⭐ You Belong With Me [Vk]

By Rye6read

4.5K 267 124

[Completed] Wherein Taehyung, the shy nerd, crushes on Jungkook, the ultimate football star in his school. Wi... More

A/N: Q&A


781 54 4
By Rye6read

The next day was different. Well it felt different to Taehyung as he continued to read his book while sitting on the bench. Maybe it was the extra sun he was getting than his normal daily dosage. Maybe it was the different genre of the book he was reading. Or maybe it was...

"Hey Taehyung, what are you reading?" Jungkook asked casually. 



This is the something different. The "your crush is approaching and talking to you" type of different. But who was Taehyung to complain? He watched as Jungkook walked down the sidewalk with his worn-out jeans on. The same worn-out jeans Taehyung has come to love because they accentuated his thigh and leg muscles greatly.

He finally looked up to see Jungkook staring at him. Taehyung realized why he was staring, so he happily scooted over to give space for Jungkook. His little brother, Felix, seemed to have tagged along too.

"Hi, Felix. I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" Taehyung asked as he rested his book in his lap, now his attention was focused on the cute eight year old. "Better Taehyungie! Those mean girls stopped bullying me after you told me to just ignore them! They were caught in the act too by a teacher. Isn't that lucky? Ooo, I also got my coloring hung up in the classroom. You know? The one when me and you were coloring three weeks ago." Felix ranted.

His lips were moving a mile a minute, slurring over or mispronouncing a few words ever so often. But Taehyung still got the kid's overall drift. "That's so cool! I'm proud of you Felix. We should draw another picture the next time I sit you, yeah?" Taehyung told him. Felix's eyes beamed at the thought. "Yes! Yes! Please can we do it todayTaehyungie? Please Jungkook, let's go to Taehyungie's." Felix begged, pulling on Jungkook's sleeve as he whined to go to Taehyung's place.

"Hold on motor mouth. One, why don't you tell me these things. Two, we're at the park and you barely have even set foot onto the playground. And three, Taehyung's probably busy and has stuff to do at-" Jungkook was lecturing Felix but got cut off by Taehyung.

"I'm actually not that busy." Taehyung interrupted a little too quickly, holding his hands up to stop Jungkook from continuing. Jungkook quirked an eyebrow up as he turned to look at Taehyung. A small smile crept onto his lips as he thought about what he was going to say. "Well..." He scooted closer to Taehyung. "Now you're busy with me. Come on Felix, go play around for a little while." Jungkook said.

Felix sprinted for the playground, thoughts filled on playing with the slides, the two teens were long forgotten.

Taehyung was stunned. He didn't know what to do with Jungkook. "I-" Taehyung started to say but Jungkook held up his index finger. "Wait a minute. Hold that thought. Your hair is just..." He started to gently brush Taehyung's soft hair, and tuck it behind his ear gently with that same index finger.

"That's better. So what were you going to say?" Jungkook asked, he turned his body to face Taehyung better. Taehyung turned his head away from him really quickly as Jungkook turned his body, so he could hide his blush from the younger one. "I-I" Taehyung took a deep breath to calm himself.

"How is your day so far?" He finally asked, turning back to face Jungkook. "I've been better, but at this moment...hmm? I'm feeling slightly better." Jungkook told Taehyung. The said male was now looking down shyly. "And how about you?" Jungkook inquired, tapping Taehyung's shoulder really gently.

"I- Um- Ah- Well-" Taehyung had to remind himself how to breathe again. He took yet again another breath to relax himself so he could say a very well composed and sophisticated answer. "Super dandy!" Wow, very sophisticated, super composed. He was practically sweating bullets and mentally breaking down on the inside.

Those two words were the best thing that he could blurt out at the moment. But to his surprise...

Those were the two best words to Jungkook as he couldn't find himself to stop laughing. "Who says 'dandy' anymore?" Jungkook laughed as he looked at Taehyung. Taehyung was panicking now. Was it bad to say dandy, was he uncool now, does Jungkook think he's weird now? Jungkook must've sensed or noticed something because he later then spoke and said, "No, no. Don't worry you're all good, it was just a funny word." Jungkook assured him.

Taehyung only half smiled. "I guess it is kind of funny." Taehyung laughed lightly. "Jeez, imagine saying it with a southern accent. Well that'll be just dandy." Jungkook suggested, finishing his last sentence with an attempt at a southern accent. Taehyung perched his head up higher, seemingly forgetting all of his nerves as he starts to play along with the younger one.

"Alright Pinhead, your time is up." Taehyung said with a southern accent. "Wow, your accent is pretty good." Jungkook said. "Thank you, but I said that your time is up, pinhead." Taehyung told him before poking Jungkook's chest playfully. Getting a little surprised at how buff Jungkook's chest was.

"Who you callin' Pinhead?" Jungkook asked, finally immersed into the roleplay. "I wanna be Dirty Dan." He continued on. "What makes you think you can be Dirty Dan?" Taehyung asked, crossing his arms. "I'm dirty." Jungkook told him, raising his eyebrows at the statement that just left his mouth.

Taehyung giggled a little bit but then composed himself again as he went back into roleplaying mode. "I'd say I'm Dirty Dan." Taehyung protested, he pushed Jungkook's shoulder gently. "I'd say I'm Dirty Dan." Jungkook argued back, returning the same light push back onto Taehyung's shoulder. They started to both laugh at each other. As Taehyung was laughing on the park bench with Jungkook, he thought to himself, "Hey, isn't this easy?"

"I'm Dirty Dan." Taehyung said, inching closer to Jungkook's face. "I'm Dirty Dan." Jungkook said, repeating the same action Taehyung did. Their faces were a foot away from each other's. Their smiles not even bothering to leave their faces as they stare at each other fondly. "You got a smile that can light up this whole town." Taehyung said breathlessly. He thought he had said it in his head but when he heard the words that fell out of his mouth fled into his ear, he couldn't help it as his cheeks heated up and flushed with red.

But Jungkook didn't look the slightest bit bothered by the statement. "Thank you, you have a nice smile that could do the same too." Jungkook said as he fixed his arm to sling over the back of the bench, leaning his weight onto the backrest of the bench. "I haven't seen you smile like that in a while." Taehyung said quietly, but Jungkook was still able to catch it.

"I haven't felt like smiling like that in a while." Jungkook sighed out. The look on Jungkook's face was enough to make Taehyung sad, so imagine the way his heart broke when he heard the words Jungkook said. "Is it..." Taehyung had to think before he continued, but he still pushed himself to say so. "Is it because of Jennie?" He asked, true concern was displayed on his face.

"Nah, well...actually no, we're fine. I'm fine." Jungkook assured him, although, towards the end, to Taehyung it sounded like Jungkook was trying to assure himself. "Hey, what are you doing with a girl like that, anyway." Taehyung asked, a little bit of annoyance laced in his voice. "I- well before when she asked, she asked in front of a whole bunch of people. I didn't want to turn her down and embarrass her like that. So I accepted it. But now...." He explained, but couldn't seem to find the explanation as to why he's with her now.

He tried to think about it. "But now....?" Taehyung asked, motioning with his hand for Jungkook to continue. "Now, I don't know why, honestly." Jungkook chuckled out in disbelief. It's something he's never thought about or said aloud before, so the thoughts that are following after now seem to be shocking to him.

Taehyung had felt bad. He didn't know how he wanted to help Jungkook. But in that moment, it must've been that same rush of emotions that happened yesterday night, that caused Taehyung to say the start of these words again. "Jungkook, I-I l...."

*Beep* *Beep*

Throughout their whole roleplaying and conversation they hadn't realized that someone's car had pulled up. And the person who was driving the car was seeing red and wasn't in the mood to see Jungkook with Taehyung. That person was none other than Jennie. She glared at Taehyung before plastering a fake smile for Jungkook. "Hey Jungkookie! Come on babe, let's go to the mall." Jennie beamed.

Taehyung heard Jungkook groan quietly and he smiled to himself. But to his surprise, Jungkook started to get up and stretch.

But Taehyung was surprised again when Jungkook spoke. "I'm sorry Jennie, but I'm watching Felix right now." Jungkook explained as he looked out for Felix. He saw the little eight year old, running like a bullet around the playground. "Who's Felix? I have never met him before, is he new to our school?" Jennie asked, genuine confusion expressed on her perfect features.

"My brother." Jungkook said as he looked at her skeptically. "You know, the one in second grade? The one I told you that had to get a cast on his leg and that's why I couldn't go on our double date with Hobi and Lisa. That same date you got mad at me for." Jungkook explained with an annoyed tone. Although, Jennie was too oblivious to realize the tone.

She finally seemed to have gotten what Jungkook was about because her mouth formed an 'o' shape as that same letter escaped out her mouth. "Oh, okay." Jennie said. "But like, can you still come?" She asked cluelessly.

Jungkook was about to say something when Taehyung had cut in. "Go ahead Kook. I got Felix, I'll just tell him you left and we can go to my house when he gets tired." Taehyung told him, surprising himself with what he just said.

Surprises were just everywhere today.

But still, Taehyung knew it was the right thing to do. "Plus...." he started to say as he got up, "Plus I think you should try to talk with her, try to save....whatever you guys have." Taehyung explained in a whisper.

Jungkook sighed but still complied. He walked over to the passenger side of the door and opened it. As soon as he sat in and closed the door, Jennie pulled his face into a kiss, which Jungkook half heartedly responded to. When they finished, Jennie looked up to see the pained expression on Taehyung's face. And she smirked when she saw Taehyung's head hanging down to look at his shoes.

She pulled away, before Jungkook could wave goodbye to Taehyung.

"Hey! Taehyungie! Jungk- wait, where's Jungkook?" Felix stopped running when he saw that his brother was nowhere to be found. "He went with Jennie to the mall." Taehyung told him. "Oh....her." Felix said with disappointment. "Yeah, her." Taehyung sighed, feeling the exact same way Felix was feeling.

"What's so good about her anyway with her hair extensions and high heels." Felix asked, kicking the dirt angrily. You could tell he never liked Jennie. "Because we have short hair and wear sneakers. Guys don't always get a good ending. Even if they're genuinely good like us." Taehyung explained.

"Come on, let's go grab some ice cream then we can go color at my place." Taehyung told him with a smile, he knelt down so Felix could climb onto his back. "Ok! Let's go!" Felix squealed.

Meanwhile with Jungkook:

"Jungkookie look! Look!" Jennie screeched. Jungkook looked up from his phone and got up from the wall he was leaning on. "Hmm?" He asked. "Look at this Chanel skirt..." Jennie explained to him. "That you're gonna buy me." Jennie suggested. "Jennie, I don't have Chanel skirt money." Jungkook sighed.

"What? Why not? You should at least buy me something. You don't buy me anything, you only treat me out to dates and those are getting boring." Jennie whined. "Jennie, do you even listen to me? I said I can't get you the things you want because I'm working so I can help my family out." Jungkook told her.

"But what about me, aren't I your family? Will I not be your wife when we grow up? I mean we are getting married right after high school right?" Jennie asked. Now Jungkook was really annoyed. "Jennie, why are you doing this? Why aren't you listening to me? I want to go to college and not marry so early. I want to get a great job. If you're so hung up on me not taking you out somewhere I'll take you out after the homecoming game tomorrow." Jungkook told her.

"So you're saying you don't wanna be with me? You're so inconsiderate and ungrateful Jungkook. But whatever if you say you're taking me out tomorrow I guess it's fine." Jennie scoffed.

"Yeah, fine."


Back at it again!!! Giving you more shit...lol jk. I appreciate you for taking time out your day to read this. Thank you for reading see ya soon!

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