New Feelings (Drake Fanfic) [...

By WillowTreedotPNG

46.7K 1.2K 1.7K

[This story has been discontinued due to loss of motivation for the storyline, I apologize deeply.] Jake has... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10 ~
~Chapter 11 ~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~

~Chapter 22~

1.1K 30 33
By WillowTreedotPNG

Narrator POV

Drew quickly fell back asleep, but Jake still couldn't even close his eyes. He slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom. Jake looked in the mirror at himself. He turned to his side and lifted his shirt. 

Jake smiled.

He was a twig. "So close.." He said quietly, dropping his shirt. He then walked to the kitchen, but as he did he felt his legs get weak and his head started spinning. He felt as if he stomach were about to jump out of his body. 

Jake quickly ran to the sink and tried to vomit, but nothing came up. Just some stomach acid. After 5 minutes of leaning over the sink, Jake slid down to the ground, holding his head up. He felt horrible. 

Jake tried to stand, but he just kept falling over. Finally, he called for Drew for help, since he didn't want to wake his mother. "Drew!" Jake cried. "Drew, help!"

Not a minute passed and Drew was already downstairs in the kitchen by Jake. "What's wrong? what happened?" He asked. "I- I'm really nauseous.. I can't even stand up," Jake replied.

"Oh God.. Here, let me help you.." 

Drew stood up and reached both his hands out for Jake to grab hold of. Jake did so, and the shorter boy pulled him up. "Thanks," Jake smiled. Drew nodded, and carefully lead Jake to their room. 

Once they entered Jake plopped down onto the bed, and Drew lay next to him. "Can you sleep, or is your stomach still bothering you..?"

Jake sighed and nodded, "Yeah. It hurts like all hell.."

"I'll make you something."

"Wait! You need to sleep."

"So do you. And if these hunger pangs you're having are going to stop you from sleeping, I'm going to help it."

Drew exited the room before Jake could say anything, and searched around the kitchen for something for Jake to eat. Drew had a lot of experience with cooking for other people, since he always made his meals for his Dad and Step-Mom. 

Drew opened the fridge and reached for mayo, mustard, cheese, and ham. He quickly grabbed some bread from the shelf and threw it all together. Drew placed the bread down, and spread the mayo and mustard together on each slice. He then placed the cheese on the left and ham on the right. Drew closed the sandwich, cut it in two and put all the ingredients back.

Drew took the plate upstairs to Jake's room to find him hugging his knees, tears dripping down his face one by one. "Jake..?" Drew said softly. "I made you a sandwich, if it helps. Here." 

The magenta haired boy handed his partner the plate of food. Jake slowly took it and raised one of the halves to his lips. 

He attempted to eat, but it didn't go down. He tried, but not very hard. Drew sat next to him and hugged his arm in worry. "It'll be okay, just try to swallow," Drew pleaded. "Maybe some water will help, here, I'll get some." 

Drew stood up to get the boy a glass of water, without hearing him say, "Wait, Drew-"

Jake sighed, and opened his window. He spat out the piece of food in his mouth. Jake sat back down upon his bed and awaited for Drew to return. 

He soon heard the creak of he door and there stood Drew. He was wearing a worried smile once more. He walked over and handed Jake the glass he held. Jake sighed as he took the glass from him. Drew handed Jake another bite of the sandwich. 

"Try it.. please..?" The shorter boy pleaded.

Jake looked Drew in the eyes and smiled, giving him a nod.

One again he attempted to eat the bite, and along with it drink some water.

Still didn't work.

"Want to try in the morning..?"

Jake nodded and placed the food into Drew's arms as he quickly took it up to the fridge.

The two laid down to fall asleep once more, but Drew refused to close his eyes until Jake was asleep with him.

Thankfully, the stomach pangs stopped, so Jake was able to fall asleep, to Drew's liking.

"Sweet dreams my little peach.." Drew muttered, brushing his finger's through Jake's hair. "I promise, I will save you. Even if it takes a hundred years."


Word Count: 703

A/N: Shorter chapter bc I'm lazy and tired asf-

Wrote this a few days ago so maaaybe two chapters in one day, we'll seeeeeeee

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