From the highest star

By _CraaazyFan_

13.9K 223 6

Florence 1469 Beatrice is a girl from a rich family, she has been in love with Giuliano de'Medici since she w... More



253 4 0
By _CraaazyFan_

The next morning
Lorenzo returned to the house after Petrucci had won the election.
He knew nothing about Simonetta, no one did, only Giuliano.

"Lorenzo...have you seen Giuliano".
"No Beatrice, I wanted to ask you the same thing".
A cry was heard, a desperate cry coming from the chapel.
Beatrice looked at Lorenzo and then walked towards it.
Giuliano was slumped, lying on the ground, crying.
Lorenzo passed Beatrice and threw himself on his brother.
The girl brought a hand to her mouth and from her eyes, uncontrollable tears began to fall.
Beatrice collapsed to the ground, her hands in her hair, her tears and her screams explained how much she loved Simonetta despite her relationship with her husband.
She then got up and approached Giuliano, welcomed him into her arms, while Lorenzo left them alone, a letter had arrived from Milan.
Duke Sforza had been killed.
Giuliano's screams mixed with those of Bona di Savoia Lorenzo imagined, he could hear them in his head.
Soon those same cries would come from his lips.
The blood of the Medici was to be spilled.

Beatrice went down to the dining room and stood listening; Lucrezia, Clarice and Lorenzo were there.
"Do you think the Pazzi are plotting against you?"
"Because otherwise Francesco would be in Rome meeting Salviati."
"They couldn't see each other for innocent reasons."
"Clarice whatever the Pazzi are doing is not innocent" Beatrice said as she came through the door.
"Beatrice how is Giuliano"
"He's broken and drunk it's been months but he's still suffering, maybe the arrival of a new son will cheer him up...anyway, what's going on?" Everyone looked at Beatrice, she was pregnant again, after Federico she had another child, Lorenzo, named after her uncle and then she had Simonetta.
"Congratulations Beatrice, I'm very happy tomorrow we will celebrate, however Pazzi is in Rome, in secret, for sure he is plotting against us."
Beatrice then understood the reason for all those guards.
"After Sforza's death we can expect anything."
"We have always expected anything from Jacopo...Sforza was strong and look how he ended up, we must not move for any reason, we stay in Florence" Beatrice continued
"He's right Lorenzo, you can't go to Rome."
"Clarice what do you say, you join their advice" she said ironizingly.

In Sandro's workshop
"They are very beautiful Sandro...very beautiful" Lorenzo told them while the master was sitting on a mattress.
And Giuliano entered just in that moment, took the jug with the wine and poured it in the goblet.
"Why are we here?" He asked still disheveled from the night before.
"I have been summoned for an interview by the Pope for Easter, it may be a trap or a sincere offer of peace."
"What does Carlo say?"
"I'm waiting to hear from him."
"I thought the two of you could go by approaching diplomatically serving the Holy Father the services of the greatest artist in the world, what do you think?" Asked Sandro.
"I will never paint muse is dead."
Giuliano snorted and laughed.
"You find it funny the fault is yours"
"The fault is only of her husband" exclaimed Giuliano.
"She died of consumption."
"Because he wanted at all costs the wife of another" said Sandro.
"While you were making love to her with your beautiful brush".
"And you killed her, you and her idiot husband."
"Stop it...let's at least console ourselves with the thought that she will live on in Sandro's paintings."
Giuliano laughed.
"These gouges, these...insignificant little gouges, they don't even look like her, they don't look like her at all."
Giuliano walked over to a canvas, picked up a piece of chalk and began to mess with it.
"No more than this or this or this or this, anyone who wants to can throw some color on a blank canvas and pretend it means something, but it doesn't mean anything! It was just an me it was everything instead, it gave meaning to my life" he finished by throwing the chalk and walking out of the store.
"He's suffering and he's venting like this Sandro".
Lorenzo told them apologetically.
"You'll have to find another way to make peace with the Pope."

"Giuliano, I have to tell you something, the whole family already knows."
"Go ahead"
"I'm pregnant"
The boy looked at his wife and smiled, but it was no big deal, he took her turn and kissed her.
"Thank make me happy every day."
The family walked through the square, with them were Bona and her son.
When they arrived in front of the church entrance they stopped in front of the Pazzi.
Jacopo began to talk about the history and how important the Pazzi were.

Clarice was in Rome and Carlo was locked up in the prisons of the curia.
When the family went back home Giuliano had preceded them and when Beatrice came back she saw him on the table with some good wine in front of him.
Federico ran towards them followed by Simonetta who was 2 years old.
But Giuliano did not get up.
"Lorenzo where is he?"
"He just came back with us, if you hadn't left earlier you would have seen him."
"I'm sorry...I couldn't stay there. Vespucci was there."
"You can't stay inside all the time, your children want to be with you"
"I know...I'm sorry...come here."
Beatrice lowered herself to look him in the eye.
"You're so good I never listen to you, forgive me"
"You are forgiven."
Lorenzo entered the room.
"Children come on let's go"
"Thank you Beatrice" Lorenzo said as the girl left the room.
"So...did your diplomatic opening with the baby Duke and his mother work?"
"Our treaty with Venice and Milan will force the Pope to negotiate, violence only brings more violence...but words, that opens up dialogue"
"Do 99 good apples make that march sweet?"
"You know all this contempt will destroy you, my brother.
"You think so?" Giuliano was reminded of his last moments with Simonetta.
He remembered her death, her helpless face, her eyes closing, death embracing her.
"Nothing has value...and the only way to survive in the real world, the world of sin, is to do as Cosimo be a sinner more ruthless than your enemy".
Giuliano looked at his brother and slapped him gently.

As Giuliano walked out Lucrezia stopped him.
"Giuliano...tomorrow Carlo will come from Rome, with him will be Cardinsle Riario are you going to be there?"
Giuliano ran to the room where Beatrice was.
They spent the night making love.
And the next morning at Palazzo Medici Riario arrived.
The whole family was there waiting for him, Giuliano took Simonetta in his arms before going downstairs, then she wanted to go with her mother, Beatrice had decided to call her that in honor of her best friend and the love between her and her husband.
Federico was next to his mother, then there were Lucrezia, Clarice with Lorenzo and Piero, their son, there was also Bianca with Guglielmo.
"Oh more people than I expected."
Lucrezia exclaimed.
"You are welcome eminence..." the three women kissed the boy's hand.
"They can sleep in the stables."
"If it was good enough for our Lord" Salviati popped out, in place fi Csrlo was him.
When Giuliano saw him he was coming down the stairs, he huffed and sat on the steps.
Beatrice looked at him and smiled, she loved him, even for his flaws.
"Eminence welcome" Lorenzo kissed the Cardinal's hand.
"I must say I'm surprised...we were just waiting for the Cardinal".
"I'm afraid I've convinced myself that my role is essential to bring the two parties closer together" Salviati replied.
"Father Carlo is not with you" asked Beatrice.
"The Pope had another assignment for him, he sends his apologies" Salviati handed Beattice a letter.
"My wife and Beatrice will show you to your quarters...we have arranged a banquet in your honor"
"I thank you" replied the Cardinal, Beatrice passed the letter to Lorenzo.
"Please come" said Beatrice sending the Cardinal forward.
Giuliano looked at her and stopped her.
"I don't like Salviati be careful."
"Of course Lorenzo...oh Federico darling come" he said to his son who was talking to a servant.
"Fioretta...Fioretta can you take care of Federico and Simonetta".
"Sure Madonna" the woman took the little girl in her arms and Federico by the hand and led them away.

"You asked to see me" said Sandro entering the room.
"Yes...I would like you to come to the banquet tonight."
"If you hope to use my art to curry favor with your enemies."
"No no no...don't worry, I want to offer a position at the curia to one of Verrocchhio's young apprentices, Leonardo, he is much talked about."
"He's a capable boy, he could do a job, but I know he never completes anything."
"But no maybe you don't understand I have full confidence in him, I think he is an extraordinary artist"
"I know exactly what you are trying to do..."
"I'm saying that for me you may not pick up the brush again but at least come to the banquet tonight."
"You think so little of me? No think you sway me by appealing so blatantly to my vanity"
"Sandro people love each other and lose each other sometimes, you think you can't go on but then you work and you do, the work gets you through the day but without the work, without"
"Do you hear yourself? Do you hear what you are saying Lorenzo"
"Help me help Giuliano, Beatrice and I don't know what to do anymore...he needs us and those who love them now more than ever"

Giuliano was in the family chapel, he was drunk, he was looking at the painting, the adoration of the magi, he was looking at every pardon painted by the master Benozzo Gozzoli.
Beatrice entered with Lucrezia in the chapel.
The girl sighed.
"Giuliano your brother needs you," Lucrezia told them.
"What will he want this time? Am I to entertain the Cardinal, am I to give my daughter in marriage to some nephew d Pope?"
"You have always known since you were a child that Lorenzo was the chosen think you have not received responsibility is no excuse for not taking it"
"Giuliano stop drinking" exclaimed Beatrice.
"I wish I was dead, I'd die if it meant seeing her again."
"Don't say that...suicide is a mortal sin" their mother answered them.
"So is adultery" Lucretia sat down beside him.
"I'll leave you two alone" the girl said as she left the room.
"Damnation I would endure" continued the young Medici.
"Along with hell for eternity, better than a day without her on earth."
"Oh son, please don't have these thoughts he has two children, a wife who will give birth in a few months, you will be together in heaven, repent of sins, do the right thing live an honest life, you will find peace" Giuliano stood up.
"Peace...I don't believe in peace, I don't believe in resurrection...I, these sunny, carefree days of youth are an illusion, the way that leads to Jesus...doesn't make sense" he concluded and left the house.

That evening at the banquet
"Clarice...what does Carlo say?"
"Something is wrong, he wrote to me in Latin, he knows I don't know him, he didn't write that letter."
"Salviati, why is he staying here, he has a family, he should be with them, should I be worried Clarice?"
"I don't know."
"Why is Pazzi here?" asked Beatrice.
"Where is Giuliano?"
"I don't know, he was with Lucrezia in the chapel earlier, but Lorenzo invited Pazzi?"
Beatrice walked towards Francesco.
"Messer are you?"
The boy looked at Beatrice by her hand and kissed it.
"Madonna Medici...very well, you?"
"Fine thank you."
"Your husband?"
"You care so much for my husband, Novella how is he?" At that question Pazzi stared at the girl.
"I don't know, we haven't spoken in a long time because of Lorenzo".
"Of course it's always about Lorenzo"
"Eravsge was in the front row at Simonetta's funeral, you know your husband"
"I already know everything, and I was in the front row because Simonetta was my best friend, the relationship she had with Giuliano didn't change things, I want happiness for him, and if he was happy he could do whatever he wanted with her"
"Excuse me...but you haven't told me where she is?"
"I don't think it's any of your business and I don't know, I don't keep him locked in my arms, he can do as he wants and go where he wants"
"Sure the Doctors rules"
"Our families could have been friends, there could have been peace, but ruined everything, I wonder if you would have married me, what would you have done about my close friendship with this family"
"As you say I would have let you date whoever you wanted, I know you care a lot for Lucrezia, she's like a mother to you, and Clarice is your cousin so I would have let you do anything, but you chose a Medici"
"I chose well apparently...greet me your uncle."
The girl approached Lorenzo and Clarice.
"They are looking for Giuliano, they want him here, but he won't come, he was drunk, I am afraid for him, I must find him"
"No...they know you will, they will follow you and hurt you both, let's stay calm nothing will happen"
Beatrice looked at Lorenxo one last time and then started to look around and by mistake she bumped into a man, a hooded friar.
"Excuse me madonna."
Beatrice approached Lucrezia.
All of Florence was there, even people she wouldn't have expected, Vespucci for example.
She looked at him.
He looked at her.
The girl decided to move closer.
"How are you Marco?"
"Madonna Medici you don't have to worry about me, I'm perfectly fine, grieved but I'm fine, I don't see your husband."
"I don't know where he is, now excuse me"

Beatrice wondered why everyone was looking for Giuliano, everyone was looking around.
Francesco was talking to Bianca and Guglielmo, Jacopo was with them, when Beatrice passed them Bianca stopped her.
"Beatrice but where is Giuliano?" Beatrice looked at Pazzi.
"Everyone ask about Giuliano, he is not the guest of honor, let's worry about the Cardinal not my husband."
When she turned around Lorenzo was looking at her, he had terror in his eyes, Bearrice was no different, she too was wondering where he was.
Lucrezia descended the stairs and approached the friar who had earlier clashed with Beatrice, he was hiding something but no one had noticed, a dagger which he quickly put away when Tornabuoni approached.
"Why so shy...Come and eat something" Salviati interjected.
"I'm afraid you won't get any response, he has taken a vow of silence,Madonna please" Clarice and Beatrice watched the scene.
"That's not true, that friar earlier apologized to me, he didn't take any vow of silence, Clarice we have to do something, something is going to happen here."

Salviati approached and asked about Giuliano again, Beatrice was at her wits end.
The friar had moved behind them, Beatrice approached.
"You are very devout to make a vow of silence on this important day, you don't need to talk to listen to each other come I will make you some of the magnificent paintings that master Botticelli did for us" Salviati looked at her.
"Madonna there is the cardinal it would be bad to leave the party".
"The Cardinal will forgive me."
"No Madonna please"
"Why all this insistence on keeping him here, he is a friar, he doesn't have to do anything."
Salviati did not answer.
"I'll save you a discussion alone"
"Madonna" Fioretta was behind Beatrice, holding Simonetta in her arms.
"Excuse me"
Beatrice approached the girl.
"Madonna, Simonetta won't stop crying, she wants to be with you".
"Of course honey come on, where is Federico?"
"With yours" Beatrice immediately interrupted her.
"Fioretta be careful, something is wrong, ask in my room with the kids, have you seen Giuliano?"
"Yes he is with Federico"
"If they ask you where he is, you don't know, lock yourself in the room with him".
"Alright Madonna
"Take Simonetta

Beatrice returned where Lorenzo was.
"Excuse me.
"Of course Madonna, children are always a joy, you are expecting, so" Salviati replied.
"Yes ... yes
"I think that we will not be able to see Giuliano" Salviati asked again.
"No, he asks for forgiveness, he was busy elsewhere" Lucrezia replied.
"Really a pity"
"But you will see him anyway on Sunday, at mass".

That evening Giuliano saved his life, and saved his brother's as well, but he would not stay long before a tragedy broke into the Medici family.

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