finally make it to my first stop of the day, a mulberry tree. And by the looks of it, it's started to bear fruit, but that's not the main reason I'm here. I park my wagon at the base of the tree, and strap one of the woven baskets onto my back. And after checking that everything is secure, and that there aren't any predators near by, I take two quills out of my quiver, and use them to start climbing up the tree.

After a good ten minutes of climbing, I make it to the first branch. I take a moment to catch my breath. Once I've caught my second wind, I take the basket off my back and sit it on the branch, where I could have easy access to it. I look through the leaves until, ah ha, I found a few clusters of mulberries. I start picking them and stuffing them into the basket. And once the basket is full, I strap the now loaded basket back on my back, and slowly start making my way back down the tree.

I load the mulberry basket on to the wagon and strap another empty one on my back. Time for the main reason I'm here. I climb back up to the branch I was previously on, and look around. I didn't see any on the branch I was currently on... Ah ha, there, on a branch further up, were cocoons. Silkworm cocoons. So I continue climbing, until I reach the branch where the cocoons were attached. I walk up to the first cocoon and start extracting it from the tree.

"Sorry little guy." I say apologetic, knowing what will happen to the pupa inside, "But we need your silk, and unfortunately it's survival of the fittest."

I put the cocoon into the basket and move on to the next one. After filling the basket with silkworm cocoons, I pull it back onto my back and start making my way back down the tree, to my wagon. Once the wagon is loaded with my newly acquired goodies, I take it by the handle and start making my way to the next stop.

It was a good ways past the noon hour when I finally reached the cherry tree. I make my way up the tree with an empty basket ad start filling it with cherries. Things were going well......... Until I started hearing a chittering sound.

I look at the direction the sound it was coming from and saw a red squirrel on a higher branch... Okay... it hasn't noticed me yet... I slowly start to make my way to the trunk of the tree. Maybe if I'm very quiet, it won't notice I'm in it's territory.

I start to slowly climb back down the tree. But, I was too focused on keeping track of where the squirrel was to pay attention to my footing. I nearly slip, but get back my footing before I fell. Unfortunately, my slipup was enough to get the squirrels attention.

The squirrel lets out a few shrill squeaks as it locks eyes with me, before making it's way from it's branch. Uh oh... I mentally chastise myself as I hurry my pace down the tree. No point trying to be quiet now.

I narrowly moved out of the way of a swipe, that was aimed for my head, but in doing so, my grip loosened and I fell to the forest floor. Fortunately, I was close enough to the base of the tree that the fall didn't hurt to much. Unfortunately, I lost a few cherries in the process. But those cherries aren't worth my life, so I bolted to the wagon, grabbed hold of the handle and ran.

I didn't dare look back, but I didn't need to to know that the squirrel was still chasing after me. It was probably gaining on me, but I know I don't have to go too far. Cause near by was a blackberry bush, and blackberry bushes meant thorns.

I ran as fast as my little feet could carry me and ducked into the bush. I suffered a few miner scrapes, but my helmet and padding took most of the beating. And a high pitched squeak, was what let me know that my plan had worked.

I turn around and see the squirrel trying to find away through the thorns. The squirrel stops after a few failed attempts, but remains outside the bush, as if waiting for me to try and leave. Well... if it wants to play that game, I got a few surprises for it.

I take the basket of remaining cherries off my back and put it in the wagon, now that I had the time to do so. I pull out my bow, and a quill from my quiver, and aim my shot. The squirrel is pacing back and forth just outside the bush, so I just take a deep breath, take aim and fire.

Squeak! Squeak squeak squeak!

It hit. I didn't aim to kill. It just got them just above the shoulder. A warning shot. And the warning worked, cause the squirrel quickly scurried off because of it. I sigh as I let my body collapse onto my knees, and catch my breath. That was a close one... but I lived. I'm alive. I'm alive, and I'm fine. Totally fine...


"Well..." I say to no one, "Might as well grab a few blackberries while I'm here, I guess."

And I do just that. Being careful of the thorns, I fill a basket with a few clusters of blackberries. I poke my head from under the bush and look out for predators, and after spotting none, made my way from under the bush and started heading home. There are a few more things I could gather, but one life threatening event is enough for one day, thank you very much.


It was early evening when I finally made it back to the village. As I re-entered, many of the other bitties welcomed me back. Only a few were curious enough to gather enough courage to ask about my latest scrapes. I merely told them I had a mishap with a blackberry bush, which wasn't a lie.

I dragged my cart all the way to my goosepen. And after washing off a whole days worth of sweat and dirt off, and patching up any scratches that needed tending to, I got to work.

What? Did you think I was done for the day? Far from it, my job was only just getting started.

Once I got a stone vat of water set up to start boiling, I went over to my wagon to gather my spoils. When the water has come to a full boil, I get the basket that holds the silkworm cocoons and dump them in. I hum a melancholy tune while I watch them boil, which adds an element of pathos to the occasion.

While I let them boil, I gather half of each different berry and started cutting them into pieces. Then, I separate them into other vats, and mash them into mush. I light a fire under those vats as well, so they will start to boil to. I check on the berries every few minutes, and give them a stir. Once I notice that the bubbles have gotten smaller, which means they are done, I grab some glass containers and start filling them with the berry jams.

After doing this, I check on the water. The strands of silk are coming undone, so I grab a stick and start separating the threads of silk, so I can wind them into a easy to use spool of thread. I let the pupae continue to boil as I set the silk aside to dry.

The sun was setting when I finally called out to the other bitties, "Food's ready! Come get your food. Mulberries, blackberries, cherries, and pupae, are on the menu today, so get them while they are still fresh! Oh, and be sure to place any orders you need now, or you will have to wait until tomorrow."

Soon, bitties from all over the village were lining up at my goosepen to get their grub. Some even placed orders for things that needed resupply. We're running low on the stone dust needed for foraging glass? Guess I'm going to have to make a stop at the Ol' Quartz sometime soon.

"Hey [Y/N]!" I hear Alvin call out when it was his turn in line, "How'd you get those scars?"

I turn to look him, pupa in hand, "Like I told everyone else, it was a blackberry bush. Those thorns can be quite sharp. Pupa?"

Alvin looks at the pupa in disgust, "Ew, no! I wanna cherry. And I don't believe that story for a minute. Something happened, something cool. Otherwise you wouldn't be trying so hard to hide it from the scaredy-cats."

"Now, how is a growing boy like you supposed to get any protein, if you refuse to eat a little bug?" I say as I grab one of the still intact cherries, and make like I'm about to hand it over, but pull back, just as he was about to take hold of it, "Ah ah ah, what do we say?"

Alvin rolls his eyes, "Can I have the cherry... please...?"

"Better." I compliment before tossing him the cherry. He catches it, practically giggling with glee.

"And since you asked, oh so nicely, I think you deserve a little reward." I say as I lean closer, and then I whisper so only he can hear, "It was a squirrel."

Alvin's eyes grow big as saucers, "Really!?"

"Yup," I say, popping the 'p', "twice my size, huge teeth, raging claws."

"Whoa! So cool." He exclaims, feet dancing in excitement, "Tell me what happened! Tell me what happened! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Pleeeeaaaase."

"Hmm, maybe some other time." I suggest, "Right now, you're just holding up the line."

Alvin looks back at the line of bitties behind him, as if he had forgotten about them. Probably did.

"Aw man... Fine..." He says crestfallen. He walks away, taking bites from his cherry along the way.

I continue servicing the line until everyone got their share, and was soon closing up, when there was a knock at the entrance. I walk over, and pull the vines to the side, and was greeted by the face of the Elder, and...... Oh boy...

I let out a sigh, but put on a happy face to greet my guests, "Good evening Elder Elderwood. Hey Elisa-mae......"

Elisa-mae just harrumphs as the Elder greets me in return, "Good evening [Y/N]. I see your hard work has proved fruitful, today."

"Yup," I agree, "I've already got the leftovers ready for you. They should start being sundried tomorrow, les they spoil on us."

"Yes of course, thank you [Y/N]." The Elder goes to gather the leftover berries, but was stopped by the sound of Elisa-mae clearing her throat.

"Daaaaaad~" She whines, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Oh, right, right. I'm forgetting things in my old age." He mumbles to himself, before turning to face me, "[Y/N], I need to ask you a favor."

"Do you need a favor, or are you asking on your daughters behalf?" I ask.

Elisa-mae has the audacity to look surprised and offended, but the Elder just continues, "Um... both? My daughters birthday is coming up, and I wanted to have a special gift made for her. If you don't mind..."

I sigh, "What kind of gift?"

Elisa-mae is the one to answer, "I want a new dress. But this time I want it made entirely of silk."

My mouth flies open in astonishment, "You're kidding me? You can not be serious!"

"Daddy!" she calls out!

But I interrupt before he can even get a word in, "No, no! You are not calling on your 'daddy' to handle your arguments. Do you have any idea, how much silk an entire dress would take? How many cocoons I would have to harvest!? Silkworms don't cocoon year round. That's a complete waste of time and precious resources!"

She scoffs, "Clothes aren't a complete waste. I can't go around naked."

"There is nothing wrong with the clothes you are wearing now!" I argue back, "You don't need new clothes. And it is a waste, cause I know you will only wear it, until you get bored of it, and decide to replace it with something better. Probably a dress made out of gold!"

"Wait, can a dress be made from gold?" She asks.

"That's not the point!" I shout in frustration!

But, before I could get another word in, the Elder firmly placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "That is enough, [Y/N]. Please, if you won't take this request from her, than take it as a request from me, your Elder."

"But," I try to argue, but come up short for any retort, I can't just refuse what the Elder of the clan asks for, "Fine..."

"Thank you [Y/N]." He says as he pats me on the back. He grabs the leftovers and starts making way towards the exit, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, [Y/N]!" Elisa-mae sends-off before following after her father.

Yup, this is how my day generally goes.


But one day... things didn't go the way they usually do. I was back in the mulberry tree, collecting more silkworm cocoons, for Elisa-mae's new dress. I was out earlier than usual, trying to take the most advantage of the day as I can, when I heard a strange noise.

I stopped what I was doing and listened. It sounded like the noise was getting louder, or maybe it was just getting closer. It was a rapid thumping sound. It sounded like... a stampede!? I looked around from my branch to try and see what was going on. The sound was getting louder and louder. Yup, definitely heading this way.

Suddenly, from further down a dirt path, I saw them. Strange creatures, that I had never seen before. They stood upright on two legs, like I did, and they were running this way. And they seemed to be covered in some accessories made of bone...? No wait! They were bones! Skeletons. Animated skeletons! And giant ones it seems, as they grew closer.






And they were loud. I'm sure a good portion of the forest could hear them from a mile away. I just watched as most of them passed by. But one of them stopped in their tracks just in front of the tree I was in, and turned and looked directly in my direction. It was one of the taller ones. Their teeth looked razor sharp, and their eyes burned red. I stayed as still as possible, hoping they didn't notice me.

But the other tall one took notice of his friend lagging behind and paused, "EDGE? IS SOMETHING THE MATTER?"

"I SENSE SOMEONE HERE..." the one called Edge replied.

"MAYBE IT WAS A SQUIRREL?" the other speculated.







Edge reluctantly looked away from my direction and followed the other skeleton further into the forest. And then I released the breath I didn't even know I was holding... Oh my gosh, that was scary... I almost thought I had been caught. What even were they!? I've never seen anything like them before!

And that was the day the unusual, became my new usual.

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