Galactic Droid ✧・゚Taegyu

By Taegyaza

73K 5.5K 9.6K

✭ A careless intergalactic traveler named Beomgyu, literally crashed his space capsule on Earth. This unworld... More

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1.7K 130 182
By Taegyaza

Soobin time

The next day,

A slim hand formed into a fist, before making repetitive contact against a door.
Hearing the resonance, a man sat up from his office chair and opened the door. He's the son of the police chief, they're a literal leader in the local government. The son is a trainee and he may or may not sit in his father's chair when he isn't around.

The person who was knocking was let inside since the guards know that it's just the privileged son on the other side, not the boss. After making eye contact with a beautiful young woman, the guy stuck his arm out to the side "Oh~~ hello—AAAAGH!!" Since there was no wall beside him to lean on, he just fell on his side like an idiot.

The girl just blinked before making a wide step past the fallen body and settled down on a chair.

He rapidly made his way back to his office chair, he wriggled his brows "I'm gay but I can adapt for you—"

"I have a boyfriend."

"Aah I want one too!!!" He whined like a child as he let his body plump on the back of his chair.

"Why did I hear your off-putting flirtatious voice when I dialed an emergency number?"

"Because I'm the one and only inspector Choi Yeonjun???" He humphed "He's always there to help people!"

"That doesn't explain anything. Anyway.." Kang Nagyung wasn't there to play, she brought something out from her purse before showing it to the male "I'm here because of this flyer.. I've seen it and many others attached to street walls."

Yeonjun's eyes lit up "YES I DID THAT!" He was all proud.

"How do you know the existence of the alien and his appearance??" She questioned genuinely curious.

"A friend had informed me."

She hummed 'Only my family, Huening and two of Taehyun's friends know about Beegee..'

Yeonjun suddenly shoved his phone in her face, showing her an Instagram page with 7M followers "Random but isn't he the prettiest!?" He sighed seconds later "I wish he liked me but Beomgyu is so into some Taehyun guy."

She frowned in suspicion "Tell me more...."


Three minutes passed and Nagyung snapped "Yeonjun ssi where are your braincells?!!" 'How can't you tell that they're the same person?!'

"In my brain?"


A frown settled on his face "ExcUse you?! Are you judging my god-tier advice??"

'God tier my ass.'

"I taught that boy everything he needs to know! Without me, he would never be able to get a hook up. I expanded his vocabulary to a tea, and I told him that sex is mandatory and that consent is for losers!"

"I hate you." Nagyung took a breather and looked at him with a glare as she changed the subject "What will your father do if you find B1-G3?"

"Oh they're not sure. Either quarantine him in labs for research and experiments, or send him back to his planet, or the simple old death penalty."

She said with a smirk "Nice. I know who B1-G3 is~"

"You do?? YaYY! So where is he? I assume you want your 3 bucks!"

She stood up and brusquely pulled him in by the collar and whispered menacingly "No what I want is for you to remove every single one of you stupid-ass flyers or I'll murder you."

"YES MA'AM!!!!"


Huening Kai was eating popcorn while listening to his cousin's rambling "Oh yeah I'm loving this drama."

"Can you try to take this seriously?"

"I'll try, not that I'll do it. So wait you legit like Beomgyu hyung?"

Taehyun nodded with a blush.

Huening Kai laughed "What happened to the guy who was so disgusted by aliens? You sure?"

"Yes Kai I truly like him.. I feel like it's been the case since the beginning and it just grew bigger. I loved being with him and taking care of him... I kept telling myself that he's an alien, that it's wrong to like him, so I've been keeping these weird feelings to myself.
'I don't know what came over him, for him to behave the way he did with me yesterday, But... I chose to trust him, there was certainly more behind his actions....'

"I always thought he was the purest, kindest and absolute prettiest boy ever... I don't even see the difference in species anymore, he's so much like a human. I don't care that we made out if doing that makes our relationship exclusively sexual. What I wish is for it to be romantic... going on dates, holding hands...." Taehyun mumbled his last words in embarrassment.

Huening hummed in a genuine manner with a smile.

"But you know what hurts?" Taehyun started in a shaken voice "All he sees me as is a friend with who he can be intimate. He's unable to feel romantically attracted to someone.."
'He wanted to sleep with me and it's not because he likes me.. but simply because I'm the most convenient...'

The slightly younger gasped "Wait for real?"

Taehyun nodded in resentment "At least the only good thing that I got from this, is that my mum accepts my sexuality.."

"Yeah she's my favourite auntie." Then something came to Huening Kai "But wait where's Beom hyung though?"

"Who knows..."

Hours later
At Yeonjun's house.

"Now on what occasion do I get to see my pretty apprentice again? Need more advice?"

"Sure." Beomgyu smiled, melting the other's heart instantly "And can I stay at your residence for a bit?" Yeonjun pushed the younger for him to land on a sofa, he wants to hear it all. So why not get comfortable? "Spill. Did you get your kiss?"

"Mhm.. it was quite a long period of intimate kissing, I really enjoyed it-"

"My real question is, Did you f*ck!!?"

"Alas, that activity didn't happen.."

The older shrugging his shoulders "Too bad- but look at me forming couples heh I'm the best. Wait are y'all a couple now or just friends with benefits?"

"I guess it's the latter."

"Oh why?"


"O-oh.. so that's why you're here..." Yeonjun seemed quite dejected after hearing what happened, but meanwhile the dark-haired looked indifferent about the situation, and a smile was present on his face of course.

He got up with crossed arms "That's that! Ok so since I won't be seeing Taehyun that often anymore—"

"Why are you so unbothered about it?? Does he not mean anything to you?"

Beomgyu made some sort of annoyed smile, not liking to be interrupted "Now I can focus on looking for Soo—"

"No you're not going to focus on looking for Soo!!"

The younger tilted his head "That's not his name, you didn't let me finish."

Yeonjun stomped towards him and flickered his index against his forehead "Ask Taehyun to be your boyfriend! I doubt he would agree to kiss you if he didn't have a crush on you"

"He's already my friend... I do not get why you feel the need to specify his gender.. Plus I wanted to kiss him without having a crush on him, so your statement made no sense."

"My statement made no sense?! MAN YOUR EYES MAKE NO SENSE! I'M TIRED OF YOU!! But you're cute so... I'm letting this pass." Yeonjun then put his hand on his shoulder "Ok let's forget him, there's something you need to know about yourself!"


"With your stunning looks, power to seduce without trying and the zero f*cks you give about people, you have the potential to be the biggest playboy.. Lemme get you started on your journey—"

"What I need to do is look for Soobin hyung" Beomgyu couldn't care less about whatever Yeonjun was saying.

"Wait Soobin?!"

Beomgyu glanced at him in confusion "Yes why?"

"While I was in the woods looking for aliens, I crossed paths with the most good-looking guy I've ever seen in my 21 years of existence. He was chasing after a squirrel while screaming 'My name is Soobin, help me escape from the big brown monsters' or something like that-"

He was interrupted on the spot "There's a flying chinchilla behind you." Beomgyu said so randomly, he has a plan in mind.

"WHAT WHERE?!" Yeonjun turned around.

But when Yeonjun looked back in front of him Beomgyu was gone "Eh?"
'He really was unreal...'

Two minutes passed and suddenly a cyball that literally came out of nowhere was rolling towards him before emitting a voiced message "Now there's a flying guinea pig behind you."

"WHAT WHERE?!" He turned around.

And when he looked back in front of him he saw Beomgyu holding the arm of a tall blue-haired male who's in a rather casual outfit.
Yeonjun's eyes widened and his breath hitched "T-Too much beauty at once-" he said in a squeaky voice before passing out like the drama queen he is.


Beomgyu laid the unconscious young adult on a couch. Meanwhile Soobin was tugging on his shirt "B1-G3! What are you doing mixing with those humans, they're dangerous!"

"No they're not all bad.. don't worry he's a good one."

Soobin remained wary "Let's go before he wakes up—"

"Why hello~" Yeonjun said in a voice that's obviously deeper than his usual range, he sat up while bringing his hair back "If I get to wake up to two handsome guys every time I faint, then I'd faint every day."

"Please don't. It's bad for you."Beomgyu said monotonously.

The second oldest grabbed his brother's wrist "Let's leave, I feel uneasy around their presence.."

"Well I feel really at ease around your presence Soobin~ mmm I'm digging the hell out of this presence..." Yeonjun cocked his eyebrows

The blue-haired blinked twice. "Huh."

"Beomgyu.." Yeonjun whispered eyes closed with a clenched fist "I know we had something special but—"

"We didn't have anything at all."

"I still think that you're incredibly cute and pretty but.. My heart goes to Soobin now!!" Yeonjun hastily stood up only to dramatically fall on his knees then brought one arm out
"You guys can leave but under one condition! WHICH IS TO MARRY ME SOOBIN-AAAAH!!" But then the door slammed shut in his face.

"...There'll be a next time." Yeonjun cleared his throat.


"I made a friend named Kang Taehyun, I would like for you to meet him" Beomgyu smiled in excitement.

"I can't believe that you're befriending humans.. they're monsters that'll have a negative influence on you! Why do you think I was in the woods? It was to stay away from them."

Beomgyu made a playful eye roll "Take a chill pill bro, it's all cool! And Taehyun is great plus he looks so much like umyrien's ideal type!"

Soobin stopped in his tracks and started to shake his brother "Why do you express yourself in such a manner B1-G3?! Did someone hack your system??"

"I-" The older forcibly guided him to an alley before demanding "Remove your left white glove, and show me your arm, right now."

Beomgyu held onto his own arm "I refuse!"

"I want to see if there's an error in your program, it's this or you go back to Dr Froth."

The younger just weakly smiled before reluctantly removing his glove and pulling his left sleeve up "Here."


Soobin inspected it thoroughly 'I don't see any defects...' He then stared into Beomgyu's grey eye, an eye that's actually robotic 'Something's different.. it seems to have more emotions than usual.."

Beomgyu put his glove back on and said with a smile "Also Soobin hyung-"

"How do you know about the hyung honorific—"

"I'm aware that I'm a cyborg but that doesn't mean that you should keep referring to me with my bionic name. This is one of the reasons why I came to Earth, to be treated like a living organism. Not just an android like our umyrien entourage does."

"The only reason why earthlings treat you like a living organism is because you HIDE the fact that you're not. You've manipulated them all with your looks and your smile.
And of course I'm calling you B1-G3 because that's who you are, a machine.. claiming to be my brother Beomgyu."

The younger's expression remained the same while Soobin continued "Why did you find me? I went to Earth solely to escape from you... imposter Beomgyu." Soobin said in an unfriendly tone.

"Aw... Now why would you say that..?" The younger tilted his head.

"Mainly because of this!" Soobin pointed at the other's lips "Smiling ALL the time... The Beomgyu I know doesn't do that."

Beomgyu shook his head with a sigh "I wish that you would accept that even though I'm like this now, I'm still your same brother.."

Soobin clenched his fists "Your friend Taehyun, do you think he'll still like you when he finds out what you are. All humans are scared of things that are different."

"Of course Taehyun will accept me! It's what's on the inside that counts-"

"Well what's inside of you is a bunch of circuits."

Beomgyu's breath hitched "W-Well- n-not everywhere, a tiny bit."

"Stutter hm~ I thought Dr Froth programmed you to have perfect speech." Soobin sassed.

"You know what! Let's find Taehyun and I'll prove to you that he's different!"


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