Bad Boy, Bad Girl

Od Mimi_Miga

182K 2.5K 4K

"I hate you." "You really mean that, Princess?" "Just shut up and kiss me." ... Více

I | Gentleman.
II | Hangout
III | Party
Quick Announcement
V | The Mayor.
VII | Can and Can'ts.
VIII | Girlfriend.
IX | Cheating?
X | Aftermath & Camping Trip.
XI | Kidnapped.
XII | The Jealousy Game?
XIV | Birthday
XV | Kristen's Back
XVI | Feelings, Drama, and Frustration
XVII | Baby Daddy
XVIII | Breakup & Issues
XIX | Spring Dance But with A Special Guest, Heartbreak.
XX | Love?
XXI | Enemies... Go On Dates?
XXII | Presents
XXIII | Dinner
XXV | Safety
XXVI | Safety P2
XXVII | Blackmail
XXVIII | Casino Night
XXX | Seven Words
XXXI | Friends?
XXXII | Again?
XXXIII | Prom, Part One
Prom, Part Two

VI | Countdown.

6.9K 111 218
Od Mimi_Miga

VI - Countdown.


"Care to explain?" The defendant spoke, referring to the video of me punching the mayor and then other footage of me running and commanding the guards to let Dominique go.

"It's simple to explain actually," I coughed a little, "The mayors daughter, Ms. White, threatened my best friend and then sent shooters after her. She managed to escape them, but she only got lucky enough. Yes, your honor, Dominique Smith threatened Stacy but it was only because of the shooting incident. I'm sure you'd do the same your life was in danger.

Stacy went to her father and said Dominique had threatened her, which was true, but he didn't know why she threatened her. He then threatened to come after Dominique's family, which I thought was unacceptable and unfair. It wasn't fair that some bitch-"

"Hey, calm down. You're the one in an orange suit and handcuffs." The defendant warned.

"And I'm not a bitch." Stacy whined.

"I don't think it's okay that she gets to just threaten my daughter your honor!" The mayor slammed the table.

"It isn't okay for your daughter to threaten another citizen. I can understand why Ms. Smith would return the favor of sending her own threat. And Mr. Carter, you do not have the right to put your hands on the mayor nor do you have the right to have a weapon in possession or command orders to security.

So for that reason, Mr. Carter, you will be sentenced six weeks in prison. Ms. White, you will be sentenced to one week of jail and three months of community service."

"How does she get let off the hook easily and I get seven more fucking weeks after being in here for three already!?" I yelled.

"I will not hesitate to sentence you a year, Mr. Carter. Watch your tone."

"Why isn't Dominique here? I think she should be present." I sighed.

"She couldn't be reached. She hasn't been reachable for the past two weeks."

what the fuck?

"Have your men call you and find her. Please."

"I'll try to make that happen. Take him to his cell." He commanded. As I was exiting the courtroom, I saw the mayor shaking the judge's hand. Of course. He paid him to let Stacy off the hook. 

rich, disgusting men. they use their power for the wrong fucking purpose. like my father.

The guard took me to my cell, where hell would begin.

**4 weeks later.**

I looked at the black tv screen, bringing the cigarette in between my lips. I inhaled and then finally exhaled the smoke.

seven weeks. seven weeks since he went to jail. god knows how he's doing.

i mean, like he said, it's better to have your enemy alive and kill him yourself than someone else do it.

I just can't handle this guilt.

oh the guilt...

i should've insisted and followed him- but I know he'd still force me to run, and i'd at some point give in.

I simply looked at my ringing cellphone. The fiftieth call this week. Same number. Same time.

It could be Stacy, Alex, the mayor, a guard, the police, some girl I met, a stranger- anyone. I was questioning myself on whether or not I pick it up.

I stumbled off the couch and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked bitterly.


It was him. I heard his voice through the phone, he was worried. He was the one calling for me.

"Hello, is that you, princess?"

"It's me," I responded softly.

"How've you been?"

"Decent. Alcohol helps a lot."

"It's bad for your health, princess. Stop drinking and smoking. I can hear you slightly slurring."

"You can't tell me what to do." I heard him sigh.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in Texas. I bought a cabin where nobody would find me."

"Princess, you need to go back and take your classes. You need to pass senior year. I don't have much time left, so can you come visit me? Just to talk?"

"I'll think about it. It seems like you're spending all your calls on me. Why?"

"I don't really care or know anyone else. I remember a few girls' numbers, but I doubt they'll be serious and I don't trust them, and Zack's out of town."

"You trust me?"

"Well, yeah."

"Okay," A small smile came on my face, but I quickly wiped it off, "I'll talk to you later."

"Princess, promise me you'll stop drinking, pick up my calls, and get back to class."

"Why do I have to make a promise to you?"

"It wasn't a question, it was a demand."

"Fine. Goodbye," I rolled my eyes.

"I've missed you," He lowly spoke into the phone, "Life hasn't fun anymore since I'm not annoying you. Let me find out you've been fucking messing with anyone, Dominique."

"Gosh, you can't even hide the fact that you're jealous."

"I'm not fucking jealous. I don't care."


"Bye, princess. Safe flight." And he hung up.

I fixed everything, put the cigarettes in the trash, trashed the empty bottles of alcohol, and began packing my things to head back.


Here I stood, in front of the state's prison.

what am I doing?

I walked into the building and they took me to a room where I had to wait for Alex. A while after, a police guard came in with Alex and removed his handcuffs.

I wrapped my arms around Alex's neck as he wrapped his around my waist.

We sat down at the table and looked at me as if he was surprised to see me.

"You came."

"Yep. How is it in here?" I asked.

"It's okay. The people in here are crazy as hell." He mumbled as I chuckled.

"Really? All I'm hearing is that they match your energy." He scoffed.

"Ha ha." He responded sarcastically.

"I'm really glad to see you're okay. I was kind of worried you weren't. When are you getting out?"

"Princess has a heart?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Don't push it." I narrowed my eyes, causing him to let out a chuckle, showing his whites.

"In about two weeks. I would've already been out on bail, but they blocked it. My dad didn't bother to come defend me yet neither did you."

I sighed, "I'm sorry. I couldn't handle everything that was going on at the time."

"It's okay, but promise you'll come to visit me three times a week till I get out and always answer my calls?"

"Yeah, yeah, I promise. Why am I not going to prison?"

"Because thankfully, I knew one of the guards in here. He was a boxer, too. He convinced the judge to let me take the time you were supposed to take. You were supposed to have five weeks. They said if I stayed good in jail, I wouldn't get the extra weeks. Normally, I'd be staying here for seven more weeks." He explained.

"But why? I think I'd look good in an orange jumpsuit."

"I took it because I wanted to. I honestly don't mind this place when most people are afraid of you. I also don't doubt the fact that you'll look hot in a jumpsuit." He winked and then chuckled once I put up my middle finger.

"Go home. Study, relax."

"I will. Are you not happy to see me that you want to get rid of me?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Of course not, princess. I just want you to stay healthy and be safe."

I gasped, "Alex has a.. heart?"

"Shut the fuck up." His face deadpanned.

"One more minute left." The guard announced.

"Alright, I'll see you later. If you don't show up, when I get out of here, I'll light your ass on fire." He threatened in my ear as we were standing up.

"Mhm. Be safe and don't do anything dumb, Alex." I said as we stood face to face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in to give him a hug as he wrapped his arms around my waist. We just stayed in they hugging position for a while, before we pulled back and faced each other.

We soon realized how things were getting awkward and our arms both dropped to our sides.

"Let's go." The guard told Alex.

"Be safe, princess." He gave me a small kiss on the cheek and got put back in handcuffs then left.

I took a deep breath. I felt that feeling once again that I haven't felt it in a while.

The cheek kiss definitely caught me off guard.

i fucking missed you too, Alex.


I wore some black ripped jeans, a red fitted shirt with a black and white plaid sweater and Air Jordans. As soon as I got in the parking lot of the school, all eyes were on me. Everyone started gossiping.

when aren't they? this school is a disgrace.

"Fuck off." I cursed walking into the school building. I'm getting my books in the locker, ignoring the nasty looks and just bullshit.

"Hey!" The girl I met in class smiled. It's way too early to be that happy.

"Hi." I bluntly responded.

"You've been gone for a long time now. You and Alex were on the news everywhere! What happened?" She asked.

"Long story. Don't have time to explain."

"Oh okay. Would you like to go the mall after school with me?"

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged.

"Okay! I'll see you later, friend!" She smiled then walked away.

is she in the fourth grade? I'm sorry for being the bad energy, but smiling at seven AM isn't it.

I shut my locker and Josh and his crew were already there.

"What do you want, Josh?" I asked irritated.


"And I don't want you." I disagreed.

"Your prince in shining armor isn't here to defend you, Nique." He chuckled.

"It's Dominique, and you know Alex and I's history isn't the best at all. I don't like him like that, you dickhead. He punched you because he hates you, not to defend me."

"Sure, princess."

I felt like sticking my fist in his throat.

When he said it, he made me want to hate the word. It wasn't cute when he called me that. I don't know if he's trying to copy Alex, but that shit won't work. When Josh said that word, it didn't feel the same way as Alex said it.

It's just so strange when someone else calls me that who isn't the person who always calls me it.

"Don't ever call me that, you fucker." I cursed.

"Why not? Only he can say it but I can't?"

"You can say it, just not to me. Get the fuck out of my face."

"I want you to go on one date with me. What will it take for you to go with me?"

"Aren't you dating Jasmine?"

"Nah. We broke up."

so i thought.. Josh's dad is a powerful man. let's use that as an advantage.

"Get Alex out of prison. You have three days. If you can get Alex out of prison in three days, I'll go on a date with you."

"What the fuck? No. Anything and anyone but him."

"Then, no date."

"Fine. For you, beautiful." He winked and walked away with his crew. I simply rolled my eyes and made my way to class.

"Pick up your stuff, bitch." A boy and his two friends laughed at the nerd. I walked up to him and pushed the boy who was bullying the nerd. I got a hard push which caused me to hit the wall, harshly.

"He didn't ask for your help, puta." I got up and lunged for his face causing his nose to bleed.

"Try me again, perra." He cursed. He threw a punch but I dodged, causing him to miss. I threw a punch, then another, then another, then another, causing him to fall to the floor.

I kneeled down to look at him.

"You will never bully another person. Understood?"

"I don't listen to you, bitch. Boys, help." He managed to speak, bleeding badly and almost unconscious. His friends weren't even there, they disappeared a long time ago. I gave him one more punch and finally stood up and looked at the nerd, who looked terrified.

"T-Thank you!" He stuttered then took off running. I sighed and made my way to class, pushing past the large crowd.

"Dominique, my office." The principal spoke over the PA.


So, turns out, I'm on the verge of being expelled because of my "violent and dangerous" behavior and yet here I am in a mall with a girl named Katie.

"Is this dress cute?" She showed me the dress. I honestly just kept nodding because I didn't want to be here, yet, I said yes.

Soon, my phone started to ring so I went outside the store.



"Hi, Alex."

"Hello. Why the fuck are you acting so dry?"

I chuckled, "You know, guys normally start conversations."

"Don't start that bullshit. How's it going?"

"Pretty decent. Joshaskedmeout and I saved a nerd from being jumped."

"Repeat what you said after "decent"."


"Dominique, don't fucking piss me the fuck off." I could feel him getting angry over the phone.

"Jeez, language," I rolled my eyes.

"Itold him if he can get you out of prison in three days, I'll go on a date with him."

"I'll refuse bail. I do not want not a fucking thing to do with that piece of shit," He seethed.

"You will accept to leave prison."

"I'm not accepting that shit, Dominique."

"You will fucking accept it. Do you understand!?" I raise my voice.

"Don't ever fucking raise your voice at me," His voice got deeper, indicating he was way past mad now.

"Fine, fine."

"Why all of a fucking sudden the only way I can get out early is for you to go on a date with that fucker? I'd rather stay here for two more weeks than to get out early and have you go on a date with him."

"No, if they give you the option of leaving, you will say yes. If I go on the date, it's my business. I don't even know why you don't want me to go on the date, nor do I care."

"I can easily say no. Remember, it's my decision."

"But, do you remember that I can easily decide to go on a date with Josh right now? He'll be here in a mini-second.

"..." He went silent.

"You're funny, I hope you know that." He sarcastically spoke.

"Thank you."

"I'll accept it but you owe me big time."

"I hope you have a horrible day, Alex." I heard him chuckle before he hung up the phone.

I put the phone in my back pocket and walked back into the store. I watched as Katie kept typing on her phone, then quickly put it away when she saw me looking at her.

"I've got something to do so is it okay if we leave now?" She walked up to me and asked.

"Sure." I shrugged. I knew something was already up, but I decided to stay quiet. We walked out of the large mall and went to the parking lot then got in my car.

"Who were you on the phone with?" She asked as I began driving back to her place.

"Nobody important." I responded.

"Oh. Can I see your phone really quick? Mine is almost dead."

"I have a charger, you can use that." I showed her the charger.

"Thanks, but I really need to use a phone right now." She hesitated.

"Let me see your phone."

"I'll just put it on charge." She hiding something. I watched as she plugged in her phone and the screen lit up showing it was sixty percent. She ignored it and looked at the window.


"I heard there's a party at Austin's house, are you coming?" She asked.

"Maybe. Not really planning on it. I might." I responded.

"I heard Alex is coming. He got released like ten minutes ago. Josh's dad got him out. I wonder why though, Josh's dad never liked Alex or his dad..."


How'd Josh manage to get Alex out so quick. He really wants to go on a date with me?

god i already don't wanna go

"Speaking of the Josh." I spoke into the phone.

"I got him out, right?"

"You did, and so, I said what I said. What time?" I sighed.

"Eight pm. Wear something pretty, I'll pick you up from your house."

"Okay. I'll send the address."

"No need, love. Everyone knows where you live."

"Nice to know I'm being stalked."

"I'll see you then. And I'm sure we'll have time to make it Austin's party right after."

"Okay. Bye." I hung up.

"Where are you going?"


"Oh okay."

This bitch was getting on my last nerve. Now I know for sure she can't be trusted, and could possibly be one of Stacy's goons.

We finally arrived at her place and she got out of the car without saying anything.


I drove off back to my place and decided to get ready, since it was already 7:35 pm. I looked in my closet for anything cute and luckily, Alex forced me to buy some dresses.


I went with a black plain off shoulder asymmetrical dress, white stilettos, straightened my hair, put on some light makeup with red lipstick, some jewelry, and grabbed a small purse.

Ding Dong !

"Coming!" I yelled walking down the stairs. I opened the door and there Josh stood wearing a nice black suit with ruffled curls.

"You look smoking hot." He complimented eyeing me up and down.

"Thanks. You don't look so bad." I replied.

"I'll take that as a compliment," He chuckled, "Let me take you some pictures to post on your social media."

"No. I'm fine."

"I insist, stand here." I rolled my eyes and stood where he wanted me to.

"Different poses, Dominique."

"Ugh." I did a few different poses as I heard my phone make the camera click.

"Done, let me upload some pictures to your page." I stood with my arms crossed, watching him do whatever he's doing with my phone.

"Here." He gave me my phone and showed me the pictures he posted.

damn. I truly did look smoking hot in my opinion.

My post already had 20,000 likes and 3,000 comments in the past three minutes.


"Of course. Let's go." He took my hand and led me to his white large SUV. He opened the door of the passengers seat and closed the door once I was comfortably seated before walking over to the drivers door.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as he pulled out my driveway.

"A fancy restaurant." He replied keeping one hand on the wheel, another on my thigh. His hand on my thigh didn't really make me uncomfortable because he wasn't going too far up. A few minutes later, my phone starts ringing. The caller ID is 'Devil' meaning he has his personal phone.

"Who's Devil?" He asked.

"Alex." I responded before picking up his phone that wouldn't stop ringing.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He cursed into the phone, not allowing me to speak.


"Don't act clueless. I open social media to get tagged on your new post. Let me guess, you're on your date with him."

"You guessed correctly. I look so hot right?"

"Don't try me, Dominique. You will come to Austin's party."

"What if I'm 'busy'?"


"It's taking me everything in my power not to rip off his suit right now." I peeked Josh smirking.

"Dominique, this isn't funny." He growled over the phone.

"If you'll excuse me, I have a date to get to. Goodbye."

"Domi-" I hung up.

"We're here, love." He opened my door and allowed me to step out. I looked at the beautiful, large, very expensive looking restaurant. He took my hand as we entered the restaurant.

"A reservation for Josh Greyson, please." He spoke.

"Okay. Dinner for two, right this way." She led us to a nice table.

"This place is fancy." I told him as I looked at the menu.

"Yeah. Let's enjoy this date, shall we?"

"We shall."


"You're so corny." I laughed as we were on our way to Austin's party. I actually really enjoyed our date. For once, Josh wasn't much of a jerk.

"But you like my corniness." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"I liked this date. Maybe we can go for another one. Maybe. I'll call you if I decide to."

"Mk. I liked this date, too." He responded as we pulled up at Austin's house. The music played loudly through the speakers till you could hear it two or three blocks down. Josh helped me out of his SUV as we walked hand in hand to the front door of the house.

these five inch heels are pretty, but my ankles are CRYING.

but, I will wear them and look like I enjoy it to see the dirty looks on those whores' faces.

Josh and I entered the party and made it to the kitchen.

"Yooo!" The boys cheered as they did their bro-hug thing with Josh.

"You look hot, Nique." Someone complimented. I nodded as a thank you as I stood beside Josh holding his hand talking to his friends. We were just chatting and partying until I got a text notification.

upstairs, third room to the right. now.

"Excuse me, I have to go use the restroom." I let go of Josh's hand and walked to the large neat stairway.

"I like your outfit." A girl complimented.


"I'm surprised you for once don't look like a dog." She snickered with her friend. I stuck up the middle finger.

"At least I can keep one man and not cheat, Britney." She scoffed as I walked away confidently in my heels.

I finally made it upstairs and looked for the third room on the right side. I found the door and opened it, almost afraid. There the devil stood on the balcony, holding a cigarette.

"Hi." I spoke as I stood right in front of the door.

"What the fuck." Not a question, an expression.


"Dominique, don't bullshit me." He growled. And so he was serious.

"I don't see what the problem is."

"The problem is," He threw the cigarette outside before walking into the room and standing face to face, "You're wearing that and you went on a date with him." 

"I don't see how my business and whoever I fuck involves you. A rule as being enemies was to never interfere with someone we're intimate with."

"First of all, you broke that when you came after my ex girlfriend. She ended up in a hospital. And second of all, you're intimate with him?" His eyes turned black, once again.

"If I'm intimate with him, it's none of your business."

"Dominique, I want to know are you intimate with him?"

"I'm not answering."

"I will rip off your dress and take you here right fucking now. Tell me, now."

"We're doing the sexy threats now?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Dominique, don't tempt me."

"I simply don't know why you want me to tell you my business. I don't ever ask how good you fuck Stacy, right?"

"You will stop talking to him, Dominique."

"Ooh, is that a challenge? Because I'm sure I'll win. I will continue to fuck Josh because I want to."

"Dominique..." He slowly kept walking up to me as I walked backwards, and then my back hit the wall.


He looked up at down at my body, head to toe as I was surrounded with his arms on both sides of me.

"Dominique, I'm this close to not going downstairs and cutting his head off."

"Why is it that you can randomly fuck any girl but I can't!?"

"Because I said so."

"Yes... perfectly reasonable explanation..." I responded sarcastically.

"You know what, fine, you do you, I do me. Fuck off." He angrily walked out the door.

"Alex!" I called. I heard footsteps stop and then I heard them coming closer. He stood in front of me, both pissed.

"Fuck you, too."

Originally published? : June 2, 2021.

Last Updated: November 25, 2022.

I love you all,

and like always, have a great day/night,



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