⭐ You Belong With Me [Vk]

By Rye6read

4.5K 267 124

[Completed] Wherein Taehyung, the shy nerd, crushes on Jungkook, the ultimate football star in his school. Wi... More

A/N: Q&A


874 51 17
By Rye6read

Late last night:

Jungkook was distraught when he came back from the mall. He has a game tomorrow, he has to take Jennie out tomorrow and he has to attend the homecoming dance the following day after. He has to perform well for his team being as he's the star player and captain. And going to a homecoming game after your school just lost and it was all your fault isn't any fun. 

So when he came home he went inside his house and ran up to his room. He plopped onto his bed and screamed into is pillows. 

After his tiny little break down, he went to go change out of his clothes and into some pajamas. They felt comforting to him and relieved a lot of stress off of him. But as he sat in his quiet room, he realized something.

It was really quiet.

I mean his mom was at work, Felix was with Taehyung....

Wait! Felix is still with Taehyung. That's why it's so quiet. Jungkook looked over to Taehyung's window to see that all of the lights were out. He looked shocked and scared. He put on some slides and ran out from his house into the autumn night. 

Jungkook ran to Taehyung's house and knocked on the door repetitively. "Taehyung! Felix!" He shouted frantically, but he still received no answer, only the sound of his knocks filling into the air. "Taehyung! Felix!" He called out again. 

"Yeah?" He heard a voice behind him ask. He turned around and relief washed over his face as he stared at his brother and Taehyung, both holding bags full of snacks from the gas station. "Are you guys okay? Are you alright? Where were you? What were you doing?" Jungkook kept asking questions as he ran up to Felix and examined his face. 

He knelt down and held Felix's face in his hands. "I'm fine Jungkook! I'm fine." Felix whined. "Oh thank God." Jungkook sighed out, pulling Felix into a hug. 

From what Taehyung could tell, Jungkook must have been pretty shaken up about something, because he hasn't acted or loss his cool like this before. "We're fine Kook, we went to the store to pick up some snacks because Felix and I got hungry after coloring and watching a movie." Taehyung explained to Jungkook in a calming tone.

It certainly did calm him though.

They stood out in the night, subtle, but still cold breezes ruffling their hair and pecking their skin. Jungkook had thought long and hard before he spoke. "I'm gonna take Felix inside. He looks drained out anyways. And then...then can I talk to you. Could you just wait out here. I'll be quick I promise." Jungkook told Taehyung as he went to grab Felix's hand. 

"Alright, I'll be here." Taehyung assured him as he took the bags from Felix. He put all the snacks he bought for Felix in one bag and gave it to Jungkook, while he kept the other bag with snacks of his own to himself.

"But Jungie hyung, I'm not tired." Felix said in a tired tone. But his own mouth worked against him as it released a yawn. Jungkook watched as the boy's eyelids began to drop down low. Flickering back open whenever he has moved, trying to fight off his sleep. Jungkook sighed and picked up the boy. "Oh really? Because I think you're very tired. C'mon, say goodnight to Taehyung."

"Goodnight Taehyungie." Felix yawned out. Before Jungkook turned around to leave, he spoke to Taehyung again. "Wait here. Please, I need to talk to you about something." Jungkook whispered pleadingly. 

Taehyung obliged and sat on the few stairsteps that led to the door of his house. His parents were out again this weekend, a business trip in Busan, but that's none of Taehyung's business and Taehyung could care less. But the company Felix provided along with the presence of Jungkook today, was comforting.

A few minutes later Jungkook came jogging out of his house, a relieved expression possessed his face when he saw Taehyung still outside, waiting for him on the stairsteps. He walked over to him and crouched down to sit next to him. 

They sat in silence, no cars, no late night bugs or animals, nothing. The atmosphere was stiff but yet in a weird way it was comforting to Taehyung, and maybe, just a little bit, to Jungkook too. "Well this is awkward." Jungkook finally chuckled out. "No, no don't worry I liked the quietness. It was calming." Taehyung assured him. 

"But, I didn't ask you to stay out here in this cold air for me, just so we can sit in silence." Jungkook told him. "Then why are you here? Well, I mean why are we out here. You said you had to tell me something? What was it?" Taehyung encouraged, contemplating if he should or shouldn't scoot closer to Jungkook. The other looked like he was on the brink of tears, as pools of them started to flood his eyes.

"Because, I'm sad and stressed Tae and I feel like I'm going to cry. Can I call you Tae, Taehyung?" Jungkook said, looking to the older to see his response. But all he got was a shy nod and a barely noticeable blush in return. "I--I don't mind." Taehyung stuttered out. "But why are you said?" He asked. 

"There's just so much going on, y'know. And instead of me trying to confide and talk these struggles out to my girlfriend, who by the way is not that great of a listener. I'm talking to a guy, who I barely know, who babysits my brother and gets good grades in school. A guy nobody never, ever notices." Jungkook scoffed as he complained.

It made Taehyung sad to here these things come out of Jungkook's mouth but nonetheless he still tried to comfort the younger. "I'm sorry that I'm the last resort. You don't have to tell me everything. You could just say what you're comfortable with." Taehyung told him, he moved a little bit away from Jungkook.

"I was wrong to-" Jungkook started to say but Taehyung interrupted him. "That's okay you could leave, it was random and maybe you're not thinking straight because you're sad and-" Taehyung was rambling uncontrollably. "Taehyung! I'm sorry, Taehyung. You need to let me finish." Jungkook said. He watched Taehyung nod and decided to continue.

"I was gonna say that I was wrong to say what I just said before. Or I should've phrased my words better. Because it's not that nobody notices you. It's because they choose not, but jokes on them. They're missing out because you're pretty cool Tae. That's why I'm here. I'm sad and I want you to make it better. I need a good laugh like when we laughing at the park. Because you're starting to make me smile." Jungkook explained to him. 

Taehyung was at a lost for words, but he was smiling from ear to ear though. His heart was swelling from the words Jungkook said that were now ringing around his head. "Well when you ask on the spot like that, how am I supposed to make you laugh." Taehyung giggled. "I don't know but you're doing it now." Jungkook laughed.

"Just by laughing?" Taehyung laughed as he asked the question. "Exactly, just by laughing you got me going. You're laugh is one of a kind, it's funny." Jungkook explained. "I'm glad that I could make you smile." Taehyung commented, voice filled with sincerement which didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook.

"Hey, can I tell you something?" Jungkook asked, silently hoping the other would say yes. "Yeah, what is it?" Taehyung answered. "Would it be weird if I told you I like..." In Taehyung's mind, he kept repeating the word "me" but was only slightly disappointed when Jungkook answered differently.

"I like the way you play the clarinet in the school's marching band." Jungkook said shyly. Taehyung couldn't help but to laugh at the sudden statement. "Yeah, just a little but thank you still." Taehyung said, still laughing. It had Jungkook laughing again too. 

"It's true though I listen out to you. You stand out the most and seem to be the best player there. You play loud and proud and do it carefree too. Something I wish I could do the same with the things I do." Jungkook said sadly. "Why can't you?" Taehyung asked, genuinely curious. "Well that's because I have so many things to worry about that I can't get loose and careless about them." Jungkook explained with a sigh.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I could help." Taehyung remarked. "You here, outside, in this now a little chilly night, with me, a guy you barely know, is enough to help me." Jungkook assured him with a chuckle. "I-I think we should change that. I think we should get to know each other more." Taehyung whispered gently. 

"Yeah me too. I definitely have to get to know the person who continues to brighten my days and now nights too now." Jungkook answered him, which surprised Taehyung because he could've sworn he was quiet enough to where the other wouldn't hear him. But after hearing the words leave Jungkook's mouth, he now didn't regret the words he had uttered before being noticed. 

He smiled as an idea popped into his head, his playfulness getting the better of him. "Kim Taehyung. I'm 18 years old. An honors student. Band geek. Anime loving freak. And the word turtles is a funny word to me. I also love music, kids, and sweet foods." Taehyung introduced himself. 

Jungkook let out a bright laugh, the serious tone, with the funny face was an odd combo that could even make people as dense as Jennie laugh. "There you go again. Making me laugh at the littlest things you do." Jungkook complimented him. Taehyung gestured for Jungkook to introduce himself too. "Ah, right. Jeon Jungkook. I'm 18 years old. An average student. Football player. And I'm addicted to the rapper Kim Namjoon aka RM." Taehyung laughed and was going to say something but then his stomach growled.

Very loudly.

"Uh oh. Better feed it or it'll choose to eat your intestines instead." Jungkook teased earning him a light punch on the arm. "Shut up." Taehyung giggled with a smile adorned on his lips. "You say I have a pretty smile? Yours is very pretty it even has a different shape than others." Jungkook complimented. It made Taehyung flustered as he looked away from Jungkook to grab the plastic bag from the gas station.

"Thank you." He finally spoke out. He was holding two brownies, he then handed one to Jungkook. Jungkook looked hesitant before he shook his head 'no'. But Taehyung still edged him on. "They make really good brownies. These aren't from the gas station. It's from that bakery called Seojoon's." Taehyung informed him. 

The name of the bakery seemed to have changed Jungkook's mind as he grabbed the brownie from Taehyung's hand. "I love Seojoon's. Everything he makes is really delicious, thank you." Jungkook told him before he took a big bite. As soon as the mouth watering tastes of the brownie flooded his mouth, it came to his mind that he hadn't eaten anything all day. 

He scarfed down the rich chocolate fudge brownie in a matter of seconds. It's also been a good while since he had anything sweet. "Thank you for that again. Seriously thank you." Jungkook thanked him numerous of times. "Don't mention it Kook. I'm glad I could just help." Taehyung replied back. 

"I wanna be a singer." Jungkook randomly said, literally out of nowhere. "Do it then." Taehyung encouraged. "You say that like it's the easiest thing in the world." Jungkook scoffed. Taehyung nibbled on his brownie before he continued to speak. "But what happens if it is? I wanna be a teacher and I'm trying to make that happen. I think you'd be a great singer. Well that is...can you sing?" Taehyung told him.

"Of course I can." Jungkook answered quickly. "Do you mind singing something right now?" Taehyung asked, he noticed how Jungkook was eyeing his brownie so he broke off a piece and fed it to him. "Ok!" Jungkook said, mouth still full of brownie. 

He swallowed the brownie and began to sing. 

"We were so, beautiful. We were so, tragic. No other magic, could ever compare." Jungkook sang. "Ah... I should stop." Jungkook chuckled to himself, feeling his face flush out of embarrassment. He started to get up to leave. "No, please." Taehyung latched onto his hand quickly. "Don't stop, you have a very beautiful voice." Taehyung asked gently. 

Jungkook sighed before he sat down again and closed his eyes. "Lost myself, seventeen. Then you came, found me. No other magic, could ever compare." Jungkook continued to sing. Taehyung couldn't help but stare at Jungkook lovingly. He would be lying straight through his teeth if he told you he wasn't.

Once Jungkook finished, he opened his eyes again and looked over to Taehyung to see the other staring at him fondly. Both of their cheeks flushed a pretty red as they quickly looked away from each other. But they found themselves staring once again. But something was different, the mood had changed, the night winds have settled, the night in general had stilled as the moon shined bright. It highlighted the two's features as they got a better view of each other. 

They felt drawn to each other as they subconsciously started to lean into each other. Eyes fluttering close, faces inches apart, but it all stopped when a new light accompanied them. 

Their eyes opened foolishly staring at the bright headlights, blinding their eyes at the sight that had just pulled into Jungkook's driveway. They moved away from each other quickly, soon after discovering the close proximity they themselves didn't even know they were in. Jungkook blushed as he looked away from Taehyung.

He unlocked his phone and checked the time.

12:00 a.m.

He didn't even realize they were out for so long. "Shit, that's my mom. I have to head inside now." Jungkook informed Taehyung. "Oh alright." Taehyung said, voice barely over a whisper. He was still dazed about what just happened or more likely, what could've just happened had those headlights not have pulled in. 

Parents always find the perfect timing to intrude the coolest things their kid might be going through. 

Jungkook was about to take off running but stopped to look back at Taehyung. "Will I see you at the game Tae? You know, playing the clarinet and all?" He asked, a hand running through his hair nervously. "Of course." Taehyung giggled awkwardly. Everything was awkward now. They just stood there with no eye contact, no movement, and no conversations happening. 

Truly awkward.

"Well goodnight." Jungkook finally said, walking away from Taehyung's house. "Goodnight." Taehyung called out to him. He started to pat his pockets to look for his keys. Once he found them he proceeded to unlock his door. Taehyung was ready to step inside before he heard his name begin called by Jungkook. 

"Yeah?" He asked, turning his head in Jungkook's direction. "I think you'll make an awesome teacher." Jungkook complimented, making Taehyung freeze out of flusteredness. "Alright, thank you. Goodnight Jungkook." Taehyung said quickly before grabbing his things and rushing inside his house.

Jungkook laughed to himself before turning around and walking towards his house. He was stopped though when he heard his mother beep the horn at him. He saw through the dark windshield that his mother was waving towards him to get his attention. He walked over to her and waited over by her side of the car. 

"So... who was that?" She asked in a teasing tone. Jungkook caught the tone and got flustered. "Don't worry about it. Nothing's happening he's just a friend. I'm dating... I'm dating Jennie." Jungkook said in a defensive tone, hoping he had stood his ground against his mother somehow.

"Honey. I didn't even ask any of that. You're implying that's what I'm going to ask. You sold your own self out." His mom explained with a light laugh and a small smile. Jungkook felt foolish and embarrassed all at once. He tried to say something back but nothing came out of his mouth. "Oh, kiddo, get it together. Realize what you really want before you get hurt. Whether it's from him..." She pointed at Taehyung's house. "Or her." She spun her pointer finger around the side of her head. To indicate how crazy stupid Jennie is. 

Yeah, she knows, everyone knows, hell, the mailman probably knows. Just not Jungkook. Sad.

"Come on let's head on in and get some rest. After all, my little all star is going to his homecoming game tomorrow and he needs to be nice and energized." She told him before she got out the car. Jungkook nodded his head in agreement. His mother looked at him with pity in her eyes. She pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back as she kissed his temple. 

They walked inside and called it a night.

Present day in the afternoon:

Today was the day. Game day. 

Jungkook had left home early to get some early practice in before the team meets together. Taehyung had also left his home early too, so he could go with all the other fellow bandmates to practice on the field. 

He had unintentionally built up his nerves when he arrived though because it didn't come to his mind or to his realization that...

"Hi Tae! How are you? Did you sleep well?" Jungkook asked as he walked up to the boy. He was sweaty, muscles all out and stunning, his chest stood out in his black fitted shirt and his shorts were also doing wonders for his thigh muscles. Taehyung was in awe and was flustered all at once.

"G-good." He stuttered out in a high pitched squeak. His internal self was yelling at him angrily because of his stuttering and squeaking. How embarrassing.

"That's good. Are you going to be practicing here?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung had suddenly felt nervous. "Yeah. I am." He chuckled out nervously. "That's so awesome. Well I won't interrupt you anymore. See you at the game later on. Don't forget to play extra loud." Jungkook told him before he made an imaginary clarinet and pretend to play it.

The action made Taehyung giggle and as soon as Jungkook heard the light chuckles he jogged off.

The cute interaction didn't get missed by Taehyung's friends. "So... you and Jungkook? What's that about?" Jin asked as he set his flute down on the bleachers so he could walk over to Taehyung. "Yeah you never talked to him and now, here you are full on giggling with him. Not to mention getting flustered around him too." Wheein added.

Taehyung's body worked against him as his face flushed an even deeper shade of red. "Interesting, so the mentioning of Jungkook makes you redder than a tomato?" Jisoo inquired, tapping Taehyung's shoulder with her drum sticks. She knew how much the action drove him to the point he would fess something or lash out.

"Can you stop that?" He asked Jisoo, then turned to his other friends. "And no, nothing is going on between us. He's just such a popular person who's also a big jock. I'm a small nerd who plays the clarinet. Wouldn't you get nervous too?" Taehyung explained, trying to act as calm as possible because one, his friends were onto him and two, Jisoo wouldn't stop her damn tapping.

"True, that's a fair point but... why were you getting all giggly and staring at him like a meal?" Jin asked, narrowing his eyes at the now sweating Taehyung. "And don't act like we didn't hear your voice hit the highest decibel in the world, when you just said 'good'. Like how does someone with such a goddamn deep ass voice, such as yours, go so high just to say a word." Jimin chimed in.

Jisoo's tapping was finally getting to him as he finally spoke. "Fine, I like him! Okay? I like him. Now would you please stop! Jesus, Jisoo." Taehyung confessed as he turned around to snatch the drum sticks from her. "Ah so he finally confesses." Jisoo laughed. "About time." Jimin muttered.

This shocked Taehyung. "How did you guys kn-" Taehyung was about to say but was cut off by Wheein. "Honey, we've been knew. You should see yourself stare at him during P.E., you look at him like he's a nice piece of cake." Wheein interrupted. Everyone laughed at what she had just said, even Taehyung let out a few chuckles of his own.

"So I'm that obvious, huh?" Taehyung asked with a chuckle. "Mhmm, sweetie you make it so obvious." Jin told him softly. "Not obvious enough for that muscle pig to notice." Jimin scoffed. Everyone made angry comments towards Jungkook's obliviousness. "Guys, it's alright, it's fine. We're just friends anyways." Taehyung pushed it off.

"Yeah, unfortunately. Especially since that bitch is still around." Jisoo spat out. "Yeah, what's so good about her anyways?" Wheein asked.

They all looked over to the other field where they saw Jennie leading the cheer team. She was showing off as usual. Even her teammates looked fed up with her. They watched as she did a backflip, purposefully exposing her upper area and landing extra rough to make her butt jiggle. That's right, she was your typical attention seeker.

And attention is what she received as the players on the football team catcalled and whistled at her. All while Jungkook was standing in disbelief at her actions and her teammates were scoffing at their cheer captain as she reeled in their boyfriends and crushes.

"I swear, one of these days I'll cut that skank's hair extensions and shove it down her throat." Jin muttered. Taehyung couldn't care less about her. He was only wondering about how Jungkook felt. And of course as he looked over to the younger's direction, he saw him frowning while looking over at Jennie.

"Alright everyone! The break is over. Let's resume back into positions." Their band instructor called out to them, gaining the attention of the bitterful pact of friends. "Let's just get back to practice. We're only giving her what she wants if we keep watching." Taehyung sighed as he got up off the bleachers and looked away from the other field.

Everyone's practice had continued throughout the day, each and everyone of them working hard for the big game that was about to embark tonight.

Later that night:

The game was still going. The score was tied between the two opposing teams. They took a small break to switch out some players and set the time in.

There was a minute left. A minute left for someone to break the tie. Who was going to do that?

Jungkook blazed through the field, running as fast as he could. Arms braced to and ready to catch the ball. His teammate Jaehyun sent the ball flying in his direction. The crowd, the cheerleaders, the band, his teammates, all watched with anticipation as the ball flew through the sky.

And they cheered proudly when the ball was caught firmly into Jungkook's hands. Everyone went crazy when the referee put his hands up indicating it was a clear point after Jungkook ran to the end scoring his team an extra six points with a touchdown. Obviously breaking the tie and winning the game for his team.

Everyone was so happy. His teammates did a pile on top of him as they squished him in a big squeeze hug, Jennie showed off by doing another series of flips, his mother and Felix were cheering for him as they showed off Jungkook's jersey number on their own shirts. Even the band showed support as they played a victory song.

Jungkook looked out into the crowd. His eyes had set on Taehyung's, who's eyes had already lingered on him ever since he scored. Jungkook smiled brightly as he held up his thumbs. Taehyung returned the thumbs up and the smile. Jimin and Wheein, who were also clarinetists, saw the cute interaction and nudged Taehyung playfully. Edging him with raised eyebrows and slight head tilts for him to go with Jungkook.

But Taehyung only laughed it off and pushed their hands away while laughing gently. "I still can't believe we were right about you having a crush on Jun-" Jimin started but couldn't finish his sentence because Taehyung covered his mouth quickly before he could finish. "Yeah, and I would like to keep this unbelievable crush hidden from everyone else who are not my friends." Taehyung informed him.

Wheein and Jimin only snickered at the younger's flustered and nervousness. But Taehyung zoned them out as he decided to just focus on Jungkook.

Meanwhile with Jungkook:

Jungkook jogged up to his closest teammates as the other bunch of them had already started to leave. He gave them all high fives and congratulated them for their excellent teamwork. "Great night guys." Jungkook complimented. "We can party in peace because of you man." Hoseok added, giving Jungkook a pat on the back.

Jungkook started to look around for Jennie, he had remembered he still had planned to take her out. "I'm gonna go find Jennie. Are you and Liz still coming?" Jungkook asked, still looking around for Jennie. "Nah, we've been broken up since last weekend. But on good terms though." Hoseok told him.

This news surprised Jungkook because to the naked eye, anyone and everyone was able to see that Hoseok and Lisa were such an unproblematic couple, so to hear that they were through was a shocker. "I'm sorry to hear that man, but why did you guys break up?" Jungkook asked, curiosity prominent in his voice.

"Well, when you're gay and you see yourself as a bottom who wants to be taken care of and treated like someone's everything while also getting your brains fucked out, it kind of seems pointless to carry out a relationship with a girl who also expects the same things you want but you can't provide it. Are you catching my drift?" Hoseok explained, getting flustered at the realization that he actually said all of the aloud.

Jungkook was dumb struck by what his friend had just said. But nonetheless he still supported his decision and wished him the best. "Wow, well who's going to be the lucky man?" Jungkook joked, nudging Hoseok's arm. "He's actually here. Um... right there." He pointed to a guy on the top right on the bleachers.

He had shaggy black hair which was a big contrast to Hoseok's light brown hair and from what Jungkook could see, it looked like this person had feline-like eyes. "That's so awesome, what's his name?" Jungkook asked. "Well, that's a secret for another time. How about you go find Jennie, yeah?" Hoseok told him. His behavior seemed to have changed to Jungkook as he was now acting quickly.

"Alright, I'll see you later, really happy for you man." Jungkook congratulated one last time before walking away from Hoseok, still questioning why Hoseok's behavior shifted so abruptly. But little did he know Hoseok saw something before he could see it.

When Jungkook finally found Jennie, he walked up to her and hugged her. "Hey, Jen. Ready to go out." Jungkook asked after he broke the hug. "Um, actually...." Jennie started as she pulled the jersey of one of Jungkook's teammates close to her side. "I'm not going and neither is this relationship." Jennie explained as she clung onto the teammates arm.

It was Jaehyun. "B-but, why?" Jungkook asked, feeling too hurt and betrayed to convey words. "Because you're a bad boyfriend! You don't listen to what I want and you don't treat me to nice things the way a boyfriend should treat his girlfriend. We're through." She explained, darting a finger at Jungkook with every word she spoke. "Come on Jae, let's go." Jennie scoffed when she realized Jungkook was just not going to say anything anymore.

This is what Hoseok saw. He saw how Jennie and Jaehyun were all close and touchy touchy with each other. He saw how Jennie treated Jungkook and knew that his best friend needed and deserved better.

Speaking of better, Taehyung observed the scene that just went down with sorrowful eyes. He had felt bad for Jungkook and hoped that he'd be okay. He shook his head at the sight of seeing Jennie drive off with Jaehyun, leaving a saddened and confused Jungkook behind and in disbelief.

"You deserve better Jungkook. When will you realize that I'm the better? When will you realize you belong with me?"


I'm hoping this is the only long chapter I'm going to do because this was stupidly long but I want to add some more to the story, not just follow the silly lyrics and video plot of the song. 

i mean this is still kinda high school au - ish so you will most likely get some high school interactions. i also wanted more of a storyline on how to make their base relationship start out without making it look like Jungkook only wants Taehyung to make him happy.

also, quick rant, but when i looked up a video of Taehyung and Jungkook singing the song "Never Not" by lauv, i went to the comments and somebody commented a really smart theory and someone commented on that comment calling them "delulu"

um sis we are free to think what we want, i mean they actually don't mind shipping and you're ruining the fun by judging, and what if they are real??? then you look just as delulu as you thought the commenter did. 

she's probably one of those people who think they actually have a chance with one of the members, now that's delulu. this reminds me of how on like an instagram post our boys were seen under lights with the colors of the bisexual flag and someone made that connection.

a comment under that post said something like "why is everyone making this into an lgbtq thing, i'm not hating but it's annoying" bruh. that's like the equivalent of saying "why does everyone like bts, i'm not hating but their annoying"

gosh i hate delulu hets and false members of the lgbtq(mmunity) who will support everything else but a harmless kpop ship 

bitch get the fuck out of here

but anyways thanks for reading final update this weekend or maybe next week idk it all depends on how busy i am¯\_(ツ)_/¯

bye, have a great day!!! ♥️

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