Fated (Mikaelsons+Saltzmans)

By Panda_Squad01

79K 1.8K 288

(On Hold) The Mikaelson twins and The Saltzman twins are soulmates, that's all I can say šŸ˜† *mature content*... More

Cast 2
"Not and update... but important"
C2-{~Wouldn't Miss It~}
C3-{~Get The Hint~}
C4-{~Happy Birthday~}
C6-{~My Name, A Tattoo In Your Skin~}
C8-{~Welcoming Mistakes~}
C9-{Mistakes and Confessions~}
C10-{~Chaotically Cute~}
C11-{~Small Chat~}
C13-{~Road Trip~}
C14-{~On Our Way To The Fair~}
C15-{~Welcome to The Fair~}
C16-{~The Fair is a Fun Place~}
C17-{~Hosie at the fair~}
C18-{~Weird things are meant to happen at the fair~}
C19-{~romantic date with destiny~}
C20-{~Did Someone said HOSIE?~}
C22-{~Promise? Promise~}
C23-{~The Bond Have Been Completed~}
'New Story'

C1-{~Guess Who's Back~}

4.6K 94 4
By Panda_Squad01

*here's the first chapter hope you enjoy it*

*No' ones pov*
*1 day before Jax and Hope are back to school*

"OMG, Alec just told me they are coming tomorrow," Lizzie says.

"You know I'm gonna kill dad, he said 2 days, and they were gone a week," Josie says frustration in her eyes. "Anyways you know the plan right?" Josie ask.

"Yes Josie, don't worry just give them the puppy eyes ok," Lizzie says.

Josie was gonna say something but then they hear someone calling for them.

"MOM" they both yell at the same time and run to hug Caroline.

*Hope's Pov*

We went with Dr.S to help these 2 wolves who broke the curse. We are driving home with Jax the two wolves and a guy called Jake, he's a vampire I think. He asks a lot of questions.

"So how old are you guys," He asks.

"17," we both say at the same time.

"So are you guys dating," he asks. "Ew NO," we both say in disgust. "We're twins," I say 'I want to puke just at the thought'

"Well moving on. Dr.S you know they're gonna be mad at you right?" Jax says looking at Ric.

"Yes they will rip your head off of your shoulders Dr.S," I say with a smirk.

*No one's Pov*

"I wouldn't be surprised if that happens because I know they will try," Ric says laughing, Jax and Hope laughing too. Jake guy, on the other hand, didn't understand anything but decided not to ask because is none of his business.

While they are laughing. The other 2 wake up. Ric stops to make sure everything is ok. They continue on their way to the school and the other 3 started to ask more questions.

'This is gonna be a long ride' Jax and Hope think.

*Josie's Pov*
*Hope and Jax arrive*

"We're back" I hear someone yell. Lizzie hears it too and we start running down the hall.

*No one's Pov*

"Wait and see Dr.S, wait and see," Jax says with a smirk. Jake who is a vampire could hear Josie and Lizzie running down the stairs but the other 2 were still confused. They have been talking about the twins the whole ride.

Ric was about to talk when Lizzie and Josie come running bursting the door wide open making a loud noise.

"Boo," Jax and Josie say at the same time and start running towards each other. Josie jumps wrapping her legs around Jax's waist, he almost falls but he reacted fast. They love each other like siblings.

"TRIBITCH" Lizzie yelled when she saw Hope. The 2 of them hug like there's no tomorrow but then pull away to hug, so Lizzie can hug Jax.

"LIV" Jax yelled in Lizzie's ear making her jump.

"WTF ALEC" Lizzie yelled out. Making an angry face.

"Ooh Liv, don't be such a drama queen and hug me already," Jax says with an evil smile. He opens his arms waiting for Lizzie.

"No hugs for you today," A very mad Lizzie says.

"Oh come on" he walks to her and wraps his arms around her like a teddy bear, and she obviously hugs him back.

"Hey Jo," Hope says with a big smile on her face opening her arms ready for Josie to hug her.

"Hopey," Josie says and happily hugs her. "Jo, don't call me that," Hope says hugging Josie. "You know you love it," Josie tells Hope with a smile.

After a few minutes, Ric decides to intervene because they are in their own world already.

"Guys, that's enough, we have other people here," he says to the twins and he knew what was coming.

"I'm gonna kill him" mutters Lizzie stopping her hug with Jax. Josie was annoyed by her father she didn't want to stop hugging Hope. The other 3 individuals were very very confused.

"Calm down girls I only took them for a week," Ric says laughing.

"You know what we could've done in that week" Lizzie realized how bad that sounds. "Stop it you 3 you know what I meant," she says and Jax, Jo, and Hope only laugh.

"Ok girls, you have to give these 3 teenagers the tour," Ric says looking at Josie and Lizzie he's about to say something else when Caroline yells. "WOLFIES". They all turn around and Ric slaps his face.

"Auntie Care" Jax and Hope yell out running towards the blonde.
They hug her for a very long time because they don't see her that much. They created a really strong bond with Caroline thanks to the twins. "Guys we're going inside with your mom, we need to talk, we'll see you later ok," Hope says.

"Yeah can we have a movie night today we kinda want to talk to you guys about something," Lizzie says.

"Of course, we'll see you guys at lunch and we can talk about it," Jax says, they hug one last time and then go inside with Caroline.

"Girls these are Jake, Ethan, and Maya," Dr.S says. "I 'll see you guys later," he says to the other 3 individuals.

"Hey I'm Josie and this is my sister Lizzie," Josie says with a sweet voice. "Twins," Lizzie says. "Fraternal" Josie finishes. "We're gonna give you guys the tour," Lizzie and Josie say.

*half of the tour*

Is time for lunch so the guys are going to the cafeteria. The girls are exhausted because the other 3 ask a lot of questions, so lunch is a relief for them. When they arrive the rest of their friends. They grab their food and go sit.

"Hey Liv, Jos," Jax says. "Hey Alec, Hope, guys," Lizzie says. "Hey," the rest says.

When they are eating Jake asks one question. 'This guys just don't know how to stop'.

"Wait, isn't your name Jax and her's Lizzie," Jake asks and the others start to laugh, making Jake confused.

Hey, guys so today I'm posting two chapters because is a new story and because the other part is like the second half of what is happening. Hope you enjoy it and leave your comments.

Lots of love, Take care.

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