His Girl (Bucky Barnes Fan-Fi...

By kay_owl

255K 5.5K 3.5K

Rose doesn't remember much about her past, only how she got her powers. Rose's life completely changed when T... More

*Author's Note* -Don't Let Go


4K 85 90
By kay_owl

Steve and Rose step into the conference room. They stay in silence for a few minutes until she finally decides to speak up.

"What did you want to talk about Steve?"

"Rose, I'm sorry for leaving. I just think I should've been told," Steve says as he crosses his arms.

"You didn't just leave, you abandoned me during a time I needed a friend. So no you shouldn't have been told. This was the only decision I was able to make, I didn't want you to know until I wanted you to know," Rose says.

"I get it. You're upset, but understand I made a mistake leaving you. I shouldn't have left. Please let's work this out, I love you."

"But you did leave and there's nothing to work out Steve. You made the decision to leave months ago, now stick to it. I've moved on."

Steve takes a couple steps closer, a little to close to her liking. His face just a few inches away from her, "Rose, did you really move on? Are you telling me you don't miss me? I know you still have feelings for me."

Rose places her hand on Steve's chest. Steve is about to place his hand on top of hers but she focuses her energy and gently pushes him back, forcing him to take a couple steps back.

"I moved on with someone else Steve. What we started was a mistake Steve. We both know it. If I didn't say those words back then I sure as hell won't say it now."

Rose starts to walk away, hoping the conversation is over and that he understands that it's completely over.

"Who is it? Thor? Sam? Bucky? Remember Rose, they called me and brought me here. They left you too. If they cared like I do they'd be fighting for you. At least I'm trying too."

"It's not any of your goddamn business who I moved on with Steve! They made the decision because they thought that you were what I wanted but you're not! They wanted to see me happy! Unlike you, you left me for the best interest for YOURSELF. They choose to let me go. It was the stupidest choice on their part because THEY MADE ME HAPPY! I have to go Steve," Rose says as begins to walk away again.

"Rose, please. I'm sorry, let's fix us. You love me, I know it!"

"Get over yourself Steve....look I just want you to move on. I do want you to be happy with someone who does love you. Sharon loves you, I'm sure. I'm sure she'll make you happy. Just please move on because I have," Rose says

Rose walks out but she doesn't notice Bucky standing there. He continues to stare at her as she walks away. He begins to feel empty with each step she takes. Her words ringing in his head, regretting his decision on telling Sam that he agreed.

Rose heads inside her room and finishes to pack a few changes of clothes. She doesn't plan to move out forever just for a little while. She just wants time to think. As she's finishing up her last bag, Sam comes into the room.

"I know you don't want to see me or talk to me."

"You're right, I don't want to talk to you right now."

"That's fine because all you have to do is listen to me," Sam says softly.

"Rose I want to apologize about this whole thing. I'm sorry for breaking that promise I made. I had no right in telling Steve without going to you first. We all love you here Rose. Please, rethink about leaving. Don't leave, I didn't think it get to the point where you'd leave."

Rose sighs and she sits at the end of her bed, she didn't have the energy to be upset right now. It was taking all her energy to not breakdown about Bucky, not here at least. She lets out a deep sigh.

"Forget about it Sam. What is done is done. I should've told you all the reason why he left. It would've made sense that I didn't want to see him because he left me to go be with Sharon," Rose says.

"Steve left because why?" Sam says shocked.

"He left me to go be with Sharon. He wanted to start a family and obviously he was able to do that with Sharon. I know I should've told you but I just figured you'd have his back, you're very loyal to your friends," Rose smiles at him.

Rose can't help but like that about Sam. He's the most loyalist person to his friends. Always having their back. Sam takes a seat next to Rose and turns to look at her.

"Rose, I'd stick by you in this situation, you know. You're also my friend. You didn't deserve for that to happen to you. You're the sweetest and most caring person I've met. You sacrificed your life for the universe. Hell you even managed to bring the best side out of Bucky Barnes and that's pretty damn difficult if you ask me," Sam chuckles.

Rose can't help but smile at Sam's comment on Bucky. He was always so sweet to her and her alone. He'd always have this hard front with the others. She found it sweet.

"I'm sorry Rose."

"It's okay Sam. I know that you thought you were doing the right thing. I have absolutely no feelings for him," Rose smiles sadly at him.

"I want to make things right. Is there anything that I can do so you can forgive me? Anything to change your mind and get you to stay?" He chuckles.

Rose lets out a little laugh. "Nice try but no. Wait I'll forgive you if you help me take my bags to where I'll be staying and this time actually SWEAR you won't tell anyone," Rose says.

Sam stares at her, being hesitant on this but he doesn't want to lose his friend so he reluctantly agrees.

"If this is what you want then yeah."

Rose smiles at him and gets up. "We leave first thing in the morning."

After a while Sam goes downstairs, leaving Rose alone. She changed in her into some shorts and a shirt trying to get comfortable. She laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She laid their for what seem like hours until she can no longer take it anymore. She got up to grab a glass of water before going to the rooftop.

She takes a seat at the edge of the building and looks up at the moon and stars. The 2nd most beautiful thing she's seen. Nothing would be able to compare to the beautiful blue eyes of Bucky. But right now it was too painful to look at them.

Just as she was about to stand up and go back downstairs, the door opens. She turns around to see Bucky and like always he manages to take her breath away. Bucky stares at the one person he can't get out of his head. The person who he doesn't want to get out of his mind.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think anyone would be awake or up here at this time," Bucky says.

He reluctantly takes a few steps towards her. Unsure if it'll be make her go away. He just wanted to be close to her. He wanted the tight painful feeling he felt in chest to subdue. It would only go away if he got close to her.

"It's okay. I was just about to leave anyways," Rose says as she gets up.

Bucky slowly takes a seat just as she's walking away. He doesn't want her to leave not yet.

"Stay, please." Bucky says.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Rose says as she opens the door.

"Please, if you really love me you'll stay a little longer. We don't have to talk," Bucky pleads.

He knows it's a low blow on his part because of what she had said just earlier today. But Bucky just wanted her close to him for a little while.

A few seconds of silence he hears the door close and his heart shatters. Bucky's clinches his jaw as he tries to fight tears from forming but fails.

"She left, I lost my girl," Bucky whispers to himself.

Bucky closes his eyes in hopes to prevent the tears from falling. His eyes quickly open up when he feels it. He quickly turns his head and sees Rose sitting next to him staring at the moon. He can't help but smile.

She still loves me, he thought to myself. He continued to stare at her and she looked as beautiful as ever. The moon illuminated onto her making her breathtaking. He will never get tired at looking at her beauty.

Bucky's eye wander down her body but stop when he sees the shirt she's wearing. It's his. His possessive side can't help but feel victorious knowing that she's wearing his shirt, showing that she still belonged to him.

"Rose, I'm really sorry. I mean it I will fix this and make you see that I care deeply about you," Bucky says.

"I need time Bucky. It hurts knowing that you doubted the love I have for you," I whisper.

"Rose, I will show you that you are who I want. That I want to fix this," Bucky says.

Rose looks at Bucky, taking in all of his features. She never wants to forget his face. It's too damn beautiful.

"Goodnight Buck."

Rose gets up and goes back down to her room. In hopes that she can fall asleep.

1 month later....

Rose hasn't been at the compound in weeks. She's been staying at Tony's cabin. She's lying on the couch staring at the television as the commercials rolled onto the next. She barely moved from this spot only to use the restroom or grab something to eat.

She misses Bucky terribly, being away from him had really messed her up. She hadn't realized just how much she loved him until these last couple of weeks. She felt tears form once again as her memories of Bucky come back. The front door opens but Rose is too into her little world that she doesn't hear it.


She briefly looks up, a part of her happy to hear him. The only person she's seen is Clint, after he heard what happened he came straight over to check up on her and she was a mess. Clint had to wrap his arms tightly around her as she sobbed.

"In here," Rose barely whispers.

Tony walks into the living room and Rose is still in the same spot Clint said he left her in. He steps in front of her and she looks up at Tony with her tear-stained face. Rose looks away, not wanting to cry again.

"I'm not going to talk. Tell me what you need honey,"Tony says as his heart breaks seeing her in this state.

"Just hug me," Rose whispers.

Tony makes his way to the couch and sits down next.

"Okay, come here." As soon as he says that Rose leans towards Tony and he wraps her in her arms.

He squeezes her into a tight hug and she can't help but let the tears fall. Rose quietly cries into his chest, she feels him place a fatherly kiss on the top of her head. They stay like that for what seems like hours but she knows it's only been an hour.

After she calms down, she leans away from Tony and stares forward.

"What's wrong kid? Is this about mystery man?" Tony asks.

She nods her head, not being able to trust her voice.

"Did you guys break up?" Rose again nods.

"Kid, I'm sorry. Want me to kill him?" Rose chuckles and shakes her head.

"No. I still love him," She whispers.

Tony can't help but feel shocked as he heard her confession. He never thought that she'd fallen in love with this guy. Tony feels extremely guilty maybe Banner was right. Brining back Rodgers was the wrong move.

Tony can't help but ask the next question, even though he knew the answer to his question. He's noticed how distraught they've both been, especially Barnes. It's sad seeing him, the way he is without her at the compound. He was able to put two and two together, the 2nd day she's been gone. He just wanted her to confirm it.

"Is it Barnes?"

Rose quickly whips her head to Tony, shocked at his question. Tears begin to fill her eyes again and she nodded her head. Unable to hide it any longer. As she leans back into Tony.

He wraps his arms around her once again. Tony can't help but feel a little guilty feeling like he had something to do with her break up. If he wouldn't have told Sam to bring him back, maybe Rose wouldn't be in this state.

"Why doesn't he love me, Tony?" Rose cries.

"Kid don't say that. I'm sure he does. I've seen the way he looks at you. I see that he adores and care for you more than anyone I've ever seen," Tony tries to reassure her.

"He's never said it," Rose fights back.

"That doesn't mean he doesn't. Bucky is a complicated man. He's not good with words but his gestures show you what he feels," Tony says.

Despite his history with Bucky, Tony can't deny that Bucky deserves to be loved. He's witnessed just how much he's changed since he's been around Rose. He had always suspected that Bucky felt something towards Rose. He could just tell by the way he looks at her.

"I just miss him so much Tony," Rose says.

He hated seeing her like this. She looked lost and broken without him. It reminds him of the way Barnes has been too but worse, so much worse. He's heard him waking up in the middle of the night, screaming. When he asked Sam he told him that it's his nightmares. They've been worse since the last couple weeks.

"Come to the compound. Visit everyone, they miss you," Tony suggests.

"Okay," Rose agrees.

Tony holds onto her until she falls asleep. He gently stands up and lays her down and covers her. He goes back to the compound to finish off some things.

Rose wakes up the next day alone. She didn't realize that she had fallen asleep. She had checked the time and seen that she had another voicemail from Bucky. He's been leaving her voicemails everyday since she's left. They were mainly about how much he misses her. She gets up from the couch and starts to get ready.

Back at the compound, Bucky was in the training room doing solo training. He went back to his old ways. Staying in his room, refusing to talk to anyone, including Sam. He just felt lost without Rose. He needed her back.

Sam walks into the training room and sees Bucky. He's become extremely concerned for his friend. He's noticed just how much he's changed the last few weeks. He hated seeing him this way. He decides to go talk to his friend.

"Hey man," Sam says.

Bucky just looks at him and refocuses on the punching bag without saying anything.

"Bucky, what's wrong?"


"Really? It looks like you haven't slept in days, you're nightmares have become worse. You've gone back to your old intimidating quiet self. You can talk to me, man."

"Leave me alone Sam." Bucky says coldly.

"Are you still upset that she left?" Sam asks, he notices that his friend had changed since she's left.

"I'm fine. I'm not going to say it again leave me alone, Sam." Bucky says as he punches the bag harder.

"Come on man. Talk to me," Sam says.

Bucky can't help but hit the bag hard with his left arm sending it flying across the room.

"I miss her okay!" Bucky shouts, shocking Sam.

"I haven't been able to sleep, eat or think straight! She won't talk to me. Hasn't returned any of my calls. Let alone forgiven me. Is that what you wanted to hear? Cause if it is, can you leave me alone now," Bucky says as he hooks up another punching bag to the ceiling.

Sam is shocked at his friend's confession. He's never seen him like this before. Not even when Steve left and that's his long childhood best friend.

"Talk to her Bucky. I don't understand why she isn't talking to you. Or why she hasn't forgiven you, that doesn't seem like her," Sam says as he tries piece everything together.

"Don't you think I've tried? I've tried twice before she left," Bucky says.

"I don't get it. She listened to me and the girls. She's forgiven the girls and I. Why hasn't she forgiven you? You're her best friend...," Sam says.

"Just leave it alone," Bucky says.

"Come to think of it. She did seem a lot more hurt and sad when she found out you agreed to bring back Steve," Sam looks at Bucky suspiciously.

"Sam, stop..." Bucky warns Sam to drop the subject.

But it was too late, Sam had his suspicions now. He thought back to the way he looked at Clint when he wanted to hang out with her, to beating up the guy at the party and the death glare he gave Thor.

How concerned and worried he was when Rose had become distant and how he defensively stated that she was seeing someone. How quickly he broke things off with Lizbeth when Rose came back.

"Bucky..." Sam lets out carefully.

"Sam drop it." Bucky warns him.

"Were you and Rose a thing?" Sam asks

Bucky looks at the ground. He looks up at Sam giving him a look that immediately confirms his suspicion.


Well shit, Sam thought. He couldn't believe that Bucky and Rose were a thing. He looks at Bucky and see his sad expression. He's never seen his friend this torn before and it's worrying him. Just how far into this were Rose and Bucky in?

But before Sam can ask anything else a loud voice is heard.

"Bucky!" Steve shouts as he stalks his way over.

Sam immediately becomes alert. He can feel tensions and emotions are high with Steve.

"Are you saying that Rose and you were?" Steve shouts.

He couldn't believe what he just heard. His best friend and his ex-girlfriend? That can't be right. He wouldn't do that to him.

Bucky's expression remained emotionless. It hurt him that his best friend had to find out like this but he wasn't going to hide Rose anymore. He wanted the whole world to know that he's hers and she's his.

"We were together," Bucky confirms it again.

"Since when Bucky!?" Steve shouts.

Sam becomes concern for both of his friends. He didn't want them to fight. Bucky stayed glued to the floor not wanting to start anything. Steve on the other hand took a threatening step towards Bucky. Sam steps in between Steve and Bucky.

"Cap, you need to calm down," Sam says.

"A few months after she came out her coma," Bucky answers as he looks at the ground.

Bucky didn't want Steve finding out this way. He wanted to fix things with Rose first so they can both tell Steve, together. Steve looked at his best friend in anguish and can't help but feel angry.

Steve turned around to walk away, he knew that was the right thing he need to do. How can my best friend do that to me, Steve thought. Steve stopped in his tracks, rethinking his decision. Without warning Steve runs up to Bucky, dodging Sam.

"HOW COULD YOU BUCKY!?" Steve shouts as he connects his knee to Bucky's chest, slamming him into the wall.

"Ooof!" Bucky grunts.

He quickly composed himself and tries to take a step forward. Steve doesn't give him any time as he tries to throw a punch, Bucky quickly stops it with his left arm.

"You guys weren't even together Steve!" Bucky shouts as he punches Steve causing him to stumble back.

"You're my best friend, you knew that I still loved her!" Steve kicks Bucky back into wall. Steve throws a punch at his abdomen. He goes in to throw another punch at Bucky this time successfully landing all of them.

"You left her! That's not you loving her Steve!" Bucky shouts. Just as Steve is about to connect his fist to Bucky's face a fourth thin, Bucky quickly grabs it when in his vibranium hand.

Bucky punches Steve in the face again. He flips their positions and throws Steve into the wall. Steve quickly tries to get back up but Bucky throws punches at Steve against his rib cage with his left hand. He slams Steve back into wall.

"That is enough!" Sam shouts as he pulls Bucky off of Steve.

"What the hell do you know about love Bucky?! You've never been in love with anyone," Steve says in a mocking way.

It hurt Bucky that Steve would say that. He knew he never had the opportunity to experience that feeling because of his past with Hydra. Bucky couldn't help but feel like he started to feel just what love is.

"Rose was showing me what love exactly is Steve! She's different," Bucky says as he looks Steve in the eye.

"What?" Steve says in disbelief.

Steve looked at his friend shocked. For as long as Steve knew Bucky back in the 1940's he'd always seen his best friend as a ladies man. This came to a shock for him. He stared him in the eye to see if he was lying in some way but he couldn't find a single trace.

"What are you saying Bucky?" He asks.

"I lo-I care about Rose, more than you know. I care about her more than I care about my damn life! She means the world to me. She's helped me through my struggles even if she doesn't know it," Bucky confesses.

Sam stared at Bucky. He knew what Bucky had meant now. He had noticed that his nightmares had gotten a whole lot worse since he's been back. When they came to visit the compound the last time, he'd noticed Bucky slept through the night with no issue.

"Steve, Rose brought out the best side of Bucky. I can attest to that," Sam confirms.

He looked at both of his friends trying to take in what they said. He began to battle with himself. Steve wanted his friend to be happy, especially after everything he had endured. But the selfish part of him wanted Rose back.

"Does she feel the same?" Steve ask reluctantly.

Bucky's face immediately saddens. He swallows the knot he feels in his throat. He looks at Sam and Steve with sad eyes.

"I-I don't know anymore. I hurt her and broke the trust she had in me," Bucky says as he refers to agreeing to Steve back.

Steve can't wrap his head around it. He feels a bit betrayed by both of them but another part can't seem to shake that he knows he doesn't have a right to feel this way. Steve turns around and begins to away.

"I need to leave," Steve storms out.

Bucky can't help but feel guilty that his best friend is hurt. Bucky cares about Rose and doesn't want to jeopardize losing her anymore. He needs to think of a way of getting Rose to talk to him.

Sam looks at his friend and sees just how defeated he feels. Steve got some good hits in, you can see the cuts and bruises already. He can truly see just how much he misses Rose. Sam places his hand on his shoulder hoping to provide some kind of comfort.

"Give him some time Bucky. Hell come around."

"It's not him I'm worried about. He's my best friend. I know sooner or later he'll come around. It's her that I'm scared about. I can't lose her Sam. I just can't," Bucky says.

Bucky takes a few steps forward causing Sam's hand to fall. Bucky walks out the training and back into his room. Closing the door behind him, he sits at his desk going through his phone.

His fingers stop moving when he comes across the picture he can't stop looking at since they've taken it. The picture Natasha took of them for their first date. The way they stared into each other's eyes. The feeling in his chest is unbearable. This is more about caring or liking someone.

He can't help but smile a little as the memories of that night replayed in his head.

"I miss you doll..." Bucky whispers.


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