Just This Once || Erenxreader...

By erensbitchh

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°°Only he was too naive to realize that love cannot be ignored°° ••• Broken promises, unrequited love, and sh... More



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By erensbitchh

You turned to Historia and Sasha, looking to your two friends for answers about the situation that just occured.

The two girls were watching as Connie chased after Jean, shocked looks plastered on their faces. Based on their facial expressions, it looked as if they had just remebered something important, and they were distraught about whatever it was.

Finally, you decided to break the akward silence, because you wanted answers.

"Will one of you please tell me what the hell is going on?"

The blonde girl turned her attention to you, a look of sympathy crossing her features. "I-its-y/n", the girl sighed before continuing, " It's complicated, okay? I don't really know how to explain it to you without invading Jean's privacy."


Since when has privacy ever been a concern? I get that its important and all, but Historia has always filled me in on important details. I don't want to intrude in Jean's personal life, I just want to make sure that he is okay. Historia understands that, right?

Before you get the chance to speak again, however, Sasha interjects, "Yea, don't worry about it y/n. Jean is going to be alright. He's a big boy after all, he can tie his own shoe laces and everything . Im pretty sure I even saw him take out the trash last week. Im sure he'll tell you when he's ready. Don't stress about it." Sasha had apparently shaken off her worried mood, and returned to her lighthearted state of mind.

Maybe they were right. Afterall, Jean had already told you today that he wasn't in the mood to talk. Maybe you should just give him a couple days, and then see how he is feeling. Although, it still bugged you that Sasha and Historia, as well as Connie knew why Jean was upset, yet they won't tell you. Well, technically only Historia and Sasha won't tell you, but maybe you can force baldie to spit it out.

"Yea, I guess you're right. It's just so weird, I mean, Connie said that he didn't even come home last night, and then Jean says he got into an argument with someone yesterday? What kind of argument would stop someone from coming home?" You dropped your head so that it was resting in the palms of your hands.

Both of your friends looked at you confused, but Historia was the first to speak.

"Wait, Jean said he got in an argument yesterday? With who?". Appearntly Historia really hadn't been eavesdropping earlier. The blonde drew her legs up to her chest and hugged her knees as she scooted closer, as if the conversation became more intriguing. Sasha also paused, a cheeto halfway to her mouth, in order to look over at you, also awaiting the answer to that question.

"He didn't say. I tried to ask him about it but he refused to answer me. He just kept telling me that he was fine."

Sasha finally popped the cheeto into her mouth, and chewed slowly, the only sound that could be heard over the silence was the slow crunching as she looked back and forth between her two friends.

"Its gonna be fine though, right? I mean Connie went to go check on him, and those two are like brothers", Sasha said.

Historia put on a smile, one that you couldn't tell whether or not was fake. "Yea, Jean's gonna be fine. He just needs to cool off. I'm sure he and Connie are gonna go get shitfaced tonight, and he won't even remeber that he was upset in the morning". Historia started to stand up and gather her laptop and books. "Come on, we should probably head back and figure out what we are gonna eat for dinner. Its getting late".

The three of you packed up your belongings, granted it didn't take you very long considering you hadn't really been doing that much school work to begin with.

As you all began to weave your way through campus, Sasha suggested that the three of you try out a fancy Sushi restraunt downtown. You and Historia quickly agreed, looking for a way to get your mind off of whatever was going on with Jean.

After a quick stop by your shared dorm, the three of you dressed up in nice outfits and styled your hair. After a 15 minute uber ride, you and your two best friends were walking downtown towards the resturant.

The sun was setting, casting everything in an orangy pink glow. The particular street you were walking down looked extremely familiar for some reason, but you just couldn't put your finger on it. You shook off the feeling, and continued your easy going conversation with your friends.

As you neared the end of the street, that feeling of Deja vu came back, and your eyes landed on a building with colored lights, and a neon sign in the window. Looking up at the sign above the door, you read "The Black Lotus".


The last thing you needed right now was to see Eren, because honestly with all of this Jean drama, you were stressed out. And besides, Eren might be sexy and intriguing, but in all honesty he was only using you for sex, right? You had barely even seen the guy since he fucked you in the bathroom at that party last week.

You didn't trust yourself around Eren. Its like when you're with him, you lose all your sense of self-control. All he has to do is look at you with that mischievous little smirk, and you're in trouble.

You realize you're clenching your jaw as you snap yourself back to reality, and you immediatly relax your face. You make sure to show no signs that you recognize the tattoo parlor as the three of you walk past. You do however, manage to sneak a peak through the large glass windows, side eyeing the building.

He's in there. Sitting in the back. There's hardly anyone in the parlor, only a couple other artists who are busy with their own clients, which isn't suprising seeing as its a weekday, and its not super late yet.

You wouldn't have been able to recognize him if not for the few tattoos adorning his hands, and the key necklace hanging from around his neck. He had his hood pulled up over his head, and he was leaning back in his chair, his legs kicked up on the work table in front of him. He had a notebook in his lap, the same kind that he showed you the night he gave you a tattoo, and he was delicatley dragging a pecil over the paper, sketching out some kind of new design. Once again, he had the strings of his hoodie pulled into his mouth, chewing on them as he concetrated.

The image was gone from your sight too soon as you passed the building. God, this was confusing . Here you were one minute praying you wouldn't see him, and now you're sad hes gone.

Sasha should start a blog for restraunt suggestions, because once again she had outdone herself. The place had been beautiful, and the three of you had scored seats on the rooftop patio which had lights strung up everywhere, and a view of the city as the sun set. The sushi had been amazing too, and you had all stuffed yourselves because Historia had insisted that she was going to pay, and who were you to turn down your extremly rich best friend? Even better, the waiter didn't card any of you, so you didn't have to worry about your fakes getting confiscated. The three of you had ordered some champagne, just to feel classy. And because Historia insisted that if we were going to eat at a fancy resturant, we had to get the full experience.

At some point during dinner, the conversation circled back around to Mikasa. You were curious about this girl who had supposedly been friends with all of your friends in high school, and dated Eren.

"So tell me more about Mikasa", you said as you took as sip of champagne.

"Oh my god y/n, you have to meet her! You guys would love each other! Please tell me you'll come with us to hang out!", Sasha exclaimed.

A part of you felt excited at Sasha's enthusiasm. Maybe Mikasa was a great person, and the two of you would get along great. Obviously Sasha thinks you two would be friends.

But another part of you felt akward and uncomfortable. This was a girl who you knew had broken Eren's heart. And not only that, but when her name had come up in conversation today, Jean had looked like he wanted to kick a small child.

"Yes! That would be so much fun y/n! Mikasa would love you! I already know you guys would have so much in common!", Historia added.

Yea, like our taste in guys.

"Of course I'll come! I wouldn't miss it!", you replied cheerily, forcing a smile.

Sasha raised her champagne flute is a toast, and you and Historia joined, the three glasses clinking together as the group of girls smiled and giggled. However, all you could think about was whether or not you and Mikasa were actually going to get along.


Hey guys! Sorry the past two chapters have been so angsty compared to the rest of the story, but this is necessary for the rest of the plot so hang in there😩 Send some love to Jean, poor boy needs it <33

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