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By justlikeyourstories

342K 13.1K 18.6K

She's his and He's hers. It's all they could of ever wished for and more, but as they should know by now... More

Hello Again!
Yellow Roses
Little Games
Asked So Nice
Dray, Dray
Portraits Of Betrayal
Dooms Day Event
Dead End Calls
Another Day, Another Dollar
Lemon Tea
Baby Mama
Crack In The Shower Glass
Brewing Blue
Slowly But Surely
Mysteries In Castello
My Wand
I Dont Beg
341 Knockturn Alley
Survived๏ฟผ The Sickness
Dont Make A Sound
Wet Stains
Paint An Elephant
Times Before Draco
Early Mornings And Unexpected Visitors
Uncloseted Secrets๏ฟผ
So This Is Rich
Petty Lipped Flight Attendant
Blood Stains Carpet
Not Again
Holding On
Warm Lips
Make Him Want You
You Really Wanna Test Me?
Guest Bedroom
Please Dont Ever Leave Me

My Daughter

6K 273 295
By justlikeyourstories

AnnaLeigh Malfoy

"A-Anna I didn't–I didn't know where else to go, I-"

"Scorpius slow down! Who- what are you holding?" I said as I looked down into his arms, he held what looked like a pile of blankets.

"My daughter" he said as my eyes widened.

"Your daughter—Bonnie had the baby?" I asked, still shocked and not knowing what to do in this moment. I had so much going on that I had forgotten that Bonnie was even pregnant.

"Yes–can I please come in? Can we come in?" He asked as I looked down to the baby in his arms. I didn't want to let Scorpius in, no not one bit after everything he had done but I wasn't going to leave the baby out here.

"Fine, but ONLY because you have a newborn child in your hands" I said as I slowly backed away from the door and let the two in. I closed the door behind and and crossed my arms.

"Thank you–"

"What are you doing here? Where is Bonnie?" I said, not wanting any bullshit, I am so fucking sick of bullshit in my life.

"That's the problem, I don't know where she is" he shook his head and started to walk off into the living room.

"Scorpius you can't just walk where you please–you don't live here anymore and what do you mean you don't know where she is?" I said a so followed him. I watched him sit on the couch with the baby now revealed everything so slightly underneath the blankets.

"I mean she took off. She gave her to me and then fucked off. Haven't seen her for a week" he said as I sat down on the recliner. Not to close to him but not to far from the baby.

"And how is this my problem?" I crossed my leg over the other as I rose an eye brow. I wasn't just going to forgive him because he waltzed in here with a baby.

"I can't look after a child on my own, I have no clue what I'm doing" he said as he held out the little girl.

"I still don't understand what you want me to do, Scorpius" I shrugged. I really had no clue what he was expecting of me. I wasn't taking in his daughter, I wasn't helping him with money or where to go–I still despise him.

"Can you–can you take her for a second?" He asked as I was hesitant "Please. I'm not gonna go anywhere I just need a breath" he said as I slowly reached out and took her into my arms.

"What's her name?" I asked as I looked down on her. She was actually an adorable little girl. Light strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, small nose, pale skin.

"Mae, Mae Rose" he said as he stood and ran a hand through his hair. He looked stressed, like he hadn't eaten, he hadn't slept. Nothing he didn't deserve although.

"How cute. hey baby" I talked down to her in a soft voice. She looked no older then a couple of weeks, Bonnie not long had her "Do you know where she went? Where she could of gone?"

"How the fuck should I know? She was so happy about having this baby, she was obsessed. Made me paint her a nursery, baby proof everything–I don't understand" he said as he sat back down and put his head in his hands.

"She looks–" I unwrapped her from the blanket and saw that she wore nothing underneath, she looked so unbelievably small and I could she her ribs "She looks like she hasn't eaten–oh fuck... Scorpius?"

"Hm?" He looked towards me, his hair falling over his eyes.

"Have you been feeding her?" I asked, a growing pit of sickness starting to swell in my stomach as I took in the appearance of this poor baby.

"I tried to give her milk but she wouldn't drink it–I told you that I don't know what I'm doing–"

"Fucking hell!" I stood from the recliner "You can't just not feed her! How long has it been since she ate–she's a newborn Scorpius!"

"I don't know, Bonnie was the person that did everything for her. I don't know when she ate, slept... did anything. When Bonnie left I was stuck with her and she wouldn't eat so with me it's been about a week" he said as I reached for my wand And Accioed some of Elora's milk "She won't drink–"

"It's special milk. I have been using it to get Elora off breast feeding, she'll drink it trust me" I said as I put my wand down and grasped the bottle in my hand. I pressed it against her lips and she began to stir, not wanting to drink it.

I slightly parted her lips and placed a drop milk on her tongue. Once she tasted it she opened her mouth and let me feed her.

"See?" I said as he sighed and leant back down on the couch. I continued to feed her until I heard Elora cry from upstairs. I walked over and gave Mae to Scorpius.

"What, I can't–"

"I have my own child to tend to, take her" I said as he held her in his arms and started to feed her again "If she starts to stir then remove the bottle and let her Settle before giving it to her again but do not stop until it's all gone"

He nodded.


"Yes, ok" he huffed as I looked at him once more before disappearing upstairs.

I swung around the corner and into Elora's room where I saw her just staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey" I whispered as i gently scooped her up in my arms "We gave company so you have to come down to me" I said to her as she looked up at me. I laughed at myself for taking to a baby and began to walk downstairs with her still in my arms.

I walked into the he living room to see Mae laying on the couch, her bottle on the coffee table and Scorpius no where to be seen.

"Fuck" I whispered under my breath as I leant down and put Elora in her bouncer before scooping up Mae "Scorpius!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the house "Scorpius!" Again there was no answer.

I began to panic.

Did he lies either her here? I can't look after her, she's not even my child. What was I gonna do with her?

"Shit" I said as I walked over and also picked Elora in my hands. I now held two babies girls, only one of them being my responsibility but I couldn't just leave her down here.

I turned around a fine walked back up stairs.

I guess I have to wait for Draco to get home.

It was now 4:30 and Draco was to be home any second. I sat on the couch with a glass of fire whisky in my hand whilst the two babies slept upstairs. I was stressing on what to do with Mae, do I give her to the ministry? Do I call Bonnies parents? I don't know.

"Hey" I heard Draco walk in but I kept my body and face towards the fireplace, watching the fire crackle and burn as I took a sip of my drink "Elora up stairs?" He asked as I didn't respond "Darling?" Again I didn't respond as he came over and placed his brief case on the floor and sat down next to me "Are you ok? What happened?"

"Your um—your granddaughter is asleep upstairs" I said, not looking at him and still to the fireplace.

"My granddaughter?" He asked confused.

"Yeah her name is Mae. Scorpius came by earlier" I said as I finally looked to him to see his eyes widened.

"What–are you ok? Did he touch you, touch Elora? What happened?" He asked as he placed a hand in my shoulder "Fuck I should of been here–"

"No, Draco I'm fine. He came and said Bonnie took off and left him alone with Mae, he said he came here coz he didn't know what to do. I took Mae into my hands and realised he wasn't feeding her so I gave him a bottle to feed whilst I went upstairs to get Elora and when I came back he was gone but Mae wasn't. I don't know where he went but he left her here" I said as he removed his hands and swiped his hands across his mouth.

"He left his daughter here? With us?" He asked as I frowned and stood up.

"Isn't that what I just fucking said?" I snapped with attitude as Draco stood up towering over me "Sorry I'm just stressed–what are we gonna do with her, we can't just ditch her"

"We're gonna have to find Bonnie or Scorpius"

Not y'all asking me if you can shift to my book... lmao yes bestie you can.

Word count 1526.

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