The Grindelwald's

F_a_n_F_i_c_ द्वारा

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Grindewald's kids are on the run, and three were sent to Azkaban,that's until Dumbledore decides to take them... अधिक

Family Reuninon
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chpater 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Authors Note

Chapter 45

28 4 3
F_a_n_F_i_c_ द्वारा

Two days had past by since Christmas night, to my surprises it doesn't seem like anyone has noticed that I'm gone. My siblings and I haven't really done much but catch up on the lost time, from what they know the trio is still out there destroying the horxues and figuring out what's next. They said school is just more uptight right now and everyone feels a unease.

Thought it seems to the rest of the students are starting to suspect something is off since not many students are showing up to school now, mainly because they all fall under the house of Slytherin. Everything is falling apart for everyone now.

I've been spending time with Lorenzo catching up as well. We both talked about how we both got dragged into this mess and remembering what our childhood was like.

Last night I secretly met with my aunt Vinda, and only three were killed and now only leaving 17 of my fathers acolytes that aren't locked up, alive. If Liam wasn't locked up he would've declared war with the wolfs already.

"Ash!." My locker door slams shut and I get ripped away from my thoughts.

I look over and see Owen. "Yes?."

"What's going on? seem off." Owen furred his eyebrows.

I've always trust Owen with everything and he's always been by my side no matter what. "Come with me." I lock my locker and walk away.

My body feels so sore with all this training, I had almost forgotten my way around the headquarters. I open my bag and pull out my towel to dry off my sweat. "Remember the acolytes?." I asked while walking out of the training room.

"Yeah." Owen pushes past the other members to reach me. "What about it?."

I look over my shoulder to see if he was still struggling to catch up. I make a quick stop until he reaches me, "well not all of them were caught that night."

Owen gives me a questionable look as if I finally had gone crazy. "Ash there's no way tha-."

"I don't know how they got past all of us and that doesn't matter right now I need to help them." I cut him off just to get to the point already.

"Have you gone mad!." He whispered shouted to me and it caught a couple of the members attention.

I grab his arm and drag him down the hall, "keep it down will ya!."

We finally get out of the headquarters and walk around the maze. "I haven't gone mad. Owen they are being hunted down by the wolfs, they have nowhere to hide or someone to help them."

Owen spins me around, "don't tell me your planning to help them." I stayed silent. "Ash your going to get all of us into some deep shit with the ministry."

"No remember the unbreakable vow, they can't do anything about it. We can do whatever we want and they won't ever get involved." I hope he understands that I'm doing this to help the acolytes and not that I'm trying to get my fathers whole army together.

Owen runs his hand through his hair, "are you really going to risk everything you've worked so hard to prove everyone that your not the evil little girl your father created, just for them!."

I clenched my jaw and took a deep breath. "Nobody has to know not even the ministry, but we need to do things right."

"We?!." Owen shouted angrily. "Look Ash I would go to the ends of the earth, hell and back for you, but...". "Ughh." He groans out in frustration. "Fine what's the plan then."

I break into a smile and hug him, "I knew you would come around."

Owen rips me away from him, "no you just abuse my nobility." He said sarcastically.

"Well tonight I'll see my aunt in the forest so I'll see you in the court yard at 9." I turned around and started walking backwards so I could still face him. "Be there." Owen nodded and I ran out of the maze.

I walk through the kitchen door and see that Lisa my house elf and her parents were making breakfast. "Good morning."

I ran past the kitchen and started making my way up the stairs to take a quick shower.

I spent the rest of that day in my room thinking if possibly going to war would be the best thing for all of us right now.

"What has you thinking so much?."

I shoot out of bed and look over to the balcony and see Lorenzo. "You do know there's a door for you to go through right?."

"Well there's no fun in that." Lorenzo chuckles and walks inside my room.

"Mmmm good boy gone bad huh." I smirk and I see that his rosy cheeks turned into a darker shade of red.

"I'm not just your average bad boy." He said in a very cocky manner.

"Thats because your not one." I stick out my tongue to make fun of him.

Lorenzo pulls a chair next to my bed, "so tell me what has got you thinking?."

"It's nothing." I smile at him trying to convince him everything is fine.

"Ashley Grindelwald! Are you lying to me?!." I see Lorenzo rise up from his chair and launches himself on me.

I try to get away knowing what's coming next, "Lorenzo don't you dare!." But by then it was already to late he was already tickling me. "L-Lorenzo! ssstop!." I squirmed underneath him trying to get away but it was useless. I kept laughing and fighting to get away. "You know how ticklish I am now stop before I pee my pants!." I shouted out but that didn't stop him.

Lorenzo stops and gets off of me, "next time you lie it will be worse." He chuckles.

Later that night~

By then I already explained everything to Lorenzo and he said that he's willing to help me out but I turned him down not wanting to give him any trouble but he insisted.

Both of us walk to the courtyard and I see Owen with Catherine, Serenity and Max. "You'll need all the help you can get." Owen smiled and from behind came in view the Ivy and Rachel Parkinson, and from the other side came Theodore, Sebastian, Asher and Lucas.

"Wow you really out did yourself this time Owen." I smile at him and look over at Theodore. "It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see also." Theodore smiled.

"Well guys this is Lorenzo he's going to help us out also." I look to see Asher, Max, and Sebastian. "And I know some of you already know him."

"Well we don't have all night so let's go." Owen clasped his hands and we started walking into the forest.

"So what are we going to do with your fear of werewolves?." Lorenzo whispered low enough for the both of us to hear.

I look around to see that everyone else was making small talk. "Can you not remind me ever second, I'll figure something out." I whispered shouted. "And this is not a WE problem, this is MY problem." I huffed out.

"You know if you would just let yourself be helped, things would be easier." Lorenzo slipped his hands with mine and gave it a small squeeze.

Moments later we arrived to a fire place, there stood my aunt Vinda and two other acolytes, Bella and Armando . "Aunt Vinda." I went up to her and gave her a hug. "These are my friends and they will help us out."

My aunt look at the group and gives them a slight nod, "thanks." I give Bella and Armando a slight nod, they use to be my fathers closest friends.

"Ash!." Some screams from behind me but before I can turn over to see who it was I'm knocked to the ground and put in a head lock.

"No." My aunt Vinda puts her hand out to stop my friends from coming any closer. "That's just how they get along."

I couldn't get out of the head lock so I just tapped out and rolled over to my side to get some air in my lungs. "Nice to see you too asshole." I smirk at my cousin Adrestia.

"You need to be more alert dumbass." Adrestia snapped back

"And you need to stop being a bitch." I laughed out

Adrestia helped me up and I take this time hook my arm with her and push her to the ground. "You need to be more alert dumbass." I said in a mocking way. This made my group of friends laugh as well with Adrestia.

"Alright girl we don't have all night." Aunt Vinda said sternly.

"Mom get off our back will ya." Adrestia furrowed her eyebrows. My aunt gives her a sternly look that makes Adrestia rethink what she just said. "I was just kidding." She laughed nervously.

"Alright girls come take a look at this." Bella pulls out a scroll from her backpack and unfolds it on the table.

Everyone huddles over the table and we are all looking down at a map. I was drawn to the red dots and black circled areas. "What are they suppose to mean?." I look towards my aunt.

"The red are the acolytes that are hiding, and the black circles are the pack of wolves we've seen." Armando said while handing me the list of names.

I skim through the names and noticed there's three names crossed off, "there's only 17 acolytes now."

"So what's the plan?."Owen added in

Serenity clears her throat, "Well it's obvious a war will break out, she has to help her fathers acolytes."

" going to war isn't the best thing to do, not how things are right now." Theodore added in and turned the map around to take a look at it.

Sebastian crossed his arms, "Well it's also isn't the best thing that these people are being chased down either."

"Well what do you say?." Max sighed

I look around and sighed unsure about the whole going to war thing is a good idea. "Around roughly how many wolves are in a pack?."

Theodore scoffed, "Your not serious about going to war, are you?."

I look at Theodore, "it's not a final decision, we just have to look at our options."

"Aren't they like 20?... I assume." Max said breaking the tension between Theodore and I.

Armando let's out a small chuckle, "your not even close kid." Armando shifts his gaze over to me. "Roughly around 33-40."

"But we also gotta take in mind that most packs don't let the female wolves fight, so...." Adrestia budged in.

"Okay so around how many female wolves are there?." Rachel looked around to see if anyone would answer her question.

Lorenzo crossed his arms and look at Rachel, "I can find that out."

I place my hands out on the table and look between the map and the list of the remaining acolytes. "Okay fine while Lorenzo finds that information for us, in the meantime we have to make sure the remaining 17 acolytes are alive."

"They are constantly on the move so I would have to get you their latest location again." Armando added in.

I nod my head, "then once we get that information we will go out and trying to bring them back here."

"You mean the headquarters." Theodore sounded a bit mad at the idea of the acolytes and the illusion breathing the same air underground. I shake my head and he gave me a face of disapproval but held onto his comment.

"In the meantime just act normal and no word with anyone about this." I look at Sebastian. "Someone of us will start school in a couple of days and we just need to lay low for a bit."

"Sounds good." Adrestia yawns and walks over to her tent.

Armando collects the map and list and hands them over to Bella, "Well goodnight." Armando said walking off to his tent.

Bella slightly nods and walks off to hers.

"You guys go on I'll be right behind you." My group of friends walk off.

I tap my fingers on the table and look over to see my group slowly fading into the forest. I look over my aunt and see her shaking her head, "spill."

I sigh, " I don't trust Armando."

My aunt leans in, "he's being following your father since the very beginning."

"My father is no longer around and you know that the acolytes won't be very pleased after all that I've done." I fidget with my ring and look at my aunt thinking.

My aunt holds my hands, "you know your father wou-."

"I don't want to hear it." I cut her off before she can continue talking about my father and how much of a great man he was and what not. With all honesty I'm tired of people idolizing my father as some kind of god and having him under a good concept. I love my father even after everything everything I still need time to heal those wounds. "Let's just get the remains acolytes safely here and figure out the rest." I stand up. "Good night." I walk away in the same direction my friends went.

"Ashley wait." My aunt called out to me, making me stop on my tracks. I turn around to see her pull out a small black pouch.

"Your father would've wanted you to have this." She hands me the small pouch.

I open it and look inside to see a key and a small fold up piece of paper. "What is this?." I pull out both items and look up to my aunt.

Vinda took the small folded paper and began to unfold it. As she was unfolding it I started to notices that it's a map. "Your father has a manor in Switzerland, up in the mountains." Her fingers traces through the blue line that lead to the manor. "I know you have school in a couple days so going on this trip wouldn't be very convenient, but it would be nice to go check it out."

My aunt Vinda puts her hand on my shoulder. "Just think about it."

"Well if I leave now I can make it back before school starts." I smiled at her and look at the key in my hand.

My aunt points towards a cliff a couple miles away from us, "you'll find a portkey that will take you were you want to go." My aunt starts to fold the map back into the tiny piece of paper it was before. "You will
just have to figure your way back home."

I nod my head and place the two items back in the pouch. "Thanks aunt Vinda." I walk towards the direction my friends left earlier.

Back at home I went up to my room to pack for the trip. I put in some clothes for a couple of days. I don't know much of this manor my father had, we would
move so much that I had no clue where we were most of the time.

Someone knocks on the door and I look over to see Ethan leaning on the door. "I just wanted to say thanks for the birthday present..." his gaze shifts towards my backpack and he chuckles. "Packing early?."

I shake my head, "I need to go somewhere but I'll be back before we head off to Hogwarts."

Ethan scoffs, "should've know you would run off to your lover Matteo." I feel my face turn hot. "I'm not stupid I know where you've been the entire time, and yet you did nothing to come back to us."

I sighed. "I couldn't come back to you guys because I was told to stay so I could get some information that the ministry needs." I look at Ethan and see that he's trying to figure out if I'm lying to him. "There's many things going on that I can't say to anyone but when this is all over I'll tell you everything." I said with pleading eyes.

Ethan grabs the tip of his nose bridge and sighs, "I gave you a second chance to prove yourself to me and the rest of our siblings, we've stood by each other's side knowing we had a lot to lose, and yet up until now you still push us away."

I zip up my backpack, "I'm not pushing anyone away Ethan, I just need time."

Ethan raises his voice, "time?!." He raises his arms out in the air and let's it fall to his sides instantly in disbelief. "No ash, no more. I thought I lost you twice more." Ethan grabs my wand off the counter.

Ethan reached towards my backpack, but I get ahold of it before he does. "Ash give it to me now." He said sternly.

I walk to the other side of the room, "Ethan please just give me my wand, this is very important." I keep walking until my back hits the door that leads out the balcony.

"Just give me the backpack now!." Ethan barks at me.

He isn't going to give me my wand and he will not let me go on this trip. From here on out things will be different, he'll have me under his gaze 24/7. I quickly open the drawer next to me and pull out my back up wand. "I'm sorry but I really need to do this." I open the door and apperated on the balcony. The last thing I could hear was Ethan shouting out for me.

I walk up to the front desk to see an auror going through a list. "I came to visit Liam Grindelwald." The auror looks up at me in horror.

"Ahh if it isn't Miss troublemaker Grindelwald." A very familiar sarcastic voice reached my ears. I turn around and see Mr. Jospeh Anderson. "I believe your here to get locked up again."

I scoff, "no I came to see my brother."

Mr. Anderson smirks, "Jackson?."

I clench my jaw of how pissed off I was that he mentioned his name. He should know just like everyone else that Jackson is dead. "No Liam." Mr.
Anderson is one of the officers that I hate for always torturing Jackson for the smallest things.

Mr. Anderson smirks and walks away

I look back at the auror from the front desk shaking as he's putting the bin down, "y-your ss-stuff."

I take off my jacket for the other guards to check I had nothing. I put my wand, backpack inside the bin. As I'm getting pat down I start to feel irritated as the time I spent here felt like. Maybe it's just how this place makes me feel.

"Go ahead." The guard opens the gate and leads me inside.

It didn't take long to get to Liam's cell. Liam had grown much taller, he'd lost the baby face and looked much more like a man now and muscular, his white hair is a mess and his blue eyes seem to almost glow in a way. I noticed the only thing they let Liam keep is one of my fathers rings.

The guard grabbed a plate and banged it on the cell trying to get Liam's attention, "you got a visitor."

Liam's looks at me and scoffs, "what are you doing here."

I look at the guard hoping he would leave but instead he just moved off to the side but was still at a good distance to hear our conversation.

Liam stands up and walks towards me but the only thing that was separating us are these cold bars. "Look who finally decided to pay me a visit."

"I'm going to fathers Manor, is there anything you need from there?." I asked unease and unsure how to act normal here.

Liam smiles at my unease. "My mother's locket it's in my room."

I nod and look over at the officer looking at us. This makes Liam laugh a little. "Why so unease?." Liam looks at the guard and with a head movement let's the guard know to mind his own business. To my surprise the guard obeys. "There." Liam says a bit cocky.

I press my lips together not knowing where to start off from or how to even tell him. "I need your help.."

Liam chuckles, "I don't think I can be much help from here."

I scowled at him, "I'm not getting you out of here."

Liam raises his eyebrows, "then?."

"The night that umm..." I look at his chains

"That I got locked up." He said finishing the sentence for me.

I nod. "A couple of fathers acolytes managed to get out without getting caught." Liam looks a bit surprised. "But ever since then...they've been getting hunted down by wolves."

"What!." Liam was clearly angry.

"Aunt Vinda, Armando, and Bella, we are working together to bring the remaining acolytes to safety." I could tell he's still angry.

"Remaining acolytes?..." Liam's tone was stern and filled with anger.

"The wolves, they...killed the rest." As soon as the words fell out of my mouth Liam began banging his hands on the bars. "Liam stop." I grabbed his colds arms stopping him from getting anymore attention from other guard.

But Liam was quick enough and grabbed me by the collar of my sweater, "you want my help well here ya go, take something that will hurt them the most. And by take I mean kill." Liam spat in my face. "So who will you kill?."

A fire sparked inside me, "the leader of the pack." This makes Liam smirk.

Liam let's go of me and the fire inside me dies down, "then there ya go sis."

A couple days later ~

Sebastian and I are walking inside the train trying to make our way to the Slytherin section, as we are going down we keep hearing students whisper amongst themselves and get a couple glares here and there. My robe falls on the floor and I reach down to pick it up but Sebastian beats me to it. "They are just look at us." His hazel eyes scanned the crowd behind me and I see annoyance is what he feel for being under the gaze of everyone.

"Ignore them." I grab my robe out of his hands and we get up and continue walking down the aisle. "We've always ignored people, I don't know why now it bothers you."

Sebastian made a sharp turn and towers over me furiously. "Well you have a-."

"Crazy killer dad?." I crossed my arms and lifted my eyebrows. His face expression changed to a more calm one. "Yeah I know how that is." I pat his shoulder and open the door to go down the next huffelpuff section.

Again we are received with multiple looks. I slightly turn my head to look at Sebastian over my head. "I think it's about you get use to it, after all both our fathers are no different." I hear Sebastian huff out and we continue walking down the aisle.

We finally get to the Slytherin section and I immediately spot Pansy, Draco, and Blaise. "Found them." I point out and Sebastian doesn't seem to be interested, we looked out between the crowd looking for someone.

"You can go on ahead ill sit by myself." Sebastian began to walk away.

I reach for his wrist making him stop, "Sebastian are you okay."

Something in him suddenly snapped, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out. "No Im not okay when I have everyone making comments about being a death eater and for the son of Voldemort." He said furious and with such intense anger.

"Your not a death eater or his son." This made Sebastian take a step back and looked at me very mad as if I was setting him up on some sick joke. "Bellatrix didn't tell you." I mumbled to myself feeling unsure about letting him in on the news.

"Bella- y-you met my mother!." He said in disbelief.

I nod my head, "look I don't know if this will make you feel any better and with all honesty I would tell you but it's not my place to do so, but you two definitely need to sit down and talk."

Without even overthinking about it Sebastian apperated into thin air. "Or you can go talk to her now." I said to myself.

I walked back inside and made my way over to the group. "Hey It's been awhile." I slip in taking a seat next to Draco.

Blasie smirks at me, "glad to see your alive." We do our little handshake.

Pansy simply smiles and flips me off, "you really had us there. What a fuckin dark sense of humor you have."

I rolled my eyes at them both, "whatever."

"Where the hell have you been, Matteo almost lost his shit with me." Draco whispered shouted into my ear.

I laugh it off knowing that there's a possibility he might coming looking for me at Hogwarts. "So he knows that I didn't spend a week at your manor."

Draco nods, "yeah care to tell me where you've been?."

"Home." I said bluntly.

"Yeah well  go explain that to Matteo." He muttered to me.

I scoffed, "I don't have to explain myself to him."

"Well anyways..." Blaise broke the tension and smiled. "It's Friday night and how about we throw a welcome back part huh?." Blaise wiggled his eyebrows trying to make it seem like a good idea.

"I don't think anyone is in the mood to party." Pansy leans towards the window and looks out bored out of her mind.

"Well I don't see why not." I shrugged my shoulder and look over at Draco writing down on his parchment quill very quickly. "Right Draco?."

He finishes writing and puts everything away, "oh yeah sounds like a great idea." He had no idea what the hell he was even agreeing to. He looks up at me and smiles. "Now if you can get out of my way please." I get up from my seat to let him out. Draco rushes out quickly.

"I wonder what's up his ass." Blaise snorted.

I chuckled lightly and take my seat, "me too."

A couple hours later~

"We are finally here." I walk over to the couch and take a seat. The common room still looks the same nothing much has changed.

"We should all go unpack and get ready for the party." Blaise rushed up the stairs with his suit case.

"Wait what party?!." Draco yelled out to Blasie and grabbed his suit case and rushed up the stairs.

Pansy grabs my hand and pulls me up, "come on let's go, don't be lazy."

I reach down to grab my suit case and we head up to out doorm.

We walk inside and I jump on my bed, "I'm going to take a nap." As soon as I got comfortable I fall asleep right away.

I hear the lamp crash when it hits the ground and I shoot up quickly. I look at a pair of shoes and look up and meet with Liam. "Wh-."

Liam grabs my neck and start choking me. "I'm coming for you soon." He whispered.

"Ashley!." I open my eyes and I look over to see the lamp that feel earlier was left intact, it was just a stupid dream.

"Come on get dressed." Pansy takes the blanket off me and hands me a baby blue silk short dress.

I sigh, "fine I'll see you in 5." Pansy walks out of the doorm and I get up to change.

I look at myself in the mirror and the side of my face takes form of my father. "Find Liam." My fathers voice slowly vanished as he did.

I didn't think much of it, I might be going crazy with these weird dreams and visions. I take a quick glance up at the mirror and it was just normal.

I reach under my bed and grab a pair of black short heels and start heading out the door. I bump into a hard chest and I look up to see Asher, "w-what are you doing here?, Your not a student here anymore."

Asher chuckles, "you didn't think I would miss a party, especially when your the one who's carrying my legacy around now."

I scoffed, "if you think someone is going to take the title you've passed down to me..well no not happening."

Asher shurgged his shoulders, "that why I'm here."

I looked at him strangely, "bullshit why are you here?."

Asher laughs nervously, "remember your friend Lorenzo?." I nodded my head and he gives me an awkward smile. "Well...he uhhh."

"Well he Uhh what?!." I gave him a questionable look and I could see him tense up.

"You might want to come hogsmed and take a look at it." Asher rubbed the back of his neck awardly.

I grab my wand from off the counter, "fine let's go." I had no clue why were heading towards Hogsmed.

I spun around quickly and rose my wand. "Your not Asher."

Asher or the guy who is Asher raises his hand up in the air surreding himself, "Ash It's me Asher." He tried so hard my convincing me he was Asher.

I grabbed him and pushed him inside to my doorm and locked the door. "No your not Asher because he knows there's a spell put up in Hogsmed and he wouldn't show up randomly at some party!." I rose my wand again towards him. "So I won't ask again, who are you!."

Ashers face started to take a different form, the form of Matteo. I put my wand down on the counter, "How did you fi-."

"Draco." He cut me off.

I rolled my eyes, "should've known."

Matteo sits on my bed and eyes me up and down. In this moment I felt awkward under his gaze and I wish he didn't have hint of hunger in his eyes. "Looking good my love." He winked at me.

I smirked. "Wish I could say the same for you." His neck and knuckles are all bruised up and as well with one side of his cheek. His hair is a mess and his tie is lose.

"Are you going to ask what happened or just stare at me love?." He said a bit cocky.

I scoffed, "why would I ask if I don't care what you've done or where you've been."

Matteo laughs, "ohh so this is why your all mad about then." He stands up and slowly walks towards me.

I wasn't going to let me circle me so I started walking to the other side of the room but he got a hold of me. "Let me go!." I yelled out while trying to get his grin loosen around my wrist.

He presses his face at the side of my face, "well I care about you, so where have you been for a week?." He barked at me. I flinch and he takes notice of this but he doesn't care enough to stop because of his anger rushing in.

I freeze and he kept going on with his rant. I slowly zoned out and thought of the multiple times my father would yell at me or the times he lost his temper with me. Nobody could do nothing for me not even Ryker and at the even now that my Father is gone it feels as if some part of his temper is in Matteo.

Then I do the unexpected, Matteo stops talking and one side of his cheek turns red. My hand stars to tingle a bit, I hadn't noticed my sudden anger I had flowing through me. I felt my cheeks turned hot and that possible a flush of red is now creeping up my face, I had just slapped Matteo across the face. I look at the Mirror behind him and see my father appear. " Focus and kill."

I look at Matteo and he looks at me confused of why I'm looking at the mirror. He doesn't see what I see nor does he hear what I hear. He's going to think that I've finally have gone mad. "G-get outt!." I shout at Matteo and he tries to reach out for me but rethinks it and walks out of my doorm.

I walk over the mirror, "father?." But he never reappear. I sigh and think that this trip I took to see my fathers manor has gotten me overwhelmed.

I walk out of my room and close the door behind me. I walk down to the common room where all the commotion is taking place tonight. I look over a see Matteo talking to Draco. Surrounding them is Pansy, Blasie and Astoria.

I decide to go get myself a drink instead. I walk between the crowd of but I'm not even halfway to where I need to go when I change my mind. I walk out of the common room and take off my heels.

"Grindelwald." I look up and see Matteo leaning on the wall.  "Come with me." He walked past me marched up the stairs.

I followed behind and stopped by the stairs, "I'm not going anywhere with you."

Matteo turns around and towers over me. "not even to go see your friend Lorenzo?."

"What did you do?." I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow.

Matteo scoffs. "I didn't do anything." He gives me a playful smile.

"Fine! you better not trick me into taking me back to your manor." I shove Matteo out of my way and start walking up the stairs.

We walked through the halls without saying a word to each other. The hallways are very awfully quiet that you could hear your heartbeat through your ears.

"Psst!." I look over and see Matteo across the hallway signaling me to hurry up as he makes a quick turn.

I run over and see he's nowhere to be, there nothing but an empty hallway with paintings and quilts hung. It's strange that I've never seen this part of the castle. But before I can go exploring I'm pulled and taken behind a large quilt.

"Secret passageway." Matteo raises his wand and lightens the tunnel. Huh I guess Hogwarts does have a lot to offer after all. I haven't really had the time to lose myself between the walls of this castle and I think it's something I should start doing.

As we are walking through the tunnel Matteo starts clearing his throat. "Umm so where have you been?."

I ignored him and kept walking but I didn't feel like I should be doing that any longer. "Why does it matter where I've been, from what I hear it seems like your pretty well accompanied by Evenly...especially during those lonely nights huh." I look over to see him in complete silence. I shake my head and chuckle. "Bravo! Matteo really thought he could fool two girls at the same time." Thought his silence confirmed what Lorenzo said to me. Matteo and Evenly had been sleeping with each other during the week I was gone.

"Look i-." I raised my hand letting Matteo know I didn't want to hear it.

"No need to explain yourself." I keep walking down the dark tunnel and pull out my wand to illuminate my path.

Matteo catches up to me, "look it didn't mean anything to me, she's just...some girl!. A girl who's trying to break us apart."

I scoff. "Just some girl?." I stop walking and place my hands on my hips. "Well guess what... she already did,  the first day she got there."

Matteo looks like a little kid who's getting scolded. "Please listen to me." He said with pleading eyes. "I love you not her." He cups my face and starts to look into my eyes.

I place my hands above his and slowly pull them away from my face. "Then why did you have sex with her?." His face went completely pale again. For a moment I didn't want to believe what Lorenzo had told me and now that I'm bringing this to Matteo's attention, it conforms it to be true. "It's fine...we were never anything official so I cannot complain about it. I was just some other girl for you." I continue walking letting the disappointment wash over me. I was told from the very beginning by his own brother Sebastian and yet I didn't listen.

We reach the end of the tunnel and there stands a tall figure. As I get closer is see it's one of the profesores from the defense of dark arts. "Professor Lupin?." I said in utter disbelief.

"Kids...I've tried to get him under control but it's not working." Lupin said disappointed.

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