Azur Lane: Euphoria

Par Devvytmz

39.5K 1.2K 440

Previously titled "Pacifica: A New Nation" (Rework In Progress) Rosetta and Jizelle have been tasked by the c... Plus

Ch1: A New Nation
Ch2: Fleet Composition
Ch3: Contact (1)
Ch4: Contact (2)
Ch5: Contact (3)
Ch6: Royal Guest
Ch7: Let The Game Begin
Ch8: Friends or Foes?
Ch9: Assignments
Ch10: Catch Me...if You Can!
Ch11: Deployment
Ch12: I Never Liked Meetings
Ch13: Field Testing
Ch14: I've Never Liked Meetings (2)
Ch15: A Strange Encounter (1)
Ch16: A Strange Encounter (2)
Ch17: Joint Forces
Ch18: A Queen Meets A Queen
Ch19: Ultimately, This Means War!
Descriptions (1)
Descriptions (2)
Ch20: Recovery (1)
Ch21: Be Discreet
Ch22: Recovery (2)
Ch23: Sneaky Sneak
Ch24: Another Attack
Ch25: A Short Exchange
Ch26: A New Path
Ch26.5: Catch Up
Ch28: Another Day, Another Girl
Ch29: Planning
Ch30: Operation: Day One
Ch31: Operation: Day One - Cont'd #1
Ch32: Operation: Day One - Cont'd #2
Ch33: Operation: Day Four - Cont'd #3
Ch33: Operation: Day Four - Cont'd #4
Operation: Day Five - Report
Ch34: A Day of Adventure
Ch35: Jean Bart
Ch36: Debriefing
Ch37: Tea Party Assignments
Important Info Necessary for Story to Progress Without More Exposition
Ch38: A Day To Remember
Ch39: The Last Piece of The Puzzle
Ch40: Heart In Pain
Ch41: Project X
Ch42: Restoration
It's That Time Again (Descriptions: Part 3)
Ch43: Big Bidness
A Happy Reunion (Short)
Ch44: Abducted
Ch45: Dear Sister...
Info Time Again. Yay!
Ch46: 24 Hours Notice
Ch47: The Red Ball
Ch48: Thunder & Lightning (World War: Part One)
Ch49: Regrouping
Ch50: Tragedy Strikes Twice (World War: Part Two)
Ch51: Battle of Liverpool (World War: Part Three)
Second Battle of Liverpool (Short)
Ch52: Strategic Planning
Ch53: Hello...Sister!
Ch54: Double Trouble!! (World War: Part Four)
Ch55: Aftermath
Short Recap
Ch56: Arctic Chase
Ch57: Unexpected Encounter
Ch58: The Conclusion


409 14 5
Par Devvytmz

<<Victorious' POV>> (Royal Navy)

It's been a few days since we've set sail for Pacifica. It's been relatively smooth sailing so far. The girls have been remarkably nice to me for the most part and I've gotten to know more about them and their culture. From what I've learnt, whilst they have a Queen as we do, their lady and maid system is completely different. For starters, there aren't, currently, any recognized maids. Instead, there's the Queen's Guard, three of which are currently travelling with us. I wonder how strong they are.

Next up, their lady system mainly comprises of the older girls, the majority of which makes up the sisters of the Queen but they aren't always introduced or referred to as such. From what I gather, she actually has two additional sisters which remained behind in Pacifica. Still, all signs point to them having a much smaller fleet than that of the Royal Navy's, at most half our size but that's assuming I don't come across a much larger force when I arrive. 

Beside me, a head pops up from underwater.

Merla: We're nearing the coast Ms Victorious. 

Me: Thank you, Merla. Do I need to follow a certain protocol when crossing into Pacifican territory?

Merla: Not really. As you are with the fleet I doubt you'll come under any danger but I'd have to ask to make sure. 

Me: Ah, I see. Thank you.

Merla: Anytime!

With that, she disappears underneath the waves. I've always wondered what it was like to be a submarine. Not that I mind being a carrier but the thought of simply being able to stay hidden until you're ready to strike really appeals to me. Especially after the constant attacks we've been seeing of late. I'd just sneak up to the Sakura's port and bomb it. 

Jizelle: What's got you smiling like that? 

Me: Oh, nothing. Just caught in my thought that's all. 

Jizelle: Well, as we're entering soon I must ask whether you'd be looking to have them start on your upgrades immediately or wait until another time. 

Me: Does it really matter right now? 

Jizelle: Yeah, because the choice will change where you go once you enter the harbour. 

Me: I see, well I suppose we might as well get the work over with as quickly as possible, no? 

Jizelle: Alright, I'll tell them.

She heads off to rejoin the others she was travelling with. Looking around, I must admit I feel slightly out of place. Apart from being technologically inferior to the ships around me, I'm also practically speaking, a social outcast. 


Ducking, I cover my head as I look up but notice no one's really reacting the way I do. A few seconds later, I find out why as two more aircraft boom overhead at seemingly impossible speeds. 


Another squadron rips overhead. As more planes approach, I notice the girls all start separating and moving into a formation I've never seen before. 

Luna: It looks like they're doing tests girls! Prepare for re-entry! 

As soon as the last word leaves her mouth the girls at the front of the formation blast off. It should be impossible for a ship to move that quickly but I soon find out why as I too blast off. In the distance, to my right, I see stationery ships being attacked by planes like the ones that flew overhead mere moments prior. From where I am, I can only assume it's a practice session or something because the girls with me make no effort to move to assist. In fact, the majority seem to ignore it entirely. 

Km Km Km Km...

The sound of chains moving underneath the water reaches my ear as the port comes into view. To call what laid before me a port is an understatement. As I continue looking at it, in awe, my ship stops suddenly.

Clamps from underwater lock onto various parts of the ship as the other girls pass by heading to different sections of the port. 

Luna: Don't worry, it's just bringing you to the dockyards.

Me: Huh?

I'm thrown off my feet as the ship lurches forward again, this time, clearly being pulled by chains. I'm being pulled towards a different section of the docks. Looking ahead, I see a girl floating as she plays the flute. She winks at me and as I continue watching her, I notice more planes taking off from runways formed by musical notes which float around her as she plays. How curious. 

I can only assume the planes from earlier came from her. Perhaps those that were bombing the ships offshore were also hers? Regardless, it's worrying that I'm meeting even more carriers from Pacifica. I momentarily wonder, yet again, just how many ships they have but my attention is soon drawn to my destination as it becomes blatantly clear. 

Ahead, I can see a large factory-like building drawing closer. There, I see many small blue and white meowofficers like the yellow ones we have back home running around and making preparations. It takes a while to realize they're preparing for me. As I draw closer, one like those with Jizelle and Queen Rosetta starts waving at me. 

????: Right this way Miss! We're ready for you. I am Chichi.

Me: Nice to me-

I'm cut off as my ship seemingly runs aground and I'm momentarily tossed forward, barely managing to grab onto something to avoid falling face-first on my deck. 

Chichi: I'm terribly sorry. These dockyards weren't built for your specifications. 

The chains start moving again as the dockyard ahead floods with even more water than it had previously. Soon, my ship is once again floating in the water and I'm pulled further in. Once I'm firmly inside, a siren warns that the entrance is closing and before long, it's as though the rest of the world ceases to exist. We're completely isolated in here. 

As I step down the gangplank of my ship and onto the dock below, I'm met by a girl who looks like the Monique sisters but I'm almost positive I've never met her before. 

????: Hello! A pleasure to meet you, Ma'am. I'm Jasmine and I'll be your ship's caretaker for the duration of your upgrades. 

Another repair ship? Why would a nation not involved in any wars need this many repair ships, especially when it has full-fledged drydocks for continuous repairs and maintenance? Still, it's not my concern. 

Me: Likewise. I'm Victorious. 

Jasmine: Well, welcome to Pacifica Ms Victorious. I hope your trip was satisfactory. 

Me: It was, though, if I might be so bold, could you please tell me more about the port.

Jasmine: Ah, you must mean the way ships enter or leave given the automated way it seemingly works, correct? 

Me: Yes! 

Jasmine: Well, the easiest way to describe it would be to say it's through the use of controlled currents and through the use of chains like the ones which brought you here. As for leaving, currents again assist with that alongside designated launch pads for each class/fleet. 

Me: I see. These launch pads, how do they work? 

Jasmine: It'd be easier to show you than explain. We can go there after we've selected what types of upgrades you'd be getting though you wouldn't be able to try it for yourself until your rig is ready. 

Me: Sounds like fun. I look forward to it. Speaking of which, there was a girl I hadn't met before just outside on the overlooking Dune-

Jasmine: You're probably referring to Mary. She goes there to practice a lot lately. 

Me: Oh. Just how many girls are there? 

Jasmine: That'd depend on what class you're referring to. I don't think anyone's ever counted though, especially since it's rare for everyone to be in one place at the same time. 

Me: Really? 

Jasmine: That's why you hadn't met me before now.

She smiles at me as she turns back to the clipboard she's writing on. Once she's done, she shows me a list of various plane models and designs. I end up choosing the fastest models that don't compromise on maximum damage output. The new aircraft will all have singular first-generation jet engines which, according to Jasmine, will allow them to take off much faster and travel for longer distances. For the most part, they look like the planes I currently have though the loadout is also different. The fighters, for instance, also carry small aluminium magnetic torpedoes which allow them to do more than just protect my other aircraft on long missions. 

The minute I make my decision, the meowofficers get to work. They'll need to coat my deck as well with a new surface as my current one would ignite from the exhaust of these new planes. I stand, watching in awe at how quickly they're working before Jasmine returns and leads me outside. 

Up ahead, the girl Jasmine mentioned as Mary is still practising as she overlooks the harbour. As we approach her from behind, she doesn't seem to hear us, still focusing ahead until Jasmine clears her throat. 

Mary: Oh, hi Jasmine. I see you've brought a friend. 

Me: Hello. I'm Victorious. 

Mary: you're a carrier as well hmm? 

Me: Yeah but not quite like you.

She laughs and turns her attention back out to sea. 

Mary: That's fine. We're all different after all. Unique in our own way. 

Jasmine: I thought you'd be back at the palace. Shouldn't you be getting more rest? 

Mary: I'm feeling fine at the moment so I decided to take a walk. Besides, I haven't returned to sea as you requested.

Jasmine: Just don't push yourself too much, ok? 

Mary: I promise.

Me: Forgive me for asking but is something the matter? 

They both share a look before either answers my question.

Jasmine: Well, it's a bit complicated but the short of it would be that she got herself hurt whilst returning to Pacifica. 

Me: Oh. 

Mary: Nothing serious to me but Jasmine has me landlocked until she deems it safe.

I'm about to respond when another girl runs up to us.

Barbara: Jasmine! You're here! 

A blur of pink hair passes us before a crashing sound draws both Mary's and my attention behind us to the sight of Barabara on top of Jasmine smothering her cheeks with kisses.

Mary: Let's leave the two of them. They'll be busy for quite a while.

Jasmine: Mary! Hel-

Mary: Haha. Run while you still can Victorious!

For a supposedly sick girl, she's amazingly quick and I have to run as fast as I can just to keep her insight. Needless to say, it doesn't take long for us to arrive at what appears to be the main section of the port. As I gaze in awe at the various buildings around us, Mary takes my hand and guides me through the crowds to a more secluded area. 

Mary: Hungry? 

Me: Actually, now that you mention it, I could eat something yes. 

Smiling, she leads me down the street we're on and through an alleyway back into a much busier street. A few maze-like turns later has us standing in front of a restaurant. The aroma coming from inside as we open the door nearly causes me to fall as it makes my feet weak. My stomach all but growls loudly as we're led to a table in what is clearly a reserved area. 

Mary: Feel free to order whatever you'd like. It's my treat. 

Me: Aren't you going to get something as well?

Mary: Don't worry, they already know what I'll be having.

Me: Then I'll also have what you're having.

She laughs, but after seeing that I'm being serious, a wave of concern passes over her face.

Mary: Are you sure? It's very spicy. 

Me: I'm sure. It's better to explore whilst I'm here no?

She looks at me once more, observing the details in my face before turning and calling the waiter who has been waiting patiently nearby. They come over and, after taking our order head off.


Current ships (Pacifica):

Elena-class Hybrids: Elena and Isabelle
Dahlia-class Hybrid: Dahlia

Ashley-class CMD Vessel: Ash (aka Ashley)

Pandora-class Carriers: Pandora and Aurora
Archer-class Carriers: Archer and Robin
Tori-class Carriers: Tori, Mary, Phoebe and Myra
Luna-class Carriers: Luna, Solis and Venus
Gabriella-class Carrier: Gabriella

Invicta-class Battleships: Invicta, Octavia and Julia
Jericho-class Battleships: Jericho and Jordan
Valentina-class Battleships: Valentina and Corsica
Herald-class battleship: Herald

Cerberus-class Battlecruisers: Cerberus, Vera

Russell-class Cruisers: Russell, Catryn, Cardielle, Ardenne
Tamari-class Cruisers: Tamari, Pierze and Aika
Hannah-class Cruisers: Hannah

Genesis-class Destroyers: Genesis, Harley and Regina
Fury-class Destroyers: Fury, Athena, Mercy and Persephone
Arianna-class Destroyers: Arianna
Jubilee-class Destroyers: Jubilee, Harmony and Faith
Boudica-class Destroyers: Boudica, Zenobia and Artemisia
Diamond-class Destroyers: Diamond, Amethyst, Ruby, Emerald, Saphire and Pearl

Aqua-class Submarines: Aqua, Merla, Remora and Oceana
Zuri-class Submarines: Zuri and Fae

Octos-class Monitor Ships: Octos

Monique-class Repair/Logistics Ships: Monique, Simone and Barbara, Jasmine


Rosetta, Jizelle and Reaper (aka Grimm)

Enforcer-class SIRENS

x12 Enforcer XIV (Carrier)
x7 Enforcer III (Battleship)
x9 Enforcer IX (Battleship)
x18 Enforcer VIII (Heavy Cruiser)
x26 Enforcer IX (Light Cruiser
x48 Enforcer XIV (Destroyer)
x25 Enforcer X (Submarine)

Current Meowofficers (Pacifica):

Carriers: Jynx (Rosetta) || Zenya (Isabelle) || Kai (Jizelle) || Meek (Elena)
Battleships: N/A
Cruisers: N/A
Destroyers: N/A
Submarines: N/A
Repair & Logistics: Chichi (New) - assists all the Monique sisters currently.

Continuer la Lecture

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