summer in the city, paul...

By p4ulsboutique

3.4K 99 24

‎ع˖⁺ ⊹ ⋆ ୭ ❪ summer in the city ❫ alice and ginny montgomery wanted nothing more than to be musicians. playi... More

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𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑥𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛
𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

157 6 0
By p4ulsboutique


The Monty's and The Beatles had finished recording around nine o'clock that night. They had laid down the whole song and had gotten quite aquatinted with each other. Alice found herself off with Ringo and George often, chatting amongst themselves about Bond movies and cars whenever they weren't laying down vocals or guitar riffs.

She couldn't bring herself to really chat with Paul except for a few simple "that's good" and "great bass line".

It wasn't that she assumed they had anything going on, it was that she was way too embarrassed with herself for thinking that Paul had even a lick of attraction towards her.

Obviously she didn't know the truth.

After a long and hard day of work, Alice found herself curled up in her blanket ridden bed with a novel, Wuthering Heights to be exact.

It was nearly one am and she still hadn't been able to fall asleep. Although, Sleep wasn't really on her agenda at that point, only reading and wallowing in self pity.

Maybe it was the fact that she missed home, or maybe because she couldn't help but think about Paul, but Alice couldn't keep her mind empty enough to even think about sleeping.

  A simple ring of the telephone broke Alice out of her dazed trance. With urgency, she jumped out of bed and into the kitchen where the phone was located.

If she weren't so far away from home she probably wouldn't have been so worried about who was on the other end of the line. She was constantly in fear that the ringing of the phone was to tell her that either her uncle or grandmother had passed onto the next life.

"Hello?" Alice said into the phone, praying to herself that it wasn't her father.

"Alice?" A thick british accent seeped through the line.

Suddenly Alice forgot what she had been losing sleep over. All the tension released from her body when she heard his saddened voice.

"Paul?" She said quietly.


"It's nearly one am, what're you doing calling me up at this hour?" She scolded him.

"I-I..." he stuttered, but couldn't seem to find the words.

Alice waited patiently as the line went silent. "Well?"

"Could I stop by?" He questioned. He almost sounded as if he were pained.

Alice bit her lip. "Can't this wait until tomorrow, Paul?"

The boy sighed. Alice could tell he was rubbing his sleepless doe eyes.

"Y-yeah." He muttered.

Alice's heart wrenched at the sound of his voice. He sounded so... hurt. "Paul?" She said quietly.

"Yeah, Alice?"

"Park out front." She said softly. "I'll come out and we can chat in the car, okay?"

"Okay, Alice."

"Be safe on your way over."

"I will, love." Then he hung up.

Alice waited for Paul to arrive on the stoop of her flat building. London was beautiful at night, especially since she lived in the middle of the city. The street lamps were lit, cars were passing by, and for some reason Alice couldn't help but think about how much she missed home.

Back in West Virginia there was barely a road for the cars to go down and even if they did, it was maybe four a day and rarely any at night. The cars speeding down the street, the sound of trash men coming by early in the morning, it was all so foreign to her.

Soon enough, Paul's Mini Cooper pulled up in front of Alice and parallel parked with ease.

The blonde pulled her robe close to her body, tying it at her side to keep her long t-shirt from being exposed.

Alice opened the door to Paul's vehicle and slid into the passenger seat.

"Hello." She said quietly.

"Hi." Was all Paul muttered.

Alice turned so that she was looking at the disheveled boy, who's hair was sticking up each and every way.

"I didn't wake you did I?" Paul questioned.

"No, no."

Alice hummed. "I was up reading. Couldn't sleep." She said.


"Mhm." She hummed. "So, err, what's up?" She said with a slight worried tone.

"I broke off things with Jane."

Alice's eyes widened as her heart began to race. "Oh?"

"Yeah." He muttered.


"She was never there." He said with a slight sniffle. "Always off filming or modeling." He said softly. "Never called or wrote, only popped in and left without saying goodbye."

Alice's heart broke.

"I did dirty things behind her back too, I was awful." He whispered. "I just wanted to feel a lick of attention though, you know?" He said.

"I know I get attention from everyone nowadays but... but they don't want James McCartney, they want Paul McCartney."

I want James McCartney.

Alice shook her head at her stupid thought before giving a small frown.

"I thought you didn't like being called James." Alice whispered, recalling the time he had told her about his first name at the pub.

Paul's lips curved into a weak smile.

Of course she remembered that.
He thought to himself.

"You're very attentive."

"I am, Paul." She said softly, placing her hand on his.

Paul flinched lightly, but let her hand linger on his. It was comforting.

"I know I didn't love her anymore a-and I know I broke up with her, but..."

"it still hurts." He muttered, his hand wrapping itself in Alice's.

The girl bit her tongue as her cheeks brightened. Gosh, she was really holding his hand.

"All those nasty words being spewed, it really doesn't feel nice." He frowned, his thumb caressing Alice's hand.

"She called me self centered and a low life."

"Hey," Alice frowned and tapped her finger against Paul's hand, making him look up at her.

"You're not self centered for wanting to feel loved by the person who's supposed to show it to you."

Paul shrugged his shoulders, still silent.

"And you're the farthest thing from a low life!" Alice said.

"You're fucking Paul McCartney! You write songs that girls all over the world go crazy for!" She said with a smile making him chuckle.

Paul smiled and nodded his head, embracing her compliments. "Yeah, yeah, I guess you're right."

"I am." She said softly before sitting up straight, feeling accomplished.

Two days went by since Alice's early morning meeting with Paul in his car. Now it was the day of the party that George and Ringo were hosting.

"Are you ready, yet?" Ginny questioned, knocking on Alice's bedroom door.

Alice slid a long multicolored dress over her white, red lined, princess sleeve shirt before shouting, "Almost!"

"Well hurry, I'm sure Paul is on his way over to—" Ginny was cut off abruptly by a knock on the front door.

"Pick us up..." Ginny muttered before giving a sigh.

Alice braided a red ribbon into her hair before pulling it to the side to hang loosely. Looking in the mirror, the girl gave herself one last glance before wiping her sweaty palms on her dress and walking out of the bedroom.

"I'm doing fine, Gin, thank you." Paul's voice echoed throughout the apartment as Alice walked into the living room.

"Alice! Wonderful, you've finally decided to join us." Ginny giggled playfully, acknowledging her sisters presence.

Paul's eyes trailed over to Alice. His gaze lingered on her for a moment, taking in her appearance. The way the long dress flowed down to her ankles, exposing her white boots that were hiding underneath made her look extravagant. Paul couldn't help but let his eyes stay on her.

"Paul?" Alice said, breaking the boy out of his daze. Ginny stifled a laugh beside her.

"Hm? What?" He said softly, pulling his eyes up to look at the girl. Paul was only 5'11, and Alice was 5'8 but in her boots she might as well have been the same height as he. It gave him a perfect view of her beautifully sculpted face.

"I asked if you were ready."

Clearing his throat, Paul nodded and handed Ginny the glass of water she had fetched him when he walked in. "O'course, yes." He said softly before making his way to the front door, opening it for both girls like the gentleman he is.

Alice, Paul, and Ginny exited the elevator that stopped on George and Ringo's floor. From what Alice knew, Ringo no longer lived in the flat with George but he still had things over there and often threw parties with him. Like the one they were attending.

Knocking lightly on the door, Alice felt Paul's breath on the back of her neck. "You seem tense, love." He whispered.

Alice nearly shivered at the feeling.

"I'm okay." She said softly. "Just a tad bit nervous." She muttered truthfully.

Alice knew that the Beatles knew quite a bit of celebrities and that made her nervous. She was about to be in a room with people she had always heard about, even in the states.

Soon enough the door swung open, revealing Pattie, George's girlfriend. "Alice and Ginny! It's so amazing to see you lot again!" She giggled, pulling them into the flat by their arms.

"Hello to you too, Pattie." Paul muttered, following them into the apartment.

"Oh you be quiet, I see you enough as is!" Pattie snickered. "But these beautiful girls I never get to see! Come along, I'll introduce you to the others!"

Pattie pulled Alice and Ginny over towards the kitchen with force. The oldest Montgomery glanced over her shoulder at Paul who subtly waved goodbye to her.

"Sorry." She mouthed making him chuckle.

"I think I just saw Peter Noone!" Ginny whisper shouted to Alice, her cheeks reddening at the thought of her celebrity crush being in the same room as her.

"Maureen, Cynthia, I'd like you to meet Alice and Ginny!" Pattie grinned.

Alice's eyes trailed over to the dark haired women who's stomach looked as if it were stuffed with a tiny ball. She was barely showing, but Alice could tell she was with child.

"Hi, I'm Alice." The girl smiled, shaking Maureen's hand.

Maureen grinned. "I have heard so many things about you from Ritchie, darling. He says you're a wonderful guitar player."

"He's right." Pattie said, cutting Maureen off. "She could give George a run for his money!"

The five girls burst into a fit of giggles making Alice blush profoundly.

Alice then introduced herself to Cynthia who was by far her favorite. She was quite modest yet so very beautiful. She had the looks and body to flaunt but she was obviously well reserved.

Alice would be lying if she said she couldn't feel Ginny's uncomfortableness with Johns wife being in the room.

"I'm gonna go find the bathroom." Ginny announced before excusing herself out of the room.

"Shy one isn't she?" Cynthia questioned, her smile never fading.

Alice nodded, feeling her palms get sweaty. "Mhm, she uh, doesn't like crowds too much." She said.

It's certainly not because she's been flirting with your husband.

"Alice, take a seat. Pattie, fetch her a drink yeah?" Maureen smiled and pulled up a chair next to her.

"So I hear you're from West Virginia?" Maureen questioned as Pattie sat down a cup of what looked like vodka.

Alice nodded her head before downing the clear liquid. "Mhm." She hummed.

"Well what brings yous all the way to London?" Cynthia asked as she sipped her drink.

"Gin and I are from a small-one-road-town that only had one bar." She chuckled. "And whenever we played it or even got out of West Virginia for gigs, no one really appreciated us, you know?" She explained.

"So we took everything we had saved up from birthdays, Christmas's, we even pawned some of our old heirlooms and moved here."

"Seems bit drastic doesn't it?" Pattie questioned, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

Alice nodded her head. "Ginny thought I was nuts because I've always been the mature one, making rational decisions and all that." she explained.

"But it just seemed right." She smiled. "I'm glad we moved though. I mean, we're putting out a single so I think that says something."

Maureen, Cynthia, and Pattie all agreed. "We're just glad there's some new faces around." Pattie spoke up.

"It gets a bit boring just us three being together, no offense, girls." Pattie said, making Maureen and Cynthia laugh.

"With the boys popularity, we can't really trust anyone. Always think they're using us to get to the boys."

Alice raised an eyebrow. "What about Jane?"

"Jane?" Maureen tsked. "She was rarely around and when she was she was attached to Paul at the hip!"

Cynthia nodded. "She was a nice girl though, just had a tough schedule."

Alice frowned a bit. "Ah, I see."

"There you are!" A voice said, making Alice look over her shoulder.

It was Paul. "Been looking all over for you." He said, a slight frown dancing on his lips.

Alice just bit her lip and laughed. "I've been enjoying some much needed girl time, McCartney." She said making the girls chuckle.

"Well come on, I'd like you to meet someone." Paul said, holding out his hand for Alice to take.

The blonde looked back at the three girls who just nodded their heads. "We'll be here when you're done, go on." Maureen said, rubbing her baby bump.

Alice took Paul's hand in hers. She couldn't help but feel as if butterflies had erupted in her stomach at his touch. His hands were smooth and soft. It was more than comforting.

"I remember you'd mentioned how much you loved her music and I didn't know she'd be here tonight, quite frankly." He chuckled as he guided Alice through the sea of people.

Alice raised an eyebrow, slightly confused. "Paul—"

"Alice, I'd like you to meet Mary, but you may know her as Dusty Springfield."

Alice looked up, her eyes landing on the blonde haired women who's music she had grown to love.

"Oh my god," She whispered before approaching the smiling women.

"Miss. Springfield..." She said softly, holding out her hand. "My god, its a pleasure to be even in the same room with you."

Dusty Springfield just chuckled, shaking the Virginians hand. "Paul's told me that you're a fan?"

"More than a fan, ma'am." She said. "I-I Idolize you."

Alice looked over at Paul who was giving her a cheeky grin. "I'm flattered, Miss. Montgomery." Dusty smiled. "But I'm just a regular girl like you, maybe not as much of a looker as you are..."

"You're really quite beautiful." She complimented making Alice blush.

"Thank you Miss. Springfield, that means so much coming from you."

"Paul's told me that your band is putting out a single?" Springfield hummed, sipping on her drink.

The Montgomery nodded, her heart still pounding

"Yes ma'am."

"I'll be on the look out for it then." Dusty winked.

Alice nodded her head, she still couldn't comprehend that she was talking to Dusty Springfield. "Excuse me, ma'am, but I must find my sister. She would be thrilled to meet you— if that's alright!"

"I'll be here then." Dusty smiled.

Alice nodded and began to walk away, Paul following close behind.

"So, she everything you dreamed she'd be?"

Alice turned back at Paul, slapping him on the arm harshly with a glare. "Gosh, you could've warned me!" She said softly, letting out a shaky breathe.

Paul laughed, clutching his belly. "It was quite the show."

Alice shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Where's the bathroom? That's where Ginny said she'd be and it's been almost fifteen minutes."

"I'll show you." He said, grabbing Alice's hand once more. She didn't have time to comprehend that her hand was in his again before he was pulling over to the bathroom.

"Did I tell you that you look marvelous tonight?"

Alice blushed. "No."

"You look marvelous tonight." He stated before stopping in front of the bathroom door.

"You're a flirt."

"I just know a pretty bird when I see one." He said softly, leaning up against the wall.

Alice's cheeks burned. They were so hot that you could fry an egg on them. "You shush, McCartney." She said quietly.

Paul leaned forward, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her pierced ear. Their eyes lingered on one another for a second.

"You have beautiful eyes." He whispered, taking a step closer.

Alice's heart began to race. He was close to her. Closer than he had ever been and quite frankly, it scared her.

"Thank you, Paul." She whispered back, her eyes finding their way to the floor. She suddenly felt self conscious. He could see every aspect of her face seeing as they were so close.

The boy nodded only to lean in more, lifting her chin with his index finger.

"Why so shy all of a sudden?" He hummed. She could feel his breathe. The smell of scotch and tobacco lingering from his lips.

"I'm not shy." She said with a blush.

Their lips were centimeters away from one another. One little movement and they would've brushed against each other.

"I-I should check on Ginny."

Paul's eyes softened as his lips fell into a straight line. "Right..." he said making the girl nod. Awkward.

Alice cleared her throat before raising her hand to the door, knocking lightly. "Ginny? You alright in there?"

No answer.

Alice quirked an eyebrow and looked over at Paul. "Knock again." He suggested.

Alice nodded and knocked once more. "Gin, it's me, c'mon!"

No answer.

Alice sighed and leaned her ear up against the door. She could hear slight breathing which meant that someone was in there. "Ginny!" She hissed, knocking louder.

Paul rolled his eyes and gently pushed Alice to the side, opening the door to reveal something that the two never imagined.

"Oh my god." He whispered, stepping back from the opened door.

Alice gasped, her eyes landing on Ginny whose legs were wrapped around John's waist.

"Jesus christ!" Alice shouted rather loudly.

Ginny looked back at her sister horrified before pushing John off of her.

"Alice please, it's not what it looks like!"

"Not what it fucking looks like?" She shouted back.

"Alice, please, Cyn's in the other room." John pleaded, making Alice even angrier.

Alice just shook her head. "You..." she trailed off. She was so angry that she couldn't even form the words. "You... you..." she continued, pacing in the hallway.

Paul, Ginny and John would be lying if they said they weren't frightened of Alice at that very moment.

"You're so lucky your wife is here or else I'd be making you look like more of an ass than you already are, Lennon."

"Hey! Don't blame him, I did it too!" Ginny defended him as she walked up to her older sister.

"Oh don't worry, baby sister, I'm blaming you too." She said softly, her voice laced with anger.

"Please don't get angry at her..." John said sympathetically as he tried to place a hand on Alice's shoulder.

"Are you nuts?" She said with a laugh.

"Really, you're going to try and touch me right now?" Alice hissed and slapped away the Beatle's hand. "You've got nerve, Lennon. I may have said it as a joke that one time but I really mean it now."

Paul just stared as the scene unraveled in front of him. John almost looked unfazed but he knew that his best-friend was silently worrying that his wife in the other room would find out.

"Paul..." Alice spoke up.

"Take me home." She muttered before grabbing the pretty Beatles hand, dragging him towards the exit.

"What about me?!" Ginny shouted.

Alice snickered and turned on her heal, facing the brunette. "Find your own way home." She said and continued her walk to George's front door, leaving Ginny alone in the hallways to sulk.

I'm sure we all knew that something like this was going to happen... anyways! updates may slow a bit, I got a job and my schedule is about to get busy! :)

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