Serendipitous Love (Completed)

By Tumi771

29.7K 1.3K 295

Bad luck in love breaking down her walls only to be let down. Aniya Harvey has achieved a lot having her Arch... More

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Important โ€ผ๏ธRead this before proceeding to read the bookโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ

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1.5K 60 33
By Tumi771

I know I'm supposed to kiss frogs to get my prince but no one warned me that I would kiss the whole army of frogs horny frogs, weird frogs, frogs with fetish Good God...Aniya

I parked in my garage and got out .....I was happy to be home.

My beautiful plants were still looking fresh I watered them and went to put my stuff in the washing machine including "Mr. Dreamy's" nice smelling clothes.

I don't know why I'm smiling thinking about him at least I could think about something positive.

I took my shoes off and wore my slippers, then Took out my phone and saw that Ana tried to call.

I called her back and she said she will be with me soon.

I took out my wine and started to drink...

1st glass
2nd glass
10th glass yaaay

I heard a knock and went to open it for her.

"Ani are you okay "

"Im grrrreat*burp*

"oh my you finished the whole bottle it's that bad"

"Yeeeeap" popping the "p" while laughing...

"What happened"

"My sister is marrying Marcus"

"Wait Marcus, Marcus, Marcus?"

"Yes my ex I haven't seen him for 8 years and he comes back in my life as my little sister's Fiancé".

"So Rina forgot about the girl code.... euw imagine having sex with Krish's ex"

"They all betrayed me Ana they didn't even warn me"

"I'm sorry Ani " she hugged me.

I cried because it still hurt the wine wasn't strong enough to numb the pain I felt.

"Marcus hurt you more than you realize I think you've been dating all these men to prove to yourself that even though Marcus hurt you, you are worthy "

"Yeah I guess,  I'm done with men or love maybe Lady Calypso from Under her Spell cursed my love life "

"I love that book but what curse would it be," she said smirking.....

"To believe in love and never find it, to suffer while looking for it I don't know something like that"

"Maybe, but she never just hurts people she wants to teach you that Marcus hurt you it's time you sat with the pain mourn the child you lost and close that chapter the healthier way okay"

"Yes mam "

"Remember Ani it's not the years you spend single its the lesson, that's why you should allow yourself to heal okay otherwise you'll be single for 10 years and meet another Marcus in a different body"

I nodded and she started making jokes lightning the mood because it got too, heavy too fast.

She was right and I know it, it just took time to make sense.

After laughing for an hour I passed out.

She tucked me in, put my hangover mix on my dresser, and left.

💫 💫 💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫

CAUSE I AM HAPPPPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY....that was my alarm that she chose to wake me up


I fell on the floor rubbed my ass and checked the time great, Ana made the alarm 30 minutes earlier on purpose (4:30 am)

I'm gonna kill her...but I love her she saved my ass...

I took the hangover pills and went to shower.

I wanted to look good I felt like crap but had to look better because  I have a meeting with a big client, for a mall and I have great ideas, all I need is to go through my plans again.

Just as I was about to leave Ana left a note on my door... "You're the shit"

I laughed and slipped the note into my bag.

I looked at myself one last time and left.

The drive to my office was short mainly because there was no traffic, every time I wanted to lose my shit in my car and have my road rage I thought of Unhinged and pulled myself together.

When I got to my company I greeted everyone and got to my office and prepared for my presentation.

I hated presentations they reminded me of high school and how I hated standing in front of my classmates but the difference is now I know what I am doing and felt confident about my capabilities as a boss...

Everything went smoothly and I thanked God for one thing that's going right in my life.

My firm...

After a while Simone brought me my coffee she's a lifesaver.

I got everything done and when it was time for lunch I wanted something different.

Simone told me bout a new Italian restaurant so I decided to walk there because it wasn't far from my company.

I got in the restaurant the waiter smiled and told me where to sit, I sat down and admired it.

The waiters looked neat the ladies all had neat buns and black /white uniforms they looked amazing.

The menu looked great I ordered some pasta e Fagioli because I haven't had it in a while I couldn't drink so I ordered a non-alcoholic cocktail.

After enjoying my food I paid the waiter making sure I tip her generously because she was sweet and left.

I got back to my office and got my phone, I had a few missed calls from my parents.

I sent them a message saying I'm safe and love them they have a joint phone because they didn't need different phones or something like that.

I buried myself in work researching this new business venture it's something different it's a mall a little bigger than what I'm used to but I will get it right.

I was working on the drawings when I got a call.

Simone was smiling in my office telling me someone needed me urgently.

"Is this Miss Aniya Harvey, Zarina on the phone for you "


"Sis it's Rina please don't hang up"

"Im busy Rina some of us have to work"

"I know you're still bitter about Marcus but please just let it go"

"So you took time of your amazing time with your amazing fiancé  to say that "

"No I need help I owe someone 20 00$ and they need it or I'm in trouble "

"I don't have that kind of money"

"But you have a company you always have money and word has it you are a millionaire"

"I don't have time for this ask your parents "

I had to hang up and switch my phone off.

Everyone left, and I stayed alone busy...I checked the time and it was 11 pm.

My door was gently opened ...

"Miss Harvey why are you still here"

"Needed to finish this off Mr. T thank you "

"Okay Take care if you need anything just call okay" I nodded and smiled.

Mr. Travis is head of security and was doing his rounds.

After he left I got up and packed my stuff and left.

When I got home I took off all my clothes and got in bed.


I woke up, showered, and wore my black dress, my parents sent a message telling me to need to contribute to my sister's wedding.

They have money I don't know why I'm supposed to contribute?

I got to work...

Then deposited 80 00$ for them.

I can't keep doing this now I feel like I'm buying their love.

Ana came with lunch...

"You are heaven sent "

"How have you been"

So I told her everything and she was not happy.

"Your sister doesn't deserve you...... your whole family doesn't "

"I know but what can I say"

"I understand though "

"Remember when I was home " she nodded so I told her about Mr. dreamy.

"So you slept at that guy's place and didn't only leave without knowing his name you didn't have sex? Wats wrong with you?"

I laughed throwing a chip at her...

"He looked amazing with his dark blonde hair, green eyes or we're the blue and a body I can't stop thinking about, "I said that and bit my lower lip...

"Hmmm you got yourself a vanilla milkshake"

"Noo I don't even know his name"

"You should go home more often" she winked

"But would  you date out of your race"

"Why do people do that "

"Im not people and you know why I'm asking"

"I know sorry"

"Because your mom can be weird imagine dating a white dude"

"I know but there's a first time for everything "


"What Ana"

"You like him"

"No Ana I'm tired of men," I said rolling my eyes.

"I've heard it all before baby "

We spoke a bit more then she left.

I can't stop thinking about him I sleep in his clothes sometimes.

Nope, I'm not doing this to myself...

It was Friday and we were going out with Ana for drinks ....we work hard and play hard too...

After work, we got ready together wearing my sexiest dress.

"You're going to meet your hubby tonight" I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

Our Uber came and took us to the club no one will be driving back...

When we got to the club it was packed...

We had a great time dancing and drinking...Shot after shot...

Took a pill in Ibiza sounded amazing with those disco lights for the first time in a long time I felt really happy....maybe I felt lighter finally the weight I carried around for years was taken off my shoulders...

I went to the ladies when I came back some guy came to me and asked for my numbers I said No of course.

"Don't even listen to him he's probably going to waste your time too" Ana said...

"Easy for you to say you have a husband you get some all day every day whenever you need it while I keep investing in Sam's (aka dildos yeah I've named them all Sam please don't ask why )," I said laughing.

"I do, don't I," she said laughing

"Euw says no more"after having some cocktails we were drunk and tired so we called different Ubers.

"Love you, babe"

"Love you too call me when you get home Ana I don't want problems with Zyair"


We got in our Ubers and finally left ...

When I got home I took my glass of wine and sat on the balcony thinking of everything.

My phone vibrated it was a message from Ana telling me she's safely home.

So I decided that this chapter in my life called Uncertainty I'll embrace it even though I was terrified, I'll be patient till I'm ready for whatever is waiting for me from the other side of healing.

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