heartbreak on tour

By wifisbabyyy

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this is a fanfiction on the hoodie boys on tour. will there be love or heart break. the ships include-Dethan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 34

116 4 1
By wifisbabyyy

(A/N) Thank you for reading, this chapter has cussing. Also, go check out my new story, it's a bxb rappers groupchat.

2-6-22:I rewrote this chapter

Ethan's POV

I woke up to my alarm going off.

I went to turn over to turn it off but rolled right into Devin's side.

He turned the alarm off and handed me my phone.

"Good morning and thank you"I said.

"Good morning and no problem"He said.

"When do we need to be at the van?"I asked.

"In about an hour"He said.

"Okay, well you go shower, I showered last night"I said.

"Okay"He said as he stood up.

He walked over to his suitcase and grabbed his stuff before walking into the bathroom. I walked over to my suitcase and grabbed an outfit for the day. I quickly changed before slipping on my shoes.

I gathered all of my items and put them in my suitcase.

Devin soon walked out of the bathroom with his dirty clothes in hand. I walked into the bathroom and he followed behind me. We brushed our teeth and did our hair before grabbing our stuff and carrying it out of the bathroom.

We put our stuff away before Devin slipped on his shoes.

"Are you ready to go?"I asked as I shoved my phone in my pocket.

"Yeah"He said.

We walked out of the room and walked to the elevator. We walked into the elevator and I pushed the main level button.

Once we got to the main level, we exited the elevator and left the hotel. We walked to the van before putting our luggage in the trunk.

We then got in the van and sat in our seats.

Once the other guys got to the van, we left the parking lot. We drove to the building that the meet n greet is held at.

Once we got to the building, we got out of the van and entered the building.

We walked to the small room and I sat on the couch with Devin. He leaned on my shoulder as he scrolled through tikok.

Trent's POV

I was sitting at this table while I was on facetime with Angel.

"So, what are you doing today?"He asked me.

"We have a meet n greet, then we're going to the mall of america and then after that we're starting our drive to Nebraska, what about you?"I asked.

"Nothing really, probably just going to film a youtube video with Jaiden"He said.

"Is Jaiden cool? Kobe doesn't talk about him much"I said quietly so Kobe wouldn't hear.

"Yeah, you'll probably meet him when he goes to L.A because I'm going with him for a week or two"He said.

Our manager then walked into the room.

"You're about to go on"He said.

"Okay babe I have to go"I said.

As I said that the room went silent.

You could hear a pen drop.

"Bye babe"He said.

"Bye"I said before hanging up.

"BABE?"All of the guys including our manager yelled.

"Yeah"I said.

"Since when?"Vallyk asked.

"Last night"I said.

"Oh so y'all new new?"Cohen said.

"Yeah, he called me before I fell asleep and asked me"I said.

"MY SHIP SAILED!"Devin yelled.

"That was cute and all but you really need to go on stage"Our manager said.

"Right, that"I said.

We all ran out of the room and backstage. We ran up the steps and out on stage.

"Sorry we're late!"I said as we sat down.

"We were talking and lost track of time"Kobe said.

"You guys get to ask the boys questions, just raise your hand"Our manager said.

Our manager then picked on a young teen.

"What are you guys doing today?"They asked.

"We're going to the mall of america before starting our drive to Nebraska"Devin said.

Our manager picked on another fan.

"Ethan, what color are your favorite shoes?"They asked.

"White and blue"He said.

Our manager picked on another fan.

"Trent, what's your favorite fan art you have gotten?"They asked me.

"Probably this drawing of my brother and I"I said.

We answered some more questions before walking to our meeting stations.

I was standing on the edge with Cohen on my right.

"You want to film a tiktok real quick?"I asked him.

"Sure"He said.

We filmed a quick dance tiktok before the fans started walking out. We quickly stood in our spots.

A fan walked up to me and I pulled her into a hug.

"How are you doing?"I asked her.

"I'm doing good, what about you?"She responded.

"I'm doing good"I said.

We took a picture before she handed me a box. I opened it and pulled out a bracelet that had my name on it.

"Thank you, I love this"I said.

"You're welcome and I'm glad you do"She said.

I gave her another hug before she walked off.

Another fan then walked up to me.

"What's uppp"I said as I hugged her.

"Heyyy"She said.

We posed for a picture.

"How are you?"I asked.

"I'm good, what about you?"She asked.

"I'm good"I said.

She handed me a piece of paper.

"I wrote you a letter, you can read it later"She said.

"I'll make sure I do"I said.

She walked off and we finished up the meet n greet.

We walked back to the back room and I sat on the couch.

The other guys walked back in the room.

"So Trent, you and Angel have known each other for a week and 4 days and are already dating, do you think that's going to work?"Mike asked me.

"Mike!That's rude!"Derek yelled.

"I was just asking"He said.

"Didn't you fuck a girl at our house the day you met her?"I asked as I smirked.

"YOU DID WHAT!?"All of the guys yelled.

"Wait why am I yelling? I knew about it"Kobe said.

"No need to expose me"Mike said.

"You did what?"Derek asked.

"Don't you guys share a bed?"Vallyk asked.

"Yeah EWWW"Derek yelled.

"You weren't at the house"Mike said.

"WAIT, you did it when I was visiting home?"Derek asked.

"Yeah"Mike said.

"I hate you"Derek said.

"WAIT KOBE, YOU KNEW!"Derek then yelled.

"I only knew because Trent and I were filming and decided to grab the ring light from your room. We walked in on them doing it and that was nasty"Kobe said.

"I pray for your eyes"Ethan said.

"Trent, why did you expose me?"He asked.

"Why did you ask me a dumb question?"I asked back laughing.

"I'll drown you"Mike said just as our manager walked in.

"What are you guys fighting about now?"He asked as he sat down.

"Mike asked Trent a dumb question so Trent exposed him and then Derek got mad at Mike"Jiggy explained.

"I don't even want to know the other details"Our manager said.

"It would be a lot to explain"Ethan said.

"Anyways, we're heading to the mall"Our manager said.

We nodded and exited the room.

We left the building and got in the van.

We drove to the mall before parking.

We got out of the van and walked up to the mall doors.

We walked in and looked at the map to see where everything is.

"There's a whole ass amusement park in this bitch"Ethan said as he pointed at the map.

"This mall is on crack"Cohen said.

"Let's go to the amusement park first"Devin said.

"Alright bet"I said.

"I thought we were done with roller coasterssss"Ethan said as Devin dragged him to the rides.

We all walked to the area and waited in line.

"This looks scary as hell"Mike said.

"I ain't goin on this"Ethan said.

"Yes you are"Devin said.

We all walked to the train and got in our rows.

Once the operators gave the clear, we were dropped down this drop. We went through the turns before we were back in the station.

We got off and walked to the other one.

"This is the last one then we can go shopping"Devin said.

"Alright"Kobe said.

"Thank god"Ethan said.

We got in our train and buckled our seat belts.

The operators checked it before giving the clear. We were dropped down and thrown through loops and turns. I just laughed because there wasn't much I could do.

We were then stopped back in the station. We got off of the ride and walked to the food court.

We sat at a table for a few moments

"Is there any certain stores you want to go to?"Devin asked.

"I want to go to the Nike store"Kobe said.

"Same"Cohen said.

"Well ,we can go there first"Devin said.

"Alright"Kobe said.

We stood up and started walking to it. We walked into the store and they walked to wear they needed to .

I stood at the front while they shopped, I didn't need anything from this store. I decided to call my mom and tell her about Angel.

I stepped out of the store and called her. "

"What's up son, if you're here to tell me you got someone pregnant, I don't want to hear it"She said.

"No mom, I wanted to tell you something different"I said.

"Okay, what do you need to say?"She asked me.

"Well, I kind of maybe have a boyfriend"I said quietly.

"Oh my god who?!"She asked excitedly.

"His name is Angel"I said.

"How did you meet him?"She asked.

"Well, the guys and I were eating at this restaurant and he was our waiter. I got his snap and we started talking"I said.

"Is he with you?"She asked.

"No, he's in his home state"I said.

"So are you guys doing long distance?"She asked.

"Yeah funny story, he knows Kobe's ex who is still friends with Kobe. They're coming to L.A shortly after we get back"I said.

"Oh that's cool"She said.

"Trent we're moving!"I heard Cohen shout.

"Okay!"I shouted back. '

"Hey mom, I got to go"I said.

"Okay bye, I love you"She said.

"I love you too, bye"I said before hanging up.

I put my phone in my pocket as I jogged to the other guys.

"Who were you talking to?"Devin asked.

"Oh my mom"I said.

"Did you tell her about Angel?"He asked.

"Actually, yes"I said.

"Did she react well?"He asked.

"Yes, I told her about the long distance and stuff"I said.

"You know if it wasn't for me you technically wouldn't be dating him"He said smiling.

"Yeah yeah yeah"I said as I laughed.

We walked into this candy store that had some weird things.

"You should make a youtube video over some of this stuff"I said to Devin.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea"Devin said.

We walked around and grabbed some random stuff. We paid for our stuff before exiting the store.

"Where are we going next?"Cohen asked.

"Aquarium!"Derek yelled as he pointed to the map like a kid.

"You're such a kid"Mike said.

"Shut up, fish are cool"He said.

"I can't with you"Devin said.

"Are we going or not?!"Derek asked.

"Let's go"Devin said.

"Hell yeah!"Derek said as he ran.

We laughed at him as he followed him to the aquarium. We walked through the walkway and watched the fish and other sea life swim over us.

Derek kept showing Mike random fish he pointed at. I swear Derek is a kid in a teens body.

"Look at the one!"I heard Derek say.

I laughed at him as I recorded the fish on my phone. I posted the clip of the fish on my insta story.

"That fish looks like Trent"I heard Jiggy say.

I quickly turned around and looked at him.

"Don't diss me!"I said.

"Sorry not sorry"He said.

I flipped him off and followed the other guys who were walking off.

"We're leaving because we have a 10 hour drive"Devin said.

"Oh lord"I said.

We exited the mall and walked to the van.

We got into the van and sat in our seats.

Our manager pulled off and we started our long drive. I laid my head on the window since I had no one next to me to talk to. I decided to just post a few random selfies on my instagram story.

After that, I scrolled through some stories.

I was just scrolling when I got a text from a random number. I opened it and read the text.

"Congratulations on your relationship"it said.

"Who is this?"I asked.

"Oh, it's Justice"he said.

I froze.

Thoughts ran through my mind 100 miles per minuet.

'How did he get my number?'

'why is he texting me?'

'what is he trying to say'

'how does he know?'

I decided to text him back.

"Thanks ig, I got to go"I texted before blocking his number.

I went to tiktok room and didn't see anything.

I quickly clicked on Vallyk's contact.

"BRO"I typed before sending it.

I heard his phone go off before he typed something.

"Why are you texting me? We're in the same van"He said.

"I don't want Devin and Ethan to over hear"I said.

"Okay, what's up?"He responded.

"Justice texted me.."I said.

"WHAT DID HE SAY?"Vallyk quickly responded.

"He said congratulations on my new relationship"I said.

"For real?"He said.

"Yes, I don't know how he got my number or how he knows"I said.

"Oh shit that's right, you guys haven't told the fans"He said.

"Ask him"He said.

"I blocked him"I said.

"Unblock him"he said.

"Fine"I responded.

I unblocked Justice and asked him.

"Wait, how do you know?"I asked.

"Oh, he posted on his instagram story"He responded.

"Okay"I said before blocking him again.

I went back to Vallyk's contact and typed a message.

"Angel posted something ig"I texted before going to his story.

Sure enough it was there. I reposted it before going to see what Vallyk said.

"Makes sense"He said.

"Yeah"I said.

Out of no where Jiggy spoke up.

"I'm bored"He said.

"Well, what should we do?"I asked.

"Let's film a youtube video"He said.

"Alright, who's channel"Mike asked.

"Devin's, he's the most active on there out of all of us"I said.

"Okay, what are we doing?"Devin asked.

"That I don't know"Jiggy said.

"We can do that song trend, like we give a category and you play a song. We can do two people per category"Devin said.

"Ight bet"Jiggy said.

Devin grabbed his camera and sat it up at the front of the van.

He then sat down and did his intro.

"Welcome back to my channel, today I'm with the boys and we're doing this song game. Two people will have a category and have to play a song that goes with it"He said.

"Okay first category, a song you would play to get hyped"He said. "

I'll go first"He added.

He then started playing 'havin my way by Lil skies and Lil durk'. We all sang along before it ended.

Cohen then played 'love sosa by chief keef'. We screamed the lyrics as our manager laughed at us.

"Cohen definitely got you beat on this one, sorry Devin"Jiggy said.

"I know I know"He said.

"Jiggy, give the next category"Devin said.

"Sad songs"He said.

"I'll go first"Derek said.

He played 'arcade by Duncan Laurence'

"This is what I cry in the shower to"Derek said laughing.

Kobe then played his song. He played 'Before you go by Lewis Capaldi'.

"This is what I listen to just to cry"He said.

"Kobe won this one"I said.

"Yup"Mike said.

"You know what, the next category is freaky songs cuz why the fuck not"Kobe said.

"I'll go first"Ethan said.

He played 'earned it by The Weeknd'.

"This song is straight fucking vibes"Devin said.

"On god"Vallyk said.

"I'll go"Mike said.

He put on 'B.E.D by Jacquees'.

"This is a tough one"Jiggy said.

"For real, these are both fire as hell"Ethan said.

"It's a tie, I don't know"I said.

"It's a tie"Devin said.

"Alright bet"Mike said.

"That's all for today, don't forget to like, subscribe, and turn on post notifications"He said before getting up and turning his camera off.

He sat back down and we started talking.

"Yo Derek, your birthday is in like less than a week"Vallyk said.

"I know, I'm going to be old"He said as he laughed.

"Wait, what are we doing for your birthday?"Mike asked.

"I have no clue"He said.

"Well you should think about"Vallyk said.

"Okay mom"Derek said.

"If one of you guys call me mom one more time I swear I'll fight you"Vallyk said.

Mike pulled out his phone and started recording him.

"You're built like a cucumber"Our manager yelled from the front of the van.

"Cucumbers are good for you bitch"Vallyk said.

Mike started laughing as we started laughing with him.

"That was so random"I said as I laughed.

"Y'all it's 5pm and we still have 8 hours left"Our manager said.

We all groaned.

"I'm bored already"Derek said.

"This is going to be a long drive"Mike said.

"Facts, I don't know what to do"I said.

"Text your boyfriend"Devin shouted.

"I will actually"I said as I pulled my phone out.

I went to Angels contact and typed a message.

"What's up bestie"I said.

"Bestie?"He texted back.

"I didn't know what to say"I said.

"Oh, anyways, hi baby"He said.

"I'm bored and we have 8 hours of this drive left"I said.

"Oh dang"He said.

"Yeah and the guys and I already filmed a youtube video"I said.

"Oh, sorry I didn't ask but was it okay to post about us on my instagram?"He asked.

"Oh yeah it was fine, I already told my mom"I said.

"Okay, just making sure well anyways, what do you want to talk about?"He asked.

"Ummm, I'm not sure"I said.

"Well tell me about your day"he said.

Him and I talked for a couple hours before I decided to go to sleep.

(Time skip to the hotel)

Once I got to my room, I walked in and immediately threw my bags to the side. I kicked off my shoes and changed into some sweats.

I walked into the bathroom and did what I needed before walking out.

I put my phone charger into the wall. I plugged my phone in and sat an alarm.

I then got in bed and fell asleep.

word count-3198

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