The convenient marriage


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The dark gloomy day she died, regretting all she never managed to do, she thought would be her last. She neve... More

Chapter 1. The day she died
Chapter 2. The woman he married
Chapter 3. The life she gained
Chapter 4. The house they lived in
Chapter 5. The man she married
Chapter 6. The interrupted routine
Chapter 7. The new routine
Chapter 8. The enthusiastic student
Chapter 9. A melancholic piano piece
Chapter 10. A slight touch
Chapter 11. A first time father
Chapter 12. A date?
Chapter 13. A status upgrade
Chapter 14. A matter of the heart
Chapter 15. His absence, her absence
Chapter 16. A frail patient
Chapter 17. The real Aria
Chapter 18. An innocent Aria
Chapter 19. Elevated heart rates
Chapter 20. A new home
Chapter 21. A sleepless night
Chapter 22. An unexpected guest
Chapter 23. Birds of a feather
Chapter 24. How to woo a woman
Extra. Crossover
Chapter 25. The wife of the CEO
Chapter 27. The only exception to the rules
Chapter 28. The right way to stop a hiccup
Chapter 29. Misunderstandings
Chapter 30. The daughter in law of the Blacks
Chapter 31. A bubbly witch's friendly spell
Chapter 32. Another status upgrade?
Chapter 33. A dotting husband's care
Chapter 34. How to become a real person?
Chapter 35. How far is near
Chapter 36. A body as fake as the heart
Chapter 37. The perfect candidate for Aria Langdon
Chapter 38. A poorly chosen lawyer
Chapter 39. The rightful owner of the promise
Chapter 40. A true heart
Chapter 41. No retractions allowed
Chapter 42. An interrupted family time
Chapter 43. A family time
Chapter 44. A stolen life
Chapter 45. The rumored Madame president
Chapter 46. For my one and only
Chapter 47. Time is short and fickle
Chapter 48. Life changing choices
Chapter 49. Lesser of two evils
Chapter 50. Killing a newfound heart
Chapter 51. A mother's resentment
Chapter 52. Third-person's omniscient point of view
Chapter 53. Longing
Chapter 54. Cadenza

Chapter 26. The president's closest people

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'Is it really alright for me to enter his office? Even Zane's secretary is not at her desk, what if it will upset him?' Aria asked worried with a hushed voice as she was gathering her courage to enter Zane's office.

She was already feeling under the weather because of the earlier incident, and the scrutiny of the people that had their offices along the long corridor on the top floor, who seemed to have stopped working as she passed by, did not make her situation any better. Perhaps she was just too conscious of herself, but as all the offices possessed mostly glass walls, through which the people inside could clearly see who was passing by, and they kept staring at her, following with their eyes her moving figure... Was she just too sensitive because of the new environment?

What Aria was not aware of, was the fact that not only there hadn't ever been any pregnant women walking on the top floor dressed in homely clothes led by Zane's personal assistant, who was a person who only accompanied very important people to the president's office himself, otherwise for other people his assistants would show them the way... the fact that said personal assistant was also carrying her puppy, though the president absolutely abhorred pets, was even more astonishing. 

The view causing the workers to wonder about the important identity of the person, who had the ability to leisurely bring her pet to the president's office, without the slightest care for the consequences. The maid by her side only deepening their curiosity about the position of the pregnant lady.

'My lady, you are the president's wife, have a bit more confidence in yourself. It's alright. Go inside and wait, the assistant said no one is allowed to enter at their own will, so nobody would bother you until the master comes, you can rest comfortably. I will go and heat up the food again. Because of the delay I doubt it's still warm.' Anne assured the small woman who was cuddling once more the puppy in her arms. Ryan had given it back to her as he went to bring Zane over.

Even Anne by this time felt they really shouldn't have come and was sorry she had suggested it to her lady. Not that she thought Zane would be against it. No, it was because Aria appeared more pale and frail than usual, and it made the protective maid feel wronged for her mistress. But in the end what was done was done, they could only get over the lunch break then leave for the apartment. Anyway, she was certain that the master would be able to lift up Aria's spirit.

Aria nodded her head and proceeded to open Zane's office's door, as Anne left in search of a secretary who could point her towards the floor's pantry.

Timidly turning  slowly the doorknob, she entered the office with small steps, feeling even more uncomfortable than when Zane had brought her to the apartment. At least at that time he was with her. Now she was intruding in his personal space by herself.

The large office was exactly as Zane's apartment, as the only colors that dominated the interior design were mostly black and white, with only geometrical objects to decorate the walls and various pieces of furniture.

Feeling a bit faint with Pudding also struggling in her arms, Aria approached one of the two couches that were placed in the center of the office facing each other.

Comfortably seated, she let Pudding sit on the couch as well, but did not let the feisty pet come down from his seat, keeping him in place fearing the furry ball would cause some damages while playing.

'Who are you? How dare you just enter the president's office as you please?' A high pitched voice loudly spoke, making Aria jump on her feet, with the strain of the fast movements on her waist manifesting itself in a sharp pain and her anemia worsening.

'I-I'm here...' Suppressing her face from showing any signs of pain, Aria wanted to motivate her presence in this place by trying to let the woman know that Ryan had brought her here.

There was no reason for Aria to justify herself before anyone, but the authoritarian voice that demanded answers from her, coupled with her poor physical state, caused the petite woman to involuntarily answer.

Though her answer in the end remained unsaid wholly, as she turned her gaze to the woman who brazenly asked for her reason of being in the president's office. The elegant woman herself was an unwanted presence in his personal space, having barged inside regardless of the secretary's attempts to stop her, but Aria unfortunately did not know this fact.

Looking at the sophisticated and glamorous woman who had just exited from another door inside the office, Aria recognized her as being the celebrity who appeared on the news alongside Zane. The realization stunning her into silence.

'Don't you know you have to wait for the president to be inside his office, before you can enter it?' Faye did not care to particularly wait for the pregnant woman's answer, as she started scolding her with her tone escalating with each word she said, mentioning another reason that again she had not followed herself.

It was not that Faye was unaware of the rules of the company. Her father had tried to curb her temper many times, by telling his daughter not to go overboard with her actions, as Zane was not a tolerant person. So Faye knew the protocol, it was just that in her opinion, she was the exception to the rules. Even now, she had used his personal bathroom, like it was her own personal space.

'Really, people these days... You even brought a dog with you?! Don't you know Zane's allergic to dogs, how dare you bring one here?' Faye widened her eyes seeing the small puppy who was clinging onto his owner's dress, playing with the hem. When she stepped through the door, the view of the dog was obstructed by the other couch, and she hadn't seen him. Only now as she walked a few steps to Zane's desk, leaning her bottom on its front, did she spot the furry ball.

Having been interested in the president of the consortium, Faye had done her homework regarding Zane, so she knew about his allergy. It had been because of this matter that she had given away her small poodle. 

And this woman from who knows where, had the audacity of bringing her pet to the office as she pleased. Who could this person be? Faye thought, frowning her brows.

She was surely not someone important, just by looking at her clothes, nonexistent proper hairdo and lack of make-up on her face. Being an actress, she naturally kept herself informed with the latest fashion and trends, and nothing on Aria's body had an important brand's name on it. She did not need to see the labels to know this for a fact.

How could the glamorous woman who only shopped from the most important fashion brands know that Anne, Aria's maid, had not used this particular criteria when searching for clothes. Everything Aria was wearing from top to bottom were actually expensive clothes, but they were all ordered online by the maid, custom-made for the petite woman to assure she was as comfortable as she could be during her pregnancy. Everything from the fabric to the workmanship was topnotch.

Seeing Aria only stood frozen, and was still not answering the questions she had inquired about, Faye pursed her lips discontented with the unknown woman,  and impatient crossed her arms together, as she tapped her high-heel on the marble floor. Had she entered the wrong office by mistake, and was surprised to be caught? Or had she entered Zane's office with suspicious motives? Faye's anger starting to boil at that last thought.

'Quickly tell me who you are and what you want. I am part of his closest people, I will give your message to him. Tell me now before Zane comes back then immediately leave, I don't want you triggering his allergy with that damn pet of yours.' Faye flared even more, as Aria flinched at her words and seemed to even be trembling. Her appearance indicating to the actress that the woman was feeling guilty to be caught trying to do something bad.

In fact this was truly how Aria was currently feeling, but not for the motives Faye thought of. Aria was feeling she had overstepped her position and was just given a slap by the brutal reality. 

She was not the real wife of Zane, and even previously she had thought it was not right of her to have any opinions on Zane's relationships with other women, if there were any. But here she was doing just that, she had intruded in his office and saw with her own two eyes that Zane did indeed have a connection with the actress who appeared on the news with him. The butler had previously insinuated to Aria the true nature of the relationship between the previous owner of the body and Zane, so to have side romances perhaps it was to be expected.

It was just that Zane had spent so much time with her lately, had been so attentive to her these days that the awareness of her real position and the distance she wanted to maintain were starting to fade in her mind. She had become too arrogant for her own good.

Just because Zane had been a bit more understanding and caring, she had become bold enough to come and bring him lunch of her own volition without even asking him.

Now most likely she had even upset the woman he truly cared about, because of her foolishness. The actress had not said they were in that kind of a relationship, but to be in his office, when no one was allowed to enter, like it was her own personal space, to question her like she was doing now, and the term "close people"... What more could they mean, than just that? Especially when previously they even went to a hotel together.

'I am sorry, I shouldn't have come. I am sorry.' Aria apologized as big tear drops were threatening to fall from her eyes. She was already feeling worse and worse physically more than she was mentally previously, but now her mind and body alike felt just as hurt.

Her crumbling state of mind and the obvious agitation, made Faye become absolutely certain of her assumption. This impudent woman was here to take advantage of her pregnancy, to pressure Zane in acknowledging her child most likely, and because she had started asking her more aggressively, the woman had lost her composure.

'Then leave already!' Faye yelled loudly, pointing to the door. Seriously all this was the secretary's fault. She had asked her to bring her a cup of coffee and the stupid woman had probably left her desk unattended, facilitating in this way for anyone to just waltz in as they pleased.

Barely maintaining to keep what remained of her composure, Aria picked up her small Pudding, and did not wait for another word more from the stylish woman, as she stumbled on her way to the door.

Fumbling a bit with her shaky hands she opened the door, intending to hurry down the corridor. Perturbed beyond measure by the terrifying encounter, the small woman wanted nothing more than to leave at this very second. 

But the brisk pull on the doorknob coupled with the other person pushing against the door, caused the coffee filled cup the secretary was carrying in her other hand to tilt in Aria's direction. Reflexively the pregnant woman turned to the side, a subconscious move she always did when she was about to hit something. In this way her belly and the small puppy in her hands were protected, avoiding in a fraction of a second scalding them, as the hot coffee landed on her slightly exposed shoulder blade.

Hissing in pain, Aria still did not stop her steps, only waiting for a bit for the pale secretary who kept on apologizing to move out of the way. Seeing a gap between the office worker and the door frame, Aria immediately passed by her and continued walking.

She was struggling to keep a hurried pace, even though her belly hurt and a splitting pain was threatening to assault her head, the reddening skin on her shoulder making her state even poorer. 

She was so shaken that she had omitted to wait or search for Anne to leave with her, so nervous because of her mistake that she was not even wary anymore of the see-through walls of the various offices. Not that she was able to see other people with her hazy eyes, from which big drops of water kept falling constantly, staining the white seemingly bloodless cheeks.

Stopping her unsteady feet only when she arrived in front of the elevator, she pushed its button repeatedly, in an attempt to hurry the elevator to the floor she was on.

'Miss, please wait and allow me to help treat your wound.' The guilty secretary chased after Aria. She was after all aware of the kind of people that were allowed to visit the top floor. Even though she was only a temporary secretary for the president, replacing his permanent one for the duration of her vacation, her senior had instructed her firmly about the appropriate conduct she must maintain and the rules she had to follow. 

It was just that today was not the best of days. First, that actress had barged in as she pleased inside the president's office, and she was unsure if she could force her out. Then that woman started demanding coffee, after which she had complained of the temperature being too low, then the taste too bland. 

She was the secretary of the president, even if she was only a temporary one, which meant her responsibilities were not few in number. She had no time to exchange the cup of coffee many times over. So feeling hopeless because of the overbearing actress, she had made the coffee for the third time, and this time she had made sure to not only boil the water at the highest temperature, she had even preheated the cup in the microwave. Like this she was sure the lady that bumped into her was scalded for certain.

Finally noticing the elevator had reached the top floor, Aria did not push the button again, and only embraced the puppy in her arms protectively, as her trembling intensified. She was not even aware of the presence of the secretary, who kept calling her.

As soon as the doors opened, with her eyes lowered looking at her puppy as if it was her only safe haven, she wanted to step inside the elevator, when she heard a very familiar voice speaking.

'Aria?' The hoarse male voice called out confused, surprised to see the small woman who was supposed to be inside his office, trying to leave. Why would she want to go down when she had come to have lunch with him?

The voice of the person she had come to depend on was the only one who was able to attract her attention, even though it was a bit lower than the secretary's voice. It made her involuntarily look up, as her tear stained face came into Zane's full view.

'Aria, what happened?' He asked alerted by the paleness of her skin, by the tremor of her body, by the feeling of helplessness her entire being emitted. His body immediately moved to touch his lovely wife, who appeared even frailer than when she had gotten lost from him in the mall.

Aria did not answer, or better said was unable to answer, her body seemed to finally cave in to the strains that appeared to assault her mercilessly. With her eyes fixed towards Zane's, as she could see the latter had risen his hands in her direction, the small woman slowly closed her eyelids, as her weakened knees gave out.

The fall of the pregnant woman was fortunately avoided by Zane, when the latter quickly caught the unconscious woman in his arms. With his heart beat raising to alarming rates, while his blood drained from his face, he put one hand under her feet, and raised her completely from the ground.

'Aria! Aria!' He called hoarsely with a slight tremor in his voice, but the petite woman did not react to his words at all. Frightened like he had never been before, scared as if though someone had stabbed his chest and even turned the blade inside the wound, he turned to face the elevator which unfortunately had already closed its doors. 

Ryan, as a professional assistant, was also fast on his feet. He had already taken the puppy from Aria's arms, pushed the elevator's button to call it back, and was also dialing the number of the driver to bring the car to the front of the building.

'I am sorry, sir. The woman exited your office just now and I bumped into her, causing the coffee I was bringing for miss Faye to spill on her. I was trying to convince her to get some ointment for the scald, but she did not listen.' The secretary immediately justified herself, seeing the usual cold face of the president freezing to arctic temperatures. 

But because she had been too eager to explain herself she did not mind her words, using an inappropriate appellative for Aria. A term that even in his beast like state did not go unnoticed by Zane. 

Instead of calling her miss or madam the secretary had called her the woman, how was his wife the woman?

'The woman is my wife!' He harshly called out, stunning the people who were checking the situation that was happening outside their offices. The familiar voice of the president calling a woman's name loudly had reached their ears clearly.

'I am sorry sir. I did not know...' The young woman quickly apologized, becoming even more aware of the gravity of the situation, but Zane's voice cut her words.

'Ryan, fire anyone that Aria encountered on her way here. Even if they slightly bumped into her, I want them gone. Only one inappropriate word directed to my Aria, is enough of a reason to dismiss anyone, no matter who that person is.

 I expect a full investigation in an hour. Also, Aria wouldn't have tried to leave in this state only because of the scald. Take out all the videos from the CCTV's, I will see for myself what happened.' He spoke roughly, as he kept his eyes only on Aria's face, the clear drops of tears still flowed from her closed eyes, parching his chest.

'Yes, sir. I will personally see to it.' Ryan promptly replied, as he had closed the phone call with the driver, and was now calling the hospital to inform them of the emergency.

Ryan was also aware that Aria's appearance seemed strange. She had just arrived with her personal maid for lunch, she wouldn't have tried to just leave on her own in such a hurried state.

Well no matter what, the CCTV cameras were installed everywhere, even in the president's office, it was only a matter of checking the videos to see what exactly had put Aria in her current state, or better said who. Who were the unfortunate fools that would not end up just fired from their jobs, but would most likely end up experiencing what Hell was like without actually dying? He almost felt sorry for them.

'Mister president...' The young secretary still tried to reason, hearing about the dismissal. 

But Zane was not in the right state of mind to be talk to right now, as he bent his head to Aria's, touching her cheek with his. Even the temperature of the puffy round cheek was dangerously low, worrying him beyond measure. He was considering using the stairs, but there were too many so it would have taken even longer than waiting for the damned elevator which was still not opening its doors.

'Miss temporary secretary, I would advise you to stop right now, if you want to at least find another job elsewhere.' Ryan concisely spoke. If Zane were to speak again he was afraid that the consequences would be more severe than they already were.

'But sir, I really did not intend to cause the miss harm. Misses Black was already agitated when I had bumped into her, she was hurrying out of the president's office. Miss Faye was waiting inside so perhaps...' In her desperation, she had immediately detailed what happened earlier. The actress had been so harsh with her, if she had also treated the president's wife like this, not knowing her real identity...

'Ryan, call security and drag her out of the building right now!' Zane spoke again and this time with a calm seemingly normal tone, as the doors of the elevator finally opened, then quickly stepped inside.

The secretary paled even more, but Ryan understood perfectly that the secretary did not need to be afraid of the dragging out part at least... the boss was referring to someone else, and that normal tone of his, was the one he used when he was angered beyond measure.

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