A Strange Declaration (SCP-03...

By _RainGho0st

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This Fan-Fiction contains spoilers about the video game 'SCP: Containment Breach' I'm not a fan of this ship... More

Chapter I: "A day like any other"
Chapter II: "Friends"
Chapter III: "Friends Pt. 2"
Chapter IV: "Wich is the reason?"
Chapter V: "Rare situation"
Chapter VI: "A strange declaration"
Announcement: Possible continuation?
Announcement pt.2: Finally decided
Chapter VII: "Maybe it's a good thing" pt. 1
Chapter VIII: "Maybe it's a good thing" pt.2
Chapter IX: "After a long time"
Chapter X: "You're mine, understood?"
Annoucement pt.3: Pause
Announcement pt. 4: Thanks
Chapter XI (Final): Finally together
Announcement pt. 5: Last thanks
Special - 5k Readings (Thank You)

A Strange Declaration - All Chapters

615 21 2
By _RainGho0st

-Chapter I: "A day like any other"

It was a normal day at the foundation, everything was in order, the SCPs were contained, the tests and investigations were going well, nothing out of the ordinary except the upper-middle containment zone.
Several of the scientists and guards who prowl there daily were unavailable and luckily for the few that remained, SCP-035 took the opportunity to manipulate one of those who was taking notes near his cell to lure him to it. The subject approached the glass box of the mask and slowly took it out of the container to place it on his face, which would cause instant death, after a few seconds, the body was already completely possessed by 035, who after having accomplished his goal, he sneaked out of containment with the access card in his host's pocket.

As strange as it may seem, the alarms did not sound and those who controlled the security cameras did not notice the presence of the possessive mask walking through the corridors with great calm for someone who was trying to escape. SCP-035 had some matters of interest within the facility that did not involve escaping, he had gotten tired of making so many plans that later resulted in failure just as it was about to leave, so instead he just kept exploring the place without any concern. It had been a long time since he "stretched his legs."

Several minutes passed before he became aware of an elevator heading towards the containment cell of SCP-049, the plague doctor. 035 was eager to see his old friend, he called the elevator and when the doors opened he was surprised to see two guards in it.
They got scared and threatened him to be peacefully contained again, which he didn't care too much about, knocking them both out with one blow and throwing them out of his sight.

-Are they always so predictable? - He said in a mocking tone and closed the doors.

When he was downstairs, he noticed that there was no one watching, which relieved him a bit. He opened the door of the cell in 049 and he himself was glad to see him.

-Greetings, friend. I don't usually get company down here so there's a bit of a mess. - He said while cleaning his hands and then offering one to shake.

-Don't worry about that, I'm just passing through before they come to point a gun at us. - He responds, shaking the doctor's hand, who lets out a laugh.

-Always with your jokes and sarcasm, you made my day. Take a moment, I think I have some tea around here. -
After a long while chatting, neither of them noticed that time was running out until the alarms began to sound.

SCP-035 said goodbye to 049 by closing the door and fleeing down the hall to take the elevator. When the guards arrived, everything was in order. They checked the mask cell and the only suspect was the scientist's corpse stained with the black liquid from it, thrown to the side of where the glass box was located but 035 was contained. After that, the only ones who entered were the cleaning staff and some psychologists, who by regulation must be present with the guards at all times.

-Chapter II: "Friends" pt. 1

- SCP-049 narrates -
I was quite surprised by the unannounced visit from 035, he doesn't usually come that often but I was glad to see him.
It was a bit embarrassing that I came right in the middle of a surgery since both the stretcher and the floor were a disaster, but leaving that aside, it is good that at least someone wants to hear about my discoveries and believe what I say, they always treat me like a crazy person.

Well, I don't understand human emotions too much after all, so I don't judge them by seeing me with a different look and they don't understand my writing either, should I try to teach them?
I think I'd just waste my time, they don't even believe me... and- uhhh... I'm beating around the bush, what was I...?
True, it was 035. There is something that keeps spinning in my head after that day, maybe it's just my imagination or something like that, I haven't seen him for a long time and I may still be surprised...
Anyway I will forget when I am distracted...

//After a while//

Why do I feel this way? I know some psychology but I still can't understand the feelings or emotions of humans too much, do they feel that way when they are really overwhelmed?
* Ahg * if so, surely it's horrible.
I don't know why I feel this way, it's strange, but there may be a small possibility that... no, that's impossible... it hasn't happened in centuries, does it have to be right now..?

- SCP-035 narrates -
A few days have passed since I went to cell 049 and for some reason I noticed him somewhat nervous, it is something strange about him since he is always serious and the few times he is happy is when he discovers something new or hears one of my jokes , but I've never seen it like this, is it normal after spending so much time focused on something? Maybe and maybe not, it will surely pass when you relax a bit.

(sigh) It's so boring to be here doing nothing, not even so many people pass by, they all say that being ten meters from me they feel a headache. To tell the truth, I don't care but nothing interesting happens around here. I wish the doc was here, even just to chat for a while while he does his job. Now that I think about it, does what they say about me really affects everyone? I don't think so but it may be a reason why he was like this ... but if it were true, he would have kicked me out, haha...
I'd better discard that ...

Truth be told, that escape worked out really well for me. I'll do it again when things calm down and surprise him with... a "gift"?
That is something that humans consider a good deed and it makes them happy.
In that case, I'll give him one of those to keep him happy, but what can I give to him? I have no idea what I can give him if I don't even know he might like it or if I can get it... I think it's going to be difficult but it will be worth it. Uhhh... maybe a new book for your notes? Or maybe something to do with medicine?

-Chapter III: "Friends" pt. 2

Author narrates (me xd) -
Several weeks had passed after 035's visit. Investigators and guards were somewhat intrigued by the fact that 049 was turning away the mammal carcasses given to him every two weeks for testing and only seeing him pacing restlessly. None dared to ask except their caregivers, who also kept asking what was happening to the plague doctor and having no information about him, they did not know how to help him, so they decided that it was better to leave him alone in his thoughts. Noticing him vulnerable, all personnel stopped having the same fear of him as before and disputed to be available in case he needed help, which SCP-049 greatly appreciated.

He himself only focused on making his annotations and as the days passed he calmed down little by little, even so his questions did not go away and he was more irritable than normal if a person with the so-called "pestilence" approached him. Other strange things he did were ask that the "sick" be taken away instead of trying to cure them as he normally did, he cooperated and followed all orders but refused to go to the daily interviews and ask that they try not to disturb him. The staff did not object to these requests and repeated that he should ask for help if he needed it.

-I'm going crazy, what the hell is wrong with me?! - he told himself in his mind.

At that same moment, he saw the cleaning staff pass by carrying the possessive mask, he quickly looked out the window of his cell to see him but realized that he could not say anything since they would consider that he would be trying to escape by the manipulation of the other, like that, he just sat in a corner and kept wondering what was happening to him. Inadvertently, the personnel who control the security cameras noticed this action on his part and reported it to his caregivers. Later, a group of guards arrived, accompanied by some of the investigators in charge of the SCP, to its cell.

-049, let's open your cell door. Do us a favor and follow our orders. - Said one of the guards over the loudspeakers.

The doctor obeyed, left slowly and allowed the handcuffs and harness to be placed on him. They went to a room that was completely unknown to him, where other SCPs were being tested. When they arrived, they took away what he was wearing and made him enter. To his surprise, as soon as he arrived he saw that they were placing 035 in the face of a D-Class. and when the action was completed they all left leaving the two alone, the investigators and guards were waiting for some action from someone but there was only an awkward silence for a while.

-Uhh... do you have any idea how to break the ice? - said the mask.

-I don't know, I don't even know why we're here. - replied the plague doctor.

All the staff were surprised and confused at the same time, they had in expectation that both would have a confrontation or try to resist going there, but no, they are talking as friends. Some of the caregivers of 049 noticed that the same was more calm in the presence of 035 and they wondered what the reason would be, they began to form various theories while they continued to observe them.

-Chapter IV: "Wich is the reason?"

Both SCPs kept chatting like nothing while all the staff who observed them kept muttering and wondering why all this, they did not know if it was just a facade to confuse them and escape when they let their guard down or if they really were friends. Guards soon arrived to take them to their cells.

-Why are they separating us from nothing like this now? Can't I see my friend for a while longer? - said 035 putting up some resistance.

-W-wait! - 049 added something desperate without reaching to put some force.

Their caretakers were still watching the scene, were still confused about the reactions and suspected something. The reason could be something more than a close relationship between friends but, that would be strange since normally neither shows empathy or some other feeling.

As they were taken to their cells, the possessive mask was still bent on shaking off the guards, who to his bad luck were the strongest and his D-Class body was quite weak. When they arrived, they opened the doors, grabbed 035, and tossed it into its container like it was nothing as its expression changed from comedy to tragedy.

-HERE YOU STAY, GARBAGE !! - Said one of the guards before leaving.

On the other side, 049 was heading to his cell walking slowly without saying a single word, he seemed shocked and his eyes were lost.

-Uhh ... A-are you okay? - Asked timidly one of the soldiers.

-Shut up! Better not ask him anything, remember that it is dangerous. - another reproached him.

-Oh, come on! I wasn't the one who pushed him out of there! Surely it's wrong because we took him away from his friend, besides, weren't we supposed to have died from touching him? - He added the same one from before.

-It's true, what would it feel like to be reminded every moment that you are a phenomenon? And since you mention it, it's true, we survived by sheer luck. - answered a third.

-It can't be that they are empathizing with these things! - answered the second.

-Do you want to stop at once? If they continue like this, I'd better go to my cell on my own. - Said the plague doctor to silence them.

There was a moment of silence until they decided to move on. They arrived and left the SCP in containment.

-May it be the last time you feel sorry for another damn weirdo from here or I'll blow your f*cking eyebrows with my gun! - Said the soldier before they stopped hearing the voices in the corridor as they went to the elevator.

//The next day//

-Hmm ... this book is very interesting, how strange to have found it in my briefcase. - whispered the humanoid.

The cell door was opened and an investigator entered.

-SCP-049, if you feel ready, can you accompany me to your daily interview?- he asked him.

-Okay but I don't want any tricks or weird things, get straight to the point. - 049 answered with some distrust.

Once in the interview room, they both took a seat and the investigator did not begin with an interrogation as usual, rather, he addressed him as a normal person, which surprised everyone.
After asking routine questions, he asked: -And tell me, 049, how did you meet 035?-

-Wow, if that is a very direct question, doctor =====. Well, it was a long time ago and I don't remember exactly, that's what I can say. - he replied somewhat nervous.

-What kind of relationship do you have with him? - continued the researcher.

-We are simply friends, nothing to write home about. - the other answered nervously again.

-Are you sure? By your attitudes in recent times you have shown us other kinds of things and ... at this point we have no other resources than to ask both of them directly to form a conclusion before drawing others in a hurry. - he said in a serious tone.

-I know how I've been but believe me, I don't even understand what is happening to me and I'm not sure if this involves 035, so I ask you not to insist on this issue. - added the doctor somewhat irritated by the situation.
-Okay, okay. For now we will not bother you with this but try to inform us of anything to help you. We do not know if this can become normal for you and if it is beneficial or not. W-with this I end the interview. - the researcher finished saying as he retired with care invaded by the fear of suffering the same fate as Dr. Hamm, the previous caretaker and interviewer of that strange creature.

A while later, they also gave the mask a questionnaire but this time he kicked out the doctor ===== with his telepathy abilities causing him a horrible headache. Before leaving, he managed to give the order to be locked up again.

Later, most of the foundation's psychologists were interested in the case of both SCPs and gave their opinions about it but they never agreed with any theory since based on the data, neither would make sense. They decided that it would be best to just keep them watched but not intervene unless it was a risky situation.

-Chapter V: "Rare situation"

A new day was passing at the foundation, there were murmurs all over the place as SCP-173 would be tested and the D-Class were already being taken to its cell, the researchers were watching through the cameras and the guards giving the instructions and orientation brochures, the doors were opened, the subjects entered and there was the concrete statue.

The doors were closed but they were reopened.

-Uh... we seem to have a problem, the door controls are not responding to any of our attempts to close them. Please approach SCP-173 to continue testing and--- -the guard outside the cell was interrupted by a loud, sharp sound as two of the D-Class were attacked and the strange creature immediately approached him, his attempts for defending himself with bullets were useless and he suffered the same fate as the previous ones.

The only one who was left saw everything and scared he ran towards where the others were, he realized that there was the same creature ready to face two security members who were preventing him from passing.

-I'm going to blink, don't take your eyes off him. - said one.

-Quiet, I keep seeing it. - answered the other.

Not even five seconds passed when a shooting was heard and then both disappeared at the hands of the statue, fearful for his life, the D-Class had to go down the stairs and continue on the same path since there was no other way out.
After some time exploring, he came across 035 pretending to be someone who needed help.

-Oh, thank god someone finally found me! You see, this mask got stuck in my face and I need medical help, could you open the door to this cell so I can get out? I know the way to the quickest exit and I can get you there. - he said trying to sound as sincere as possible but the other said "no" shaking his head.

-What?! What do I have to do to make you believe me?
(sigh) Well, behind you there is a door with a code, it is a closet that has things that will help you. The pass code is 5-7-3-1,  got it? - The subject followed the instructions of the SCP, saw that it was true and proceeded to release it.

-I wasn't really going to take you with me, you'd only be a burden since you can't trust me, I'll just tell you that the fastest exit is Gate A and I hope I won't see your face again. - said the positive mask leaving his cell while the D-Class was perplexed by the situation, it was very strange but still he had no expectations of receiving help from anyone and continued on his way without further ado.

Meanwhile 035 took the opportunity to head towards the 049 containment cell.

-Knock Knock. - He said jokingly as he opened the door.

-Oh, I see you came again. I am happy about that. - the plague doctor replied somewhat nervous as he closed his notebook to receive his friend.

-How good, hehe. And tell me, did you discover something new? Last time it seemed like you were close to a conclusion. - Asked the mask with enough interest to hear the answer.

-Not yet, I've been distracted and I can't focus on my research, I'm still the same as before and I'm somewhat frustrated, I feel like I'm going around in a circle. As strange as it sounds, I feel better when I'm with you. - added 049, putting on something blushing.

-That must be because you have the best friend of all, don't you think? - said 035 resting his arm on the other's shoulder.

-Eh... could it be..? - He replied even more nervous than before.

-Chapter VI: "A strange declaration"

SCP-035 removed his arm from 049's shoulder upon hearing him say that so oddly, thought it was making him uncomfortable and simply stepped away a bit.

-D-don't walk away, I didn't mean that..! please... - he implored his friend quite desperately.

-You may not believe me, nor do I believe it myself yet but, I feel something for you ... - he added as he slowly approached him to hug him. When her arms went around him, 035 couldn't help but reciprocate the hug and was still surprised after hearing what his friend just said.

-I understand what you mean. -he replied in a somewhat shy tone.

-I'm not forcing you to be... you know... but I don't want you to leave me alone, I wouldn't bear it. - he said clinging more to the body of the possessive mask.

-Quiet, I will not abandon you. What's more, I'll give you a chance. - after saying this phrase, the plague doctor gave a small kiss to the lips of the mask.

-I-I'm sorry, it's kind of awkward, haha. - he said while blushing even more.

The two were so entertained that they did not notice the presence of the Class-D who had not yet managed to leave the facility, accidentally made a noise when stepping on the helmet of a guard lying on the ground and did not manage to take a step when 035 grabbed him by the back of the neck of his shirt.

-I thought I told you that I didn't want to see your hideous face again, are you so clumsy that you haven't found Gate A yet? Or even the B? - he reproached him furiously.

-I told you a while ago that I should heal you and you just ignored me and left, didn't they teach you that you should pay attention to your doctor? - said 049 as he touched his face and the subject stopped moving.

-Then I'll take care of him. - he added taking the hand of the body that possessed the mask.

-However you say, my love~ - he replied somewhat stunned making the humanoid blush.

035 carried 049 in his arms as if he were a princess, that took the plague doctor by surprise but he let himself be carried away and caressed the cheek of his beloved.
They had a good time together but did not realize that time was flying by, they heard a warning over the loudspeakers and knew that they had to escape, they planned to detonate bombs throughout the foundation to exterminate SCP-682. 049 took his briefcase and the access card that was on one of his caregivers' desks, they didn't have much chance of making a good escape so to save time he put 035 inside his bag and started running towards the exit. He managed to mislead the guards, he was able to reach a safe area and to everyone's surprise, the reptile was still alive despite the great damage that its body had received.

In the midst of the chaos, the doctor saw some guards pratuyando the area in search of possible survivors, he approached them and gave himself together with the mask. They were surprised that they managed to escape in the middle of all that disturbance, they were successfully and peacefully contained but all members of the foundation's staff had no choice but to contain the surviving SCPs in places that do not meet all the necessary requirements until all the facilities were rebuilt and when that was over, each of the anomalies would be taken to their cell.

The researchers and caregivers of 035 and 049 still had the doubt of what would happen to each one of them, what was strange to them was the fact that both returned to normality so they gave "the case" by result what they don't know is that they never revealed what they felt.

-He's just a friend. - they both answered in their interviews.

-Chapter VII: "Maybe it's a good thing" pt. 1

- SCP-049 narrates -

I'm still thinking about what happened before, it seems to be a dream but it is not. Truth be told, it feels weird about the fact that I didn't expect 035 and I to be anything more than friends, but after that during the breach...

...I think I should stop thinking about it.

What surprised me the most is that he reacted in a good way and above all that he accepted me, usually he just tries to be nice out of pity but I know him well and this time he was really sincere.
I wish I could spend more time with him, I miss him and I can't even go out.

I would send him a letter but it is obvious that everyone at the foundation would see it and it is supposed to be private.

* sigh * I really want to see it but I can't let them suspect me again, this time they could think of something much more than a "friendship" and maybe even try to exterminate us?

Ahg, whatever. I hope  he is well.

Now I should continue with my work, it has been too long since I have been working on my cure. It has to be even more perfect than it already is!


* sigh * I finally finished but there are no signs that it has worked, maybe it is because of wear or the type of mammal, anyway it seemed to me that this formula was not going to work.

- Author narrates (me xd) -

In his thoughts, 049 was interrupted by a noise in the hallway outside his cell. He did not see anyone but when he looked out he realized that 035 was there trying to open the door and when he did, he entered and hugged the plague doctor making him blush.

-049: You are a fool, they can see us.

-035: Oh come on. It took me a long time to get a body and get here. Admit you're happy to see me, hehe.

-049: Y-yes. But it can be dangerous, I don't want anything bad to happen to you.

The possessive mask looked into his lover's eyes and gave him a small kiss on his forehead.

-035: Nothing is going to happen to me, I know how to deal with them. Also I'm not trying to escape, I just want to see my dear "friend". And besides, there was no one else around.

-049: You forgot the security cameras.

-035: * nervous * Let's say someone owed me a small favor.

-049: I know who you mean, hahaha.

After hearing the shy laugh of the doctor, 035 blushed and felt enormous happiness, it was the first time that someone did not feel intimidated or afraid in his presence.
Gently he took the waist of his lover, who had his arms resting on his chest.
Their gazes met and without realizing it, they were lost in each other's eyes for a long time. Suddenly a scream was heard.

-Guard: Both! Hands where I can see--

He was interrupted by a reflex act of the humanoid, who without thinking threw a scalpel that was nearby and ended up nailed in the head of that subject.

-049: F*ck... I really freaked out...

-035: You look really cute trying to defend your crush~

-049: Well, that happens to interrupt us~
But now you should go, if a guard has arrived it means that they already know you are out.

-035: You're right, but I'll try to go back, okay?

The mask closed the cell door and rushed to take the elevator but to his surprise a squad of guards is already there.

-Chapter VIII: "Maybe it's a good thing" pt. 2

SCP 035 was seen cornered by the platoon of guards that had entered divided into the two elevators. 049 hadn't found out about that until he heard there was too much movement, looked out of a window in his cell, and saw that the possessive mask was in trouble. They were threatening him to stay low and at that, 035's expression changed from comedy to tragedy.

-Guard 1: This is the only suspect here, well, except for the poor guy who ended up injured here. The humanoid is contained as always but I still don't know how this guy managed to escape.

-Guard 2: Who knows what this weirdo would be able to do if he escapes from here. Also, it is strange that he is so submissive, he is supposed to be a Keter.

-Guard 1: Let's just wait for their caretakers to arrive and go to lunch--

The plague doctor interrupted them by breaking the window glass and slowly approached them, he was furious.
The guards pointed their weapons at him but he didn't flinch and took 035 gently.

-049: If you allow me, I'll take it for a while~

Guard 1: W-what are you doing, 049?! You can't take it like it's nothing! D-don't make us shoot!

-049: Do you think your bullets are going to hurt me? You should know.

They were all shaking in fear that one of the SCPs would do something dangerous and had no idea how to act in such a situation without avoiding casualties. Most knew that if they tried to stop them they would not get out of there alive.

-Guard 3: C-call my mom...

-Guard 4: We all want that but don't be an idiot!

-Guard 1: Be quiet! S-someone else sinking?

Suddenly, strange sounds were heard, as if someone were walking on something squinting and that was, SCP-106 felt the panic and fear of the soldiers.
He took advantage of his distraction and his screams of terror were drowned out as the old man dragged them into his pocket dimension.

The doctor repositioned the possessive body mask that he was using previously.

-049: I don't know if we'll be safe here, but it's not safe to escape either-- W-what are you doing?!

The humanoid blushed completely as he felt his beloved take him firmly by the hand.

-035: If you are afraid, I will protect you. I am here, you are not alone.

After saying those words, he hugged the doctor to calm him down and he reciprocated.

-049: You're taking advantage of this to flirt, right?

-035: A little, hehe. Maybe this is a good thing~

-049: I love you.

-035: T-this is the first time I've heard that from someone, it's a bit embarrassing.

-049: Well this won't be the only time you hear it from me~ But now, we must flee. Something tells me it's going to get worse, do you have the access card?

-035: Y-yes.

They both took the elevator and as soon as they arrived, they saw that everything was in chaos.
Apparently an experiment had gotten out of control again, everyone fled and screamed in despair, calling for help. They all headed for the floodgates without success as they weren't allowed to use them so the SCPs wouldn't escape.

The atmosphere seemed like a true horror movie, the alarms kept ringing and dangers lurked in the scraps and behind doors. The one who had escaped appeared to be SCP-008, the gas that turned everyone into zombies.

-035: And now, what do we do?

-049: No one is stopping us from taking a walk together.

-035: Good idea.

The plague doctor and the possessive mask held hands, walking calmly while the rest of the people tried to survive.
They wandered around for a long time, taking advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention to them.

Suddenly, the mask looked his lover in the eyes, he wrapped his arms around his neck to hug him.

-035: It seems that someone is very affectionate~

-049: It's obvious, silly. Hahaha.

-035: What will we do when everyone is gone?

-049: I don't know, normally when something like this happens I just stay in my cell and if not close to it.

-035: Then, I will accompany you.

-049: If you want we can leave whenever you want, for me there is no problem.

-035: It wouldn't be very useful, I can't keep a body for a long time.

-049: Hmm ... You're right.

-Chapter IX: "After a long time"

A few months have passed since SCP-008 escaped and the foundation facilities were completely abandoned except for a few other anomalies that became trapped in their containment cells or wandering the cluttered hallways.
Through the already worn speakers a voice could be distinguished, it seemed to be of some authority.

-???: If there are still survivors, try to stay in a safe place until the security personnel secure the entire sector and we manage to contain all the SCPs. That's all for now, in a few moments we will repeat the same message for those who have not heard it.

Meanwhile, 035 was lucky to find several bodies and equipped himself with various weapons to defend his beloved doctor from the plague. He could have escaped but preferred to stay by his side and help him with his experiments, in addition to the fact that he could not bear being away from him. The humanoid blushed completely when he saw that the possessive mask had been looking at him - again - in a loving way and being at his side in a protective way.

-049: Agh... I hope you're not too focused on "your business". Remember that the guards will come soon and they will surely want to attack us.

-035: Easy, my cute doctor, I will keep you safe if you are afraid.

-049: I'm serious. You can flirt with me at another time but now we must think about what we will do so that they do not think of us as a threat.

-035: Well, you're right about that. Although what you mean is kneeling with your hands up and obeying all their orders blindly, maybe we could try something more like ... who knows... guide them or something similar? I don't have too many ideas since I don't usually get along very well with humans.

The doctor was left thinking for a moment that it became eternal for his lover, who hugged him from behind, wrapping his arms delicately around his waist. This gesture made 049 smile and then he gave 035 a small kiss on the cheek leaving him flushed and groggy for a moment.

-049: Come on, we should try to find them.

-035: Y-yes! I'm going.

// A while later //

The doctor and the mask began to explore the long corridors and rooms, everything was so similar that they felt inside a labyrinth not leaving much of the high containment zone. Soon the footsteps and voices of a squad of guards entered through a broken door and when they saw the two SCPs they did not hesitate to take aim. 035 was alarmed and in an attempt to defend his beloved pulled out one of the shotguns he carried, ready to fire. However, 049 interrupted him by pulling him away from the body he possessed and looked at him while holding it in his hands.

-049: We had already talked about this! I told you we weren't going to attack anyone.

The opposite face showed his grimace of tragedy in a way to show how embarrassed he was to be scolded and the doctor proceeded to put it inside his briefcase so that it would not cause any more problems.

-049: Maybe you can use a body when you have calmed down, understand?

The security personnel who were present had no idea how to react to this situation, they did not know whether to panic because of the danger of both anomalies, try to defend themselves, escape or do something to contain them. The plague doctor offered to help them but the guards did not know whether to trust him or not.
All the records said that 049 is usually cooperative and that the only situation where he has violent outbursts is in the presence of someone who has the pestilence, but if he was completely calm, would that mean there is no "patient" around? what to "cure"? Upon realizing that, the guards calmed down and proceeded to attach the handcuffs and harness normally used by the humanoid's keepers to transport him.
Suddenly, something rose up behind them and slowly approached. It was 035 that for some reason he had managed to get out of the doctor's bag and return to the body that he was previously using and took the weapon he was carrying.

-035: Let him go or everything will go to hell...

-Guard 1: What the f*ck--

He was interrupted by a shot from the weapon that the possessive mask had in his hands.

-035: I hope that serves as a warning, now release 049, restrain us as before and we will pretend that none of this happened, was it clear?

The guards released the plague doctor and he backed away in horror at what he had just seen. He clearly knew everything his crush had done in the past and it didn't affect him too much to have to see blood or injuries due to what he normally does, but he never thought he would witness something like that.
He grabbed his briefcase, ran away, and in no time he would no longer be visible in the confusing corridors. 035 rushed to follow him trying to call him but there was no answer.

After a long time running he sat on a corner near an elevator and began to regret it. He couldn't get the expression of panic from 049 out of his mind, it made him feel completely miserable and he was afraid he wouldn't want to see him again.

-Chapter X: "You're mine, understood?"

SCP-035 had leaned against a wall in despair, was filled with sadness and collapsed to the ground. It was the first time that the possessive mask was seen showing its emotions in a sincere way, the black liquid that it normally expels came out expressing tears accompanied by a slight cry.
He feared that his beloved plague doctor, the only person who had ever shown him affection in his entire life, might not be able to see his face.

Sitting on the ground with his eyes downcast he felt too miserable to continue on his way, he did not clearly know how those kinds of emotions felt...
To his surprise, a familiar hand gently took his chin and made him look up, it was his long-awaited doctor.

-049: I never saw you sincerely cry, I guess you really care about me, but, you know I don't like that kind of things.

The possessive mask burst into tears and on his knees he took the humanoid's robes.

-035: P-please! Please forgive me! I will do whatever you ask of me but don't leave me!!

-049: Come on, 035. You don't need to do this...

-035: Of course it is ..! I-I... I...

The doctor interrupted him giving him a kiss that made him blush and he was speechless for a moment as their gazes met in an affectionate way. Everything bad that they both felt vanished just by looking into each other's eyes.
The mask rose and proceeded to embrace its beloved, holding him protectively.

-035: I know I shouldn't have reacted like that, especially since you were present...

-049: Hehe. Come on, I know there was more than just a reflex to defend me.

-035: Agh... I admit it. I was a little jealous. I don't like being touched too much. You're mine, understood?

The plague doctor was red as a tomato when he heard those words from his lover and tried to move away but was imprisoned by the hug he was receiving and only covered his face with his hands. 035 stroked his head and softly sang the song that the blushing doctor usually sings.

-035: Ring o' ring the roses, a pocket full of poises...
A tissue... a tissue... we all fall down...

-049: Eh..?

-035: If I remember correctly, it was like that, right?

-049: Y-yes.

They were both focused on the other that they completely forgot what they were escaping from, and sure enough, the guards were witnessing everything.
As soon as they realized that they began to run, apparently without any direction, but holding hands and together. Their attempts to escape seemed in vain since the platoon was only a few meters from them and they did not hesitate to start firing.

049 knew that 035 would not do any harm to be shot at the body he possessed but it was still a simple porcelain mask that was very easy to break and he immediately rushed over to take the bullets instead.
There were blood stains on the floor but he did not appear to have any damage, he stood up and slowly approached them.

-Guard 1: W-wait... don't come near...

-Guard 2: He-he's not supposed to attack us but d-don't let him touch you...

-049: Regarding before, I lied to them. You have all been consumed by the pestilence...
I didn't want to cause a ruckus but now I see that this may be... a great opportunity to perfect my cure!!

The possessive mask kept watching from the ground and it wasn't long until all the guards were "healed" by the humanoid and he looked at him with a smile extending his hand.

-049: Will you come with me?

-035: Uhh ... will they follow us? Are they hostile?

-049: Don't worry, they will follow me but they won't do anything unless I order them.

There was a moment of silence between the two except for their steps and those of their 'companions'. 035 was somewhat perplexed by what his beloved doctor had done but he was still happy and proud of what he had done.


The possessive mask spanked the doctor making him blush in embarrassment.

-049: Agh! You are a pervert! I would hit you if it weren't because I love you!!

-035: Come on honey, I know you liked it. Hahaha.

-Chapter XI: "Finally together"

049 walked very happily holding the hand of his loved one with the 'cured patients' behind them. 035 was uncomfortable and perplexed by the situation, but what neither of them knew is that one of the many guards who chased them was still alive and was reporting everything that was happening.
After a while, both guards and all the foundation's staff arrived despite the danger they could still face, but they decided to take that path despite the risk it entailed.
Soon, the doctor heard the footsteps of a crowd and hid the possessive mask along with him and left the zombies as a distraction and took the opportunity to escape while the rest were distracted by the shooting.

-049: Are you okay?

-035: Yes ... although I think I should have gone along with you, now we will be like two rats sneaking around so they don't catch us?

-049: I know exactly what I should do but I need you to trust me and your decision must be quick because with those maps in your hands you already know where we are exactly.

-035: Okay, I trust you.

Everyone began to surround the site and the options were running out, of course, escaping was not a good idea.

-Guard 1: SCP-035 and 049, you have nowhere to go, surrender peacefully!

There was no response or movement.

-Guardman 1: This is your last warning--

That man was interrupted by the strong blow of one of the rubble that had been nearby and was thrown by the plague doctor to escape with the possessive mask in his hands.
It was known that escaping from there would be like suicide but he was making time to think of another way to face the explanation he was going to have to give in his interview before being contained again. He was not afraid for him, he was afraid for his lover and he did not want anything to happen to him, he wanted to hold him in his arms.

A few moments passed since 049 had started running nonstop but had little chance to hide, the security cameras had been reactivated along with the usual security mechanisms such as gates with access cards, among many others that prevented him from advancing in his way aimlessly.
He stopped for a moment and looked 035 into his eyes.

-049: I know what I'm doing is stupid but I need time to think. I don't want them to lock us up and separate us, much less hurt you..!

A slight smile spread across the mask's face, meaning that everything would be fine and the stressed doctor wiped away his tears as he hugged him.

-049: I-I'll do what I can, I promise I won't abandon you.

The caregivers of both arrived accompanied by the security personnel and among the crowd it was possible to distinguish the same voice that had spoken through the loudspeakers before but in person it sounded much more intimidating and serious, it turned out to be a high-ranking investigator hired to work in the foundation.

-???: SCP-049, already stop escaping! You are not like that normally, explain this behavior to me!

The doctor slowly got to his knees, placed 035 on the ground and raised his hands to show that he was surrendering to the situation.

-049: I... I-I...

-???: Now you show yourself weak to try to deceive us as 035 does?!

-049: ...Of course not... I just...

-???: Agh ... just capture them and take them to their containment cells, we'll see what we'll do next.

-049: NO!! I-I... Y-all this time they were right about me!

The eyes turned to see that scene and the murmurs did not take long to be heard, the atmosphere had become tense due to the mere fact that everyone was there and nervous, the humanoid confessed everything.

-049: I-from the beginning I felt something for 035... it's just that... I didn't understand it with certainty and that very intrigued me. When that disaster happened with that plague, he has accompanied me and he is really good. It is true that he has escaped numerous times but he never did any harm, he would simply visit me and then return to his restraint. I don't want to be separated from him or have wrong thoughts about us!

-???: I don't have time for this, you know what to do.

-049: W-what?! Didn't you hear me?!

-???: I will grant you a small favor, anyway we had thought of classifying you as a Keter because of what you had done to Dr. Hamm.

-049: What's he talking about--

From so much commotion, without ill intentions, they hit the plague doctor hard on the head and left him unconscious.

By the time he woke up he realized he was in a different place, it wasn't his cell but his things were there, what had happened? He stood up and when he turned his gaze he realized that he was next to his beloved 035. When they noticed that both were already well, they gave the possessive mask a D-Class to be able to spend time with his beloved.

The voice of the researcher was heard through the loudspeakers of the entire foundation.

-???: There will be certain changes with the Special Containment Procedures of two anomalies. I will dictate these to you now and then you will be given the new orientation brochures.
Items: SCP-035, Keter class, and SCP-049, Euclid class, must be contained in the same cell to avoid inconveniences with them. Direct contact with them will not be allowed unless it is necessary and whenever they interact with them, the same procedures that both had previously will be followed. The rest can be read in the brochures, that's all.

-049: I see what he meant...

The possessive mask seized the opportunity to finally have a body and began to hug and caress its crush, who blushed and began to laugh with excitement.
At last they were together without anyone stopping them but it was strange that they allowed that knowing the dangers they may face.

The guards outside the cell were completely embarrassed by what they were seeing and decided to walk away for a while and something similar was happening with the surveillance personnel, who decided to shut down the system for a moment until all that happened.

Without thinking about anything else, they both continued kissing and hugging, they were very focused on each other but at the same time happy next to each other.

-049: Finally together... I love you, 035.

-035: I love you too, my dear doctor.

The End.

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