Star Wars Female!Reader Insert

By Amberdolphin1210

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Hi. It's me, your girl, Y/N! You know how Peter Parker was pulled into another dimension in the Movie into th... More

How I got here
Them finding out
Unfinished Businesss
The First Few Weeks
Meeting the Chancellor
Aftermath part 2
Cut and Run
A little preview for really far into the future
Incorrect quotes that may or may not show up in the chapters

Aftermath part 1

834 13 182
By Amberdolphin1210

"Great Jiminy Fudgenuggets, it's freezing here! It's like Jack Frost decided not just to nip my nose but bite my whole face!" Y/N exclaims, walking through the snowy forest, clamping her left hand over her nose in an effort to keep it somewhat warm.

Wrecker asks, "Who's Jack Frost?"

"Long story about a guy who controls ice and winter." Y/N answers, shoving her helmet on, keeping her head warm.

"We've been asked for reinforcements, so we just have to find our allies." Hunter announces.

Y/N shrugs, "Just look for the Commander kid that answers to the name of Caleb."

A kid appears through the forest, locking his blue eyes on the group of clones.

"Oh look! Right on time!" Y/N chuckles.


With the other clones on the other side of the forest, they continue to fight back against the Separatists.

One clone turns to his General and frowns, "Not to be a pessimist, but if the Commander isn't back soon with those reinforcements..."

"My Padawan will be here." The Jedi frowns.

Suddenly, Caleb slides down the mountain nearby and hides next to his master in the trench.

"Master! Here. I'm here."

The Jedi asks, "Caleb, where are the reinforcements?"

Caleb answers, "Don't worry. They're right behind me."

"Uh, where are they?" The clone asks.


Caleb frowns, "Trust me."

"Well, how many are there?" The clone asks.

"Six of them." Caleb smirks.

The clone gapes, "Six?! We're done."

"Yeah, that's what I thought, but you gotta see these clones and girl. They're different." Caleb smirks.

Suddenly, a stone starts rolling down the cliff, smashing into the Separatist forces.

"Crush them again! Burn 'em again! Destroy them! Burn them to the ground!" A female voice laughs.

The group appears out of the forest, blasting away any droids nearby, blowing them up.

"I don't believe it. That's Clone Force 99." The clone frowns.

Soon the dust gets too dark to see through, just a few yells heard through the dust and smoke. Eventually, silence falls as the smoke clears, showing six figures walking through the smoke, taking off their helmets, revealing one girl and five clones. (I could not write that fight scene.)

"If you're done hiding down there, I suggest you launch a counterattack. Another droid battalion's approaching." Hunter smirks.

The clone glares, "The general is the one who gives the orders around here."

"He's right, Captain. This is our chance. Launch the counterattack." The Jedi smiles.

The Captain seems to pout for a moment before nodding, "Yes, General. All right, men. Let's go!"

The clones obey as the Padawan stares in awe as he, the Captain, and General walk up to the Bad Batch.

Wrecker exclaims, "There you are, little Jedi. You missed all the fun!"

Caleb smiles, "Watching your team in action was the fun."

"Care to introduce your new friends, Caleb?" The General asks.

"Yes, Master. This is Wrecker, Hunter, Echo, Tech, Y/N, and Crosshair." Caleb smiles.

"Awesome to meet you, General. As you can see, I'm the only not-clone of the batch." Y/N smiles.

The General frowns, "While I'm not sure "fun" is the sentiment I would express, I agree with my Padawan. Your exploits were quite impressive."

Wrecker asks, "Exploits?"

"Don't overthink it, Wrecker." Crosshair frowns.

Y/N smiles, "She means our handiwork, the way we did things."

"Thank you, General." Echo nods.

"Now, would one of you please explain where my actual reinforcements are?" She asks.

"Rerouted to the capital. We're all you're getting." Hunter frowns.

Wrecker laughs, "Ha! We're all you need!"

Tech frowns, "Actually, if my intel is correct, the general will not need any of us. The Clone War may soon be over."

Y/N suddenly stiffens, no one taking any notice except Caleb.

"Better tell that to the Clankers headed our way." The Captain frowns.

"Tech isn't talking about them. He's talking about the end of the war on the republic broadcasts." Y/N frowns.

"Clone intelligence is reporting Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi has found and engaged General Grievous on Utapau." Tech frowns.

Echo replies, "If he captures or kills Grievous, the Separatist command structure will collapse."

Tech nods, "And most likely the droid armies along with them."

"A fascinating theory, yet unfortunately not something we can control from here. I suggest we focus on the task at hand." The General frowns.

Hunter asks, "Any orders? Or shall we do what we do?"

"Let's blow something up!" Wrecker exclaims.

Y/N cheers, "Yeah! Let's burn them to the ground like straw on a hot summers day!"

The General asks, "Well, Caleb, shall we let them do what they do?"

Caleb answers, "Only if I can go with them."

"Very well." She nods.

Y/N walks over to the General and whispers in her ear, "Beware of Order 66. If you hear that order, run."

Y/N walks away, back to the clones.

"Hey, kid. You ready for this? We move fast." Hunter smirks.

Caleb smiles, "Good. That's the only way I know."

Wrecker laughs, "I like him."

Y/N chuckles as the group puts their helmets back on and run towards the droid battalion just before something is heard through the comms. Y/N trips in shock just before those three words she's been dreading are announced.

"Execute Order 66."

Y/N gasps in fear as she freezes at those words. Suddenly, the sound of gunfire is heard behind them. Y/N turns to see the clones firing on the General. She gets up off the ground just as Caleb looks back.

"Master... Master!" Caleb yells.

The entire group turns back, seeing Y/N frozen and Caleb running towards his master.

She yells back to him, "You must run! Run, Caleb!"

The general's screams are heard, echoing through both Caleb's and Y/N's ears. Wrecker grabs Y/N's shoulder, pulling her out of her stupor, making her run towards Caleb.

"Stay away from me!" Caleb yells before running into the forest.

Hunter calls, "Kid, wait!"

"What... What just happened?" Echo asks.

Tech frowns, "The comm channel is repeating one directive, "Execute Order 66"." 

"Yeah, I heard that too. What's Order 66?" Wrecker asks.

Tech frowns, "I am not certain."

"I know." Y/N whispers, barely audible as tears roll down her face behind her helmet.

Hunter orders, "Echo, Tech. Talk to the reg Captain. Find out what you can. Crosshair, Y/N, you and I will track down the kid and make sure nothing happens to him. Wrecker, stall anyone who tries to follow us."

The group nods and complies.


Y/N looks to the trees, looking for Caleb.

"Stupid Palpatine activating the stupid order." Y/N mutters, running through the forest behind her teammates, her sadness replaced with anger.

"He's close." Hunter whispers.

Y/N narrows her eyes at Crosshair as he finds Caleb.

"Come on down, kid. We're here to help." Hunter starts, only to see Crosshair aiming. "No!"

Caleb blocks the shot and yells, "Liar!" as he jumps away.

Y/N grabs Crosshair's shoulder and growls, "He's just a child!"

Hunter exclaims, "What are you doing?!"

"Following orders." Crosshair answers.

Hunter frowns, "We don't even know what the order is. Stand down until we know what's going on."

Y/N runs after Caleb, but not before hearing Crosshair whisper, "Good soldiers follow orders."

Y/N separates from the group, climbing up the trees to chase after Caleb.

"Caleb, where are you?"


"We have a situation." comes through Y/N's communicator.

She frowns, not responding.

Hunter frowns, "Tell me something I don't know, Tech."

"It appears the regs have been ordered to execute the Jedi." Tech frowns.

Hunter asks, "What? Which Jedi?"

"All of them. They're saying the Jedi have committed treason. I suggest you get back here." Tech frowns.

"Can't. Haven't found the kid yet."

Y/N sees Caleb, then sees Crosshair aiming his rifle at him. She picks up a stick and throws it at Crosshair's gun, making him miss partially as Caleb falls out of the tree.

"Caleb!" Y/N calls, jumping down, only to twist her right ankle, making her gasp in pain.

Caleb stands up, getting ready to attack.

"Crosshair, put the kriffing gun down! He's a kid!" Y/N exclaims.

Hunter yells, "Crosshair, stand down!"

Caleb cuts Crosshair's gun apart before kicking him into a tree, knocking him out. Y/N stands up, limping over to Hunter.

"Take it easy, kid. Easy." Hunter frowns, throwing away his weapon.

Y/N tosses away her own weapon before nodding, "We're on your side, Caleb."

Caleb looks between the two for a moment before running again.

"Oh, Karabast!" Y/N mutters before limping after her teammate, only to go a different way, to the other side of the waterfall.


Y/N watches from the other side of the ledge, waiting for Caleb to jump. She can still hear Caleb and Hunter talking.

"Stay back!" Caleb yells.

Hunter pulls off his helmet and frowns, "Just hear me out."

"No! You killed her!" Caleb exclaims.

Hunter sighs, "The others did. I'm just as confused as you are."

Caleb seems to think about it, but fear grips him too tightly, and he starts yelling again.

"Stay back!"

Hunter frowns, "I can help you. Come with me."

Caleb grips the lightsaber tighter and Y/N can hear clones coming closer. Suddenly, Caleb turns and jumps.

"No!" Hunter exclaims, reaching for the kid.

Caleb uses the Force to push himself forward, throwing himself towards the side Y/N's on. Caleb turns back for a moment before running into the woods. Y/N throws herself onto Caleb, knocking him down.

"Kid, I have to warn you-"

Caleb goes to yell when she shoves her hand over his mouth, looking around, hoping no clones are nearby.

"Do you want them to find you?!" She whispers.

He pushes her away from him, glaring at her.

"Stay back!" Caleb orders.

Y/N pulls off her helmet, revealing her H/C hair, locking her E/C eyes with his blue ones.

"I'm not a clone, Caleb. I'm not gonna hurt you. I know what's happened, but you have to trust me. I'll explain everything the best I can within this short time." Y/N frowns, limping towards a tree.

Caleb holds his hand out towards her, pushing her back a little with the Force. She grabs a tree, not making any effort to get any closer to him as she sits down, massaging her real ankle.

Y/N frowns, "The clones have an inhibitor chip placed in them since their creation. My team's are defective, but it's there. Only one of them has his working, but the Regs are being forced to do it. You have to run, Caleb. Make yourself a new name, hide, and just stay alive. I'll be a story in your head. That's okay, Caleb. We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?"

Caleb puts his hand down, shaking.

"I'm scared," Caleb whispers. "I don't know what to do without her."

Y/N smiles sadly, "Hey, kid, that's okay. That's completely natural after what happened, but courage isn't just a matter of not being frightened, you know. It's being afraid and doing what you have to do, anyway."

Caleb falls to his knees, crying. Y/N hugs him. He melts into her embrace when her communicator goes off.

"Y/N, where are you?" Hunter's voice comes through, scaring Caleb.

Y/N frowns, "I'm coming, Hunter. Just twisted my ankle, and I think my artificial leg might be slightly broken. Did you find him?"

"He's dead." Hunter replies, making Caleb's eyes widen.

"I'll meet you shortly." Y/N nods.

She turns off her communicator.

Caleb whispers, "He lied about me?"

"Look, Caleb... You know when grown-ups tell you that everything's going to be fine, but you really think they're lying to make you feel better?" Y/N asks, to which Caleb nods. "Everything's going to be fine." She then grabs his arms, making him look her in the eyes. "I can't stay with you. You have to run and hide. Never be cruel. Never be cowardly. Remember, hate is always foolish and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind. Trust in the Force. Now run. Run you clever boy. And remember everything."

Caleb nods, getting up and running away. Y/N smirks before hitting her robotic leg against a tree and pulling out one of the screws, limping back to her friends.

"May the Force be with you, Kanan Jarrus." Y/N whispers.


"Y/N! What happened?!" Tech exclaims, examining both her legs.

"I twisted my ankle jumping out of a tree, and I think that's what happened to the second leg. Although I could have just landed on it funny. So much stuff was happening I forget some of my injuries." Y/N jokes.

"You shouldn't." Echo frowns.

Y/N rolls her eyes as she hobbles onto the ship so Tech can examine her legs better.


"Coming up on Kamino." Tech announces.

Wrecker smiles, "It's good to be home. How long has it been?"

Tech answers, "One hundred and eighty rotations in a standard cycle, but galactic zone changes put the adjusted figure at around 205."

Y/N chuckles, "Nerd."

"What?" Wrecker asks.

Echo sighs, "A long time, Wrecker."

"Ya got that right."

Y/N chuckles. It's nice to be with a bunch of guys that accept people as they are. She then notices Crosshair's stare on Hunter. Wait, he hasn't taken his helmet off like everyone else. Why hasn't he taken his helmet off?

"What?" Hunter asks.

"You sure that Padawan died when he fell?" Crosshair asks.

Hunter nods, "Sure I'm sure. Why?"

"Well, usually when someone falls you look down, not across."

"Well, some of us don't like to watch." Hunter frowns.

Crosshair turns to Y/N, suddenly, "And where had you gone?"

Y/N blinks, looking behind her, making sure he wasn't talking to anyone else, then turning back, pointing to herself, a surprised look gracing her face.

"Yes, you." Crosshair frowns.

Y/N replies, "I got lost after chasing the Padawan. I found my way back with the sun, and it took so long because my ankle was twisted and my other leg malfunctioned."

"Unidentified transport, transmit your clearance code."

Y/N looks towards the front, confused for a moment as the thunder rumbles outside.

"Say what now?" Y/N asks.

Echo shares the same sentiment, "Clearance code? Don't they know who we are?"

Tech shrugs, "Must be a protocol drill. Transmitting clearance code."

"Authorization confirmed. Proceed to landing bay one-tac-one."

Y/N looks outside, noticing the weather seems harsher than normal. Maybe the storm recognises the shift in the Force's balance? The ship lands, when Y/N feels a shift. Butterflies form in her stomach, making her worried. The group walks out to see Shock troopers everywhere.

"Guys, something's very wrong." Y/N whispers, feeling her heart rate rise.

Hunter agrees, "Shock troopers? What's the Coruscant Guard doing here?"

Y/N tries to push down the butterflies in her stomach.

"It's okay, you're with the Bad Batch. You're going to be fine. You're not a Jedi. They shouldn't attack. It's when Tarkin appears that we have to worry. We're all going to be fine." She thinks to herself.

Tech announces, seemingly shocked, "This isn't a drill."

Wrecker exclaims, "Oh, man. What did we miss now?"

"The end of the war." A trooper answers.

Hunter asks, "Say again, Trooper?"

The trooper replies, "General Grievous was defeated on Utapau. The Separatist leadership has collapsed. The war is over."

"Just like I said." Tech replies.

Wrecker gasps, "It is just like you said!"

Y/N rolls her eyes when she sees a stretcher with a body, covered up with cloth. She holds in a gasp as their hand drops off the stretcher, a Lightsaber falling out of their hand, bouncing on the ground. Which Jedi was this? Shaak Ti? Or someone else? The trooper kneels down to pick up the lightsaber and turns to the Bad Batch.

"Is there a problem?" The trooper asks.

Hunter shakes his head, "No problem."

Y/N nods, "We'll just head to our barracks, Trooper."

"Best hurry. There's a mandatory general assembly at 1500."

Y/N holds in a shudder as the group continues walking.

Hunter whispers, "It's not just the clones on Kaller. All the regs are acting strange."

Y/N nods, feeling their stares on her back now and then.

Tech nods, "Let's test that theory. Excuse me, Trooper. What division are you from?"

The trooper he asked pushes him and orders, "Step aside."

Tech sasses, "Oh. Well, they seem the same to me."

"That's cause they've always been jerks to the outcasts. People are like that on Earth too." Y/N frowns.

After a short while of walking, they make it back to their barracks.

"Ah! Good to be back." Wrecker smiles.

Echo groans, "The smell's getting worse."

Y/N blinks then sniffs, this time sticking her tongue out.

"Great. Who left their mouldy socks out?" Y/N frowns.

Hunter smiles, "You're still new. You'll get used to it."

Y/N whispers, "We won't have to."

"Speak for yourself." Crosshair sneers.

Y/N frowns, "And Crosshair's delightful personality is back."

Crosshair shoots at her, which she dodges easily, knowing he's not even trying. She walks over to Tech, who makes her sit on the bench in the middle of the room. She stretches her leg out as he tinkers with her leg.

Wrecker smiles, "I'll get the board. Eleven more successful missions. Ha. Like there was ever any doubt."

Echo frowns, "Kaller wasn't a win."

Y/N's eyes become downcast as she remembers the Jedi's scream, flicking at some dust in sadness.

"Says who? We completed our objective." Wrecker smirks.

"Not every objective." Crosshair frowns, his helmet is finally taken off. "Hunter let that Jedi kid escape. Or do you want to keep lying to us?"

Y/N frowns, "He was a kid, Crosshair. Children have their entire life ahead of them, so much life left to live! He did nothing."

Hunter agrees, "I don't like to think of executing our commanders as a mission objective."

"An order is an order." Crosshair glares.

Hunter asks, "Since when?"

The two have a tense stare off for a moment before Echo speaks up.

"None of this makes sense. Those clones served alongside General Billaba for years. How could they turn on her like that?" Echo asks.

Tech answers while fiddling with Y/N's leg at the knee, "Because of the Regs programming."

Hunter asks, "What programming?"

Tech explains, "It's been well documented that the Kaminoans inhibited the cognitive functions of clones to engineer them to follow orders without question."

"Ha! We sure don't." Wrecker smirks, rubbing his Lula in Crosshair's face.

"Obviously, we are different. They manipulated preexisting aberrations in our DNA, resulting in your brute strength, Crosshair's sharpshooting skills, Hunter's enhanced senses and my exceptional mind. My guess is we are immune to the effects of the programming. Though I can't be 100% certain of it." Tech frowns, looking towards Crosshair.

Hunter asks, "What about Echo? He was a Reg before he joined us."

"Yeah, if all Regs were programmed, why didn't I react like the others?" Echo asks.

Y/N answers, "It's really simple. All the machinery shoved into our heads on Skako would've damaged your programming beyond repair, and now you're more free-willed than 95% of clones who are forced to follow orders, turning into mindless zombies. So, in a way, the machinery kind of saved you from it!"

Everyone stares at Y/N in shock.

"What? Just because I can't fix a hyperdrive or my mechanical body parts doesn't mean I don't know how some machinery would affect a human body." She defends herself. "And of course, the obvious reason as to why I didn't react like the Regs is because I'm not a clone at all."

Tech frowns, "Your leg is finished, Y/N."

Y/N smiles, trying out her leg before an announcement is heard over the intercoms.

"All personnel report to the staging area for a briefing on the state of the Republic."

Y/N picks up her helmet as the group starts walking.

"This is one meeting I don't want to miss." Hunter frowns.

"First time for everything." Tech sasses.

Y/N tilts her head. Tech doesn't seem to smile often. She shrugs it off for now as the group walks to the staging area.


Y/N tries to keep her face neutral and to listen as Palpatine continues to chatter, but it's hard to when the teenager just wants to shove her gun up his butt and start firing. Actually, an assassination attempt on the toilet might actually be an effective way to go. Didn't someone in Earth's ancient history have someone kill him while he was sitting on the toilet? King Edmund the second? Her thoughts are interrupted when Echo nudges her, telling her to pay attention.

"And the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated. The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed."

Wrecker smirks, "You can say that again."

Y/N holds in a laugh as Palpatine continues speaking.

"But I assure you. My resolve has never been stronger! In order to ensure the security and continuing stability..."

Y/N looks up to see a little girl with blonde hair next to Nala Se looking at the group, Hunter specifically before her eyes land on the teenager. Y/N winks at the girl, surprising her. Y/N knows who the girl is, but does the girl know who Y/N is?

"What is it?" Tech asks Hunter.

Y/N turns, momentarily distracted by the two other clones before she turns back, seeing the girl gone.

"...the Republic will be reorganized... into the first..."

Hunter frowns, "Nothing."

"...Galactic Empire!"

Echo asks, "Galactic Empire?"

"It doesn't seem right, does it?" Y/N frowns.

"For a safe and secure society."

The Regs start cheering, making Y/N stiffen.

"Still don't think the Regs are programmed?" Tech asks.


Echo frowns, "Galactic Empire? We're soldiers of the Republic."

Crosshair asks, "Republic, Empire... What's the difference?"

"The systematic termination of the Jedi is a big one for me." Tech frowns.

Y/N smirks as she sees Hunter raise his hand. The big introduction.

"Lads, we got company." He announces, the boys turning.

"So I'm a dude now?" Y/N sasses before looking at the stalker.

The girl Y/N and Hunter saw earlier waves at the group, even though they're standing two feet in front of her.

The girl smiles, "Hello."

Wrecker asks, "What's that?" like she's an object or alien creature.

"Adolescent human female. Origins... uncertain." Tech supplies.

Y/N chuckles, "A child, Wrecker. A girl. Think me, only smaller and more innocent. And with all original limbs."

Wrecker nods, seeming to understand now.

"My name's Omega. I was wondering when you guys would come back." The girl smiles.

Hunter asks, "You... know who we are?"

Omega nods, "Hunter, Echo, Tech, Wrecker, Y/N, and Crosshair. You're Clone Force 99."

Y/N lets out a girly squeal before turning to Hunter, an adorable smile on her face.

"Can we keep her?" Y/N asks, shocking everyone.

Hunter frowns, "She's not a pet, Y/N. No."

"That's what you said about the Convor." Y/N pouts.

Hunter asks, "What are you doing on Kamino, kid?"

"Her job, of course. She is my medical assistant, one with a curious mind that causes her to wander." Nala Se answers for Omega.

Y/N shrugs, "It's okay. Kids need to wander around sometimes. As long as they stay out of trouble. Or at the very least, can get out of trouble."

Nala Se frowns, "Come, Omega. There is work to do."

Omega sighs before following the Kaminoan, Y/N waving cutely.

"This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder." Hunter frowns, crossing his arms.

"And Y/N just had to add to it." Crosshair sneers.

Y/N frowns, "That was actually a really normal thing on Earth. And weird is sometimes good."

"It is normal to ask to keep people like pets?" Tech asks.

Y/N nods, "It's also normal to call those that are completely innocent "Cinnamon rolls". But to be honest, it's more like pack adoption than getting a pet."


Somewhere on a forest-like planet, there's a thirteen-year-old girl. The girl is wearing blue armour, a helmet with spikes on it, and bird skulls on her belt cleaning a lightsaber in her hands. Her helmet sits just above her face, not on it just yet as her hair just sits on her shoulders. The lightsabre metal cold against her fingers, yet humming with the energy source inside it.

"Hey, kid. You said clones were going to come to our camp on a mission to wipe us out. Do you know when?" A man asks.

The man has dark, spikey hair with an orange stripe and dark skin. His name is Saw.

The girl frowns, "Patience, Saw. Order 66 has only recently been activated. It could be within the next few minutes, next week. I don't know the exact dates. I just know they're coming."

"What about Ahsoka? You said she survived." Saw frowns.

"Yes, but she can't help us at the moment. She's hiding just like everyone else."

Saw sighs, starting to walk away. The teenager sighs, looking down at her lightsaber before igniting it, an orange blade coming out of it with a black core, the light illuminating her face, to reveal pink hair fading to red as it reaches the tips. The teenager retracts it.

"I just hope they know where my sister is."


"And he sat down on the primitive toilet, which was basically a pit on the ground, and as King Edmund the second squatted over the toilet, it turns out there was a Viking hiding in it, and he stabbed him twice from beneath with a dagger!" Y/N smirks.

Wrecker bursts out laughing.

"What an embarrassing way to die." Tech frowns.

Y/N smiles, "That's why it's in our history books as a stupid death. They always cracked us up. There are more stupid deaths where that came from."

The atmosphere becomes tense as they walk into the Mess hall. The group collects their food and walks over to the table as other clones gossip about an evaluator. Y/N suddenly pales, knowing who's here.

"I heard he's evaluating all the clones."

"Good. It's about time some of the fat got trimmed around here."

Wrecker scoffs, "Clones being programmed. Nothing controls me."

Tech frowns, "Wrecker, it is a logical conclusion that your affinity for destruction would stem from your conditioning."

"You take that back!" Wrecker orders.

Tech replies, "I am merely stating a scientific hypothesis based on factual data."

Wrecker exclaims, "Well, I got a fact for you. I like to blow things up because I like to blow things up!" He slams his fist into the table, getting the attention of a few other clones for a few seconds before they ignore the group again. "Got it?"

Crosshair snarks, "Well, I'm convinced."

Hunter sits down and announces, "An Imperial's been sent to evaluate the clones. Everybody's talking about it."

"What kind of evaluation?" Echo asks.

"Hopefully not mental. Clearly, we'd never pass that." Tech sasses.

Y/N nods, "I have a sinking suspicion I know who he is, and none of us will like it."

"Who?" Echo asks.

Y/N frowns, "You'll like him the least. You have experience with him, Echo."

Before anyone can ask Y/N any more questions, Omega sits at the table, interrupting the conversation.

"Hello again." Omega smiles.

Y/N smiles, "Hey, kiddeley-wink!"

Everyone stares at Y/N in confusion. Does she make these words up or does she have a dictionary from Earth full of weird words?

"It's Omega... from earlier?" Omega hesitates.

Y/N chuckles, "Sorry. My dad used to call me that. It's like a nickname. We remember you, Omega."

"Don't you have someplace to be?" Hunter asks.

Omega shrugs, "No. I'll stay."

Tech asks, confused, "You want to sit with us? That's never happened before."

"Wow." Wrecker gapes.

Omega nods, "I like you. You don't fit in around here either."

Y/N hugs the girl, giving the guys cute anime eyes.

"I have now adopted this child." Y/N smiles, stroking her head like a cat.

Hunter glares at Y/N, making her pout, releasing Omega from the hug. Omega chuckles at Y/N's cheeriness.

Hunter asks, "What are you really doing here on Kamino, kid? Don't you have a family somewhere? Parents?"

Y/N stiffens before shoving some of the tasteless food into her mouth to stop herself from saying something stupid.

"Parents?" Omega asks, definitely confused.

"Check it out. The defect squad's got themselves a new recruit." A clone smirks, walking past the group with some of his brothers before chuckling, "Another member added to the Sad Batch."

Y/N growls, handing her tray to Omega. Omega's eyes light up and Y/N winks. Omega nods, picking up some food and throwing it at the clone, hitting him in the back of the head. She stands on the table, tossing another bit of food into the air and catching it, which oddly enough looks like old cheese, or maybe it's stale bread.

"What the... Who threw that?" The clone orders.

Omega glares, "I did! Now apologise to my friends!"

Wrecker smiles, whacking Echo before announcing, "I like this kid!"

Y/N stands up, a mischievous smile gracing her face.

"What did you say to me?" The clone asks.

Y/N pulls Omega behind her, readying for a fight. Hunter immediately gets up, trying to deter the incoming fight.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back off. I suggest you keep moving." He glares.

Y/N gapes. He wasn't this protective when she was annoyed. Then again, Y/N did push him back down and threaten so many important body parts. Wrecker stands up too, a dangerous smirk gracing his face. The clone decides the group isn't worth his time and starts to walk away, but not before throwing out another insult.

"Know your place, Lab Scrabber."

Y/N growls, handing her tray to Wrecker.

"Do it." Y/N smirks.

Wrecker smirks, throwing the tray into the back of the clone's head. Everyone except Y/N turns around to see Wrecker holding his own tray, bouncing it in his hands.

"Oops." He smirks.

The other clone yells, "That's it!"

Wrecker yells, "Oh yeah! Yeet!" before tossing the tray towards the other clones.

"I do not regret teaching you that word!" Y/N laughs.

Hunter ends up punching a clone, and Y/N ends up throwing food with Omega.

"Food Fight!" Y/N yells.

Echo sighs, "Not again."

Crosshair continues to eat his food like nothing's happening. Y/N sees a fist coming for Omega and pushes Omega's head down, grabbing the fist with her robotic hand, winking before tossing the fist thrower across the room.

"Damn, I like this arm." Y/N smiles.

She then gets thrown into Crosshair's food, quickly getting up.

"Sorry, Cross." Y/N shrugs before pushing away another clone.

Crosshair tosses his tray, which bounces off a few clones.

"This is the most fun I've had in a while!" Y/N laughs.

Omega asks, "What do you normally do for fun?"

Y/N picks Omega up, letting her kick a clone in the face.

"Not sure. It's a mixture of anything and everything." Y/N shrugs.

"Echo, watch out!" Tech exclaims.

Y/N turns to see Echo hit in the head with a tray, knocking him out. She quickly jumps on the clone who knocked out Echo, pulling his ears before headbutting him.

"Y/N! Behind you!" Omega's voice exclaims.

Y/N quickly looks behind her, but she's too late as something hard collides with her face, everything going black.


Y/N shoots up from her position, letting out an exclamation of pain.

"Jiminy Cricket! I should not have gotten up that fast." Y/N groans, instantly grabbing her head with her left hand.

"You're awake."

Y/N turns to see Omega.

"How's Echo?" Y/N asks.

Omega frowns, "He still hasn't woken up yet."

Y/N nods, getting off the bed.

"Where is he?" Y/N asks.

Before Omega can answer, the droid comes in and has a panic attack.

"You should not be moving after a concussion like that!" The droid exclaims.

Y/N groans, "Ah, shut yer pie hole. I'll just sit next to Echo until he wakes up."

The droid seems confused.

"CT-1409. His name is Echo. And I don't care for your name. It's already too long for me." Y/N waves the droid away.

The droid turns to Omega.

"Omega, Mistress Nala Se summoned you to the sub-level medical wing. You must go." He frowns.

Omega shakes her head, "No. I'm staying here until he wakes up."

Y/N counts down, "Three, two, one."

Echo's eyes flutter open, shocking Omega.

"How'd you do that?" She asks.

Y/N doesn't answer as Echo starts to panic.

"No! Get them off!" Echo exclaims.

Y/N shoos the droid away, grabbing Echo's hand with her left one.

"Echo! It's okay. You're safe, Echo," Y/N smiles, "we're still on Kamino. Breathe, Echo."

Echo's eyes land on Y/N and he relaxes slightly, but his breathing's still heavy.

Omega smiles, "I'm here too. I understand. I don't like being hooked up to their machines either."

The droid completely ruins the mood, reannouncing its presence.

"Hello, CT-1409."

Y/N exclaims, "His name's Echo! I told you this already! It's Echo!"

The droid replies, "I am AZI-345211896246498721347, your assigned medical droid."

Y/N frowns, "Told you it was too long."

"Ha! Told you they're alive! You owe me two credits." Wrecker exclaims.

Y/N asks, "You bet on whether we'd live or die? Crosshair, I know you had high hopes for getting rid of us, but that's ridiculous!"

The AZI droid announces, "CT-1409's and Y/N's condition is stable. But I have some distressing news for the rest of you. According to your test results, you all appear to be genetically defective clones, except Y/N, who is not a clone at all." The only one that seems shocked at this information is Wrecker. "I will leave you to process the shock of this revelation."

As the droid leaves, Echo announces, "We've got a problem."

"Not really. We're more deviant than we are defective." Tech frowns.

Echo shakes his head, "Not that."

"Tarkin's here. He's the one evaluating the clones." Y/N finishes.

Everyone looks at Y/N in shock.

"I recognised the grey hair." Y/N shrugs.

Tech asks Echo, "The same Tarkin from the Citadel rescue when you, uh... How shall I put this?"

Wrecker inputs, "Blew up."

"And turned into that." Crosshair adds, taking the toothpick out of his mouth and gesturing to Echo.

Y/N scoffs at their lack of tact. Then she tilts her head in confusion. Where does Crosshair keep getting the toothpicks? And why does she keep forgetting to notice them?

Echo sighs, "Yes. And he's not a big supporter of clones."

Y/N nods, "To put it bluntly, he hates your guts and wouldn't bat an eyelid if you all starved to death or died some other tragic way."

"We'll soon find out. We've been summoned by the prime minister." Hunter frowns.

Wrecker smirks, "Guess he didn't find that mess hall fight amusing. But I sure did."

"Come on. Let's get this over with." Hunter frowns.

Echo gets off the bed and starts walking with the group.

"Wait!" Omega exclaims. "The fight was my fault. I'm going too."

Y/N smiles, "It's sweet that you care, but we'll handle it. It's no biggie. I've been in trouble for less. Stay out of trouble, kiddo."

Omega protests, "But I-"

"Listen, kid. Our squad's nothing but trouble. For your sake, keep your distance. Got it?" Hunter orders.

The group walks off, leaving Omega alone, and for some reason, they put Y/N in the middle of the group. Must be protective after that mess hall incident. Heck, even Crosshair seems to be blocking her from the others. Seems like that inhibitor chip hasn't affected his thoughts completely. After a while of walking, they're suddenly stopped by a trooper.

"Where do you think you're going? The training facility is that way." The trooper frowns.

"Training facility?" Hunter asks.

The trooper nods, "For a battle simulation. Admiral Tarkin has requested to see more of your squad in action."

"Then we are not being reprimanded?" Tech asks.

The trooper answers, "No, you're being tested. Now, go gear up."

Wrecker smiles, "So, we're not in trouble, and they want us to fight more? Ha! Maybe this Empire thing's not so bad after all."

Y/N frowns, "Don't jinx it, Wrecker."


"The value of all clone troopers is being challenged by the Empire. To demonstrate your effectiveness, a combat-proficiency test is in order. Take your positions." Tarkin orders.

Y/N shrugs, "This'll be interesting."

"You know how to use that weapon?" Hunter asks.

"Does the Pope have a tall hat?" Y/N smirks back before putting her helmet on, holding the gun over her shoulder in a confident manner.

Everyone just stares at her. It's then she realises all of them have already put their helmets on except Hunter.

"Yes." Y/N deadpans.

Hunter sighs, "We've done these a thousand times, boys. You know what to do."

"A battle simulation? Give us a real challenge." Wrecker smirks as Hunter puts on his helmet.

The group hides behind some cover, waiting for the challenge to begin, Echo, Crosshair, and Hunter behind one barrier and Tech, Wrecker, and Y/N behind another. Some droids rise from the floor. Y/N smirks. This is the easy part. The lasers start firing at the group and the group shoots the droids. Y/N dodges a blast from one of the towers and decides to blast the tower's cannons. Tech gives her a look.

"They were in the way. What did you expect me to do?" Y/N asks.

She notices Crosshair climbing a tower and focuses back on the droids. Crosshair's the best guy to be up there, on the high ground. Y/N chuckles at her inside joke.

"Move in." Hunter orders.

Wrecker yells, "Finally!"

The group slides down behind some other cover, shooting the droids. Y/N groans as the gun gets stuck. She hits it on the ground a few times, which seems to get it unstuck.

"That worked."

Wrecker groans, "This is taking way too long!"

Y/N nods, "Agreed."

Before anyone can say or do anything else, Wrecker yells, running right into the fray, kicking, punching, and shooting anything that gets in his way.

"He gets the job done. You can't deny that." Y/N mutters to Tech.

Tech frowns, "True. But this doesn't work every time."

"Fair enough."

Wrecker laughs like a maniac, all the droids taken down.

"What else you got?! Give me more!" He yells to Tarkin.

Y/N thinks, "This is where the fun begins."

Suddenly, a few new droids come up from the floor.

"Whoa-ho ho! New toys! Now we're talking!" Wrecker smirks, firing at them.

Y/N taps her communicator urgently.

"Wrecker, get out of there! They're using live fire!" She orders.

Her warning falls on deaf ears as Wrecker continues to fire, but the blaster does not affect the new droids.

"What do you mean live fire?" Tech asks her.

Y/N answers, "Exactly what it sounds like! Look!"

Wrecker goes to slam into the droid, only for it to catch him and push him away, then shoot him in the armpit.

"If Tarkin and I ever get alone, I am going to be having a few choice words with him." Y/N grumbles.

Hunter orders, "Get Wrecker, we'll cover you!"

Y/N and Tech nod, walking around the other way.

"Wrecker, are you alright?" Tech asks.

Y/N scoffs, crawling towards Wrecker and grabbing his arm.

Wrecker groans, "I felt that one."

Tech grabs his other arm and carries him back to cover. They notice the other group saying something when Hunter gives them hand signals. It looks something like "You chop them in half."

"Oh! I hate hand signals." Wrecker groans.

Y/N nods in agreement.

Tech sasses, "Perhaps if you memorized them."

"Why don't you memorize them?" Wrecker retorts.

Tech frowns, "I have. What we did on Felucia."

Wrecker smirks, "Well, why didn't you just say that?"

Wrecker gives the others a thumbs-up, making Y/N chuckle. Tech turns to Y/N as she turns her hand into a drill.

(Like that, only on your hand!)

"I was saving telling you about that mode for missions which involve mining." Tech frowns.

Y/N asks, "You gave me a new arm that has so many fancy modes and you expect me not to tinker with it and find out the modes?"

Y/N jumps up, locking her eyes onto one of the droids and leaping towards it, sending her drill hand into its chest. She turns her hand back into a hand, pulling out many wires, letting out an animalistic yell, charging at another who's about to attack Wrecker, who's holding down another one. Echo and Y/N destroy the one about to hurt Wrecker, Y/N sending her heel through its head as Echo brings it down.

"Reprogramming this thing will be pointless if you crush it." Tech announces, coming towards the two.

Y/N smirks, "I'll keep the other Palookas at bay." She then mutters, "Damn it. Why am I quoting Donald?"

Tech goes to the back and starts hacking and Y/N looks up at Tarkin, who seems unimpressed. She pulls up her helmet and sticks her tongue out at him before putting her helmet back down, shoving her drill hand through another droid. That may come back to bite her later, but it felt so good.

"Done. Let it go." Tech orders.

Y/N smiles as Wrecker lets go of the droid and it gets up, Tech on its shoulders.

"Great. Now I miss my Dad. Really don't need these nostalgic moments right now." Y/N mutters.

Tech makes the droid fire at the other ones, effectively getting rid of most of them as everyone uses their knives and other things on the damaged ones.

"Booyakasha!" Y/N yells out, her body twitching every now and then from the adrenaline.

She stabs one just before it can hurt Echo. Not that he's noticed.

"Y/N! Look out!" Hunter yells.

This time, she rolls to the right before looking back to see a knife cutting off the arms of the droid, landing at her feet.

"Cheers!" Y/N smiles, picking up the knife and stabbing another droid.

Tech suddenly announces "I can't sustain the connection."

Y/N turns in worry to see a droid shoot the one Tech is on, sending him back. She runs towards him, the droid aiming its blasters at them, shooting at her, making her dive behind one of the short walls.

"Tech!" Wrecker exclaims.

Y/N turns to the droid, pulling out her yoyo, just in case. Suddenly, Hunter tosses a knife into the droid's arm, distracting it from Tech. Y/N breathes in relief.

"Tech! Hold tight, buddy." Wrecker frowns.

Tech starts, "I'm... not going anywhere."

Y/N frowns, "Let me change that for ya!"

She runs towards Tech, wrapping his arm around her neck, dragging him behind a wall.

"Wrecker! Knife!" Crosshair yells.

Wrecker tosses a knife into the air, which Crosshair shoots, throwing it into the last droid's head, disabling it. Y/N breathes in a sigh of relief, Echo and Wrecker coming over to help Y/N help up Tech.

"That's gonna need six months of therapy." Y/N jokes.

The group turns to the roof to see Tarkin has disappeared.

Y/N thinks, "Why that lily-livered, yellow-bellied, butt dandruff! He left as soon as we started winning!"


"Tell me about Clone Force 99." Tarkin orders.

Nala Se answers, "They are medically defective clones whose cellular mutations enhanced traits desirable in a soldier."

"One of them isn't. The girl." Tarkin frowns.

"That would be Y/N. She has become a part of their team after they rescued her and I've been told that she could not be dissuaded. She is incredibly loyal to them, to the point of attacking those that threaten them." Nala Se answers.

Tarkin looks to Omega for a moment before asking, "How many of these enhanced clones do you possess?"

Nala Se answers, "Five are all that remain."

"They could be an asset to your new Empire." Lama Su inputs.

Tarkin frowns, "Yet reports indicate they exhibit a concerning level of disobedience and disregard for orders."

Nala Se replies, "A side effect of their mutation."

"Yet one that has never hindered the completion of their missions." Lama Su adds.

Tarkin asks, "Then they executed Order 66?"

Lama Su nods, "Since both the Jedi General and Padawan on Kaller were eliminated, one would assume."

"Assume nothing. Only the general's death is confirmed. A counter-report, filed by one of their own, says the Padawan escaped. Let us see where the loyalty of these clones truly lies." Tarkin frowns.

Omega watches as Tarkin leaves in concern.


"Live rounds? They used live rounds! On us!" Wrecker exclaims.

Tech frowns, "We were there, Wrecker. We know."

"I tried to warn you about Tarkin." Echo frowns.

Y/N tosses her yoyo to the ground, bringing it back up, back down, back up, repeatedly in an attempt to calm her anger.

Wrecker exclaims, "Who's that Imperial snake think he is?"

"Stow it, already. You got shot. It happens all the time." Crosshair sneers.

Tech frowns, "There's a fundamental difference between taking fire in battle and being used for target practice."

"Exactly! We're not dummy droids." Wrecker exclaims.

"That much we agree on." Tarkin's voice announces from behind the group.

Y/N turns around as everyone else stands to attention, making her yoyo roll across the ground for a moment before giving it a short tug, making it go right back to her hand. She watches Tarkin out of the corner of her eye, not trusting him. Can anyone really blame her? She knows the future. She's not relaxed, but she refuses to show him any respect. Respect is to be earned.

Tarkin starts, "That was quite an impressive display."

"Didn't have much choice." Hunter frowns.

Tarkin continues, "Our new empire may have methods which seem a bit unorthodox, but so does this squadron. Both certainly have their merits. Nala Se speaks quite highly of her five enhanced clones."

Y/N clears her throat, bringing his attention to her.

"Oh, forgive me. Just had a frog in my throat." Y/N frowns.

"Five enhanced clones and... other soldier. She claims you're more capable than an army."

"You have a mission for us, sir?" Hunter asks.

Tarkin nods, "Indeed. We have tracked a group of insurgents to the Onderon sector. They must be dealt with."

Echo asks, "What sort of insurgents?"

Tarkin replies, "Separatist forces intent on keeping the galaxy at war. If you neutralize this grave threat, you will be looked upon most favourably as I assess the needs of the Imperial Army."

Y/N's top lip curls into a silent snarl as Tarkin leaves. She really hates him.


At the ship, everyone's getting ready to leave, Y/N putting her Bat'leth in the ship. Something tells her it's going to be needed in the ship.

Tech asks Echo, "Find any more intel on the insurgents?"

Echo frowns, "Negative. Imperial files are locked down tight."

"Give me time. I'll crack them." Tech replies.

Y/N walks out of the ship to see Wrecker coming up with Crosshair.

"I'll say this for the Empire, they know firepower. You should see the new armoury!" Wrecker smirks.

Crosshair frowns, "He actually cried."

Wrecker smirks, "Hey, we both did."

"There's no room onboard for that." Tech frowns.

"Yeah? Well, I'll make room." Wrecker smirks.

Y/N sighs, "I'll lie on the explosives. I was just gonna nap anyway."

Wrecker sighs, "A new mission and unlimited explosives. Things are back to normal."

"That's not going near my rack. I refuse to sleep by a projectile again." Tech orders, Crosshair following close behind, still chewing on a toothpick.

Y/N snaps her fingers, finally remembering who Crosshair reminds her of. Although, she can't remember if he ever chewed toothpicks.

"Damn hedgehogs." Y/N chuckles, walking over to Hunter.

"Hunter! Y/N!"

Y/N turns around to see her favourite female on this planet, other than herself of course.

"Omega!" Y/N smiles, kneeling down and picking the girl up in a hug. "What are you doing here, kiddo?"

Hunter frowns, "I told you to keep your distance."

"I know, but I need to talk to you." Omega frowns.

Hunter asks, "All right, what is it?"

She looks around for a moment before whispering, "That Imperial officer, I think he has it out for you. I overheard him talking to Lama Su. He doesn't like clones."

Hunter chuckles, "Ah, that's nothing new for us. But we get the job done."

"I don't trust him." Omega frowns.

Y/N nods, "I agree with the kid. Something's wrong..."

Hunter frowns, "A mission's a mission. It's nothing to worry about."

"Then let me come with you." Omega asks, pleadingly.

"Kid, you're not a soldier. It's dangerous." Hunter frowns.

Omega protests, "It's dangerous here too. Things aren't like before. We need to leave Kamino."

"Hunter! Y/N! Let's go!" Wrecker calls.

"Change takes getting used to. You'll see. Just give it time." Hunter smiles.

Hunter starts walking away, but Y/N stays for a moment, handing Omega her yoyo.

"This is my most dangerous weapon. But because you don't know how to use it, it's just a toy at the moment. But if you can learn how to use it, it can be one of your most powerful weapons. Just look through the security footage of me using it. It may come in useful." Y/N smiles before walking off after Hunter.

Omega hesitates, before saying, "Hunter." She then thinks better of it after both humans turn to her. "Um, n-never mind."

Crosshair asks as the two come near, "Problem?"

Hunter sighs, "Um, something about her I can't figure out."

"Well, I guess kids aren't your area of expertise." Crosshair sneers.

Y/N shrugs, "I had a little sister with anger issues. I've already figured this one out."

She then grabs Crosshair's shoulder and whispers, "Fight that blasted inhibitor chip, Crosshair. It's forcing you to follow orders. Fight it."

"Sergeant." Tarkin announces his presence, making Y/N give him a suspicious look, letting go of Crosshair's shoulder.

His hands are behind his back in a formal manner, as if it's ever informal. His eyes cold and calculating as they land on the human female. A sense of dread enters her body, not remembering this in the episodes.

"I wish to keep Commander Y/N here on Kamino." Tarkin announces.

Y/N asks, "Am I even a Commander? Do I even have a title?"

Hunter seems confused and a little bit worried as he asks, "Is there a reason for this?"

Y/N inputs, "If it's for training, I'm more of a "learn on the go" kind of gal. I work better on the go. If it's a discussion, can it wait until the end of the mission?"

"It's a very urgent discussion." Tarkin answers.

Hunter frowns, "Sorry, sir, but my team sticks together."

Y/N then realises that Tarkin isn't going to let them leave with her. Might as well warn Hunter of some danger.

"Hunter, buddy, bro, boss..." Y/N smiles, putting her hand on his shoulder, knowing she only calls him those nicknames when something's wrong, "I'll be absolutely fine! I just have to follow those three rules my father taught me and Junior Woodchuck Rule Number One!"

Hunter narrows his eyes at her, picking up on her warnings. Y/N subtly winks at him.

"Splendid! Off you go now." Tarkin smiles.

"You can have an entire talk to me about everything when you get back." Y/N replies, giving him a stiff smile as she feels her heartbeat increasing, knowing Hunter can hear it.

Hunter nods, walking into the ship before it takes off. Y/N turns around to see Omega still watching.

"Go on, Omega. We can do a lot of fun stuff at a later date." Y/N smiles, although her eyes say "Get help."

Omega nods, running away. Y/N puts on her helmet.

"Now, we have much to discuss." Tarkin smirks evilly.

Y/N smirks back, "I'm sure we do."

The clones nearby suddenly train their guns on Y/N. If they had a laser point, Y/N would almost be certain that she'd be covered in little red dots. Great. Now she has that image in her mind as she holds back a chuckle at the thought. She turns serious again.

"You don't want to do this, Wilhuff." Y/N growls.

Tarkin's eyes widen suddenly, and Y/N knows she's done something dangerous just by saying his first name. Suddenly, the clones fire on Y/N, who quickly jumps behind a crate, which was a big mistake as more clones are on the other side of the crate.

"Why can't we just talk about this?!" Y/N exclaims, rolling across the floor sideways, then climbing over other ships.

She then picks up a gun and shoots a few clones. Y/N then finds herself cornered, clones blocking every escape, every single gun trained on her. Tarkin looking at her with a smug smirk.

"There's nowhere to go, Y/N. Just surrender. You're trapped." Tarkin smirks.

Y/N's eyes widen as she gets an idea, involving a quote.

"Oh, yeah, trapped. And you know what, speaking of traps, this trap has got a great big mistake in it. A great big whopping mistake!" Y/N smirks.

Tarkin asks, "A mistake, ma'am?"

Y/N chuckles, "Heh. I'm a ma'am here. Oh, big, big mistake. Really huge, Tarkin. Didn't anyone ever tell you? There's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap!"

"And what would that be?" Tarkin asks, raising his eyebrow.

Y/N activates the night vision on her helmet and aims her gun into the air.


She shoots the lights out, quickly dropping to the ground as gunfire is heard and seen above her. She quickly rolls left, where a few crates are. She climbs them as quietly and quickly as possible before she lands on the floor again, rolling underneath a nearby ship. She hears her own breath in her ears.

"Find her! She has information crucial to the Empire's future!" Tarkin orders.

Y/N holds in a groan. Someone told Palpatine about her just knowing stuff about the future, and he's told Tarkin. She suddenly sees feet in front of her and holds her breath.

"Don't make noise, stay silent. Be a mouse! Dammit! Why couldn't I have gotten the Mouse Miraculous? Or at least the Ladybug one? Kriff, JUST GET LOST!" Y/N thinks.

The clone eventually leaves, which makes Y/N let out her breath. Suddenly a gun is aimed at her and she rolls out of the way of a stun.

"Great Jiminy Fudgeknuckle!" Y/N yells out, kicking the gun only to be shot from behind.

She falls to the ground, pushing against her arms. She looks up to see Tarkin glaring at her.

"Perhot' podzalupnaya!" She spits before getting shot again, effectively knocking her out.

A/N: WOW! That was a doozy! BTW, You guys know Luis from Ant-Man, right? Can you give me a Luis inspired summary of Ahsoka's story? You'll see why in the next chapter if I can get one. If not, I'll just go with Pinnochio.

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