Corruption Of The Moonstone

By Moonaline

3.8K 24 61

When Crusher and Pickle find the luminous moonstone by chance, the cheater takes it to his advantage to get w... More

The Moonstone
At The Race
Freeing Friends And Family
Into The Past
Attack To The Forest
To Do The Right Thing
An Ending Worth The Wait
What Was Left Behind (Alt. Ending)

Facing Crusher

316 2 8
By Moonaline

"Crusher!" Blaze called out as soon as he and Roarian entered the tower.

The place looked exactly like how it is on the outside; dark, blue and gold. The halls were empty as they drove across it.

"Crusher, we wanna talk to you!"


The duo turned to see Pickle zoom out from one of the corridors.

"Pickle!" Blaze sighed in relief. "You're okay!"

"And so are you!" Pickle beamed. "What are you and Roarian doing here?!"

"We, uh... came to talk to Crusher."

"Talk?" Pickle raised an eyebrow, a gesture that Blaze had seen him do once and that was to Crusher. "Really? Well, sorry if that sounds doubtful,"

"I know it's a slim chance, but it's the only option we have." Blaze sighed.

"Blaze, that isn't gonna work, you know?" Pickle told him with a sigh. "Crusher... he... he's different. He's been acting different since we found that Moonstone,"

"Different how?" Blaze asked.

"The Moonstone can corrupt a user," Roarian explained. "Especially one with dark or hidden intentions,"

"Corrupt? Oh no..." Pickle grimaced. "That explains why he's been acting so weird!"

"Then come with us, Pickle," Blaze told the green truck. "Help us free Crusher from that Moonstone and the Sunstone,"

"But... it's either I'm with him or against him..." Pickle murmured before shaking his head. "No, you're right. The Moonstone is corrupting him, and I... I want my best friend back,"

"Glad to hear it," said Blaze. "Come on."

Meanwhile, Crusher was on the very top of the tower, glancing over at the park. Earlier, he had felt his rocks being sliced up and destroyed, and when he saw the broken cage, it enraged him.

"DRAT!" he snarled. "Where did those goody-goods go?! And how did they get out?! That cage is indestructible!"

"Uh... Crusher?"

The dark blue truck turned around to see Pickle standing by the doorway, looking awfully nervous. He narrowed his eyes at him.

"What is it that you want Pickle?" he asked with raised eyebrow.

"Uh..." Pickle swallowed. "someone's here to see you..."

"Who...?" Crusher growled, not having a good feeling about who it could be...

"Blaze and Roarian...?"

"WHAT?!" Crusher snarled, eyes flashing icy blue as the black rocks rose beside his tires. "KICK THEM OUT! I DON'T WANT THEM HERE!"

"Maybe you should at least... hear them out," Pickle said. "They just wanna help you."

"I. Don't. Need. HELP!" Crusher's rage peeked, and at the last word, he stomped his tire, causing black rocks to move all the way to Pickle.

"GAH!" Pickle jumped out of the way. "C-Crusher... you've changed... a lot. I only want the Crusher I know and love back."

"..." Crusher hissed, taking one what the other spoke before shaking his head, eyes gleaming more in gold and blue. "This IS who I am now. You are either with me or against me, Pickle. Pick. Your. Side."

"If..." It pained Pickle to say this, but he knew he had no choice. "If this is the new you, then I don't want any part in it."

The answer was apparently NOT what Crusher was searching for as the rocks beside him rose at his rage. His eyes glowed brighter than ever, along with his body as he gritted his teeth.

"Then you're better off dead."

With that, he stomped his tires and commanded the rocks to make their way towards Pickle at top speed.

"AGH!!!" Pickle tried to make a run for it, but some of the rocks had already gotten a grip to his tires. He watched in horror as the rocks got closer and closer until...


Pickle gasped as the rocks in front of him was slashed and destroyed.


"I got you, Pickle!" Blaze slashed the rocks Pickle's tires as Roarian flew over to them. "Are you okay?"

"B-Barely," Pickle shook his head and wiped the tears threatening to roll down his cheeks. "I... I tried to talk to him... but... but he's changed... so... so much..."

"Hey hey hey, it's okay," Blaze said. "Me and Roarian will try and snap him out of it. You just find the others and keep safe,"

"Oh NO YOU DON'T!" Crusher let out a maniacal laughter as the rocks suddenly blocked the exit. "NEITHER OF YOU ARE LEAVING HERE ALIVE!"

"Crusher, you're out of control!" Blaze cried. "We only wanna help you!"

"HELP?!" Crusher scowled. "Pah-lease! The only way you could help ME is if you were out of MY WAY! PERMANENTLY!"

"Crusher, please!" Blaze pleaded. "I don't want to fight you more than I have to!"

"Well," Crusher chuckled and allowed the rocks to rise at his command. "now you don't have a choice."

Blaze looked pained, but he sighed anyway. "Roarian... can you put a shield around us? I don't want anyone else to see this... not my sister... not my parents... not AJ or Darry,"

"Understood, my friend," Roarian nodded and flew up, his sunstone casting a shield around them.

"W-Wait," Pickle gulped. "You... You're not planning to do what I think you're doing... a-are you, Blaze...?"

"I don't want to... but if I have to..." Blaze glanced down at the sword, which glimmered under the light of the glowing rocks. "I have to."

"Then let's get this over with..." Crusher snarled.

He took out the moonstone scroll and spoke the Moonstone Incantation. The rocks all glowed bright icy blue, as did his eyes as he commanded them towards the red truck. Blaze took a deep breath before driving forward, slashing every rock aiming at them. Soon, he was in front of Crusher, startling the dark blue truck.

"Wha... how did--?"

"It's over, Crusher," Blaze pointed the sword at his rival. "Now, I'm giving YOU a choice; surrender the stones now or—"

"NEVER!" Crusher shook his head, driving back as he took out the Sunstone scroll. "I'm SO close for you to stop me!"

"Crusher... this isn't you," Blaze said. "You were so much more loving before... before your hate for me consumed you. I'm sorry I caused you so much pain, but did you think of the pain you're causing our friends? They love you like their own flesh and blood. I do too. You may have done bad things, but I still care. None of this may matter to you, and it's fine. If... if it'll make you feel any better..." He bowed his head. "...finish me off."

This submission caused Crusher to pause in his actions as he drove backwards. He glanced down at the scroll then back at Blaze as he felt himself conflicted.

What should he do...? What would he choose? He had come SO close! What could he do?!


He soon glanced it over to Roarian, whose sunstone still glowed for the shield. He narrowed his eyes at the flying lion then back at his rival as he felt himself glow once more. He suddenly began to laugh, in maniac laughter once more as he drove backwards, away from the group. Blaze glanced up at the other, confused.


"Oh my, you almost had me there!" Crusher laughed, shaking his head before grinning. "Oh, Blaze, do you really think I'll be a fool to fall for your act?"

"It's not an act!" Blaze pleaded. "Please, Crusher-- don't make a mistake you'll have to regret for the rest of your life!"

"Mm-hmm," Crusher unrolled the Sunstone scroll and smirked. "We'll see about that...

"Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free..."

His eyes turned dark as he began to rise and hover from ground. A patch of gray rested where he was standing before it began to crawl over to the group, disintegrating any rocks that stood in it's way.

"Roarian, we gotta get outta here!" Blaze gasped.

"Can't!" Pickle cried out as he tried to take away the rocks. "Exit's still blocked!"

"And the darkness is spreading here too!" Roarian added as he and Pickle took a step back, seeing the greyness appear from the exit.

"Then... I guess... I'll just accept this." Blaze sighed and dropped the sword.

Pickle gasped. "Blaze, NO!" He then turned to Roarian. "Roarian, can't we use your sunstone to at least fight the darkness?"

"My stone alone isn't going to be strong enough," Roarian told him.

"Then... maybe you can use it to power up the sword...?" Pickle suggested, holding up the sword. "And Blaze can deflect it's light towards Crusher to stop him!"

"No, Pickle," Blaze shook his head. "it's me he wants. Once the darkness consumes me, take the sword and get outta here."

Pickle glanced at the red truck in bewilderment. He didn't know whether to admire the other's selflessness or... what.

"Blaze, NEITHER of us are getting out of here, even if you DO get killed!" Pickle sighed. "Blaze, I betrayed him. Do you REALLY think he won't come after me...?"

"But all of this is because of me," Blaze protested. "I have no choice."

"We ALL do," Pickle handed the sword to him. "If you do this, it won't do anything. It'll make things worse. No one... No one will protect everyone when Crusher comes after them. PLEASE, Blaze,"

Blaze glanced down at the sword, taking a deep breath and taking in all his words.

It was true. HE might be the reason for all this, but Crusher is going to pull everyone down to their deaths, even with him gone.

He HAD to protect them.


"You're right, Pickle," Blaze nodded and took the sword into his tire. "I have to fight... even though I don't want to."

"Yay!" Pickle cheered.

"Roarian, can you give this sword some more magic?" Blaze turned to his friend.

"Of course," Roarian nodded, and his sunstone released a magic glow.

Blaze set the sword on it, and it glowed brighter gold. He then aimed it Crusher.

"Crusher, I have no choice."

With that, he fired the golden magic towards his rival. The dark magic of the incantation surrounded Crusher like a shield as the beam went to him. Roarian joined in the attack and, his sunstone released a second beam. Crusher yelped but kept his position strong. Pickle watched with wide eyes. He then took out his own magic wand and placed it in the beam, taking some of the magic light before aiming it towards what used to be his best friend. The three beams of light were starting to overpower the dark blue truck, who roared out in pain.

"It's working!" Blaze gasped.

"NO!" Crusher snarled and began to chant the incantation over and over again.

Their magic were both clashing before the a burst of white light appeared at the intersection, knocking Crusher and the group back into unconsciousness...

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