All I Do Is Think Of You ~ Pr...

By scotts_totsxx

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"𝘏𝘦𝘺, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶...𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶..." - 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘐 𝘋... More



348 27 6
By scotts_totsxx

ᴀᴘʀɪʟ 18ᴛʜ, 2006
{ᴄʜᴀɴʜᴀꜱꜱᴇɴ, ᴍɪɴɴᴇꜱᴏᴛᴀ}

TODAY IS NOT MY DAY. After dealing with lawyers about this divorce and having a weird block when I can't function to write, I just want to disappear for a while. Any time when I just want to hang out for a bit and put my worries aside I do many things but I decided to head down into the kitchen. So far our new Chef has been working great and caught onto the way Paisley Park works. We've had a few events and she has handled them greatly.

Nariah is a kind sweet young girl—she stays to herself a lot from what I see and she's a fantastic cook. She made me vegetarian ramen stir fry that blew me away with the first taste. I like speaking with her because she doesn't get fluster and for a younger girl, she knows how to hold a conversation with someone like me.

I walk into the kitchen seeing her buttoning up her chef coat. She head snaps over at me and smile, "Good Morning!" She's extremely chirping every morning.

"Good Morning, Nariah. How are you?" I take a seat at the kitchen island as she smiles brightly flashing her pearly white teeth.

"Pretty good for the most part. How about you?" She asks.

I shrug, "Been better but I'm fine." I don't like to talk about myself so I try to cut it short when I'm asked questions about my mood and feelings.

"Well, I hope things get better for you." She tells me as I just gave her a small timid smile. "So Breakfast?"

"That scramble you made a few days ago was pretty good." I share with her, Nariah tilts her head before nodding along. She began to work on my breakfast.

I would be lying if I didn't think that Nariah is a beautiful woman—because she's most definitely is. She has curves for days that you can even see in her chef coat. Her face is covered in freckles, as she has the chubbiest cheeks and an easygoing smile. Though her eyes are always covered with a pair of glasses, I can always see the sparkle of passion she has for her work. What made me realize her the first time I saw her was most definitely her hair. The woman has curls for days—every day I see her they style switch and it's always surprising because I've loved every style so far. All around, Nariah is a great girl and I'm happy she fits in here.

She pulls out vegetables, eggs, spices, and heavy cream. Nariah hops right into her world and I try my best not to distract her but she begins speaking.

"Aren't you supposed to be working on an album or something?" She jokes as she sends me a smirk while taking down a wide bowl. I fold my hands and gave her the same smirk. "What? Am I right?"

"I just released an album a few weeks but I'm still working—I never stop," I told her, even though I'm on a blocked road right now. "How do you work for me and don't even know simple things like that?" I tease her.

Nariah gasps while placing the bowl in front of her and stares at me. "I'm sorry I didn't know, Jeez. If I'm honest—well don't get mad or anything okay?" She turns serious quickly, I perk up to hear what she has to say and nodded for her to continue. "Okay so...I know your music because of my parents and all of that but I never got into it heavy. I only know a few albums and songs."



"You're Fired."

The young woman looks so frightened when I said those words and I tried to hold myself together from not laughing but I burst out into a fit. She sighs softly and has her hand on her hips, trying not to smile.

"You're horrible. I thought you were serious." She finally began to smile. I raise my index and did the motion of 'shame of you'. "I know I'm a bad person but I'm learning now!"

I chuckle, "It's okay, Nariah. Now I know why you weren't as interested in me when we first met—it was like to didn't care about who I am."

"Well, I don't." She says and I examine her, she then realizes what she said. "Not like that. I mean I don't care about who you are in the public. You are just a normal guy who happens to be a legend and my boss. That's all."

"That's a good way of putting it. I appreciate that." I truly did. "Now what are you learning? Hmm?"

"I got a few records of yours after I got the job and I decided to take a listen and I have to say that I'm so upset that I'm just doing so now." She pouts innocently and starts cracking eggs into the bowl. "The only albums I knew of were Controversy, Purple Rain, and Sign 'O' The Times."

"Well, I hope you are enjoying this learning experience."

Nariah nods her head happily. "Oh, I am. I'm currently listening to the 'Batman' album a lot lately. 'Electric Chair' stays on repeat, it's my new favorite right now." She peeks over at me and grins, "But now I know that you have a new album out, I have to pick that up this week."

My head begins to think about how I will just get her a copy, I'll make sure to have it for her by the end of today. I help myself to get some water and sat back in my spot waiting and watching Nariah prepare my meal. Hopefully, I'm not making her nervous by being in here—I do the same thing to Charlie but he's been around for years so he knows my routine.

Observing the way she chops all of the vegetables and whips up the egg mixture. Nariah moves at supersonic speed when she's in the kitchen and fifteen minutes later I have a plate.

"Thank you."

Nariah hands me a napkin with a knife and fork, "No problem, enjoy."

And boy did I enjoy it...

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

BEING AROUND HIM IS MAGIC. I can't deny that because each time I get to be in the same around as Prince—my body gets chills but in a good way. At first, I was scared to be around him since I didn't know how celebrities treat their employees, I've heard bad things but Prince is a cool guy.

I've been here for almost three weeks, made a few friends and I love being here but I like to stay to myself. Since Prince doesn't eat on a regular schedule, I have a lot of time to get organized whenever he needs something and I have the opportunity to work on homework. Truthfully, I thought this job would be tougher but so far I've been getting along pretty well.

"Chef Girl Nariah, what's going on?" The voice of Courtney startles me slightly as I was putting up some dishes.

"Nice name." I shake my head and smile over in her direction, turning around I see her waving a CD case. "I was just putting up some dishes, what's going on?"

She walks over, "Prince told me to bring this down to you." Courtney hands me his CD. There he was on the cover but his back his facing me as it's an orange hue around him and the number, '3121' is on his jacket. "Here ya go."

"I told him that I would get it on my own." I laugh, Courtney takes a seat and I observe the CD. "I'm guessing he told you."

"Yes, and he seems happier that you don't know much of his music. You've started something now." She rests her arms on the counter and chuckles.

"What do you mean?"

Courtney smirks and tilts her head while looking over at me. "He's interested in you. I can see it every time he comes down here when I'm with him and the fact he raves so much about your cooking."

I frown, "Interested? Like as a friend or an employee, or..."

"All of the above, Babygirl." She pats the counter and hops down from her seat. I was shocked by her words but it doesn't seem right.

"Well—I—Um I'm flattered but—" I'm just flustered with this new information because it's just random. "Courtney. Why did you tell me this?"

She gives me a sympathetic smile. "Because this is just a normal thing. I'm not saying he wants you or anything—but he's interested in you heavily." The assistant of Prince then comes around and gives me a side hug. "It's a good thing. I promise, he's been going through a lot right now and as his friend and almost sister—it's good to see him take his mind off of something, more like someone else."

I thought Prince was married?

"I don't know what to say." I laugh nervously while rubbing my arm. "Thanks for telling me...I guess."

"Trust me, I know it's random for me to say this but it's the truth. You are a good fit here too." She tells me which makes me smile and feel happy inside. "What are you doing on Friday?"

"Possible working." I joked.

"Prince is going out of town on Thursday and shouldn't be back until Monday." She waves me off, "Now, what are you doing?"

"Nothing I suppose. What's up?"

"Me and you, drinks. I think we should start hanging out and you can possibly teach me how to cook so I can be ready for my future husband." Courtney winks as I shake my head laughing at her statement. "So?"

I nod, "I'm down for it."

Look at me...Making friends...I'm proud of myself...

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

It's going on ten at night and I'm still here in the kitchen because I never got relive nor did Prince have any dinner when he told me that he wanted something tonight. I've tried reaching him in the last hour but he's not answering the phone in the studio. So here I sit, doing some homework and listening out for the call.

"I can't fucking wait to graduate..."I mumbled to myself as write down a few notes on a post-it and place them in my textbook. My eyes peek down at the CD that Prince gave me—I still have to thank him for gifting me with it. "Eclair, Madeline, and CheckerBoard Cookies ...wait that doesn't make sense...Ah!" I scribble out the third dessert and wrote in 'Cream Puffs' instead.

The sound of heels clicking on the floor made me tense up as I scrabble to put away my schoolwork but he was too quick for me. Prince flicks on the main lights since the kitchen was dim. He squints his eyes over at me and seems confused.

"You're still here?"

"You said you wanted dinner and you would call me when you needed me," I said while standing up from my chair. Prince hits his forehead with the palm of his hand. "I guess you forgot..."

He comes over, "I apologize for that. I was caught up with some business, you can leave for the day." Prince glance over at my books. "You were doing some homework?"

"Yeah, I have a test next Monday so I was just jotting down some notes so I can study whenever I have time." I explained while packing up my things, I turn to him, "Are you sure you don't want anything? I can fix something before I leave."

"No I'm fine, you should know by now that I don't eat much." Prince chuckles. "Did you get the CD?"

"Yes, I did, and thank you for it. I could have bought it."

He shrugs and sends me a smirk, "Well you have the hookup and you didn't have to spend your money. I hope you enjoy it."

I chew on my bottom lip trying to hide my smile, "I'll take a listen to it tonight when I get home. Still have a lot of studying to do so it will get me through I'm sure." I stuff my backpack with notebooks and my biggest textbook along with some pens, post-its, and highlighters. Prince watches me closely which made me feel nervous for some reason.

As I continue to pack up my things—he moves back and heads to the refrigerator. I took off my coat and chef hat to stuff them in my backpack.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow. Drive safely, Nariah."

I gave him a small timid smile while swinging my bag over my shoulders. "I will."

Best believe on my ride home I jammed out to that CD...

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
(𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭)

"Where are you going?" Leon says while leaning in the doorway of the bathroom. I'm currently hooking my hip chain around my waist while mixing in my lipgloss and looking in the mirror at myself.

"Going out with a friend from work," I said simply. He walks into the bathroom and stares at me. "I thought you and the guys were hanging tonight?"

He shrugs, "We are but I didn't know you were leaving. You never leave."

"Well, I think it's time that I go out and have fun." I laugh. Leon just stares at me blankly with his arms folded. "Babe, come on. Don't look at me like that."

"You should have told me."

"It's nothing. I'm just going on for a few hours I thought you were gonna be gone anyways." I explain as he sighs.

Leon rolls his eyes and steps forward trapping me in with his arms. I watch him in the mirror as he seems frustrated with me. "You need to tell me when you are leaving. I don't like it when you are just in these streets freely."

My boyfriend tends to have overprotective tendencies that drive me crazy. He and I have been through so much together, he knows me better than I know myself at times. Leon does have this control over me that I used to like because he would be so loving and protective but now it's all different. I can't be out too late, I barely have my friends and I always have to tell him where I am. But I know that he means well. At least I think so.

"Well, I'm going out tonight. There you go, now don't start this right now." I snap back as he stares at me angrily before storming out of the bathroom—soon enough he left the apartment as well.

He always does this all the time when I stand up for myself, which is rare because I hate when he's mad at me. I carried on with getting ready for my first girl's night in years. Spraying a touch of sheen oil spray all over my tight curls—I tried a new style of braiding my hair back midway and letting the rest of my curls hang down to my shoulders. I've been thinking about cutting my hair but that would be a big change for me.

Leaving out of the bathroom, I grabbed a longer cozy overcoat since it's cooler at night and slip it on after putting on some sneakers. Courtney told me that we are just going to this bar downtown so I didn't get all dressed up.

I was out the door and on my way to have a nice enjoyable night with a new friend. The whole ride I stayed jamming to the new CD from Prince—my god this man is just great! The whole '3121' album is just outstanding but it's something about 'Lolita' and 'Incense and Candles' that makes me feel so damn good inside. It's been almost three or so days since I've gotten this CD and I'm just obsessed.

Courtney sent me the directions earlier today since we didn't see each other. Prince left this morning for Los Angeles and had me pack him about six green mango smoothies for his trip the day before. She didn't have to join him on this trip so this is why we are hanging tonight.

I pulled in front of a bar called '27 Limit', I never heard of it but it looks like a lot of people come here. Many folks are outside—talking, drinking, and smoking (cigarettes). I did see Courtney on her phone as I pull into the parking lot, parked my car, and gather my belongings before going to greet her.

The two of us share a hug then head into the bar. Courtney links arms with me and begins talking about how much fun this will me. "I've tried to hang with other people from Paisley but I think they are scared of me, ya know? I don't know why?"

"It's their lost then. You seem to be a great person to be around." I told her as we walk over to the bar area. The place is a beautiful atmosphere with a vibe of people and the live band that's playing. We take a seat on the stools. "Thank you for asking me to hang out."

She waves her hand and smiles, "Thank you for coming here with me. I haven't been here in ages it seems like." Courtney called over one of the bartenders for us to order some drinks. "So what did you do today? First off day." She smirks.

I place my strap-around purse over my neck and shrug, "Nothing really. I got an oil change, studied for my finals."

"Ah! You are almost finished with school. I know you said you had a month or two left but it flew by it seems like."

"It has, and I'm happy for that," I added just as the bartender comes over.

Courtney orders first, "I'll start with a Mojito.." She turns to me and I think for a moment—it's been a while since I had a drink. She pats my shoulder and laughs, "She'll have the same." The bartender nods and leaves us.

I became flustered, "Sorry, it's been a while since I've been out and drinking. I usually just have a glass of wine here and there."

"Oh it's fine, I'm the same way but when I'm out, I like to switch it up." She tells me.

I nod along to the groove that the live band was playing. "What we're you up to today? Prince is out of town but I know that you still have work to do." I chuckle lightly as she covers her face and groans. "He's not that bad."

Courtney snaps her neck at me with wide eyes. "Girl, you have only been around for three weeks. That man is something else—I'll tell ya that. He had me running all over the city because doing all of this mess for his...well you have to keep quiet about this." She leans closer as I stare at her confusingly and nod also zipping my lips. "He's getting a divorce from his wife. Well, the divorce is basically finalized, that's why he's in LA, to finish that business."

The bartender came back with our drinks. I'm glad he did but this was some new information for me. I glance over at her before sipping, "That's why you said that earlier."

She takes a big swig of her Minty Rum drink and shakes her head. "P has been a bit down lately. I and he are close—he's my big brother and I'm his little sister so I know when something is wrong with him just like he knows when something is up with me. But he's been trying to move on and get back into his other mindset."

"I feel bad for him, I'm a child of divorced parents. It's not the greatest thing in the world."

"Definitely not." Courtney sighs. We eventually change the subject to a random topic. I begin loosening up with Courtney and realize we have a lot in common for being five years apart in age.

I'm definitely gonna like this girl...
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

A/N: Hey everyone💜 Hope all of you enjoyed this chapterNariah has a friend in Courtney while Prince is interested in her.

Should I do another update after this?😎

Comment and give this chapter a vote please

Bye Bye🕊

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