Love you till Infinity(ziam)

By indi765

27.3K 1.3K 1.2K

Completed✔ Zayn is a popular football player of his school who has a small crush on a certain curly haired br... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Christmas Special

Chapter 19

843 42 26
By indi765



"You know I love you right" Zayn asked as he pulled a half asleep Liam closer to his chest.

Liam opened his brown eyes at his lover, "I know baby, and you know what?" He leaned up and kissed his lips.

"I love you more".

Liam woke up with teary eyes, his pillow soaked in tears. He snuggled into a pillow more as Zayn wasn't there to cuddle with him, but he didn't feel that warmth he felt when Zayn was there, he didn't have his chest as a pillow.

He looked out of the window and saw the night sky. The peace and calmness of outside didn't match the thrumming in his heart, which was broken and shattered.

He had been holed up in his room for two days since he saw that picture. He won't let anyone other than Harry to enter his room, not even his mum.

He didn't know why he was acting this way, maybe the pain of first heartbreak was too much to handle or maybe the sheer reminder that Zayn didn't love him, hurt a little more with every passing minute.

He sighed, he couldn't sleep anymore. Every time he tries to sleep, beautiful memories with Zayn, flash behind his eyes.

"Zaynie! Stop! Ok sorry for calling you an idiot"

"Will you treat me with more respect?" Zayn said, finally stopping with his tickling assault on Liam.

"Yes, Mr Malik" Liam rolled his eyes and straddled Zayn's lap.

"You know, I love it when you call me Mr Malik, sounds hot" Zayn said, rubbing Liam's exposed hipbone.

"So I'll call you that only" Liam said as he leaned over him and whispered in his ear.

"Mr Malik"

Liam smiled to himself and clutched to the pillow, again realizing there was no Zayn.

He wanted to believe Zayn's words, every promise he made, but then again that picture comes to his mind and every promise seemed to be fake, every 'I love you' was a stab in his chest, every 'Jaan' was like a razor blade slowly peeling off the skin...

But no, Liam would never self harm himself, because of someone who used him, who made him dream of a perfect life, who made him believe in love, who made him fall in love.

Love seemed to be an unknown word in his dictionary now.

He turned onto his back and stared at the ceiling. His throat felt dry, so looked at his night stand, but the water bottle was empty. He got up, put on his glasses and went out of the room.

When he reached downstairs, he saw the kitchen light still on. He frowned wondering who was still up, but relaxed when he saw his dad.

"Hey, Liam, glad to see you out of your room for once" His dad joked, but Liam grimaced.

He knew he was hurting everyone with his behaviour. But he couldn't care less. He had become stubborn, so be it.

His dad pursed his lips, "You know, he came today also, was waiting by the door for the whole day in the cold, just to talk to you"

Zayn came by his house for the past two days trying to explain what had happened. But Liam didn't want to be reminded every time, how Zayn cheated on him, so he had told his family, he doesn't want to meet Zayn.

But Zayn was persistent too. He would stay outside just hoping Liam would take notice and just talk to him. But when Mark or Karen urge him to leave so that he doesn't get cold, he complies.

Liam would not be fooled again. First he trusted Jack too quickly, who initiated a friendship just to get him into bed and now Zayn, whom he gave all his trust and love at once, who succeeded in that, but also broke his trust.


"Hmm? This is your reply? The poor kid is trying so hard to explain what happened and your reaction is a hmm?" His dad was slightly angered.

"Dad please try to understand. I don't want to hear it from his mouth that he doesn't love me" Liam's shoulders slumped.

"So you're just gonna believe a picture, which you don't even know is real and not even listen to the one person you love?"

"The photo is real dad" Liam sternly said.

"And I thought, you were the smart one. Let me tell you a story, sit here" His dad motioned him to sit next to him.

"When I was studying for law, I had a huge crush on Louis' birth mum, Jay. She was liked by all, boys would throw themselves at her feet. But me, being me, was determined to impress her and at the end I succeeded too" He smiled at the memory.

Liam for a moment forgot his own problems and held his dad's hand.

"She was such a sweetheart, always helped others with their studies. The guys used to run around her all the time. But I didn't like it, I thought they'll take her away from me. So I made a rule between us that she's isn't allowed to have any guys in her friend circle. And she even accepted it. Her whole college life, she had only a few girl friends. She lived a life according to me. When she got pregnant, I told her to leave the firm and take care of the baby, she didn't protest" He sighed.

"We found out about her cancer when Lou was just six or seven months old, it was her final stage. On her death bed, she told me something, which made me regret every decision I took on both of our behalves. She said, 'Mark, I don't think I lived my life like I wanted to, I think I failed myself to be with you, I want to request only one thing when I'm gone, please let little Louis make his own decisions, if he wants to be a singer, let him be, if he wants to do anything in his life, please let him do it. I'll die happily if you promise me' " He sniffled, wiping away some tears.

"The fear in her eyes, wasn't because of the impending death, it was for Louis, like she's afraid to leave him with me. That hurt like hell, son. I failed my wife, I failed my whole family because of some stupid decisions I made. But I don't want you to repeat the same mistakes. Listen to your heart Liam, do you really think, Zayn will cheat on you, does your heart allow you to accept this?"

Liam blinked at his dad, "I don't want to believe it" He whispered and cried in his shoulder.

"You have to talk to him, clear any misunderstanding, don't rush into anything and ruin something so beautiful and precious, son" His dad patted his back.

Liam nodded and wiped away his tears, "I will, do you think he'll talk to me, after how I treated him?"

"Of course he will, now get some sleep" His dad said and walked towards his bedroom.

Liam got up and filled a water bottle and made his way towards his room.

He laid on his bed again, he looked beside him, feeling empty and hollow, the space was taunting him.

Did he really make a mistake?



"Look at me, babe"

Liam turned in his arms and laid on top of him in Zayn's huge bathtub, making water splash around them.

Zayn cupped his face with one hand and placed the other on the curve of his back.

"You won't ever leave me right?"

"Why would you say something like that?" Liam held his face in his small hands, "I love you too much to let you go"

"Just, don't leave me, ever, please"

"Zayn, I'm not leaving you, not now, not anytime in the future"

Liam kissed him, wrapping his arms around his neck, laying all his weight on him.

Zayn smiled into the kiss and traced the three words on his bare back.


Zayn woke up when someone knocked loudly on his door.

He grumbled and glanced at his clock with half lidded eyes, frowning, because why the hell will his family wake him up at six in the morning.

He got up from his bed and went to open the door, ready to shout at the person. But words stopped in his mouth when he saw the person.

Louis was standing there. Zayn furrowed his eyebrows, "Louis?"

"Yeah me, haven't seen me before?" Louis asked and barged into his room, without any permission.

Every time Zayn came to the Tomlinson's house, Louis would tell him that Liam doesn't want to talk. He himself would never let Zayn explain. Zayn tried all that he could, even Perrie, Niall and Harry believed him, but not Louis and Liam.

"Umm, you want something?" Zayn asked unsurely.

"Yes, I do" Louis made himself comfortable on the bed.

Zayn raised his eyebrows at him.

Louis rolled his eyes, "I want an explanation, for everything that happened"

Zayn sighed and sat on his bean bag, "I told you the truth, Lou. I did not kiss Janet. She asked me to help her in maths, I rejected at first but she begged me, so I agreed. My phone was off so I told her, to inform Liam, she said she'll tell Olivia about the tutoring and she will inform him. So we studied in the library, I didn't even go near her, I promise Lou, someone must've taken a picture I don't know, but I didn't kiss her. But Liam is not even ready to listen to me"

Louis stayed quiet for a good one minute.

"You said that Janet informed Olivia about your tutoring right?"

"Yeah, that's what she told me.. " Zayn trailed off, "But I didn't see her take her phone out and calling anyone, not even messaging"

Louis made that face, that Zayn knows he makes when he wants to cause some trouble.

"Go get ready Malik, school won't start soon, why not hang out a bit"

"You wanna hang out with me?"

"Yeah, since you and Liam got together, we don't have our bro time, Zaynie bro" Louis smiled at him.

Zayn felt relief wash over him, it's been so long since Louis called him, by that name.

He grinned at Louis, "So, you forgive me?"

Louis tilted his head to one side and smirked, "You did nothing wrong, so why forgive you in the first place?"

Zayn got up from his bean bag and hugged his best friend.

"We've to make everything right, Lou"

"We will, Zaynie bro"


Zayn and Louis leaned against the front door of the school, waiting for someone.
After hanging out at the park, the best friends came to school.

Perrie, Niall and Harry entered the school with jaws dropped when they saw the two best friends together again.

"We'll explain later, right now just leave, we're busy" Louis literally shoved them inside. Harry mouthed to Zayn, 'Did he drink in the morning?'

Zayn chuckled and shook his head, "Go guys, nothing's wrong. Nobody had any drink"

With a little hesitancy, the three friends left them alone, seriously, they were done with these two.

Zayn looked out again and the one person, they were waiting for came inside. He threw Louis a look and both stood up straight, their personality changed into something dark and intimidating.

"Hey there, Janet. How are you this fine morning?" Louis asked, standing in her way.

Janet looked terrified when she saw them, "I-I'm good"

"How was your test, you remember, the one I tutored you?"

"I-it was fine"

"How perfect! He tutored you for one day and you aced the test!" Louis exclaimed.

Janet gulped, she knew she was caught.

"You won't mind if we talk somewhere else?" Zayn asked quirking his eyebrows.

She nodded and the trio made their way inside an empty classroom.

"I'm going to ask you only once, and if you don't spit out the truth, I have other ways. You know I don't raise a hand on a girl, but I do know a girl, who's really good at fighting" Louis said sitting on the teacher's chair. Zayn took one of the front seat.

Janet shifted her weight from one foot to another, "Someone told me to do all that"

"Who?" Louis demanded.

"I can't tell you, please. My life can be ruined if I out that person" She whimpered.

Zayn and Louis exchanged looks, "What did that person want?"

"He wanted me to keep you busy and, in a way kiss you, so he could take a picture, but I couldn't. I like both you and Liam, I adore your relationship, but I was forced to do that. I lied that I'll inform Liv, about the tutoring, I was supposed to keep you away from Liam for a while. But I swear to God, Zayn, I didn't want any of these things to  happen and that person photoshopped us kissing" She cried.

Zayn didn't know how to console her, he'd only comforted Liam in his life. He could be like that only with Liam not anyone else.

Louis rolled his eyes and went over to Janet, "What does that person have on you, that you're so afraid of telling us his name?" He asked rubbing her back.

She sniffled, "Please promise me, you won't go to him"

"Can't promise that" Zayn curtly replied.

"This one time, at a party, I was drunk, but not to that extent where I don't know what I'm doing, I was conscious of my actions and I was dancing with Connor, he was all over me, we both went looking for any empty room and found one, but before we could start, he told me he had a fantasy to record the whole thing, and me, in my drunk mind accepted. The next day, I got my senses back and confronted him to delete the video, but being the jerk he is, he refused. He is blackmailing me for so long and this time, he told me to kiss you otherwise he'll leak the video. But I didn't do what he wanted, so he forced me to sleep with him. Please, I beg you, don't go to him, my life will be ruined if that video comes out" She sobbed.

Zayn couldn't blame her, she was vulnerable and Connor used her for his own pleasure and he will pay for it.

"Don't worry, we will make sure that ass hole pays for what he did, and that video will be deleted too" He said.

Janet nodded and went out of the class.

"You know where to find him?" He asked Louis.

"Oh I do"


Harry saw a teary eyed Janet walking out of a classroom, followed by Louis and Zayn. He knew something was going on and his boyfriend and friend wouldn't tell him a thing, so he followed Janet.

"Hey Janet" He stopped her.

She turned around, "Oh, hey Harry"

"Mind telling me what's going on? Louis will tell me eventually, but I wanna know now"

She told him everything and Harry put the pieces together.

"Shit! I'm sorry that happened to you and I'm sure they both will teach him a lesson"

Janet didn't reply and went away. Harry quickly fished out his phone and called Liam.


Liam woke up late the next day, he had lot of trouble in sleeping last night. His mind going back and forth on how he was going to talk to Zayn.

He lazily got up and brushed his teeth. He startled when his mum barged in his room with her phone in hand.

"Liam it's Harry, he said it's urgent"

Liam frowned and took the phone from her, "Hell-" He was cut off by Harry.

"Liam, you need to come right away to school"

"What happened? Are you running?" He asked, coz Harry was panting heavily.

Harry told him everything that Janet said.

Liam dropped the phone and sat back on the bed, his mum worriedly looked at him as she picked up the phone.

Zayn was saying the truth, the whole time.

His mum shook him, he blinked at her and snatched the phone from her, "Harry, you there?"

"Yeah, I'm calling Niall, you reach school as soon as you can" with that Harry cut the line.

Liam stayed put for a minute and processed everything.

He knew what he had to do, "Mum, where are your car keys?" He asked and put on any hoodie that came in his reach.

"In the living room. Liam what happened? Is Harry alright?"

"He's fine mum. I'm taking your car"  He tied his shoes and went out of the room.

He got the car keys and went outside to the car. He's still afraid to drive alone, but right now he has to reach to Zayn.


Louis and Zayn entered the field and as they expected saw Connor and his two friends Cole and Peter hanging out by the goal post.

"You wanna go first?" Louis asked as they made their way towards the group.

"You mind?"

"Not at all"

Zayn nodded and when he reached Connor, he landed a perfect punch on his face.

His friends gaped at Zayn and moved forward, ready to fight, but were blocked by Louis, "Not so soon, rats"

Louis ducked and saved himself from Cole's flying fist and kicked him in return. He punched Peter in the stomach, while one hand was around Cole's neck.

Zayn and Connor started kicking and punching each other. Zayn dodged most of them, but Connor was fast. Zayn had a bloody nose and a cut on his right cheek He landed one solid punch in his gut and Connor stumbled backwards and fell, clutching to his stomach. Zayn sat on top of him and punched his face, "This is for trying to ruin my relationship"

He grabbed his collar and pulled him up, "Tell me, why did you do it?"

A half conscious Connor struggled with his words, "I didn't... J-Jack came to me with this plan, saying I'll have my revenge on you"

Zayn clenched his jaw tightly. He knew Jack wasn't to be trusted. He was going to punch him again when a sweet voice made him hault.

He turned and saw Liam running into the field still in his pyjamas and a big hoodie.

Zayn got off Connor and stood up. Liam jumped into his arms, hugging him with all his four limbs. Zayn was quick to balance them both, he held the younger lad tightly.

Liam's face was tucked in his neck, it was so long since he breathed his scent, so long since he felt safe in his arms. Zayn repeatedly kissed his curls, whispering sweet nothings in his ear.

From the corner of his eye, Zayn saw Harry and Niall holding off Louis from punching Connor and his friends, who were beat up pretty badly.

What felt like an eternity, Liam finally pulled his face away and looked up to him.

Zayn saw how terrified Liam was on seeing Zayn's bloody nose. With soft fingers, Liam traced his nose and the cut by his cheek, he cleaned the blood with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"I'm so sorry, Zaynie. I didn't trust you when I should've, I'm a really bad person. Please forgive me, I'm so sorry" Liam cried.

"Babe, it's not your fault. You believed what you saw. There's nothing to forgive. I'm glad you know the truth" Zayn said kissing his forehead.

Liam closed his eyes at the touch and lifted his face to connect their lips.


It felt like heaven when his lips touched Zayn's. They simply pressed their lips against each other, soaking in the emptiness they felt for the past two days.

Then Zayn moved his lips, making Liam moan and tilt his head to deepen the kiss.

Their moment was interrupted when someone cleared their throat. They looked at their friends and Louis spoke, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but we have a serious matter in hand" He moved to Connor who laid on the ground with his friends.

"Where's your phone?"

Connor tried to say something but nothing came out. He slumped fully on his back and gestured to his pocket. Louis leaned down and retrieved it.

He opened his phone and found Janet's video, he deleted it and crushed the phone under his foot. He kicked him in the balls, "This is for playing with a girl's reputation. Have some decency and be a real man"

Zayn placed Liam down but still held him close by his waist.

Their coach came to the field as crowd gathered around.

"What the hell is going on?" He shouted.

"It's my fault" Zayn said, not wanting any trouble for Louis.

"Mine too" Louis replied.

"I'm also in it" Harry said taking Louis' hand.

"You guys can't forget me" Niall chirped in.

The coach looked at Liam who was squirming under his eyes, "I guess you were in it too?"

Liam nodded and smiled at him. Zayn could not love him more than he already does.

"It's not a joke, you beat the three of them really badly, I can't let this go. I'll talk to the principal" The coach said and helped the three boys get up and left with them.

"There's one more thing left to do" Harry said.

Liam furrowed his eyes, and looked up at Zayn, whose hold around his waist suddenly tightened.

"I won't leave that bastard" Zayn gritted.

"Jack is going to pay for all this" Louis said wiping away the blood in his hands.

Liam wanted to ask what happened when Harry interrupted him, "Jack was the mastermind behind this plan"

Everything clicked suddenly. He now knew why he was being so friendly all of a sudden. Guilt washed over him, as he remembered every fight with Zayn because of that person.

As if Zayn read his thoughts, Zayn cupped his face in his broad hands, "Jaan, don't you feel guilty about it. You genuinely thought he was being your friend, there's nothing wrong with that" He traced his cheekbones with his thumb.

Liam just nodded and looked at him, "Still, I should've known his intentions. I'm sorry, for always messing up" Tears circled in his eyes.

"No, you're not saying sorry again. Come on, I want to have a chat with that asshole"

The friends went into the school, where every eye was on them. Perrie joined  them and informed that Jack was in the library.

He was reading some book when they entered. Mr Ryan confusedly looked at them, but Louis ignored him and dragged Jack out of his seat and went outside the library.

"What's your problem?" He asked annoyingly. He saw how close Liam and Zayn were standing and that made his blood boil. Students had gathered around them, some started filming videos.

"You know I'm actually shocked how can a person be so shameless. After getting a good beating to stay away from my baby bro, you still played games with him, tricked him into a friendship, when all you wanted was to sabotage his relationship" Louis gritted.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Liam I didn't do anything of such kind, believe me" He started to move towards Liam, but stopped when Zayn pulled him behind him.

"You take one more step towards him, you won't remember your ugly face then"

Jack gulped, "You guys must have some misunderstanding, I didn't tell Connor to do anything, he did all that on his own"

Louis laughed, "Guys, did we take Connor's name, or what he did?"

Jack took a step back, his lie was caught.

Liam stepped out from behind Zayn, he squeezed his hand and let it go. He stood in front of Jack, "Why?"

Jack held his head down, "I was so jealous of Zayn. He stole you away from me. He is in my place. I should be the one to protect you and hold you close, not him. I thought if you distrusted him, you'll come back to me"

"I was never yours to come back to you, Jack. You broke my trust twice, but I won't make that mistake again. I don't want you anywhere near me. Leave me and my boyfriend alone" Liam turned around but felt a hand wrap around his wrist.

He quickly dusted it off and slapped Jack. The sound echoing through the hallway, students gasped, even his friends we're shocked.

"Don't you dare touch me again" He snapped and went to Zayn, who pulled him to his side.

All of them were called to the principal's office and were given a week's detention and two days suspension.


Liam laid his head on Zayn's chest, loving the warmth from his bare skin.

"I'm sorry Zayn"

"Jaan, I told you, leave it. We're starting afresh and I don't want you to hold this guilt any longer"

Liam lifted his head and looked into those amber eyes, "Why do you love me so much?"

Zayn smiled and lifted his face up, "I told you before also, you're my everything, my life, of course I love you so so much"

Liam smiled and kissed him, getting on top of him.

His clothes were slowly thrown away, he was gently laid on his stomach as Zayn's tongue ravaged his hole, going in and out, sucking and nipping his skin around.
He was laid on his back again, because Zayn wants to see how wrecked he is when he comes. Zayn was sucking marks in his inner thighs, his most sensitive areas, all the same time spit slicked fingers entered him, opening him up for Zayn. His moans never quieting down. Finally when Zayn entered him, he felt complete, felt full, felt extremely amazing.

His legs were pressed against his chest and Zayn was thrusting in and out, kissing him deeply, his tongue working it's way around his mouth, Liam was a putty in Zayn's hands.

He moaned his name all through it and gave angry red scratches to the older lad's back as Zayn sucked his nipples, making them throb for more.

He finally came when Zayn repeatedly jabbed on his prostate, making him see white stars behind his eyes. Zayn came inside him shortly, filling him up.

Zayn laid down beside him and possessively wrapped him in his arms, his cock still deep inside Liam's tight heat.

The boys fell asleep like this, not caring to clean up, just basking in each other.

Liam went for another kiss, his leg thrown over Zayn's hip, Zayn's arms curled around his small body, almost covering him up. His red, swollen lips, still couldn't get enough of Zayn.

"Sleep Jaan"

Liam only hummed and nuzzled his face in Zayn's neck as he welcomed sleep and after two days of staying up all night, he could finally sleep peacefully, not having a worry in the world.

"Love you Zayn, love you..."
He dozed off with a smile on his face.


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