On Vosporous

By IoannaNiki

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Pogrom :the night of September 6, 1955, in Istanbul, the Turkish-led mob provoked violent attacks on the prop... More

Part 1 Adamites *
Part 2 Malachites
Part 3 Amethist*
Part 4 Pink Quartz*
Part 5 Aquamarine*
Part 6 Garnet*
Part 7 Jasper*
Part 8 Tiger's Eye*
Part 9 Hematitis*
Part 10 Ruby*
Part 11 Yellow*
Part 12 Moonstone*
Part 14 Turquoise*
Chapter 15 Obsidian

Part 13 Diamond *

74 17 7
By IoannaNiki

The sound of the impatient alarm clock resounded in the room.
Emy, wide awake, reached out to grab her cell phone.
After closing the alarm clock, she leaned it on the nightstand next to her and yawned. She sat on the bed for a while, looking around the room remembered last night's events and sighed.
She  got out of  the bed, went to the balcony door and opened it.
The room was bathed in the autumn sun of Istanbul and the sea breeze of the Bosphorus.
She looked at the view opposite her and immediately felt better.
Whatever happened yesterday, today is an important day. It is the day that after almost half a century a Hatzi  takes office in the "Treasure of the Bosphorus".
Today she will work in the company which built by her great-grandfather. That's why she won't let anything and  anyone to spoil her mood. Enthusiastic she entered in the  bathroom to get ready.


A little while later, Emy took one last look at her image in the mirror. She fifed her white top inside her black jeans and wore her beige-pink  blazer. . Satisfied with the result, she took her bag and left the room confidently on her nude high heels.

She  went down to the dining room and found Yusuf, Ezra, Kerem and Cem having breakfast.

" Gunayden (Good morning) everyone," she said cheerfully.
"And  good appetite" she added, moving towards them.

Everyone said goodmorning to her and Cem got up and pulled the chair next to him for Emy to sit on. But Emy ignored him and sat next to Esra   directly opposite him.

"Emy you are so beautiful .. I really like your style. Simple but elegant, modern but unpretentious."
Esra commented.

"Thank you," Emy said, adding cereal to her bowl.
"To be honest, I worked more hours in the silversmith's workshop than in the office,  so I almost always wore comfortable clothes. But now that I will  be in the office and even as an executive, I thought of adopting a more sophisticated style.."
Emy confessed.

"You are great and I am sure you'll amaze everyone in the company today," Kerem assured her.

"And not just with your outward beauty but also with your abilities." Cem added.
Emy looked at him suspiciously.
Until yesterday, this man underestimated and insulted her and now he cheers on her?

She chewed her cereal skeptically.
"Mmm .. Well is he  bipolar  or had really regretted the way he treated her" Emy wonderer  looking at him.

Cem, who caught her noticing him, smiled broadly.

Emy raised an eyebrow ostentatiously.
"Nah .. He's bipolar .. Donkeys are always donkeys." she decided mentally and continued to eat her breakfast.

Yusuf, who had finished his breakfast, wiped his mouth with a napkin  and got up from the table.
"I'll leave you for now. . I have an important appointment at the bank ..
We'll meet   at the company." he said but before he could move on he remembered something and turned to Cem.
"Ah .. Cem don't forget to go through Ibrahim before you come to the company. You  and Emy have to sign some documents ".

"Okay Dad, don't worry. As soon as Emy has finished her breakfast we'll leave immediately," Cem replied.

Emy drank some water and then wiped her mouth.

""I'm already done. I'm going  to get my bag from my room" she said  and ran to her room.


"Another signature here," Ibrahim said, pointing to the document.

Cem signed and handed it over to the lawyer.
Ibrahim picked up the documents satisfied and arranged them in an envelope.
"That's it," he said with a smile.

"Congratulations Emy, from today you are officially the director of the creative and productive department on" Bosporus Treasure "and a 10% shareholder." the lawyer added.

"And i the president and major shareholder," Cem exclaimed excitedly with a big smile.

"You wish " the lawyer commented and  Cem's smile faded from his face.

"What do you mean?" Cem asked, frowning.

"I mean you will officially become president immediately after your marriage. Your grandfather was clear about the terms he set." Ibrahim explained.

"And then what did I  just sign  ?" Cem wondered aloud.

"Didn't you even read what you signed?  And You want to take president's position? OMG" Emy recommented sarcastically.
"I read it, Miss“I know everything” " he replied ironically.
"The document said that I accept the terms on which my grandfather bequeaths the presidency and so on and so forth ..."  said to Ibrahim.

"Which will come into your possession after your marriage with Emy," the lawyer pointed out, pointing to a paragraph in the document.

"Oh .. I was so excited that I past this point," Cem admitted.

Ibrahim shook his head ostentatiously.
"As always hurried" he commented and then turned to Emy.
"I still remember the day he was born. Onur had organized a reception for his 38th wedding anniversary.
Seida  was dancing with Yusuf when  the waters broke. And she was only in the 8th month of pregnancy.. Since then he was in a hurry ..." he said playfully.
"A .. Since I mentioned it now,
isn't your birthday on  this month? November? "he asked Cem.
Yes on the 8th of the month," Cem admitted.
"In three days ..." Emy concluded. "

"That's right.. if you want to get me a present you have to hurry,"  Cem joked.

" Well I already have a gift for your birthday this year," the lawyer confessed.

Ibrahim opened one of his drawers and took out a silver keychain from which a key hung. He closed the drawer and turned to Emy.

"This is your apartment's key, the one Onur gaves to you," he said and handed her the key.
"You can move immediately and now that you and Cem  have a personal space  to celebrate Cem's birthday... All alone ..." he added, slyly winking.

Emy was puzzled as Cem smiled and took the key from her hands.

"You know something, Ibrahim ... I think I'll enjoy this birthday more than ever," he replied, leaving Emy blushing with shame.


Cem passed the car in the company parking lot and searched for free space. Emy hadn't  spoken since they left the law firm.
All the way through the car she was looking thoughtfully out the window.
She was confused by the change in Cem's behavior. With all this sudden kindness and sly implication he threw at the lawyer, shr didn't know what to assume.

"Emy ..." Cem took her out of her thoughts.
"Mmm ..." she turned to him.

"We're here " he pointed out, and only then she realize that they're outside the company.
"Oooh .." She answered and reached out to open the door.
"Wait  " he stopped her and she turned to looked at him.
Cem nervously ran his hand through his hair.
"Emy .. I don't t like to fight. I want to be friends. Emy will you forgive me?" he asked her with that sad look and the characteristic light smirk of his eyebrows.
How could she resist this emoticon, she wanted to caress him all over his face and not only with her fingers .. Suddenly a sigh escaped her.
"Ah Cem I can't stay angry with you" she admitted.

He smiled broadly at her like a small child and dimples appeared on his cheeks.

"Thank you Emy .. I won't disappoint you again .." he said excitedly.
Then he reached for the car locker and pulled out a small box.
"Emy .. Since it is your first day at work, I want to give you a gift. Something for good luck .." he said and gave her the box.
Emy looked at the box but hesitated to open it.
"Open it" he urged.

The girl opened the box and inside there was a piece of jewelry. She remained speechless. On a White gold chain  hunging   two embracing dolphins and between them there's a tiny diamond.

"Cem is .. It's wonderful .. Thank you very much"

"I'm glad you like it ... You know this pendant was made by my grandfather when he first took over the company. He kept it in a stained glass window in his office.
When I was kid  I asked him why he didn't put it on the market.
He replied that it was intended to be worn by a specific person .. Very important to him. For a long time I thought  that he meant my grandmother even though I never saw her wore it. But shortly before my grandfather died, he revealed that your grandmother was the woman he loved more than anyone else. Then I realized that he made this pendant for your grandmother. Emy has been waiting for her all these years ... "
Emy listened to him excitedly.

"Cem.. I don't know what to say ..." she cried.

"You don't need to say anything. Your grandmother no longer exists so the only one worth to  wear this is you. I want to see it on you"

" will you  help me," she begged, and Cem took the pendant in his hands.

Emy lifted her curly hair for him  to pass the pendant around her neck.
He opened the clasp and leaned close to her and passed the jewelry around her neck.
He was so close to her that she could feel his breath behind her ear and  felt a sweet shiver all over her body.
As soon as he finished she lowered her hands and straightened her hair.

Cem looked at her and admitted:
"You are beautiful".
Emy hugged him and whispered :
"Thank you Cem, thank you very much,".
He gently stroked her back.
She left him suddenly and looked at him with a smile.

"Thank you," she repeated.

"That's how I want to see you ... Smile." he said and then
he opened the car door and got out.
He circled the car and opened Emy's door.

"Ready to amaze everyone in the company?" he asked and gave her his hand.
"I was born ready" she said and took his hand with confidence.


During her first two hours at the company, Emy met with the staff of the creative department in order to get to know her associates.
Ask for full information on upcoming projects and
studied previous years' plans and some of those prepared by her associates in the last few days and pointed out any mistakes and changes.
Shortly before noon, Yusuf invited company executives to the conference room to introduce Emy.

Almost everyone was in the room talking casually when the door opened and Dilek appeared.
All eyes (mainly on males) turned to the blonde sex bomb who's walking in with the grace of a professional model.

"Excuse me for being late but I had an important appointment with the publisher of 'perfecto' and I just got back," she excused herself and sat down next to Cem.
"Don't worry, Dilek, I didn't call you for some serious reason," Yusuf reassured her.
"I just want to introduce you to the New production executive of our company,Emy Hatzi," he said, pointing to Emy next to him.
Dilek whispered something to Cem and he smiled. Their intimacy didn't go unnoticed by Emy, as did the way he looked at her. As if he longed for her.
She felt a knot in her neck. How she wished to look  at her this way.
She set aside the feeling of jealousy that consumed her and turned her attention to Yusuf and the other executives.
"Good morning .. As Mr. Yusuf mentioned above, my name is Emy Hatzi and I just took over the production and creative department. My Turkish needs a lot of work  so I ask for your kidness  because wevre going to speak English for a long time."
Everyone smiled expressing their sympathy.
"I 've been dealing with jewelry for many years. My family has one of the largest silversmith workshops in Athens, while at the same time managing the company's branch," she pointed out, looking at them one by one.
"Before taking any administrative position I worked in many fields. I worked in the foundry where gold and silver are produced ... in jewelry design, as a simple craftswoman ..."
" NowShe'll tell us in  that she was a cleaner," Dilek whispered sarcastically, but most people still listened to her.

Emy ignored this vicious comment and continued.
"I believe that every sector of the company is equally important, but cooperation is what leads to the achievement of our goals. That is why my office is open to everyone at any time and for anything."
Everyone was looking at her excited, especially Cem, who was proud of her." Grandpa was right the company needs capable people like Emy .. Or to be precise it only needs Emy .." He thought admiring her eloquence and spiritual cultivation.

A little later, one by one, congratulate  Emy and left the room.

"Mr. Yusuf, if you don't need me anything else with your permission, I would like to leave because I have an urgent job,"  Dilek, asked approaching Yusuf, who's talking to Emy.
"Weel if Emy don't need you anymore, you're free ..." he replied, and they turned to Emy.
"You can go," Emy assured her.
"If I need help with ... cosmetic surgery (she showed at Dilek's rich breasts protruding from her unobtrusive cleavage) rest assured I will ask for your help."
Dilek, red from shame and anger, packed her things and left the room.

Esra approached Emy and whispered in her ear:" Emy vs Dilek 1-0."


Μετάφραση κειμένου






* Diamánti : I ríza tis léxis «diamánti» érchetai apó tin ellinikí léxi «adámas» pou simaínei aníkito, yponoóntas tin aioniótita tis agápis. Mésa stous aiónes, ta diamántia apéktisan tin monadikí thési os to apólyto dóro agápis, afoú ta véli tou theoú érota eíchan stolisteí, légontan, me diamántia! Apó tóte ta diamántia syndéthikan me ton romantismó kai ton mýtho. Éginan to apólyto sýmvolo tou érota kai tis agápis.

Εμφάνιση περισσότερων


416 / 5000

Αποτελέσματα μετάφρασης

* Diamond: The root of the word "diamond" comes from the Greek word "adamas" which means invincible, implying the eternity of love. Over the centuries, diamonds have acquired the unique place as the ultimate gift of love, since the arrows of the god of love were adorned, it was said, with diamonds! Since then, diamonds have been associated with romance and myth. They became the ultimate symbol of love and affection.

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