Longing •Bucky Barnes•

By FandomQueens

64K 1.4K 230

Valerie was one of the original Avengers but was taken hostage by HYDRA after being saved by Tony Stark only... More

Authors Note
•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
•Twenty Four•
•Twenty Five•
•Twenty Six•
•Twenty Seven•
•Twenty Eight•
•Twenty Nine•
• Thirty •
• Thirty One •
• Thirty Two •
• Thirty Three •
• Thirty Four •
• Thirty Five •
• Thirty Six •
• Thirty Eight •
• Thirty Nine •
• Fourty •
• Fourty One •
• Fourty Two •
• Fourty Three •
• Fourty Four •
• Fourty Five •
• Fourty Six •
• Fourty Seven •
• Fourty Eight •
• Fourty Nine •
• Fifty •
• Fifty One •
• Fifty Two •
• Fifty Three •
• Fifty Four •
• Fifty Five •
• Fifty Six •
• Fifty Seven •
• Fifty Eight •
• Fifty Nine •
• Sixty •

• Thirty Seven •

541 16 5
By FandomQueens

Today was the day of Tony's funeral.

I suppose nothing was supposed to, but nothing felt right. Pepper wasn't here, Tony wasn't here, Natasha wasn't here, and yet everyone else seemed to be. It felt wrong to see everyone and not have them around. Without just those 3 people in the room it felt nearly so empty and like something was missing.

We gathered in the living room and we made small talk with the others and what everyone had been up to in their first week either back. It was hard to socialize, but everyone seemed to understand why I was a little more reserved. Morgan had been quiet most of the morning and when everyone showed up she seemed to cling to Bucky and I closely. Even when Peter came she actually got a little excited, but still didn't stray to far from us.

Most everyone was shocked she even existed, Tony was quite the flighty and spontaneous person before. He never seemed like the kind of person to even be able to settle down, much less actually want to settle down. She was timid when people would say hi, but god only knows what was going through her head with everything going on.

Once most everyone was there we all sat down on the couch and stood around Tony's helmet sat on the table in front of us and I was nervous as to what it was. I reached forward and turned it on and a hologram of Tony appeared. I sat back and Morgan sat tightly between Bucky and I. Peter was sat at my side and he was awfully quiet compared to his normal self which was what was to be expected.

"Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back... it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back, in somewhat like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing."

"God, what a world. Universe now. If you told me 10 years ago that we weren't alone, let alone you know to this extent... I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised. But come on, you know. That epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's going to find a way to grow up in. So I found a private area to record a little greeting in case of an untimely death on my part. Not that death at any time is ever timely."

"This time travel thing that we are going to pull off tomorrow... it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of all this. But then again that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I tripping for? Everything is going to work out exactly the way it's supposed to." He said shaking his head almost with confidence but all of a sudden his eyes shifted forward and it was like he was looking right at me and Morgan.

"I love you 3000." He said in a firm tone.

I looked to Morgan who was at my side and Morgan had a small smile across her face as she clutch her Iron Man doll. I looked up to Bucky and his expressions were soft as he looked to me. Peter's face was solemn and his eyes were glued to the floor. I didn't know what to say, I was sad, but after last night I think I had cried every tear I had in me. I couldn't cry anymore despite how badly it hurt to see him again, almost so sure everything would all work out.

We all walked out to the back deck and I held Morgan's hand tightly in mine. There was so many people here, so many super hero's most of which I hardly recognized. To think Tony had made such an impression on so many people wasn't easy to think about, but it almost made me miss him more. I'd give most anything to have him here right now, but I knew that would never happen, not in this reality.

I made it to the end of the deck and I saw Bucky hand me a small bed of leaves and flowers. Upon it laid a chest piece of Tony's that Pepper had turned into an almost decoration. I remember finding it shortly after Tony saved me and he had told me the story about how he had metal fragments in his chest and was captured by terrorists. This chest piece had saved his life for several years and when he had upgraded it Pepper had used the old one to make this.

On the outside of the chest piece read 'Proof Tony Stark Has a Heart'. I had chuckled many times over this and now that it sat here in my hands as what we'd send off in his memory I didn't want to let go. I looked back to see the crowds of people standing and waiting. I bent down and sat on my knees and flattened my dress. I leant forward and placed it on the water and it floated on the top.

Morgan knelt down at my side and my hand went to the back of her head. I brushed my fingers through her hair and she rested her head on my shoulder. She didn't looked upset or sad just rather blank as she watched it float away. It went out and on for quite a while and Peter knelt down beside us and I gave him a small, but intentional smile.

It felt like I had sat there for an hour, but I'm sure it was a matter of minutes. It had floated out quite some distance before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Steve. I rose up to my feet and looked at him. He gave me a small smile and I knew he was hurt too. He gave me a big hug and I relaxed a little as I stood there with him.

When I first came here my missions were always Steve, Tony, Natasha, and myself. Clint would sometimes join us, but more often than not it was us four. Standing here over 10 years later it was just Steve and I. It felt like ages ago and now that they were gone it only became a more distant memory. I stepped back and he squeezed my shoulder tightly.

I smiled weakly and he gave me a firm nod. Peter hugged me and as he did I could see Sam and Bucky talking a little further up the dock. I could see Peter's aunt standing by quietly and she gave me a small smile. Morgan was wrapped around my leg and I tried to keep her close. I knew she needed comfort, but part of me felt torn apart because she was probably holding on be she was scared to let go of us. I think we all were holding onto each other a little tighter than we normally did.

"You going to be alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You?" I asked.

"I'll be alright." He said with a soft smile. "It's beautiful out here, I see why he chose this place."

"He wanted to get away from everything and this is definitely it." I said crossing my arms as I looked around the very place I've lived for so long now.

"Are you staying here? Like after everything calms down." He asked me.

"I don't know, I've had so much going on I haven't even spoken to Bucky about it. This is all we've known for the last 5 years, but I don't know if this is where we'll stay." I said shrugging.

"I understand, well I'm sure you guys will figure it all out, you always do." He said smiling before walking over to his aunt.

I looked down at Morgan and she was looking at me already.

"My daddy had a lot of friends." She said and I chuckled softly.

"Your dad has more friends then anyone else I know." I said picking her up and putting in on my hip.

"Did my daddy save them?" She asked.

"Most of them yeah, but he save a lot more than just these guys. In a way your daddy saved the whole universe." I said and I saw her eyebrows raise.

"That's a lot." She said and I just nodded. "I miss my daddy."

"I miss him too Morgan. We all do." I said and she laid her head on my shoulder. "We all do."

Morgan had convinced Bucky and I to let her stay the night with Peter. I guessed he had promised her cheeseburgers and I think his aunt was excited to meet her as well. We let her go and it sort of worked out in a way. Steve needed to return the stones back in time where they belonged and we wanted to make sure he made it.

Bruce had figured out the machines like he had a week or two ago. With Hank Pym returning from the snap he was able to make us ample Pym particles to make the trip. Sam and Bucky were stood talking a little bit away from us. I was sat on a log near their set up. We had built the set up a short walk from the house near the lake.

"You and Buck holding up okay?" Steve asked me and I nodded not really expecting that question.

"Yeah, what do you mean?" I asked him because the funeral was hours ago and tears had stopped falling long ago.

"Are you guys happy? I mean, with each other at least." He asked.

"Of course, why are you asking?" I asked him.

"Just making sure." He said nodding. "He's my best friend, got to make sure someone's keeping him in line."

"You're acting strange." I said crossing my arms and looking to him. I had know him quite well and he was acting very off. Everything from the way he was talking to the way we was sat next to me.

"I have a tendency to do that." He said chuckling to himself and I just watched him carefully. "Don't worry about it."

"Alright Steve let's get this thing going." Bruce said.

Steve stood up and looked to me holding his shield in hand. He gave me a hug before walking over to the the almost stage like platform. I watched silently knowing something didn't feel right. Steve picked up the suit case and spoke with Bruce for a moment. He walked over to Bucky and said something and I saw a small smile spread across his face and he said something back.

He exchanged a few small words with Sam and Bucky. He walked up onto the platform and he looked to me as Bruce was counting down. He was a little bit away, but I swear I saw him wink at me. Before I could even react he was gone in a flash. I sat up a little taller and Bruce started to count back down to bringing him back. However, when he got down to it, he wasn't coming back. I stood to my feet and was about to rush up there to see what was going on.

"Don't." I heard behind me and I snapped around to see an old man. I was confused, but as I looked at the face and the shield in his hand my shoulders settled while my mind calculated what had just happened.

"You son of a bitch." I said with my lips slightly parted.

"Language." He said with a smug smile.

"What the hell did you do Steve?" I asked knowing my mouth was hung open.

"Got one of those lives Tony was telling me to get." He said and he patted the seat next to him.

"I said get him back!" Sam said and I looked over to the three who were freaking out unaware of what was going on over here.

"Steve, are you insane?" I asked.

"I'm old, but I guess it's all the same difference." He said shrugging as I sat down next to him feeling so weird to see his face, but so aged and different.

"You went back for her?" I asked him softly putting two and two together.

"I did." He said looking so pleased with himself. "I missed watching them argue with each other."

I looked back to see Bucky screaming at Bruce. Sam was trying to push past Bruce to look at his computer. They all looked to flustered and Steve was almost watching it like it was funny. I mean it was, but they were freaking out about accidentally killing Steve when in reality he didn't come back on purpose.

"Steve what about you and being Captain America?" I asked.

"Oh I've spent sometime thinking about all of that." He said smiling at me as he held the shield.

"Steve we just got everyone back." I said as my shoulders dropped.

"Not everyone." He said shrugging.

"Steve?" I heard and my head snapped to see Sam and the others walking towards us. "I'll be damned, you finally look your age."

"Hi Sam." Steve said softly.

"So did something go wrong or did something go right?" He asked putting the puzzle together. Bucky's faced looked calm enough, but just confused.

"Well after I put the stones back I figured I might stay a while." He said and I rose to my feet.

"I'm happy for you I truly am." Sam said smiling. "Only thing bumming me out is the fact that I have to live in a world without Captain America."

"That reminds me." He said reaching to his side and pulling out his shield which was in a leather bag. He held it up and looked to Sam. "Try it on."

I looked to Sam and his face went from a soft smile to a complete dead face. Sam looked to Bucky and he gave him an affirmative nod. Sam slowly reached out and took the shield and put it on his arm. He looked emotionless for a long moment.

"How does it feel?" Steve asked him.

"Like it's someone else's." Sam said shaking his head.

"Well it isn't." Steve said raising his eyes brows.

"Thank you." Sam said. "I'll do my best."

"That's why it's yours." He said smiling.

Steve reached out and grabbed Sam's hand. He patted it several times with his other hand. I had noticed he had a wedding band on his hand. He really did go back for her, all those years later he really went back for her. Part of me thought it was selfish and the other part of me understood. Steve had spent so much of his life fighting for what he believed him maybe he deserved to tap out after what we had pulled.

After helping to bring everyone back maybe it was time he finally do something for himself. I mean surely with everyone coming back there would be more bad guys and problems in the coming years, but if his heart wasn't in it maybe it was best Sam take on the stripes. My heart hurt for Bucky, that was his best friend and it had seemed like their entire lives were just a constant push and pull away from each other. Constantly losing and finding each other again and now he was in a way losing him all over again.

I could see the respect Bucky had for him and Sam in his eyes. I knew he was happy for him, but he was losing Steve just as much as the rest of us were. He wasn't entirely gone, but yet he wasn't going to be with us anymore, to fight with us.

It was hard to imagine everything that had just happened. I mean for us it was a matter of seconds, but for Steve it had been a long, long time.

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